Power Clean
Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes:
3 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans
Start light and build to a max for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
12 Front Squats 115/75
10 Toes-to-Bars
The Front Squat weight should be light enough to do unbroken and fast, even if you don’t really want to. Nowhere to hide on this one. Sub Hanging Leg Raises for Toes-to-Bars as necessary.
Manuel G. demonstrates an excellent front rack postition
- Over on Inside the Affiliate, Coach David just published an interesting new piece entitled “How To Give Newbies Their First Taste of CrossFit.” It’s an excellent reminder of how lucky we are to be part of a gym where the managment puts so much thought into programming and works so hard to create an inclusive environment. What was your first CrossFit workout? Tell us in the comments!
New Programming Cycle Starts Today!
This next 8-week Group Programming Cycle, running from 2/15/16 until 4/10/16, will take a different approach than our previous cycles. Instead of programming the same lifts on the same days of the week for the entirety of the cycle, we’re going to rotate through different movement variations across 3 categories in the strength/skill portion of each class. These 3 categories are: Olympic WeightlIfting (the Snatch, the Clean and Jerk, and all their variations), Powerlifting (Squats, Presses, and Pulls), and Gymnastics Skill Work (Ring and Bar Muscle-Ups, Inversions, etc). This will provide broader exposure to a wider pool of movements and allow for the daily programming to look much like a class that’s prepping for an Open Workout. Since we’re running right through the Open this cycle, it’s perfect timing! Here’s the basic structure:
Monday – Olympic lift + Metcon
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Powerlift + Metcon
Thursday – Olympic lift + Metcon
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Skill (or Open Workout prep) + Metcon (or Open Workout)
Sunday – Powerlift + Metcon
We’ll continue to throw in some Not For Time assistance/accessory work and will vary the mode and time domains of the metcons, so you can expect to see some Olympic lifting variants in the metcon on powerlifting day and vice-versa.
During the CrossFit Open, we’ll be programming Open Workouts on Saturdays. This means you’ll have several opportunities to complete them and get your scores in. You’ll be able to do Open Workouts at the following classes:
Friday – All morning classes (following Saturday programming), plus Friday evening Open Gym
Saturday – All classes, plus Saturday afternoon OG
Sunday – Evening OG
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Handstand Walking | Chipper WOD
How Steph Curry Got the Best Worst Ankles in Sports ESPN
CrossFit Teens: Competing at Wodapalooza and More Fitness HQ
Told you I wasn't going to sleep!!
I think the template for this cycle is a great idea! Monique usually goes to class M,W,Sa so that she hits the squat days and then whatever is on Mondays. After this past Saturdays workout with the hang clean thrusters and Whit giving her some eye opening pointers during the workout she was thinking about coming extra days to practice or get exposure to the other lifts that she misses during the week.
We had decided that we were just going to have her do a rotating schedule of M,W,Sa one week and then the next week Tu(doing Wednesday Work), Thu, and Sun, then go back to M,W,Sa the next week and so forth for the entire cycle. This would allow her to still hit squat days and a rotating exposure to the other lifts
With this cycles template we wont have to that and she can keep her routine(she likes routines) and still get exposure to all the lifts.
The following cycle we will just do the aforementioned rotation if necessary with the end goal getting her to go to 4-5 classes a week. (she says I need to do more housework if I want her to come to class more…I guess sigh)
I think the new format sounds fantastic! Unfortunately, I am on the DL for 4-6 weeks and won't be able to partake in the fun. What's great is its flexibility! MGMT – I am not sure if you are aware of the vast number of my fellow athletes who have approached me recently and said, "I really hope the first one-half to two-thirds of the next mesocycle is backbreakingly, excruciatingly hard. Like Cool Hand Luke, four-sided Rubix cube, DOUBLE Murph, collapse on the ground in a pool of Morrissey-like abject despair hard." So I implore the powers that be to GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! Pump up the volume and put a smile on their faces!
7am with NickDowell
Power Cleans
95 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 135 (x2) / 140 / 145 (x2) / 150 / 155 (x2) / 160 / 165 / 170 (F third rep)
So that last rep @ 170 I pulled real hard on that sucker and just forgot to drop down. 165 was a 10lb PR for cycling power cleans. Really happy with how this went.
