Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 2×4, Front Squat 2×4
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Exposure 9 of 16.
12 Dumbbell Bench Press, as heavy as possible
6-12 Toes-to-Bar
12 Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
Work up to a heavy load on the Dumbbell Bench Press and the Kettlebell Swing. If you’ve been comfortable swinging “your bell,” then go a bit heavier today, even if that means doing Russian Swings. Toes-to-bar are 1000% going to show up in the Open, so today is your day to work on them without worrying about a clock. Here are some videos to get you started:
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Kate R. at the first-annual CFSBK Art Show in 2014 | Photo credit: Asta Fivgas
Farewell, Kate R.!
By David Osorio
I reached out to Kate Reece in August of 2013, when I was looking for someone to help me get my ass in gear and finally start writing this Inside the Affiliate blog I’d been talking about for a well over a year. Out of about 20 candidates who offered to help, Kate immediately stood out as the ideal blog maven, especially because she was a “writing coach,” something I didn’t know existed before I met her. After successfully launching ITA and realizing that we had a great rapport, Kate eventually took over the CFSBK blog, where I had been posting daily content since 2007.
In that time, as our Managing Editor, she has contributed countless articles, photographs, interviews, and even a couple of art shows. For CFSBK, the blog is sort of a digital watering hole where members go to post accomplishments and frustrations, check in on upcoming events and goings on, and learn more about our community and training ethos. To get a sense of the importance of her work, check out the ITA article we wrote on “Building Community through the Blog.”
I think of the blog as a garden that needs to be cultivated, and for the past couple of years, Kate has been an excellent gardener. She has worked tirelessly to help the blog grow beyond what is was, all while maintaining the spirit and tone of the blog I originally created. As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Kate is headed to Montana to take on a teaching position and to focus on other professional ventures. So I’d like to publicly thank her for all the heart and passion she’s put into this blog and into the CFSBK community as a whole. Let’s wish her well in her next adventure. She’ll be missed!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Underneath the Hoodie: McDowell Meyers Kate Reece
Underneath the Hoodie: Melissa Loranger Kate Reece
Underneath the Hoodie: Arturo Ruiz Kate Reece
CrossFitting While Pregnant Kate Reece
Grand Opening of 608 Degraw Kate Reece
Thanks for making this blog so special Kate! Have a great time in Montana and be sure to post about your adventures!
Congrats on your awesome opportunity Kate!
Hope to see you again soon!
Congrats Kate. And what a great place to move to – color me envious.
Perf Back Squat at 275#.
Perf Front Squat at 225#.
These are starting to get heavy.
NFT Work
Worked up to 65# on the bench press for 12 reps. Did a set at 75# but only hit 7.
T2B were dialed in today. All fast unbroken kips. 12 per round. Grip started to give on the last set.
KB Swings. Worked up to the 40 kg bell and hit all 12 American Style but then I got a huge headache. I still have it.
Congrats Kate! The blog is definitely a large reason cfsbk is so great!
If anyone accidentally grabbed a Rx Smart gear jump rope and bag on Monday or Tuesday could you leave it at the front desk or email me at shutsal (at) gmail dot com. Black handles/red rope and has Hutsal written on the white logo on the bag. Didn't see it in lost and found. Think I left it on the coffee table or coat room. Thanks!
Good luck in Montana Kate!
HBBS – 285x1x2
FSQ – 240x1x2
All moved well. Still no belt.
Actually finished 5 rounds of the NFT which is rare for me. All KBS at 40kg, 55,65,75,75,75 on the bench. Only 10 reps in the last 2 sets. 5×12 unbroken on the toes to bar
Godspeed, Kate. ?❤️
Congrats Kate, your pen will be missed on the blog.
HBBS: 247 then FSQ: 215. First time belting up for the cycle.
NFT: focused more on mobilizing my shoulder than anything else. Played around the the 40kg.
6am with NickDowell. Back squats at 250x1x2 and front squats at 185x1x2. These all felt good, moved well, etc.
I got through three rounds plus a fourth round of T2B in the NFT work. Bench was at 45, 55, 50 and KB swings were two rounds of freedom swings with the orange bell and one round of Russian with the red. T2B are a work very much in progress. Good tips from James and McDowell on timing and just forcing myself to string them together had them looking marginally better at the end.
