Power Clean
Every Minute on the Minute, for 16 Minutes:
Minute 1: 5 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans 135/95
Minute 2: 7 Burpees
…repeat alternating power cleans and burpees through 16 minutes. Touch-and-go is the goal of today’s power cleans but don’t let that devolve into crappy form for the sake of hanging on to the bar. Scale reps and/or load to something you can handle well. Review touch-and-go here.
Post loads and Rx to comments.
Exposure 3/8
“Annie Get Your Kettlebell”
50-40-30-20-10 Reps for Time:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
AbMat Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Check out Brendan N.’s awesome CrossFit testimonial. Hard work and sound nutrition pays off! Want to get on track for the New Year? Check out our annual Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, which started yesterday! The Challenge comes with the potential to win lots of cool prizes, including a top prize of two months of free training at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
In Brenden’s words: “To anyone who’s nervous to start CrossFit, here’s a picture of me two years ago on the right and last night on the left. All my coaches have always been more then willing to modify my workouts to match my abilities until I was able to perform harder and more complex movements. Pull-ups became muscle-ups, push-ups became handstand push-ups, my 185-lb back squat moved to a 405-lb back squat plus plenty of other gains. If you’re thinking about making some changes in your life and want to give CrossFit a try, do it. I promise you’ll have all positive changes and make progress in one of the most supportive and friendly communities.” Learn more about the Challenge below!
The 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Started Yesterday, But You Still Have Three Days to Sign Up!
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kick-start positive changes. This year’s Challenge will follow a similar model to last year. There are two levels that you can choose to participate from.
- With Level 1, you’ll focus primarily on food quality and eating from a large spectrum of whole foods (lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, and legumes). This is a perfect place to start if you’re new to healthy eating or are having to re-learn what that means for you.
- With Level 2, you’ll be tracking macronutrients and focusing on eating particular quantities of them, adjusting along the way as necessary.
This year is a longer Challenge than we’ve done in a while—12 weeks instead of just 6. The reason behind this is that while extreme actions can bring rapid results, we’ve seen this often result in a “crash” where the individual rebels against the limiting factors of extreme dietary challenge. We’d rather you have more inclusive food options and change a few manageable things over a longer period than change many things for six weeks only to get lost in a haze of bagels, beer, and chocolate cake once the Challenge ends.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community.
What? A 12-week challenge meant as a collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are. You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet-Ups at the gym in addition to the online forums that you can look to for daily support. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day.
When? The dates of the Challenge are from Saturday 1/2/16 through Saturday 3/26/16. We’ll also be hosting a Community Potluck Dinner on 1/23/16 where you can meet and greet with fellow SBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with their food choices.
What will I need? For Level 1, only a desire to begin to make better food choices. For Level 2, you’ll need a food scale and a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons since you’ll be measuring out servings of lean protein, clean carbs, veggies, and fats. Whichever level you choose you should plan to do a bit of food shopping and prep beginning the first week to make good food choices easy.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
Wait, did you say prizes? Yes. The grand prize for both the men’s and women’s category is two months of FREE unlimited training at CFSBK, a $530+ value! There are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the men’s and women’s categories. Last year there was more than $2000 total value in cash prizes and gifts including a free month of dinners from Kettlebell Kitchen, gift cards to Lululemon, grass-fed steaks from Herondale, and lots of other great stuff too. This year looks to have more of the same awesomeness.
Additionally, Kettlebell Kitchen is extending a 15% discount throughout the Challenge to all CFSBK members who are participating!
Alright, you’re in? Great!
How To Participate:
Complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos HERE. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results.
- Begin tracking points earned daily on the 2016 LFPB Tracker based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines and submit 4 and 8 week check-in submissions.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. The dates for these sessions are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, and 3/18. The first discussion on January 7th is titled, “Why Should I Care About Nutrition Anyway?“
How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain TED-Ed
A Gym Culture Shift: Stop Shaming and Start Welcoming Breaking Muscle
Holy crap Brendan! I just assumed you had always been super athletic and strong. That's amazing progress in two years.
I signed up for the challenge. I already track my macros but I need to focus more on whole foods and kick the whiskey habit I've been cultivating over the past month or so. Also… sleep, fish oil, mobility- I need the accountability.
