Power Snatch
Power Snatch:
Take 12 minutes to warm up to a Power Snatch slightly above your work weight for the metcon. Everything about the Power Snatch should look exactly like the full Snatch with the exception of the receiving position. Don’t default to sloppy mechanics.
For Time:
1000m Row
30 Power Snatches 135/95
50 Burpees Over The Bar
Don’t sandbag the row here. Stay at a pace that allows you to come off feeling fresh. The Power Snatches should be a medium heavy load for you, so scale as necessary. If you can organize sets of 2-5 touch-and-go Power Snatches, then try to stay with that. Otherwise, singles with quick resets can keep you moving through. Burpees over the bar suck, we know. Full extension is not required and these are not bar facing. Set a pace that keeps you moving, and don’t take any long breaks. If you have a little bit left in the tank, then sprint for the last 10 reps.
Worm driving to the top of a Thruster
- The fourth LFPB Q&A Info Session, “Adjusting Nutrition to Meet Your Goals,” is next Thursday, February 18th at 6:30pm.
Interested in volunteering for Iron Maidens? We are still in need of spotters and plate loaders. Please fill out this form if you can help out. Thanks!
The Iron Maidens of CFSBK: Sara Widman
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is less than 4 weeks away. Leading up to the event, we’ll be posting brief interviews with CFSBK lifters to help you get to know our team and give you a sense of what these women are doing to prepare. This year, through competitors’ fundraising efforts, Iron Maidens will create the inaugural annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for 10 women in the College Prep program at the Bronx-based Grace Outreach. Right now we’re at $15,550 donated, and we need your help to reach the finish line! You can donate to a lifters’ campaign by going here.
Worrrrrrm! (Did you know she’s had that nickname since summer camp?) What’s your favorite powerlift?
I have to say, my favorite is definitely the Deadlift. The fact that I can lift well over 200 pounds makes me feel fierce. If my back is strong and my core is tight, I can safely lift 2 times my body weight, and that is amazing.
What’s your motivation for competing in Iron Maidens?
My main motivation is the comradery. I’ve competed in Iron Maidens for the past 3 years, and each time I am amazed by the amount of praise everyone gives to one other. Everyone is clearly respected and encouraged, no matter what her size or skill level. As a young woman growing up in Long Island, New York, I saw a lot of women around me working out to lose weight. They were always talking about the number on the scale, and they seemed to think of success as being skinny. At CFSBK, and more specifically at Iron Maidens, women clearly workout to get strong. For men strength is important, but for women, I believe it is a must. Feeling strong on the outside makes me feel strong on the inside and enables me to face all of the things in my life that are difficult.
Any advice for first-time competitors?
My advice is to just come and experience it. You will have so much fun, and really I think that’s the most important part—to have fun!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Open Workout 15.4
Frinkiac: A Searchable Database of Simpsons Screencaps
How to Reboot Your System Breaking Muscle
6am with JB
Power Snatch – worked up to 175, which is a Power Snatch PR. Failed 180 – rushed the setup and pulled it out in front, as is my habit.
Metcon in 11:12 Rx'd. Finished the row at around 3:35, the snatches a little before 7:30 and then made my way slowly through the burpees. Those were rough.
6am with Jess in 597
Power Snatch:
165 (~85%)
Metcon: 13:32 Rx. Row was about 3:45, and finished Isabel at the 9:00 mark. After 3+ years of crossfit, that's finally my first time for Isabel, so PR! Burpees sucked. I thought I was going to throw up for the first half, but the last 20 were easy because the finish line was looming.
Make-up posts from this past weekend and early this week. Did the same thing Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday:
Morning NFT work – 10-12 rounds of:
1,700ft vertical climb (chair assisted)
30-40 second hold at bottom of squat while fiddling with binding straps
Burpee snow angels as needed
Evening NFT work:
12oz curls
Hot tub get-outs
Pinch grip assistance work with various implements (playing cards, jenga blocks, puzzle pieces)
Untold reps of grandpa dancing every time hotline bling came up on spotify
Neck is feeling better. I came in early to move around and get my shoulder programming in since I can't come in tonight because my girls have a late game.
3 Rounds
5 yoga push ups
10e pvc pass throughs– standing/squatting/prone
10 cuban press with PVC
1 arm overhead carry: 3x 50m- each arm- 20kg KB (rest 1 minute between arms)
Did some hamstring stuff—can't believe how positive it has been on my knee pain. woot woot
6am at 608 with JFox
Power Snatch
Worked up to 155# which was as far as I wanted to push it knowing what what looming ahead.
WOD Rx'd in 16:43
Finished the row at 3:50.
Finished Isabel a 11:23. Bailed singles the whole time. Took my time setting up each and every one and grateful for the polite reminders from Jess to get down under.
Burpees were slow and steady to start and sped up significantly at the end.