Metcon Rx @ 11:11
Accidentally did 12 TTB in rounds 2 & 3. D'oh. This was all about the squats for me. First two rounds unbroken. Three and four in two sets 6-6. Last round in three – 6-4-2. That's a bunch of volume. Slow walk home.
Strength cycle week 7 (already?!):
Squat 210x3x3. New territory for me. I like 3s a lot better than I like 5s!
Bench (all paused) 125×3, 130×3, 110×5. I was both relieved and a little sad that my 110 was a drop set and not an unpaused rep out like I've done the last two weeks. It felt surprisingly heavy! Also, I'm happy I asked for 130 in the second set (I had a choice between that and 127.5). It was pretty tough but I made it.
Deadlift 265×5. This is a PR for 5 for me. I am going to join the 300 Club at Iron Maidens, dammit.
8am with NickDowell
Power cleans 95, 115×2, 125×2, 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165
All cycled well through 155. Pulled with my arms too much at 165. Really enjoyed getting a lot of reps at light weights to actually make me cleans look like cleans and not reverse curls.
Wod 7:57 Rx. Front squats all unbroken and not too bad. Toes to bar were 10, 8-2, 6-4, 5-5, 5-5. Kip left me after the 6 in the 3rd round.
8 am with / McDowell and Nick
Today was hard! What happened to the back-off weeks of yore, when we swung a plastic kettlebell a few times and called it a workout?
Cleans EMOM
Worked up to 130#. These moved well.
FSQs at 85#. Even at this very light weight, these added up quickly.
Subbed leg raises for the toes-to-bars.
Excited for the new programming, particularly the emphasis on gymnastics skills.
Power cleans
95, 100X2, 105X2, 110X2, 115X2, 120X2, 125X2, 115X1
Did fine until bailing on the last rep on my second round of 125s. These have become much easier since I figured out breathing correctly on these a few weeks ago.
FSQ at 115, my first RX with barbells – but I only lasted two rounds before dropping to 115.
10am with Nick
Cool to see what it feels like to workout after eating breakfast and getting a solid night of sleep.
Partnered with Scott for the day.
Power Cleans – worked up to 190#. This got rough.
WOD Rx'd in 7:40.
Squats all unbroken.
T2B were 10, 10, 6/4, 6/4, 5,3,2. Was supposed to be 5/5 but I slipped off the bar.
first WOD post foundations was "Ladder Fran".
5-10-15-10-5 with Dumbbells.
According to my journal I started with 25#dbs and switched to 20#s halfway through.
Jumping pull ups the whole way.
Sunday at 10am
Handstand kick ups against wall, with lots of work trying to pick up hands. This was fun and I need lots of work upside down, so this is a good start.
WOD (with 10-15 DU per round)
22:50. I got 9 straight DU to start (PR) so I did 15 the first round, all other rounds were 10 which took me up to 2 minutes. Pullups all singles, everything else also slow. Somehow finished with 10 DU unbroken (PR) on the last round.
8am with NickDowell
Power cleans: 95 -> 185 by 5s and 10s, changing each round. This felt more like a pit crew workout where changing the weight was the hard part. Next time I'm taking larger jumps and not changing every minute.
Wod: 8:42 Rx. Front squats all unbroken and not too bad. Toes to bar were in 2-4 sets per round.
Power clean EMOM: Worked up to 170#. Elbows felt slow today. Backed off for the last 5 rounds.
Metcon: 7:27 Rx. FSQ unbroken, last round was no fun. T2B were ugly today.
Love the new programming cycle! I'm excited to try it!
I also REALLY want to do today's workout because it is something I could RX and be decent at!! Even considered doing it after the workout I did today… But decided I was too tired. I'll make it up someday!
Crossfit Murdock in Florida.
Back squat: every 2 min for 10 rounds, 2 HBBS @90%. I did 125 because I wanted to play it safe. They asked me if I was a coach or competed because my form was on point. +1 cfsbk
50m sprint, 5 Deadlifts @95#
100m sprint, 10 deadlifts
150m, 15…
All outside in 73^ weather! Amazing! got through 25 deadlifts and 75m run
Accessory stuff
3 rounds:
10 DB row each arm 20#
10 strict pull-ups (broke into sets of 2)
10 good mornings with 33# bar
Working out outside + I received a rose from an old guy (obviously) post-workout. I like this gym!
