Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 75% x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), FSQ 75% x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure)
Rest as needed between sets.
Back Squat 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), Front Squat 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure)
Rest as needed between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 16 of 16.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
3 Burpees
3 Toes-to-Bars
6 Burpees
6 Toes-to-Bars
9 Burpees
9 Toes-to-Bars
… Add 3 reps per round until time is called
Standard scaling applies for this gymnastics couplet:
- Burpees: Squat Thrusts
- T2B: Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Knee Raises
In its best capacity, this couplet will be completed steadily and unbroken until somewhere after the teens. If that’s nowhere near your capacity but you’re planning on doing the Open Rx’d, then consider slogging your way through the Toes-to-Bars as Rx’d anyway and see how far you can get.
Put on your potluck face because it’s time to party
The CFSBK Community Potluck is finally here. Things will kick off tonight at 7pm and end around 10pm. We can’t wait to break bacon and celebrate the new year with you. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come! There will even be a mini bounce house to entertain the kiddos. Guidelines on food and drinks are below.
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please use whole foods where possible. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert.
- The gym will provide some alcohol, but feel free to bring whatever else you’d like. If you’re not drinking booze and want to bring a drink, seltzer is great, too!
- If your food needs to be kept warm, you’ll need to provide your own crockpot or other method for keeping it at serving temperature. We’ve got surge protectors and extension cords.
- We’ll provide notecards for you to label your dish with.
- When you leave please take everything you brought with you. Do not leave any pots, pans, Tupperware, utensils, etc. They will be discarded that night.
- If you’d like to help out (and haven’t already been contacted) we’ll need some hands on deck putting everything away afterwards. If you stay until the end, we’d appreciate
We also need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. To help set up, arrive by 6:30 PM! E-mail our Events Coordinator Danae M. at Events [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’re available.
Let us know what you’re bringing by posting in the comments section of the event page.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Buzz-A-Rama Atlas Obscura
Love that photo! See y'all tonight! (tomorrow)
HBBS: 105X17. Had many more, I think. I stopped because I was nervous about front squats. Now I know for next time to live in the moment!
FSQ: 95X15.
WOD: Made it through the round of 18+21 burpees+10TTB (31 reps) If I wouldn't have done a total of 1:40 L-Sits yesterday, I probably could've made it through the 21 round.
Excited for the potluck ๐
8am with DO and Melo!
Been doing the fitness schedule this cycle.
Back squats @195# for 15 reps
Front squats @180# for 11 reps
WOD completed round of 18. 21 burpees plus 3 TTB. Fun little burner. Abs are definitely hurting.
10am — been ruminating about my poor squat performance on Wednesday (and watching a lot of instragram videos of people much stronger than me squatting with unimpeachable form). I asked my partner to judge me and with his enthusiastic nod I'm feeling much better about hitting depth today: HBBS 250×16, left a few in the tank, stopped when my low back started to get excited. Long rest then FSQ 220×12. I'm not sure what made me stop at 12 exactly, it felt more like a growing sense of alarm and discomfort than muscle exhaustion. High rep front squats seem like more a test of nerve.
WOD — finished 15+3t2b, which I'm feeling pretty good about since t2b are hard for me. Maybe some day I'll learn to kip them.
Then fun @ AR to get my air sacks and liquid bladders aligned. For a brief moment, I could touch my toes.
Excited to sign up for the open and lay bare all my weaknesses! I'm too much of a floater to align with Team Primal Meats (fantastic and amazing name btw) or 6am, but if anyone wants to join me on team #faithless lmk. We never meet, have no fixed membership or rules, and are easily spooked by crowds of people. I'll make stickers.
10:00 Pre class mobility and movement prep
1pm Hangover class (Although all I drank last night was copious amounts of seltzer)
3 Rounds:
16 KB Swings 20kg
10 Goblet Squats 20kg
5 Strict Pull-Ups
LBBSQ: 200×26 (Holy Shit)
FSQ: 170×10
Burpee/T2B Metcon:
18 Rounds + 37 Reps
BIG props to anyone who got deep into the 21st or 24s. I paced the burpees kind of slow so that I could recover the toes to bars. Was really feeling it in my abdominals.
Crossover Symmetry.
See you all at the potluck tonight!