3 down two to go!
6am with JB
First crushweek workout for me after being knocked out with a cold for the last 4 days
Power Snatch
Worked up to 130#. Everything moved well considering how I have been feeling
WOD in 15:51 with 115# snatches
Never looked at the clock between movements so no idea what my splits were. Kept my row at a 1:50-1:55 pace. Snatches in mixes of triples and doubles. Burpees started slow, worked up to slow, and finished slow. At least I was consistent.
7am with Jess
Worked up to 120# on the Power Snatches which was a PR for me. I've made huge strides this cycle on the snatch and my goal of hitting 135# this year feels so much closer than it did a couple months ago.
WOD @ 95# in 15:26 (I think)
Row in just shy of 4:00, nice pause and then hit the snatches all in sets of three. Should be good to add some more weight for the next snatch metcon. Hated my way through the burpees in sets of ten or five. The hardest part of jump over burpees may be counting them.
3×10 GHD cash out
Power Snatch: Worked up to 98#. Failed one at 103 by just not locking out (which would have tied my power snatch PR). Pretty confident I would have had it if I tried again, but decided to stop there because, well, there were 30 heavy snatches ahead of me at ~90%.
WOD: 15:24 Rx
Off the erg around 4 minutes. I didn't look when I finished snatches – wishing I had because it was my first time doing Isabel Rx – I would estimate around 8-8.5 minutes. All singles, trying to give myself an extra breath after every three. Probably rested a little too much, but I was determined not to fail any reps. Burpees happened, extra breath after each set of 10.
Some make up posts:
Morrison Day with David and McDowell – It was either sub 35 or 34 with a 10# ball to 9' (there were no 12s) and KBs were Russian. The weird thing is that nothing hurt after this. I must try harder.
Jenna – you rock and yes! snacks! lotsa snacks!
MatthChm – so glad you have an office door!
15.4 Day with Nick and McDowell – Got through 18 HSPUs and one clean at 63#. Kipped all HSPUs and moved to 2 Abmats early in the 12 reps.
Gym improvements – first, can we play with the toys we already have? Ropes! Take 'em down more!! Put one in 608 maybe. Also – high on my wish list is foam plyoboxes. #bloodyshin. For your convenience: http://www.roguefitness.com/rogue-foam-plyoboxes
Today – 7 am with Jess
16:10 at 52#. I hit myself in the head warming up behind the head presses. I smashed my still sore shin in warm ups and failed two snatches well below what I worked up to this past cycle. So I was happy to make it through at all! I'm perplexed as to Dan L's definition of a slow burpee.
Worm! It's always fun when you're around! Can't wait to Iron the Maiden with you.
Noon class
Power Snatch
Metcon Rx'd in 16:27
Row: slow
Snatches: slow
BOBs: slow
That was particularly rough. Glad I wore sneakers.
Make up from yesterday with Whit, Iron Maidens prep, plan to hit the rest of Crush week.
LBBS: 160 x 2 x 4
Bench: 83 x 5 x 3 – practiced pausing on warm up sets
Metcon: 75 Wall Balls for time with 3 TTB EMOM after 1:00 (14# to 9") in 4:58
We tested this in September and I finished 50 WB around 5 min mark, so major improvement there.
Noon Class Today
Not the best mechanical day on the Power Snatch
Metcon in 15:52 with 67# Power snatch
Row was fine (got off around 3:45), power snatch fell into place during the last 10 when DO cued me to get my lats on tension and hold the bar closer, burpees in sets of 10. Burpees were fine, more so, the jumping over part was where I wanted to fall on the floor and curl up into a ball ๐
Worm! Such an inspiring and brilliant response to the motivation question! I wish I could send that paragraph to my younger self. Way to inspire strong lady!
Almost forgot…
(I still want to know what caused your summer camp-mates to call you that)
regarding yesterdays equipment requests.
Rumble roller in 608
Just bring one over and leave it there ๐
Werksan Bar
Broken Bushing.. thanks for the reminder we need to try and repair it again
GHD in 608
We have one in 608!! It's my favorite!! Its no fancy Rogue Abraham 2.0 like we have in 597 but she does a great job IMO.
Magic Circle
Let me ask Deb
I really want a true form. We'll get one one day.. they're like $6,000 though but they're incredible.
Yoke/Atlas Stones
mayybeee. I would get a DBALL and not a concrete stone as they're too messy and break easily.
When we don't clean the gutters in 608 for a few weeks there is a pool on the roof. Just climb up the ladder from the back door.
and yes yes yes yes yes I know we'll eventually get these rings and ropes up, I suck
Did a solo sesh today before 4:30pm Class
1000m Row
Barbell Drills
Power Snatch
Row/Isabel/Burpee Chipper:
15:22 as Rx'd
Row: 2:04.8
Isabel: 6:29
Burpees: 6:49
– 3 Bear hug walks the length and back of 608 with the 130lb punching bag
– Kettlebell Juggling fin
– 5x5e Windmills. Up to 20k in my top and 20k in my bottom hands
I think there is one Magic Circle in the annex on top of all the torture equipment.