Fun noon class with Nick & Fox. Low back a little tweaky today, sigh. Started the cleans @ 95 and added 5#/round, except the round after I slipped up catching a clean. Ended up at 160#, which felt fine. Catching these really high. I worry a bit that practicing like this is drilling in bad habits.
WOD RX in 9:12 — always good to practice my t2b. Squats were unbroken, started to get tough in the last round but still, fine. t2b as singles… finished the first 3 rounds in ~4:30, then my t2b disintegrated and I needed lots of rest just to swing my feet up. Even though I'm slow on these, I'm definitely getting better!
I'm excited to try the new programming. I try to do a few DIY workouts each week so I can program running workouts (usually intervals, but some longer slow work too since I enjoy that kind of thing). On days where I do intervals, I try to start with a lift, either doing the CFSBK programming for that day or volume weighted pushups & pullups (which I think has been really helping my CrossFit). I think the new programming means I need to be a little more careful about what day I choose what lift, but no big deal…
Noon class
Touch and Go power cleans 95 -> 210
210 felt pretty good and probably could have went a little more
I've been working on touch and go snatches and power cleans so this was good for me.
WOD rx'ed in 5:33
I thought for a half a second I would be able to get sub-5 but that was crushed relatively quickly
Everything unbroken except round 4 of the toes to bar where I broke it up 5/5
Did some core accessory work after
I also am excited about this cycle!
Snuck in some mobility the power cleans between 10am client and 12pm class.
EMOM x15
3 Power Cleans
Something like:
40kg (88lb), 50, 60, 70, 75, 75, 80, 80, 80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 90 (198lb)
I was pretty gassed by these but they all felt solid. I was going to stay at 187 but some peer pressure helped me finish at 198. Didn't leave enough time for the WOD. May make it up tomorrow.
QOD: My first CrossFit workout was Fran at the NYSC on 9th street back when I used to work there. I'd recently discovered CF and had been rabidly pouring through all the old CF Journals, videos, and the rest of the assorted information crossfit.com. I loaded a barbell with those octagonal metal plates to 95# ( inside a squat rack) and off I went. I didn't really understand what the hell I was doing. The first round probably took me about 2 minutes and then the wheels came off. My finish time was over 10 minutes and included lots short sets with big breaks. I also wasn't really sure how to kip a pull up so I was mostly doing strict with a little frog kick. Two days later I did Helen on a treadmill. I was hooked.
New programming looks pretty dope. Maybe a class is in my future 🙂
Went up to CrossFit POP with Bobby to lift & cover 5,6,7pm classes.
Bulletproof shoulders wk2/d2
WU: 3Rounds
10 single arm RKB swings (light)
10 suitcase deadlifts (hate)
A1) Single arm farmers carry 2x75m (used 34kg kb)
A2) Nerve floss-10
2 position clean 70% 2×5
Snatch Pulls 86% 3×5
BSQT 75% 3×5
Weighted sit-ups 3×15
everything is feeling pretty good. neck/knee/shoulder are showing improvements. sitting at a heavier body weight for the past couple weeks +3-5lbs…which is fine. Coming up on a cut in march, so we'll see how that goes after this cycle.
My first CrossFit workout was at an affiliate in the Philly suburbs that will remain nameless. They made me do Angie (scaled the pull-ups) as part of my *first* FDNs class. I came dangerously close to barfing. I had no idea that there was anything wrong with this until I came to CFSBK and did FDNs again with sane people.
I think my first "official" CrossFit workout was the Filthy 50. It looked "fun" and I didn't know what a handful of the movements were. I remember bringing the paper around as I did a makeshift version of it, even at a slowish pace and not really knowing what I was doing it crushed me. I also have an early memory of doing Fran that took me over 14 minutes. It was horrible, I wanted to die.
6:30 with Ro and Noah. Quite the comedic duo today.
15 Min EMOM 3 touch and go power cleans
83×3 rounds
88×3 rounds
93×4 rounds
98×5 rounds
WOD RX in 10:10. I believe half the class witnessed me miss the final T2b at 9:59 haha oops.
I finally learned how to string together a few T2B this past week, but i lost that after the first round. I'm happy I can even do this many – this time last year I couldn't do a single rep!
My first workout was Chelsea (Cindy but in 30 min EMOM format) at a regular type gym in the Philly suburbs. It was me and a buddy. I don't remember how long it took (a long time) but I do remember having to scale the pull-ups and badly tearing both hands. I had an opportunity to go back to that same gym maybe six months ago and redid Chelsea in the exact same spot.