Brendan is a hottie
A. Static Strength
10-20 sec. ring support
5-10 Pushups 5-0-X-5
15 BTB Squats
B. MU Practice
Even: 3-5 Banded MU Transitions
Odd: 5 Ring Swings or 10 Bar Kip Swings
C. Conditioning
Run 400M
25 Burpee-Pullup-K2E
Gonna try to be better about posting during the challenge. 8am with the Foxes:
EMOM @ 115#
First two rounds I really tried to work on cycling my grip and was getting a little squirrely. Last 6 rounds kept the hands closed and just tightened the hook grip on the way down. These were probably the best power cleans have ever felt for me. 135# actually may have been more appropriate.
WOD Rx in 11:53 (I think)
Swings were unbroken in the first round and then broke things up into 2 sets for the 40/30 then unbroken the rest of the way. These were fine. Situps were very broken. Need to work on these as they really slow me down in these workouts.
9am with the Foxes
Emom @ 135#
These felt good. Took a round for me to get the right positioning on the cycle but felt good after that. Nice to work on cycling these in small sets.
WOD in 9:47 Rx'd.
Took lady fox's advice and did everything unbroken. Kb swings were easy but those sit-ups became difficult.
10 AM with KHarpzzzz
Did the EMOTM work with 65# snatches instead of cleans, and burpees to dumbbells. Kept a consistent pace throughout but this was way harder than I thought it would be!
WOD 9:34 Rx. Everything unbroken, although I can't say the sit-ups were fast. Still pleased with myself for not having to rest.
135# – This served as a good way to get the heart rate up a bit and warm up the muscles but it was never too difficult and I was able to go full force the whole way. Facing Ben Lock was a little added incentive to move fast.
KB Annie
It's no secret that I hate sit ups more than anything. Mostly because I suck at them which is strange because my GHD and Toes To Bar are pretty strong. I think it's time to get back to basics. Finished in 12:27. Steve kicked this WOD in the ass. My title as 37th fittest person at CFSBK may be in jeopardy if he keeps this up.
Make up post- Saturday OG
First workout of 2016 didn't go as planned…although not surprised. Shoulder has gotten too painful–attempted a couple rounds of snatch complex programming and eventually nixed It altogether..
Clean pulls @ 93% 5×5
Called it.
Signed up for Dr. Sean's 8 week bulletproof shoulders programming. Ready to address, strengthen and stabilize my shoulder(s). Will start with the assessment tests this week, pop in for a good visit with him and start my performance care work.
Rest of the body feels trashed, brain too. Looking forward to taking a break from hitting the weightlifting for a while, add in some conditioning and reset.
EMOM @83#
I was very consistent throughout, finishing burpees and the PCs in about 17s each round. Left shoulder was smoked afterwards though.
WOD Rx'd in 9:44
Had to break up the swings bc my left shoulder was so tired. Grip was fine. 50, 20-20, 15-15, 20, 10. Situps were pretty slow today. I think I did 50 situps during the round of 40 by accident.
3 x 10 abwheel roll-outs. Seems I wasn't staying hollow enough- thank you for letting me know Ken! Omg so much harder when you really focus on that!
5 x Pull-ups
5 x HSPUs to one abmat
11am class with Noah
EMOM @93#
Surprised myself here. Thought it would be too heavy but it wasn't. Great to work on touch and go cleans. My main focus was to keep the bar close as this is what always falls apart when I'm under pressure. Burpees were way faster than usual too. Oly shoes helped maybe?
KB Annie Rx in 8:03. Harder than Annie but these are two movements I'm pretty fast at. Everything unbroken.
EMOM @ 95#
Felt pretty consistent. Was using a 45# bar, which fried my thumb a little using the hook grip. Nice practice to do those quick bursts.
WOD: 8:17 Rx.
All unbroken. My competitive side got me through the sit-ups.
Just wondering for the challenge if we don't do the crossfit WOD but we are doing our own workout if that counts towards points?
Dropped into my once-a-week group class at 10am:
EMOM @ 73# – a light power clean weight for me but wanted to keep everything moving fast as I don't get much conditioning in during my regular training.
WOD: scaled to 1/2 volume because I'm currently avoiding longer/high-rep WODs so they don't interfere with my regular training. Sit-ups are incredibly slow for me, maybe I'm still being too careful with things post-diastasis?
