Alex B. and Grace R. making those Dislocates look good. Today is Grace’s last day at the gym! We’ll miss you, Grace
- WEEKEND SCHEDULE UPDATES: Saturday’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled, as is Sunday’s 11am Active Recovery class. You can still get your AR fix on Saturday at 11am!
- KMo has another foster kitten who’s ready for adoption! Phoebe and her siblings will be at an adoption event tomorrow from 12 to 4:30pm at the Unleashed in Park Slope (81 7th Avenue). Come by and meet them if you are looking for your new forever friend(s).
This Week at CFSBK in Review
So much is happening at the gym right now! Get your notebooks, calendars, iPhones, dayplanners, clay tablets, Palm Pilots, or other whatsits ready.
1. Asha Banker is our January 2016 Athlete of the Month. Congrats again, Asha!
2. Iron Maidens! Have you started fundraising for the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship yet? Don’t delay! Sign up through Crowdrise here, and ask all of your CFSBK lifting buddies to donate. Also, keep your eyes peeled for a new Iron Maidens feature starting on the blog next week.
3. Scroll down the page a little. See that countdown thingy? It says there are just 27 days until the annoucement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.1! Have you registered yet? There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Even if you do one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down. We just want you to join us! Why should you register? We’re glad you asked!
4. In the return of the Behind the Desk series, we profiled Greg C. What is a “Daler,” anyway, Greg?
5. Coaches MeLo and K Harpz recapped their weekend competing at Wodapalooza 2016. It’s a fun, inspriational read. Don’t miss it!
6. The Gowanus Canal Conservancy will be hosting their annual ANTIFREEZE fundraiser tomorrow night at 7pm at Littlefield (right across the street), and CFSBK is one of the Silent Auction donors! The event will gather a wide range of attendees who care deeply about the health and resiliency of the Gowanus waterfront and the surrounding local urban environment. There will be delicious local food, plenty of beer, Silent Auction, and (of course) an excellent DJ. Tickets can be found here.
7. The third LFPB Q&A Info Session, “How Active Recovery Techniques Aid in Fitness and Body Composition,” will take place next Thursday, February 4th at 6:30pm.
8. The CFSBK Community Potluck is next Saturday, Febrary 6th at 7pm. Post in the comments of the event page to let us know what you’re bringing. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Box Jumps, Dumbbell Powers Snatches
Don’t Distract Me The New York Times
Mount Prospect Park Atlas Obscura
David Osorio says
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 80% x 8-12 x 2, Front Squat 80% x 8-12 x 2
Leave 2 reps in the tank. Be mindful of maintaining good positions and not devolving into bad form for the sake of an extra rep or two.
Back Squat 2 x 5, Front Squat 2 x 5
Load is 90% of what you used on Wednesday.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 14 of 16.
In teams of two, with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
200 Double-Unders
150 Burpees
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
50 Front Squats 115/80
Lots of work to get through today, but you get to split it with a partner! Share the work as desired and be flexible with your plan. It's better to bite off small chunks of reps and stay fresh than to commit to larger sets that drain you physically and mentally. Subs: 1/2 attempts for Double-Unders. Knees or Squat Thrusts for Burpees. The load on the Kettlebell Swings and Front Squats should be light-medium for you.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Grace R. says
A huge thank you to the entire CFSBK community for the well wishes. I will miss you all (particularly Yoda). Come visit me in Boulder!
dave p says
Sleepless and slightly hungover, I braved the cold this morning to spy on 6am for Team 6:30.
– I approached the specimens with caution, having heard tales of their wildness and ferocity, but they greeted me with friendly animal noises. I might have passed for one of them, if not for my distinctive coloring and facial hair.
– 6am warmups and DROMS were conducted in contemplative silence. Music was playing quietly, but it was melodic, with a dreamy quality, rather than the driving beats we have come to expect later in the day. I must admit, this suited my hangover just fine.
– We completed Thursday's EMOM work without major incident. On a personal note, I failed my first attempt at 140 (90%) for lack of courage. Nailed it with ease the 2nd time.
– I observed a distinct tendency among 6AMers to choose heavier weights for the WOD, even as a % of today's max. I thought RX was the .5 * 45% BW DB =~ 45# "standard," but this was not the case. After initially taking a 45, I decided to do the workout at 55 so as not to blow my cover.
– I was generally able to keep pace with them (aided no doubt by my lighter dumbbell), and completed 3 rounds + 4 box jumps. Each round took much longer than I had anticipated.