I'll sign onto Steve's comment about the blog being a big part of what makes this community so great. My tenure at CFSBK has basically coincided with Kate's tenure at the helm and it's been key to what a great experience I've had – so thanks and good luck!
Farewell, Kate! You'll do great!
I did some bar-hopping (see what I did there?) at strength cycle this morning — squatted with Kurt, pressed with Lilly and Karina, went back to Kroc rowin' with Kurt.
Squat 180x5x3. Starting to belt these now.
Press 70x5x3. No problem.
Kroc rows 35x10x3 per side. Significantly harder than last week, unsurprisingly.
I read the blog everyday…thanks for your incredible work Kate. You'll do just fine wherever you go.
Kate will be missed. Hopefully, the beautiful mountain views, prairie vistas, and large expansive sky wont keep her in Montana and she will miss the hordes of people, and concrete under her feet to return after her teaching stint. Thanks for everything Kate!
Thanks for everything Kate – my first Fight Gone Bad team captain! You're nice to the core and a great talent. I'm sure all good things are in store.
7 am with Nick and McDowell
Fitness 130 2×4 LBBS. My body felt cranky today and the first set was slow and just heavy. Nick suggested wider stance and that helped the 2nd set move better. I think 130 is in my head a little because it seems like just yesterday that 135 was my PR. Front squats were solid at 105. Maybe could have moved these up another 5 but I'll stick here because it's good to have a good form lift after the back squats get iffy.
My shoulder was the crankiest so DB bench presses were lighter than usual – AHAP for today. Got to the 24kg KB. The heaviest I've ever swung so that was a good AHAP for me. I really, really, really want to cycle toes to bar. Lots of good tips today and the blog postings help.
Best of luck Kate!!!
LBBS – 220x1x2
FSQ – 175x1x2
Surprised by how good the back squats felt – this slow bump up is helping me gain some confidence close to 1RMs – hoping this will translate into Iron Maidens…
DB Bench – Started with 25# and ended with 35#.
T2B – Went right to McD for help with kipping. Still far from it, but at least learned some progression step to help get there.
KB – Started with orange and ended with the red, all Russian. Felt pretty good for all 12. Tried one swing with the white 40kg – because why not – and I would call it a three-quarter swing.
10 AM with Jeremy:
HBBS: 270x1x2
FSQ: 230x1x2
Best of luck, Kate. You certainly upped the quality of our blog and helped me be better at my job.
Deficit Deadlift
4 rounds
12 GHD Sit Ups
:30e Palllof Holds red band @ 6'
Best wishes Kate. I have so enjoyed your writing and you've always been so friendly and welcoming which was especially comforting when I just getting started with crossfit. Thank you for your kindness. Montana is very lucky to be getting you back! All my very best, Colleen
Best of luck Kate! Thank you for everything you've given to this community. You will be greatly missed.
Hatch Week 9 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 3, 220 x 2, 250 x 2 (belt), 260 x 1
Front Squat
135 x 5, 160 x 4, 170 x 4, 180 x 1, 180 x F, 180 x 3, 180 x F
So I was repeating last week's numbers because my depth didn't look right and this week I definitely achieved proper depth on all reps, which made things harder and well I guess that's what happens…
Bench Press (pause)
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 4, 105 x 2, 115 x 2, 125 x 1, 130 x 1, 135 x 1, 105 x 10 (TNG)
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 255 x 5 (belt) 265 x 5 (switch grip)
Today 12pm with McDowell and Ro.
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5 x 5
NFT-4 rounds
DB bench press- 30#, 35#, 35#, 40#
T2B- McDowell helped me with my swing as I only have strict with an extra swing. I know what I need to work on now.
KB swings- orange, red, red, red- all Russian.
Peeping on the CFSBK Blog from my new home in the south.
KATE!! Congratulations on your new opportunity and I know how much you will be missed at the gym. Wishing you all the best on your new adventure!
Everyone else. I miss y'all (see what happens when you move south? Y'ALL)
L-Star!!! great seeing your face pop up!
Had 40 Minutes to get this programming in tonight between clients
LBBSQ: 245x1x3
FSQ 205x1x3
3 Rounds NFT
12 Ring Push-Ups
8 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Reverse Hypers +90lbs
Modified since the heavy DBs were across the street, I find ring push-ups VERY challenging and was happy to get 3 sets unbroken. Abs were sore from the GHD work yesterday so opted for 8 strict pull-ups, then Reverse hypers… just because I didn't feel like doing KB Swings!
