Warm up and perform 3 attempts at a max for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 16 of 16.
Open Workout 11.3
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Squat Clean 165/110
Jerk 165/110
In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to overhead with the athlete passing through a full squat position while the barbell is racked on the shoulders. This can be a Full Squat-Clean Thruster, a Power-Clean Front Squat followed by a Split Jerk, or anything in between, as long as the three key positions are reached. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below knees. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, and the bar over the mid-line. Score a point for each Clean and a point for each Jerk. So, 1 full clean and 1 jerk = 2 points.
Post Rx and points to comments.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Community Potluck last night. What a feast. Full success!
Zen and the Art of Crush Week
By David Osorio
Originally posted 10.17.11
In traditional meditative disciplines, you aim to cultivate mindfulness in a physically neutral setting. Often the practitioner sits in a comfortable position and tries to bring attention toward their breathing. In Yoga, we see a more dynamic approach where rhythmic breathing becomes interwoven with a controlled flow through a series of postures . In both of these instances, the intention is for the pilot to become more tuned into the “now”. At CrossFit, we achieve something very similar through a very different approach. During an intimidating lift or difficult conditioning piece you’re forced to deal with the moment at hand. The high discomfort level of what we do takes that moment and amplifies the physical inputs to the point where you can’t help but focus on what’s happening. You know this intuitively and it’s why you get nervous before a 500m erg test or 3 rep max Back Squat attempt. You know that once you start you’ll be forced to deal with the “now” until it’s all over. Every second gets dragged out and every moment to rest or doubt yourself becomes amplified against what needs to get done. Take this opportunity to set your intention for the approaching workouts. Whenever you find yourself deep in the agonizing “now” embrace it and stay on task. Don’t look around the room to see where everyone else is, don’t check the clock to see how much time has gone by and don’t make excuses to try and avoid what your feeling. Just keep fighting the barbell up or chipping away at reps until you’ve completed the task. If you lose focus and get derailed, don’t let it mess with your head, just come back pushing harder. Remember, you’re here to get stronger, both physically AND mentally.
Enjoy Crush Week!
How do you mentally prepare for Crush Week? Tell us in the comments!
Yesteday’s Whiteboard: Squat | Burpees, Toes-to-Bars
Donny Shankle Hang Cleans 200 Kilos YouTube
Schoolhouse Rock, the Foundation of This Country The Hairpin
3 MU Negatives
5 Candlestick to Squat
7 ea TGU Situps
10 Min EMOM
:20-30 Banded L-Sits
15 Pushups
For Time:
10-15-20 reps of:
handstand pushups
8am with The Foxes
Warmup – 75 / 95 / 115 / 125 / 135
Work – 155 / 165PR / 175F / 175PR (came too close on the fail not to go one more)
15# PR. Cleans were feeling so good today. I tend to meet the bar a little early so worked on dropping down quicker. Jess pointed out I was catching a little too low and losing tension. Cleaned (yuk yuk) that up for the work sets. Been watching a lot of YouTube videos of people that are really good at these oly lifts. It has helped my form on them immensely.
WOD @ 135# – 13 sets
Had one fail in there, just didn't lock out the arms. Went in with a plan to do one every :20. Dropped to :30 at the 4-minute mark after that fail, but kept pace up to that point.
3×10 GHD cash out. A glorious 12-oz red eye from Ninth Street and sunny walk home. Happy Sunday, y'all.
9am with the Foxes. Cleans went pretty well today. My elbows felt a lot quicker than usual and I was actually getting fully under the bar. I worked up to 185, which ties my old PR, which I hit a year ago during the open with a rep that was so bizarre and ugly that I'm calling today's real rep a PR. I had a dumb mental fail at 175 that Fox told me I abandoned when the bar was weightless at approximately my clavicle – in other words, for no reason at all. I just gotta get out of my own way on these.
I did the metcon with 135 on the bar and completed 14 total clean&jerks. This was tougher than I expected, but fun. Now on to (the first couple of days of) crush week!
Where are all ze comments?
Was feeling pretty off today.. low level headache, kind of light headed and really low energy. Knew it was not going to be productive to try and 1RM clean or attempt an Open workout. So instead..
20 Minutes of Foam Rolling
30:00 Recovery Row
6060 meters
Held steady at 16 strokes per minute
Stayed between 2:25 and 2:30 splits
Felt a bit better after the fact. The lights and music in 597 were bothering me so I did it in 608 in the dark/quiet. I appreciate being able to do that every now and again, good opportunity to tune into your body and let your mind wander.