Today I feel strong but S-L-O-W.
Charlie and Kayleigh: damn, that's fast!
WOD # 1@115lbs and 7 not-so-strict burpees.
WOD #2 @24kg bell. Started doing the full complement of sit-ups, but in the second round I cramped badly so I cut the volume in half. Finished in 10:23.
Ow ow brendan! It'll be two years for me in July, so I'm really hoping LFPB challenge unveils my abs and I get a muscle-up this year like you!!!
11am AR…gotta get that extra 15+min mobilization point!
Power Clean/Burpee EMOM: 78#, tried to focus on getting under the bar fast… need to keep bar close. This was so fun. Felt like I could've gone for 10 more rounds, so I should've probably gone heavier.
KB Annie: 9:23. CHARLIE & KAYLEIGH! dear lord, I was going as fast as I could… need to figure out how to get faster at kettlebell swings! Wish I would've read your times before working out :/
AG: Fun warm-up 5 push-ups in a hollow position 5-0-X-5 :P, :20 ring hold, 15 B2B squats 5s. pause
Muscle-Up EMOM:
Green Band Transitions: Have improved!
Kip Swing practice.
2 rounds + a 75 m row in 20:00:
550 m run
25 gut busters (burpee, jumping pull-up from a 12"? step, knees to elbow)
Did *not* push the wod all but am glad I did it.
MAKE UP POST/LOG. Warning: long-windedness ahead!
THU 12/31:
FSQ: 45X5, 95X4, 125X3
145X5X3, belt
3×5 butterfly pull-up, 3×3 strict pull-up
15 calorie row
5 push jerk (115#)
-cycling 115 did not feel possible. reset for each rep, but not bad. pushing under well!
Accessory: 3 rds
5 pistols each side (no assist)
5 butterfly pull-ups
SAT 1/2/16… dear diary…
SNATCH (kilos)… wasn’t planing on going heavy today, but Fox saw me warming up and said things were looking good, so that lit a bit of a fire 🙂
3 position + a few singles: 25kg, 35kg
59F (fwd off the floor)
59 (PR! 129.8#) – it’s a half a kilo PR, but i’ll take it!
*have attempted 60kg a few times, so decided to skip it today and go for 61. upon video review, it's high enough. pull under faster and commit, sharp in the catch!
In Open WOD 13.1, three years ago, i had actively avoided the snatch up until that point when attending class at SBK and was shocked when I was able to somehow get some reps over my head in the round of 75#. I never EVER would have thought that one day I’d be able to snatch 130#.
With a Running Clock:
500m row
10 power snatch, 95# (scaled to 7 reps)
15 box jump (scaled to 12 reps)
20 pull-ups (scaled to 15 reps: 5-4-3-3 butterfly)
When Running Clock hits 20:00:
25 shoulder to overhead, 95# (10-6-5-4)
50 bsq, 95# (scaled to 35 reps: 10-10-10-5)
100 kb swing, 16kg (scaled to 50 reps)
200 double unders
Part A time: 16:43? I think?
Total time: 37:07
Happy with how I scaled Part A, so I could complete it with some time to rest. If I had done full volume, I am almost positive I wouldn’t have finished in 20:00.
Part B I knew I was going to scale the squats as I’m still being cautious with my hip and higher volume esp. under fatigue. It was feeling pretty good so I feel ready to push this on the nest WOD. Mid-back (around T12 i think) got really compressed/seized and I laid down to let it chill after the first 25 swings. Decided not to push it there.
Those doubles were torture. Mostly sets of 20. Felt like forever.
9am with the Foxes. EMOM clean work @115, partnered with James, one of our visitors from Australia. These felt pretty good, though I was a little loose on the last couple of clean sets. I really tried to focus on keeping my back set on the burpees and not worming up off the floor-because that REALLY lights up my low back. This was fun, but I was glad to see it end.
Annie and her kettlebell can take a long walk off a short pier. I did this with a 20kg bell and…finished – I was so busted that I forgot to check my time. The encouragement I got from the whole 9am class, DO, and my kids during the rounds of 20 and 10 were the difference between me finishing this and me saying to hell with it. So thanks, all! It was a damn good illustration of why I keep at this.