LBBS: 135 x 12 x 1
FSQT: 105 x 11 x 1
WOD: had to swap the t2b for v-up's due to a busted hand from chest to bar pull ups from yesterday.
Round 18 + 9 burpees
Either the blog ate my original post or it was ruled… unacceptable. If so, sorry! Here is the abridged version:
HBBS 250×16, definitely ended with something left in the tank, although my lower back was starting to get tired. I asked my partner to watch these for depth and he said they were good (whew).
Front squat, 220×12. Also ended with something left in the tank, but had a strong desire to rack the bar at that point.
WOD: 15+3ttb. Happy enough with that since I can't kip ttb and they are kind of a goat for me.
The AR happened.
Cashout: 3×8 GHDs, experimenting gingerly because of DO's very emphatic instructions to start slow. 5×5 felt totally fine last time I tried it, so…
Good work grasshopper Packer.
LBBS: 185 x 15
FSQ: 140 x 13
Content with these results. Happy there was not a second set of each.
WOD: Finished the round of 15 plus 18 burpees and 4 T2B. Lots of doubles to work through those sets.
Bench press: 105 x 5 x 3
Pull ups: 5 x 2
GHD: 3 x 10
Noon class
Went a bit conservative with load and reps on these.
Left wrist is currently jacked up and was the limiter for the FSQ rep out.
15 + 29 reps
Toes to bar came apart pretty quick.
Fun to be back in group classes!
Last day of Hatch!!! It's been a fun 12+ weeks!
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5 x 2
Front Squat
135 x 5, 155 x 3, 195 x 1, 205 x F
Bench press
4 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 3, 115 x 2 x 6
Shit's gonna get heavy on Monday!!
WOD with 1pm
Got through to 21 burpees. There was no way I wasn't finishing those burpees. T2B were kipping-ish but not string together cause I ain't got no rhythm. Still pretty fast though!
2 x (15 x GHD sit-ups/ 10 x ab wheel )
Strict pull-ups
Deadlift cause I forgot earlier. Kept it light as my lower back has been funny.
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 215 x 5 x 3
Snatch drills EMOM @53#
Snatch pull/ power snatch/ snatch
Focused on keeping the bar close and not jumping forward. Felt pretty good actually!
LBBS 160X8
FSQT 120X10
Mentally weak when it comes to squatting. Promise I'll do better next time. Should've pushed harder since there was only one round and it wasn't nearly as tough as even one of my sets last week…
WOD: 18+ 39
Went a decent speed on the burpees to make up for T2B. Need to practice stringing T2B together- was only able to on the first and second set. I dropped off the bar after each rep for the last 18, but just kept moving. So close to finishing the round of 21!
Blog is pretty quiet today. Is everyone cooking? ๐ See ya later!
I think the blog is eating up posts. Sorry if this gets posted twice. And it will be identical because I always copy before I submit ๐
LBBS 160X8
FSQT 120X10
Mentally weak when it comes to squatting. Promise I'll do better next time. Should've pushed harder since there was only one round and it wasn't nearly as tough as even one of my sets last week…
WOD: 18+ 39
Went a decent speed on the burpees to make up for T2B. Need to practice stringing T2B together- was only able to on the first and second set. I dropped off the bar after each rep for the last 18, but just kept moving. So close to finishing the round of 21!
Blog is pretty quiet today. Is everyone cooking? ๐ See ya later!
LBBS 135 x 12 x 1
FSQT 105 x 11 x 1
WOD: mad I had to sub v-ups for t2b, split the hand yesterday doing chest to bar pull ups in higher volume
Finished round 18 + 9 burps
Oops late post
Hbbs: 153×12
FS: 128×9 or 10? Can't remember
Both were more reps than I did when we had this % a couple weeks ago. No belt
Wod RX with t2b as singles : got into the round of 18 and did the burpees plus 3 t2b.
Third time's a charm?
LBBS 160X8
FSQT 120X10
Mentally weak when it comes to squatting. Promise I'll do better next time. Should've pushed harder since there was only one round and it wasn't nearly as tough as even one of my sets last week…
WOD: 18+ 39
Went a decent speed on the burpees to make up for T2B. Need to practice stringing T2B together- was only able to on the first and second set. I dropped off the bar after each rep for the last 18, but just kept moving. So close to finishing the round of 21!