Comments are not working consistently. Tried posting yesterday twice. Receiving notifications for others' comments but mine never displayed.
Was NOT feeling good today; didn't really feel like posting, but I will for you DO. Also went running and to yoga with a friend, so by 1pm class was pretty beat.
C&j: 108.
Wod: 11 reps (22 points) 88#
AG: fun warm-up! :20 l sit /12 push up emom.
12:24 10/15/20 squats hspus squats pull-ups. Didn't scale volume! Did mostly sets of 5 on pull-ups! Feeling good about this!
I think either the blog is hungry or else everyone is watching the Beyonce concert 😉
1pm with Noah and Katie
10 x thrusters @33#
5 x pull-ups
15 x hollow rocks
63-73-83-103-113-123-133-138 PR!- 143M-143M
Really happy!! My previous PR was 135# and that was with a lot of adrenalin at Flex in the City almost a year ago. I haven't gone over 123 since then so I'm pretty delighted with this. 143 was close but I could not commit.
WOD- 36 points Rx
118# is my jerk PR s 110# was heavy for me but actually the S2O was the easy part and I push pressed most of my reps. I guess that means I really need to work on technique!! Legs were tired and cleans went out in front of me a few times.
3 MU Negatives
5 Candlestick to Squat
7 ea TGU Situps
Only did a couple of rounds of this as I was late starting.
10 Min EMOM
:20 Banded L-Sits
15 Pushups
L-sits were hard from the start. Push-ups were OK and unbroken until the third round. Hard after and in two/three sets.
For Time:
10-15-20 reps of:
handstand pushups
Scaled to 5-7-9 HSPUs no abmat and 5-10-15 pull-ups. Think I finished in about 13:20?
Wish I could do AG on Sunday more often but I usually have to work.
11am with Katie and Noah
Maxed at #152.5
– Opened at #135
– #145 was crisp
– Tried going to #155 next but psyched myself out
– Small jumps to make it back up to #152.5
– 20 points at #125
The blog is marking a lot of perfectly normal comments as spam for some reason. I'll keep checking in to release them, but David and I will have to look into it. Sorry guys!
Cleans- worked up to 128, which is a 3 lb PR.
Failed 130 twice. Didn't commit.
Bench: 98x3x3 felt good
messed around with dips, strict pullups, pushups and kick ups.
Cleans- worked up to 153, which ties a PR. Went for 163 twice after some encouragement – both failed. Then failed at 158. It's about half a mental issue, half needing to keep the bar closer. Need to commit – kept trying to get under too fast because I wasn't trusting myself and didn't finish the pull. Would like to retest this again soon.
WOD: 52 points Rx. That was a good fight throughout.
Deadlift after: worked up to 315×3. No grip issues- held it at the top a little longer as recommended by Fox.
For the record, that Shankle kick after his Jerk is one of my favorite all time lifting scenes.
CJ 75%x2x2, 80%x1x3
FSQ, 88%x3x5
* Missed the last one
Snatch Deadlift 110%x4x5
Bench: 315x5x3
*missed this last week. Big improvement this week
Chinese rows
Cleans: 93-103-113-118-123-128 (PR match)- 133 (5# PR!)
WOD Rx'd 23 points
Did some of the warm up.
Turkish Getup with a sneaker race- fun!
EMOM: banded L-sits/ 15 pushups. Had to break up the pushups and stretch them over the full minute to get 15 in.
WOD 10-15-20 in 11:56 fun metcon!
air squats, HSPU (15# plate +skinny 10# plate +ab mat), pullups, air squats
HSPUs: in sets of 5. Probably should have done these without the 10# plate, but my kip is a mess so was worried I wouldn't be able to get through that many reps.
Pullups: 10,15, 13-7 The most I've strung together is about 17 but had to immediately follow up with smaller sets so was excited to be able to do three large sets in one WOD!
Gymnastics work this morning — Unilateral shoulder strengthening, ring work and cartwheels.
Tonight –
Some handstands and barbell warm ups then right into Snatch attempts..
35kg x2, 45kg bailed backward, 45kg x1, 50kg x1 (PR match), 55kg – double clark, 52 bailed forward twice
3 rounds of some of the gymnastics strength work I learned this morning.
Saturday's squats
HBBS 75% – 150# x 10
FSQ 75% – 116# x 10
30-20-10 cal row, cal bike, dux2
Clean 305(pr). Missed 315.
Wod: 52 points rx
Cash out emom 5x 20 dub'z