6:30 pm with coaches Ro and Noah
15 min EMOM was great. I worked up to 120lbs as I'm not yet quite coordinated enough on my TnG power cleans…lol. Weight was definitely on the lighter side for me, but I need to work on TnG technique before I start increasing the weight.
Finished the WOD in 8:16. I actually enjoyed this one for some reason. The weight for the FS was nice and light allowing me to go unbroken for all 5 rounds. I still can't quite hang from the rig unsupported, so I just did abmat sit-ups… but I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
Hang Cleans 75%x2x4
Snatch pulls, 90%x3x3
BTN Pushpress, 89%x3x4
Bench: 320x5x3
*failed the last one. It was still moving but so slowly that i was close to blacking out. Ill still go up next week.
Afternoon session… quads and adductors still SO SO SO SORE from Fri/Sat. Hot damn. Could barely foam roll my thighs.
Spent about 20 min mashing and doing banded hip distractions.
3 rounds: 10 banded steps side/side + front/back, 8 pvc prone OH mobz, 10 pvc hollow rocks
Warm up Clean & Jerk…
1. Conditioning
“Open 13.4”
C&J, 135/95
Score: 65
C&J: 3, 3-3, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, singles
TTB: 3, 6, and then all sets of 3 for the 9's and 12's
My score in 2013 was 40 reps. TTB are still, somehow, a weakness for me. I think there's something inefficient in my kip going on. And part of it is definitely grip. Feel like I'm really still lagging here in a strange way as I can't seem to string 5's or 7's together when fatigued.
2. Snatch
work up to a heavy 3-Position Squat Snatch
Pos 1: Hips
Pos 2: Just above knees
Pos 3: Floor
63#, 83, 93, repeat 93 cuz it was lame, 103
felt sharp getting under, but also kinda mushy in the catch after the conditioning!
3. Accessory:
3 sets:
8L, 4R glute bridge on bench (Ro showed me a diff way that gets a lot more hamstring!)
8 ea side DB Bent Over Row (45#)
My first CrossFit WOD was some ungodly thing that David made me and a small group of my coworkers do at the brooklyn lyceum in November 2009. I think it involved deadlifts and push-ups or burpees? But there also had to be squats involved somehow that day because I couldn't walk down the stairs properly for several days afterward.
Great memories!
(But also my legs felt that same way this weekend.)
5:30 w NoApologies and Ro.
175 on the top end of the power clean work.
@Whit – I feel you on the T2B. By round three it was 5 reps and then a complete hot mess to finish. It's like HSPU – once they go, they're gone.
Sorry Whit…
Live and learn!!
Got to get my barbell work in right after kids class on my own and then jumped into the TINY (3 person) 7:30pm group class for the metcon.
Power Clean + Split Jerk: Heavy Double
FSQ/T2B Metcon
5:50 as Rx'd
Everything Unbroken.
Was not feeling super confident or motivated about this workout but gave myself a little pep talk, told myself I had to do everything unbroken and that if I was going to do it I might as well attack it. Glad I did, wasn't as bad as I thought the FSQs would be.
I'm psyched for this cycle, going to try and hit 4 or 5 of the workouts each week avoiding the Open workout, since I know it will make me push harder than I should be right now.
Today I did power clean doubles, non-touch and go since I haven't cleaned much recently and I don't think my back is quite ready for dynamic stuff like that. Worked to 165, which felt heavier than it should but pretty snappy.
WOD was fun, finished in 8:21 moved deliberately but was happy to be able to RX it and was surprised that the T2B felt really good (for 4 rounds, then they felt really hard!)
First time back at a regular class (and not strength cycle) in about a year. Crossfit!
EMOM – worked up to 125
I took it really easy as I wasn't super comfortable cycling the cleans at first. I probably could've upped the weight in later rounds as I got used to it. These ends up not being quite challenging enough.
WOD – 9:30-something, at 95lbs, with leg raises
Again, took it easy. Was sucking wind during transitions and wasn't really caring about my time just getting through it. The WOD wasn't quite as bad as I thought as I didn't have to break up the FSQs as much as i expected. Leg raises were too easy but I don't think I ever had T2Bs- maybe I do now? Next time.