Worm, yes! She has the best PR dance after a successful lift. You guys should all be there to witness her glee!
Today 12pm class:
14:27 rx'd.
-row at 4:09 and then took my sweet ass time to start the snatches. decided to wait until the 5:00 mark so that I could time my Isabel…but of course I forgot to actually look after my 30th rep. I do know that it was somewhere in the 5 min and change range, which is great for me since I've only ever done Isabel rx'd once and finished in 5 min and change. burpees were so slow and most were walk out/walk in to 'save my legs' for the jump over. such a game changer with that jump over!
-all snatches in doubles and in hindsight, I should have started to chip away a lot sooner and not paid attention to Isabel time.
69 total reps
-this is 15 reps more than last year and I really feel like I did a good job of making sure I was sticking to the standard. I'm sure I would have one or two no reps but not more than that. did 2 extra cleans on my 2nd round because got confused by the rep scheme! all power cleans in 3 to start and then doubles.
Bench: 100x10x3
Close Grip Bench: 85x10x3
Muscle Up work
Crash B's
Morrison in 26:47ish
-not my best (26:00) but glad to have been able to get through this. that 10ft target makes such a difference! started with 15 then switched to 10's and maintained that for the rest of the rounds. box jumps were slow and all jump up step down. kbs were broken up too much I think. my back was fried!
Worm! Great interview!!
Long day of fitness for me today.
Squat 3@7,8,9RPE, 3@BO
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 185 x 3, 215 x 3, 235 x 3(7),245 x 3, (8) 250 x 3, (8.5) 225 x 3.
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 4, 115 x 2 x 6
Deadlift 3@7,8,9RPE
135 x 5, 185 x 3, 215 x 3, 235 x 3, 255 x 3, 275 x 3,(7) 305 x 3 (9)
Was feeling things out a bit here as had not deadlifted heavy in a few weeks due to lower back pain. Felt heavy but good today.
5:30 group class with Whit and Noah
Worked up to 93# on the power snatch but it was bad. Even 83# didn't feel great but I decided to try it for the metcon.
WOD in 14:29 @ 83#
I maybe took it a little too easy on the row as I was chatting with Kelly for the whole thing but I knew the burpees were going to kill me so I treated it as a warm-up.
Surprised myself on the snatches- I was able to cycle them in 5's and later 3's. I've never ever even done anywhere near that many at that weight before so that was pretty cool. They weren't all perfect, but better than usual.
Burpees were terrible and I wanted to rip my lifters off. They took forever and I want to forget about them ASAP.
Yes , I adore worm and her cool dance moves!!
Yay Worm!
Deadlift: All from a dead stop
220×4 Wanted to do a 5th rep but back rounded a bit so I stopped
Power snatch: 53-63-68-73xlots of reps-78xlots of reps-83
Soft arms today. tired.
Opted to do a super slow 1500m recovery row bc I'm sick and my throat feels like sandpaper. Plus I'm taking a red eye tomorrow night and can't fall asleep on planes so it was better for me to have an easy day. I think I took it to an extreme bc Charlie finished her row and all 30 PC at 83# before I was done! haha
Worm is one of the besssst people to work out with! IM is going to be so fun with her energy!!!
KCaps! You are amazing. Envious of your snatching!
PR'd my snatch tonight ๐ Did 67X3, went up to 69.5X1 (PR) Added 1/2# weights to do 70.5X2 but both were slightly bent in my left elbow. I'll take 69.5!
THOUGHT I would be able to do 62# for the workout… but I was wrong. Esp. after that row!
14:34 with 52# snatches
Row:~4:50 :***(
Snatches: ~6:00. Some were touch and go… Took 1:30 to try and attempt 3 snatches at 62# before taking off weight.
Burpees: Somewhat steady, a brief pause about every 10-15, 1-2 burpees were step overs.
I agree, a yoke would be awesome.
Snatch: Heavy Single
CJ: Heavy Single
385(F)*close miss on the jerk. This would have been a PR. Ties my current Clean PR
390(F)* Felt great on the pull just lost my balance a bit in bottom and it spit me out.
Back Squat, 85%x4x5
6:30 pm class with Whit and Noah
Worked up to a 90lb power snatch. I felt a lot better with my snatches today.
Finished the WOD in 17:23. Did better than I thought I would on the row, did great with the snatches…but dem burpees kicked my butt!
Oh, but the best part of today was coach Whit's AR class. Always a great time, and after getting beat down by Monday's Morrison workout, it was definitely needed.