Allie B says
1. Grace! Your name is perfect for you. If I had to pick someone I knew who carried themselves with 'grace', you'd be FIRST to come to my mind! Sincerely! Good luck <3 i'll miss working out with you.
2. Way to represent Team Prime Meats, Dave. We need you! Don't go to the dark side…we can't have ethereal music all the time, can we? You would have done 4 rounds if you had those driving beatz
3. Can't wait to go do tomorrow's wod!
Brad D says
6am with Nick and McD – Thursday's work
EMOM Snatch: Started at 95 and increased by 5lbs every minute. Finished at 165#. Two penultimate reps were press outs but nearly muscle snatches with not much attempt to get under the bar. The last rep I made sure to get down a bit lower to catch the bar properly.
Metcon: 3rds + 10 box jumps @ 60lbs. Matty C and Dan G had taken the 65lb bells that I wanted to use, so I started with a 75. It was clear in a few reps that was a bad choice and I switched it out for a 60. Had to take many breaks to breathe. I am out of shape.
Shawn says
6am doing Thursday's snatchery with Nick. Started at 85 and worked up to 130. I failed 130 twice with a solid 130 rep in between. This is 100% mental. As I was setting up for both failed reps, an image of failing it popped into my head (my brain is an asshole, apparently). I need to do a better job of focused visualization just prior to lifts.
In the WOD, I finished 3 rounds + 20 box jumps and 3 snatches (at 24", 40#). This was a fun one. After doing 30" box jumps a few weeks ago, 24" ones really seem easier. I love when there's such a direct, noticeable benefit from skill work.
Ben says
After the 7AM, I grabbed my black j crew peacoat at 608 and later discovered there was someone's iphone in the pocket! i guess you dropped it in thinking it was yours? If you are missing your white iphone, email me at bhsangree at gmail dot com
Lauren says
This week in review thing rocks.
Best of luck to you Grace!
Dan G. says
6am with Nick and McD – Thursday's work
EMOM Snatch: in kg: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 60, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70f, 70f, 70, 70f, 70f. Was focusing on keeping the bar close and delaying my pull, which I think sapped some of my explosiveness. Have to keep working on it as ripping it off the floor can only take me so far.
Metcon: 3rds @ 65lbs. Mostly just kept moving, but not really in any hurried way. I don't recall this weight feeling as heavy in the past, but I probably wasn't getting set enough on the pull.
Jack L. says
Ben! That is my phone! My black coat was hanging right next to yours, and I'm a moron. I'll email you now.
BK says
Neil, saw the instragram post. Your energy has sure been missed in the mornings. Keep up the good work!
HBBS: 220x8x2, then FSQ: 192×8, 192×6. 80% felt more like 120% today after yesterday's metcon. Squats have been going very well this cycle, just one of those days nothing felt right under the bar.
Metcon: 15:17 Rx partnering w/ Steve's jump rope & Steve. This is all about burpees, we traded off sets of 15 which made it tolerable. I paced them out too much because of the follow-on work but there is no need — feather burpees closer to the redline folks.
Stella says
Hey LFPB types (and those not doing the challenge but who are into eating well, like me): having a potluck and game night at my place tonight. I'm making a challenge-friendly chicken entree and people are bringing non-alcoholic drinks and sides. If you want in, email me (stellavision, gmail) and I'll hook you up with the details. I'm about a 15-minute walk from the box, so you can drop by after OG if you're so inclined.
Speaking of OG, OG in the morning is SO LONELY!
Pause squats 160x3x4. This weight is starting to feel heavy.
Pause bench 100x8x3. Feeling pretty stoked to be doing this weight for long paused sets.
Chinups 5,5,4,4,4. This is one rep more (in the second set) than last week. Hey, slow progress is still progress!
Stella says
PS: Packer, LMFAO
Brendan B says
7am with SquatDowell
BSQ – 140 x 8 x 2
FSQ – 130 x 8 x 2
Left a couple pairs of reps in the tank on all sets. Pretty beat up as some travel days made today a fourth consecutive day at the gym. All feeling really manageable though.
WOD with Juan @ 95# in 21:23
Trips on trips on trips. First workout in a while where I really struggled to string together my doubles. My inefficiency in the movement slowed us down here greatly. Everything else we put together well and evenly paced. Super pumped for a rest day tomorrow.
Shawn Campbell says
Dave P – Gee, I thought that 6 am class looked big but didn't notice it was all because of you. Well played!
7 am with Nick but solo on the platform to work on deadlift and bench press.