Would have liked to get another 1-2 rounds in, but alas!
WU x 3
10 FSQ 45#
3 Pull ups
10 Push ups
HBBS x 1 x 2 at 90% – 180#
FSQ x 1 x 2 at 90% – 140#
These both felt great! Was a little worried after a double at 165# felt heavy – maybe warm up jumps were too big.
Katie and Mike were super efficient and supportive rack mates!
NFT Part:
Bench – 25#, 30#, 30# — this was challenging for 12 reps
T2B Kipping – 12, 7-5, 7-5 callouses in bad shape so broke it up to avoid a tear
KB Swings – Green (12), Orange (12), Red (12), then split up Grey (6) and White (6) for last round
This was a lot of fun trying to go heavy with the DBs and KBs. Definitely would have liked to have completed 5 rounds.
Got mobility in earlier today — some hamstring stretches and hip openers.
Good luck, Kate! You really brought the community together with the blog– from your amazing photos to the inclusiveness of community posts and support. I love the blog! You're a special lady! Best wishes!!
HBBS: 130x2x1 good depth
FSQ: 115x2x1 also good depth!last one was very slow though
WOD: all 5 rounds…
Used 25# db for three sets, 30 for 2 (only did 6 reps last set tho)
Used a white then green then red Kb! And did one set unbroken
Deadlifted with Klove 2×150
We had a fun cleanup of
-3 ring dips
-put plate away
– handstand practice
I wish I could clean up my bar this way EVERY day!
Crossfit makes everything better <3
Best of luck Kate! Will miss seeing your smiling face (and great shoe collection) around the gym. Don't forget to come visit 🙂
LBBS: 165 x 1 x 2
FSQT: 125 x 1 x 2 – Whit said I have room to grow here, feels heavy, but I think I just need to get used to being "uncomfortable" in my set up
Bench Press: 3 x 5 @80lbs
EMOM 9 Min – right in my wheel house!
5 Cals
20 Box Jump 20"
15 sec L sit
Got in for a quick session. Always a great day lifting next to Gracie
Muscle Snatch,
Snatch Deadlift
Thank you, Kate, for awesome energy always. Really enjoyed seeing your writing and photography over these past two years. Look forward to seeing you back!
Kate, When I was looking for a new CF gym, I started by checking out their websites. I read the the SBK blog daily for a month before I went in an did my first WOD. It definitely played an integral role in my decision to to choose SBK as my next CF gym! And I continue to read it every day, one year later! Best of luck to you!
Performance squats:
LBBS: 190x1x2
FSQT: 145x1x2
Left hip was still bothering me as I worked up in weight on the BS. Noah showed me a stretch to do and it instantly felt better. In fact, the reps at 190 were the first pain-free BS squats this cycle!
NFT work:
DB Bench: 25-25-30-30(9,3)-35(7,5)
T2B: Worked on my kip.
KB Swings: 24-24-20-28-32
American swings @20kg just to see if I could do them (I'm sort of afraid of American swings over 16kg). The rest were unbroken, Russian swings.
DL: 150×10 from a dead stop
3×3 strict ring dips
Handstand walking practice. Jay gave a great tip and even spotted me, but just couldn't get them today! Maybe it was beginner's luck the other times I was able to do them.
Heavy volume day…made less miserable by the typical debauchery that ensues with the squad gets together. Lucky.
Power clean + clean
75% x 4 (58kg)
Pulls @ 96% 5×5 (75kg)
–destroyed my quads on these, need to figure out how not to bail, but also not slam down on my quads.
BQST barf sesh:
75% x 5
80% x 5×3
83% x3
80% x4
Left my legs at the gym…
Guys!! Thanks for all your sweet notes today and over the past week. They mean a lot to me. Inside the Affiliate and this blog have been some of my favorite projects over the last few years, and David (and plenty of others) know how obsessive I've been about this blog in particular. I was obsessive about it before I even considered the idea of working on it, and used to go back and read really old posts just for fun… and started editing David's typos in my head before I could in real life. As I was packing up my apartment, I found bunches of little notes I'd written to myself with ideas for articles and other posts, and I'm happy that we pulled off most of them. This blog is such a cool and unusual way to further the work the gym is already doing of reaching and connecting so many wonderful, different people. It's been a treat to work with all of you — and a few of you became my clients or creative partners outside of the gym, which is also a really cool gift. And as I'm sure pretty much all of his employees would agree, David is one of the best "bosses" I've ever had.
