TFBA Lauren B. with her CrossFit Kiddos, Siena and Elaina, hitting a pistol on the Coney Island boardwalk!
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Active Recovery at 6:30pm, Pilates with KH at 7:30pm, or AntiGravity at 7:30pm.
Complete the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Check List by TODAY to be Eligible for Prizes!
Are you participating in the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? Complete the following steps by TODAY in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos HERE. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results.
- Begin tracking points earned daily on the 2016 LFPB Tracker based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines and submit 4 and 8 week check-in submissions.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. The dates for these sessions are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, and 3/18.
Want more information about the Challenge? Get all the details here, or by clicking on the black widget in the upper right corner of the blog.
The First Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session Is This Thursday, Titled “Why Should I Care About Nutrition Anyway?”
Why do and should we care about nutrition? Isn’t it enough that we come to CrossFit and work hard?
Attend this Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session, the first in our bi-monthly Q&A Info Sessions this year. These sessions will function more as a support group setting than a true lecture, though they will begin with a lecture. In this particular session, we’ll discuss how and why what you feed yourself with has direct impact on your performance and body composition. An open Q&A will follow.
Where: CFSBK’s second floor Annex
When: Thursday, January 7th at 6:30pm
Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Birds and Insects in Motion The Atlantic
You probably know how to ask yourself, “What do I want?” Here’s a bettter question Quartz
David Osorio says
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 87.5% x 1 x 2, Front Squat 87.5% x 1 x 2
Numbers based off recent 1RM.
Back Squat: 2 x 3, Front Squat 2 x 3
Add 5-15 lbs to Week 1's exposure, possibly use your old 3RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7/16
5 Rounds For Time:
250/200 Meter Row
12 Thrusters 95/65
The thruster should be on the light side, but with a nod to the Open, is this is a weight that usually challenges you consider doing Rx.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Ro says
A. Kipping HSPU
B. EMOM 7 min
5-10 sec pull up negative
C. In 3 minutes complete
2 Rounds
12 Sit ups
8 squats
4 push ups
*At the 3 minute mark, if work is completed in 3 minutes:
complete 2 Rounds
14 Sit ups
10 squats
6 push ups
continue to add 2 reps to each movement and add another 3 minutes
Michael A. says
Monday's Gymnastics WOD on a freezing morning
Strength: 8 unbroken strict HSPU's each round, 8 pistols (fell over twice)
Metcon: 2:34 Rx. That was fun and definitely very Franny. Did everything unbroken, felt winded during the 9th round but it hit may way harder during cool-down.
Christian Arca says
Monday with Jess
Piked handstand push-ups
– Big thanks to Jess for helping me work out proper form
– By the last round I felt like I was in a much better position
– My left shoulder was on fire afterwards due to general tightness
Lunges w/ 35 and 20 DBs
– Switched to 20 DBs at the 3rd or 4th round because my grip was failing
WOD (ring rows for pull ups) at 4:22??
– Unlike Affronti I didn't find that fun at all
– My shoulders were really burning and uncomfortable by the end
– Also serves as a (great) reminder that I still don't have kipping pull-ups (or strict really)
Dan G. says
Wednesday's Squats on a freezing morning
Back Squat: 252x3x2. 2nd day back after a few months off squats. These still feel light, but I'm working to find the bottom and generally dial in technique. Seems like it might take awhile.
Front Squat: 195x3x2. Easy.
Metcon: 12:37 Rx. Started okay, but slowed down a lot for the 4,5 rounds. thrusters broken to 12, 7/5, 8/4, 5/4/3, 5/4/3. I think that sunday's open gym – partner DT negatively affected this workout.
BK says
6am w/ McDowell
HBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 241x1x2 then FSQ 210x1x2. Nothing to special to report.
Metcon: 11:50 Rx. First 3 rounds went fine, thrusters unbroken. Lost it mentally, got lazy and then began the one chasing into of being chased. Broke up the last two rounds: 6-6, 6-3-3.