95×5, 135×5, 155 2×5 (These felt good and I purposely took time at 155 to make sure I was set up top with shoulders back.)
33×5, 53.5, 63 xx5. Stayed light because my right shoulder pain moved to my left shoulder and I don't like solo bench pressing at all! I usually take a lift out even with an empty bar. Practiced the pause at the bottom!
Metcon: 17.5# (silly, should have gone 20); 20" box. Did three rounds plus 2 jumps. I was booking until I crashed on the box in a bloody, painful way. After that I stopped to talk myself out of crying and wanting my mommy and then proceeded with way too much over-reactive caution.
There are no band aids for this scrape so here's a pro (as in pro-crasher) tip: a panty liner in your knee sock stems the bleeding out onto your office wear. There, I said it.
Steve says
6am with NickDowell
HBBS 230 x 5 x 2
FSQ 205 x 5 x 2
Happy to have 90% today. Legs were dead from yesterday.
Wod- 15:17 partnered with BK. As he said this is a burpee workout. Unlike him I was redlining and just trying to avoid death.
BK did probably 2/3 of the DU as my jump rope felt foreign like someone else had won it's heart (ahem Scott..).
Burpees in 15s, kb swings in 25s, FSQ four sets of 10 then two sets of 5.
@Packer – it was your scent that gave you away.
Jack L. says
Shawn Campbell, you are my favorite. That is all.
michele says
i'm confused about the links to the potluck events page… they don't go there, i don't think. are they correct?
Cam says
GRACE! sending you all the well wishes, my first memory of you was when we were partners for "Grace" (awww) the WOD. I never forgot that, will miss you lots and your smiling face, best wishes on your move and post thousands of pics so I get jealous.
Also Shawn C. so so sorry about your spill!! Hope you are doing ok, you are a trooper!
That's all I got here…
David Osorio says
@Michele, you mean the one in the weekly review? It takes me to the event page.
@Grace, so happy I was able to coach your last class at CFSBK!
@Shawn, you are a warrior
@Packer, Funny write-up. Yes the warm-up music during 6am is always a very melo tone.
This is a funny link we posted a while back called "An Ode to the 6:00am Class"
I've been sick since late last weekend and haven't trained since Monday. Been feeling pretty shitty but eased back into things today. Can't really get my breathing rate up since it bothers my throat so I just moved through these at a comfortable pace:
10:00 Foam Roll/Movement Prep
10 Rounds NFT:
10 Squats
8 Push-Ups
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
Very not for time:
5 Rope Climbs
500m Row
4 Rope Climbs
500m Row
3 Rope Climbs
500m Row
2 Rope Climbs
500m Row
1 Rope Climb
500m Row
Alternated between my dominate and non dominate legs for the wrap with rope climbs. Went from being very awkward to consistent both ways.
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap
Lesley O. says
Does anyone want a container of chocolate flavor Designer Whey powder or a container of vanilla Now Sports whey powder? Both are open and used once, just purchased last week. We tried them and the flavored protein powders are just not for us. Free and I can drop off at the gym this weekend.
Neal P. says
Thanks for the message, BK! I didn't see the Instagram post until I saw your comment!
GD says
2 position clean
77% x 2
81% x 2
Snatch Deadlift
105% 5×5
Row 500
15 TTB
Row 400
Row 300
–hahahahahaha….I suck.
Ready for a rest day and a cool seminar weekend with Ro.
Shawn Campbell says
Jack L, you made my whole week! I will add supplies to the first aid kit.
Karina says
@Lesley O., I'll happily take your chocolate! Will be in early Monday morning, if it's not gone by then.
KLove says
Performance squats:
LBBS: 168x8x2 Tough. Tipping over. Tried to make sure I stood up straight in between each rep to limit fatigue but I was having trouble. Hips hurts but feels ok when I use my belt.
FSQT: 128×8, then 128x4x2. Form was terrible at the end of my first half of the first set and ran out of time so split the second set up to maintain form (and so partners could get their squats in bc we ran out of time).
Metcon with Allie C. in 17:58
DUs: No pattern, we just picked up where the other left off. I did DUs and counted attempts. These took us a long time and we were the last to start the burpees!
Burps in fast sets of 5. We maintained great speed throughout and were able to catch up to other teams.
KB swings in fast sets of 25.
FSQTs at 80# 10-10-10-7-13 My back was on fire and I was tipping over and needed breaks so Allie came through with and finished strong for us with the last 13 reps!