The blog couldn't be in better hands moving forward! Josh S. took over last Thursday and he's been doing a wonderful job. His photo captions will definitely be funnier than mine, and you'll be relieved of my excessive exclamation points. 🙂
I'll be back visiting BK each month until I come back this summer for good again. Will be following along with the programming at a gym in Montana and doing lots of other outdoor adventures. And finishing up Whitney's Underneath the Hoodie!
Love you guys.
7:30 with Nick (!) and Ro
HBBS: 185x1x2. 90.2%
FS: 155x1x2. 91.1%
NFT work:
Got through 4 rounds I think?
30s for all of the DB bench sets.
5-6 toes to air (hah) keeping legs straight. My real toes to bar are ugly and I'm trying to remedy that.
24,28,32,32 for the swings.
Kate, you'll be missed! Can't wait to see the great photos you post of Montana on your IG though. 😉 And personally, I loved all of the exclamation points!!!
1) Deadlifts 3×10 at 165#
-all deadstop and regular grip. the bar definitely wanted to slip out and it got my heart rate up fast.
2) RDL's 3×10 at 140#
-hook grip for these. my hamstrings are so weak! these should be really good for me.
3a) V-ups 3×10
3b) GHD: Prone and supine holds 3x:20 (supine is the hardest thing in the world!)
4) Crash B's recovery row: 20 mins, 3600ish meters, 2:46avg
Warm Up: quad/lat smash, hip mobz, some inchworm to push-ups
3 rounds: 5 front squat, 10 hollow rock
3 rounds of 3 mins on/3 mins off
ARMAP 3min of:
Thruster, 95/65
1: Got through 12 Thrusters and 7 TTB (49 rep)
2: through 12 Thrusters and 4 TTB (46 rep)
3. through 12 Thrusters and 6 TTB (48 rep)
Thrusters were 6 unbroken, 9 unbroken, and then 7-5 for the 12's. First round of thrusters felt really sloppy, then I got a bit more efficient, staying tighter on the way down and relaxing a bit after lock-out. But I still hate thrusters.
Cash Out:
3 rounds
8 GHD sit ups
6 one-legged squat (L side only, 15# db)
Handstand Walk… got just about one full length of the gym on my last attempt!! That's a PR!
6:30 PM
HBBS at 300lbs 2×1
Front Squat at 240 2×1
Did all five rounds at 40lbs DB
Used the 28kg KB
Did modified t2b
Can't wait to be at 100% again.
Kate, it was great getting to know you & thanks for all of your hard work wrangling the blogs… you've done a great job, it really does help make the community. Best of luck in Montana, please keep your instagram account alive!
As long as I'm posting — DIY squats today. I like not having to rush through these, but I definitely missed working out @ cfsbk today. My colleagues are lovely, but do not grunt nearly as much, nor as pleasingly, nor do they talk or generally acknowledge each other while lifting or whatevering.
hbbs 315x4x2, front squat 275x4x2. This was, like, 9.8/10 RPE. Finishing the last set bruised my soul. I don't really think I can complete x5s next week. Go down in weight or repeat x4s?
Waited several hours to stop shaking, then ran a slow, desultory 5k.
6:30 PM
LBBS: 2 x 1 #261
FS: 2 x 1 #185
3 rounds of NFT
12 KB swing – Red 32kg, Grey 36kg, and Big Bertha 40kg White
6 Toe 2 Air (Thanks for the name Jenny!)
12 DB Bench #65
Listen, the exclamation points aren't going anywhere. I mean, anywhere!!!!!
5:30pm with Noah & McDowell
Did 200 lb (90.72 kg) back squats today, for the first time in my life. Pretty amazing, considering I literally was a 97 pound weakling about 18 months ago!
Best of luck, Kate!
BSQ 215 2×4
FSQ 200 2×4
Used 60s for DB press, moved to 55s in late rounds
40kg KB for most rounds, jumped to 36 in one round while 40 was in use in effort to keep moving.
T2B are getting better. Nice to start being able to accumulate some volume with these.