Melody says
This is from yesterday's SC.
3X5 LBBS – 115
3X5 Press – 55
1X5 DL – 155
All pretty light weights, but it was really great to have so much attention to make sure I am hitting proper form. I am really excited to start this cycle. It is my first time doing something like this.
I have to admit though, as i watched the group class next to us, I couldn't help but think I might miss them. I will probably still drop in for Sunday AG when I can. Love that class. 🙂
Also does anyone know how we get the code for KB Kitchen discount if we are doing the LFPB Challenge? That 15% off adds up quick 😉
Steve says
Freezing 6am squats with McDowell
HBBS – 250 x 3 x 2 – Moved well. 10# jump. Still all mental with me, should be going heavier.
FSQ – 225 x 3 x 2 – First set was a bit of a struggle. Second set was much easier. Not surprisingly had a better front rack in that second set..
WOD – 11:27 Rx. Everything unbroken and was chasing Linda who crushed it the whole time. Definitely a battle of fortitude to go unbroken in rounds 4 and 5. Rows all between 1:50-1:55.
Samir Chopra says
OG Lifting.
Press: 112.5x5x2, 112.5x6x1
Deadlift: 255×5
Lunges: 115x10x3
Rows: 115x12x3
Fox says
Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Delt Flyes
Charlie says
Finally felt ready to squat heavy today.
Hatch Week 9, Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 3, 220 x 2, 250 x 2 (belt), 260 x 1
Front Squat
135 x 55, 160 x 4, 170 x 4, 180 x 4 (belt)
Holy wow- those front squats were HARD today. Kept my whole hand around the bar as I have been trying to do, and it was rough. Elbows dropped a lot on the last rep.
Pause Bench
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 4, 105 x 3, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 130 x 1, TNG rep out at 100 x 12
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5, 250 x 5 (belt and switch grip) 225 x 5
First time deadlifting (aside from WOD's) since the end of last cycle. Felt good.
LFPB Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 mins
5 x pull-ups
10 x push-ups
15 x squats
Rest 2 mins
Max cal row
7 rounds, 1 pull-up Rx. 46cal.
First time Rxing this which was kind of exciting!! Big drop on cals rowed since last year though- I believe I rowed 52cal then. I guess pull-ups are more taxing than ring-rows! Push-ups were what slowed me down.
dave p says
5:30 doing Monday's work.Still experimenting with my diet and managed to come into the gym ravenously hungry…
EMOM work: 4 HSPU to 2 mats, 8 pistols with a little shim.
– First 5 rounds HSPU unbroken, then 2+2. Failed the last in the 7th round so did the 8th round as singles.
– Pistols felt easyish with the shim but I couldn't do them w/o. Tipped over a few times.
Did not do the WOD all that much faster than Fran, but at least I kept myself honest on reps and no-repped myself once or twice. Finished in 6:33 with wall balls as 7×3, 5×3, and 3×3. Pullups as 6+5×3, 3×5, 3×3… I was shocked when I started the last round before Allie but then she cruised past me. Time was mostly spent on pullups, maybe it wasn't necessary to break up the wall balls so much…
Currently eating a 1,000 calorie dinner and wondering where my last 100g of carbs is going to come from.
Jenny M says
Worked on kipping HSPU. Got 5 in a row with 2 ab mats and 2 in a row a few times with 1 ab mat.
7 min emom: pull up negatives
lots of pushups in the workout. Something I'm working on in the next 12 weeks
lady fox says
Started a new program on Monday:
1) HBBS 3×10
(45×10, 135×5) 170x10x3
2) FSQ 3×10
-started at about 62.5% of 1RM. Challenging by the last couple reps of each set but doable. 2 min rest between each set.