After yesterday's trip to Squatsylvania and today's dance with Annie, I'm looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Where do we record the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better test WOD? I can not find it in the google doc. thanks.
Whit! I'm stuck at 68 with snatch (previously 53…) so reading your progress is pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing. I know manyyyy folks who feel the same way. Good to know break-throughs are possible.
@Bob – you'll submit your test and re-test scores at the end of the 12 weeks.
Anyone else: Ask questions in the forums! Let's get these going!
small 8am class so I jumped in.
EMOM rx'd
-5 tng cleans fast (0:08-0:12)
-7 burpees fast for me (0:12-0:15)
KB Annie
9:38 (i think)
-situps are not a strength. all kbs unbroken though.
Morit, yes
Did literally an hour of soft tissue and mobility work. Feeling 1000% better
Partnered up with Melo for the first part of this workout
Line Drills
3 Rounds
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/10
15 GHD Sit-Ups
Squat Clean
High Hang Squat Clean
1-2-3-4-5 Reps for time
Thruster 135
Kipping Muscle-Up
5:36 I think?
Missed a couple days being under the weather – felt great to get the blood pumping again.
LBBS: 108 x 12 x 2
FSQT: 85 x 12 x2
Sat WOD:
10 box jump 20"
10 DL 78#
5 Push Jerk 78#
5 rounds + 10 box jump + 10 DL
Felt I had a little left in the tank so I joined Asha in KB Annie: 10:05
Packed OG
Went in with little motivation/feeling the burnout but was glad for the atmosphere and lifting next to the big guy. He always helps.
Power Clean + Clean + Clean complex:
70% x 2 (54kg)
75% x 2 (58kg)
65% x 8 (oops should've been 6)
70% x 6
75% x 5
80% x 5
3 Rounds:
15 GHD back extensions
15 sit ups
10 black burns/birds/wtvr Coach calls them
Glad I came, glad I moved.
OG after 10 days off.. Quads on fireeee.
HBBS: 126x12x2
FS: 105x11x1. 105x10x1. My quads were tight so i called it at 11 and 10.
LFPB capacity test…wish i hadn't done this after the squats. my quads were not loving the pushups. 5 rounds +3. PU and squats were a good speed. Major room for improvement on the pushups.
47 calories on the row.
Very helpful OG session with Dan G, who wanted to do last crush week's "1000m row + 10 rounds DT + 1000m row" partner workout. So I did:
500m row
5 rounds @ 135:
15 DL (5 + 5 + 4 + 1 ->)
9 HPC (4 + 4 + 1 ->)
6 Push jerk (unbroken)
500m row
After the first round at 135 I was smoked and told Dan (who was doing it RX at 155) there was no way I could finish at that weight and was going down. He said that I had rushed through it and of course I was tired, but I should try another round at 135. So I tried it… made my rests a lot longer… and it got easier each round as I acclimated, and my form improved a bit on the HPC and push jerk (got under the bar rather than pulling/pushing harder). The pacing was a lot slower than I'm used to, but it was a great exercise for me to stick with the heavier weight.
What I don't like about working slowly is that I never get to feel like I'm close to red-lining… so the fact that this workout finished with a row was perfect for me, and I finished feeling tired both from lifting & from sprinting on the erg.
Dave P
Good on you for slugging at it at 135. Form permitting, heavier weights in metcons are a hidden strength stimulus. There are plenty of other metcons where things are lighter to redline in.
9am class with the Foxes
EMOM work with Steve went really well
T&G PCs took about 11 seconds each round
Burpees took about 14 seconds each round
Had a sweet thing eye contact thing going with Matty that kept it awkward and quick!
WOD rx'ed 11:18
KB swings + sit ups
Did the first round unbroken which wasn't too bad. The sit ups really got to me though after the round of 40!
Came in for OG to catch up on all the squats!
BS & FS @ 60% 2×12
All the rounds felt good; haven't done that many reps in a while so that was fun
Snatch Balance + OHS
Worked up to a heavy single on the combo then went back down
135 / 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 185 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235F / 2015 / 185 / 155 / 135
I could have made the 235 if I was a little more fresh but alas, next time!
WOD For Time
50-40-30 double unders
10-8-6 HSPUs
There was supposed to be 2 more rounds buy my shoulders were completely fried, this was not a good WOD to try and do after all those snatch balances and OHS, o well.