Gerry M. dropped into Max Oxygen CrossFit in Ames, IA to stay on track with his LFPB training while he was in town for the Iowa Caucus. Way to go Gerry!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The CFSBK Community Potluck is tomorrow at 7pm! Full details and guidelines, including a call for volunteers, are in yesterday’s post.
2. We interviewed our favorite badass gymnast, Rachel Hsiung in the first installment of “The Iron Maidens of CFSBK.” Speaking of which, we’re just a little over 4 weeks from The Iron Maidens Raw Open, and we just passed 50% of our fundraising goal. We need your help to reach it! Go here to donate to your favorite lifter’s (or lifters’) campaign(s).
3. Coach Frank Murray answered questions about Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK. Things just not clicking with the Olympic lifts? Ready to seriously hone your technique? Don’t hesitate to sign up!
4. We learned all about Monique L. in the inaugural edition of our new feature, “Better Know a Member.” Keep a look out for another installment next week.
5. Our most recent “Etiquette Tip of the Week” was punk, nerdy, and, uh… etiquette-y, all at the same time. We do it all here!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | “Amanda”
Twitter Drove Me Crazy, So I Stopped Using It Deadspin
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 75% x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), FSQ 75% x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure)
Rest as needed between sets.
Back Squat 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), Front Squat 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure)
Rest as needed between sets.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
3 Burpees
3 Toes to Bars
6 Burpees
6 Toes to Bars
9 Burpees
9 Toes to Bars
… Add 3 reps per round until time is called.
Standard scaling applies for this gymnastics couplet:
Burpees: Squat Thrusts
T2B: Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Knee Raises
In it's best capacity this couplet will be completed steady and unbroken until somewhere after the teens. If that's nowhere near your capacity but you're planning on doing the Open Rx'd, then consider slogging your way through the toes to bars as Rx'd anyway and see how far you can get.
Make up from last night, 7:30 group class with KHarpz & Noah:
E2MOM Snatches: worked up to 45kg. Failed one at 47kg, but it was just a little bit in front. Snatches feeling pretty decent. Did lots of shoulder mobility and crossover symmetry before hand, which I think definitely helped.
Amanda–did not see my time, but I essentially did this RX (minus a couple of shallow snatches). Doing 95lb snatches in a metcon has been a long time goal of mine, so this was very exciting. I know I finished at 11-something, but I was so elated when I finished that I promptly forgot my time. Muscle ups were 3/3/3; 4/3; then 5 unbroken (thanks Noah for the encouragement on that last set).
6am doing Saturday's Work with McDowell
Back Squat 230# x 13
Front Squat 190# x 11
These took all I had mentally and physically. Needed about 5 minutes to catch my breath after each set.
Completed the round of 18 at the buzzer. Burpees were slow and steady. Lost my kip on the T2B in the round of 12 and they quickly regressed into sad sets of 5 and then 3.
I couldn't post earlier in the week… I'm so happy you all profiled Monique!! I have *loved* lifting with Monique these past few months. She embodies the "way of being" described in the Etiquette Tip of the Week.
You know what…I'm going to sign up for the damn Open. Even though it's going to be comically bad doing it after two months of no conditioning. I did try wall balls after lifting this morning and they didn't hurt! Basically, I am just going to need to avoid doing anything stupid. If anything hurts or feels tingly, I will stop; I won't try to do kipping anything; and I'm just going to call it a rebuilding year.
Friday morning lifting (with Karina, yay!):
Pause squat 165x3x4. The last set is pretty damn heavy at this point.
Pause bench 105x6x3. Glad I am no longer doing 8s.
Chinups 5,5,5,4,4. I keep adding one chinup every week, which is cool.
7am doing Squaterday work with Nick
BSQ – 140 x 13
FSQ – 135 x 14
Good tips from Nick to chill the ef out and relax on the back end of these. Definitely was able to push a couple more reps because of those extra deep breaths.
Fell 5 TTB shy of finishing the round of 18. My kip completely evaporated halfway into the set of 12. Spent some time trying to get it back, but no bueno. Went strict the rest of the way in sets of 5.
@ Brendan – Nick gave me the same advice earlier this week. He said, "You can stand there with the bar on your back for a really long time without using much energy." OK.
8 am DIY with Nick and/or Noah
Deadlift: 95×5; 135×5; 165×3; 185×1 (got loose in the middle); 135×5 (to end lighter so in good form). Bench: 33×5; 53×5; 63×5; 73×5. Noah gave a good cue on using my legs (as if you're about to shove someone). It's a more dynamic thought than what I've done before, which is thinking of bracing through the lift. Did another rep at 53 to employ it. Neat.
Row/Snatch WOD: 6:57 with 42#.
10am with McDowell and Noah, doing Squaturday with McDowell. Back squats at 210×14. Front squats at 150×10. I might have had a few more here, but I was starting to lose tension at the bottom. This was still plenty.
On the metcon, I finished the burpees in the round of 18. This one was deceptively difficult. I cashed out with a little double under practice. Sets of 10 are now commonplace, so huzzah.
Also, the intramural contest between the am and pm classes with turn out however it does, but I don't think anyone's going to beat the 10am crew at crackin' wise.
Warmed up with a bunch of rolling around on the mat accompanied by great conversation.
Press – Top 8
Dips – Top 10
At Jess' behest, 7 rounds of 40' out 40' back 100# sled pushes resting while the wife worked.
Feeling a bit off, so decided to stick with some NFT work and just get myself moving without putting too much pressure/intensity into it.
3 RDS:
:20 ring L-sit
3-5 butterfly CTB pull-up practice (not great today)
8L, 4R one legged squat (17.5# db)
3 RDS:
5 ab-wheel from knees
8 GHR w/ blue band
5ea single arm seated DB Press (30#)
8ea single arm DB bent over row (45#)
15-20 min of stretching: all angles of hips, ankles/feet, pec and front rack
So happy to be back to Crossfit! Believe it or not, 4 days is the most I've gone!!! (Even out of town I find a gym; this was torture!)
5 rounds NFT:
5 strict pull-ups
5 24" box jumps
:20 l sit
:60 forearm plank
Bench: 83 5×3 helpful advice from Margie to keep a wider grip to stay in control. Gotta remember that; still struggling with a straight bar path
Deadlift: 145 5×2. Felt tired and didn't push it
AMRAP 12:00
8 push-ups
16 sit ups
24 lunges
9 rounds + 8 push-ups + 1 sit up
A rope climb, some kip/MU hip swing practice, jumping muscle up + 3 dips x2, and some handstand practice
*cant wait to squat tomorrow* yay!
Bench Press 5×5@125
Strict Press 5×5@90
Barbell curls 5×10@35
DB Rows 5×10@30
I'm working on rebuilding my upper body strength. The struggle is very real…but I WILL get my strength back come hell or high water!
KB swing/pushup/pullup warmup
Forced myself to do IM stuff.
135×5, 165×3, 185×2, 195×1, 205×1, 215×1, 185×5
Wanted to see if I still had a single at something close to my 1RM.
45×5, 75×3, 85×1, 95x3x3. I think I had 5 reps in me for these today. So much easier than earlier this week.
double under practice.