3a) Strict (mostly) toes to bar 3×10
3b) Side plank 3x:20/e
4) Crash B's 3x10min / 4 min rest
4a) 2269m, 2:12.2, 24s/m
4b) 2272m, 2:12.0, 25s/m
4c) 2251m, 2:13.2, 25s/m
-started each one with a race start and a power 10. Ran out of gas on the last one.
1) Bench 3×10
(45×10, 65×5) 85x10x3
2) Close Grip Bench 3×10
3a) False Grip Ring Rows 3×10
3b) Proximal Transition Strength 3×10
3c) Matador Dips 3×6
4) Crash B's: 8x500m. 2 mins rest between each except between 4 & 5 where we got 5 min rest.
-overall pretty happy with the consistency here.
Allie B says
HSPUs (2 ab mats): 4-3 for several rounds-2..1..3 negatives with one ab mat. I eventually just lost the strength.
6 pistols- amazing how much these have improved!
Wallballs: 12/9, 8/7, 9
Pullups: UGH! Really wanted to do full volume but I just couldn't or it would have taken so long… maybe I should have! Did 15-9-6. >:( 3-2-2-2-2-2-2, etc. I bet if I was working out at 9am after a good night's sleep I would've been able to do 5s.
Helpful advice from Whit about how to fix my kip: stay tight when kipping forward and then give a bigger back swing so I have momentum to pull-up.
AR to stretch and rest before AG.
Kipping HSPUs with one ab mat coming along well.
Negative pullups were :10-15 every round. So easy compared to pull ups!
WOD: Lots of situps/squats/pushups. Always good stuff to practice!
Whit H says
I went into full hibernation mode this morning so did not get up to train. Alas, packing in 90 min of planned work into 60 min this afternoon…
WU: quick tspine/lat mash, hip mobility and general moving and grooving
Crossover Symmetry mixed in with some air squats and bb front squats
CLEAN (5×1 @ 82.5%)
35kg: 3 position clean
-legs and back were TIRED today from squatting yesterday. could have used a bit more time to get warm and feel less sluggish. overall these were okay, focusing on quick turnover and catching tight/sharp. feels like i'm being more patient and not pulling early
Clean Panda Pulls … HOT DAMN THESE ARE HARD!
45kg x3x2
55×3 (reset from floor… couldn't keep this in my hands! now i understand the need for straps!)
-need to go heavier on these, but wanted to do them correctly… and maybe i will buy straps.
2 muscle ups
10 walking lunges w/ 20# dumbbells overhead
5 burpees
Time: 6:57
first two muscle ups were strung together, second set I failed on second rep, so just did singles for last two rounds. blah.
this was much more fun than the conditioning I was *supposed* to do today… :-/
happy to get some more muscle up practice in during conditioning though, and am keeping lunges / one-legged work as priority in my regular rotation!
Karl says
Wednesday's fitness:
Back Squat = 235
Front Squat = 225
Been a month since my last PT session for my Achilles injury and it feels good. I'll feel even better once I hit 4 sets of 5 at 225 sometime in the future.
WOD: 16:01 RX
My long term fitness goal is to strengthen my mental focus and fortitude because I find these two items cost me the most when I do poorly in workouts. So, my goal was to Saiyan up my mental focus and fortitude via these two goals WOD-specific goals: 1) keep the erg between 1:50 and 1:55 and 2) do the thrusters unbroken
Verdict: failed goal 1. First 250 was 1:50 – 1:52 and subsequent rounds were 2:07 – 2:20ish
Verdict pt. 2: failed goal 2. First and last thrusters were unbroken. 2nd thru 4th were highly inconsistent (5 – 8 before a break). In my opinion, the only reason I failed to achieve goals 1 and 2 is because I didn't want to stay with the healthy pain.
Despite these failures, I'm pleased with myself because I got 2/5 thruster rounds unbroken and I did keep the first 250 within my targeted range. I don't post here often. However, when I do, it'll be a good public checkpoint on my self-guided road to greater mental focus and fortitude fitness-wise.
Onward and upward…