Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 85% x 1 x 2, Front Squat 85% x 1 x 2
Numbers based off recent 1RM.
Back Squat: 2 x 5, Front Squat 2 x 5
Use same load at Exposure 1.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5/16
Look Feel Perform Better Capacity Test WOD
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minutes Max Calorie Row
Post rounds, calories, and Rx to comments.
CrossFit Preschool and Kids coach Janelle is also a licensed CPR instructor. We make sure everyone on staff is trained for emergencies. Here are Front Deskers Mirko, Charlie, and Greg getting recertified.
Holiday Schedule Changes
TOMORROW (12/31) New Year’s Eve:
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Normal Open Gym hours
Friday (1/1) New Year’s Day:
ON: 11am*(extra class), 12pm, 1pm, Open Gym from 3:30-8:30pm
CANCELLED: 6/7/8/10am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Evening Open Gym hours only
Have You Signed Up For the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Yet? Make Sure to Follow These Steps…
Complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos here. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results. This WOD is programmed for TOMORROW, but can easily be performed on your own at Open Gym.
- Begin tracking points earned daily on the spreadsheet (which will be live soon!) based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines and submit 4 and 8 week check-in submissions.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. The dates for these sessions are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, and 3/18. The first discussion on January 7th is titled, “Why Should I Care About Nutrition Anyway?“
Want to Work at the Front Desk??
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff our beloved Front Desk! Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym.
On top of an hourly wage, Front Desk staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances). Preference will be given to candidates with the flexibility to change shifts in the new year.
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
‘Gym Wildlife’ Perfectly Mocks Every Single Person at Your Gym, Including You BroBible
MattyChm says
6am with a rare appearance by Whitney
High Bar – 260# x1x2
Front Squat – 215# x1x2
This felt heavy today. Probably from missing a squat exposure last week and eating like crap.
LFPB Challenge
9 Rounds plus 10 Push Ups
53 Calories
Ben Lock says
HI All,
I posted a few days ago but I have an extra digital scale for anyone doing the LFPB Challenge. If anyone wants it shoot me an email and I can leave it at the front desk.
blockspeiser at gmail
Latasha Burnett says
6am Class
High Bar – 280# x2x1
Front Squat – 225# x2x1
This felt really really light today. I'm coming from another box (Bay Ridge Crossfit), so i'm more use to doing 85% of my 1 rep max for volume (8+reps) instead of just 1 rep so I'm sure that's why. It was so light that it was hard to fight the urge to go much heavier.
LFPB Challenge
6 Rounds plus 10 reps (5 ring rows, 5 push ups). I could have done more rounds had I just did my push ups from my knees, but I'm trying to get stronger at push ups so I just broke them up as I started to tire.
40 Calories for the Row. A bit intense coming off of the WOD, but I didn't do as bad as I thought I would.
Dan L says
6am with Whit
HBBS – 270x1x2
FSQ – 225x1x2
Moved nicely. No belt yet, which I'm hoping to keep up for the whole cycle
Modified the WOD with BK to a 10 minute AMRAP of 2 Bar Muscle-ups 4 HSPU and 8 pistols.
Got 10 rounds plus 2 MUs – happy with how that went
Joined in for the 3 min row and got 70 cal
BK says
6am w/ a special appearance by Whit
HBBS: 235x1x2 then FSQ: 205x1x2. Everything moved well. No belt as well, focusing on bracing.
Metcon: I was able to corrupt Dan L to join my modified WOD:
2 bar muscle ups
8 pistols, alternating legs
8 rounds flat. I realized I did muscle up and HPSU work only 12 hours before while sandbagging the row. Just felt disorganized the entire time on all three movements. Took an easy row thru the "park" to cool down.
Allie B. says
Have had a horrible time getting my flight back to NYC because of the storm on Monday. :*( I'm missing cfsbk!!!
Went to OG at my neighborhood Crossfit to make up for some stuff I've missed:
Warm-up 10 min EMOM:
7box jumps
:30 hollow hold
HBBS: 95 2×12
Front squat: 80 2×12
– ladies, need motivation on reps 8-12? Check out boss girl certified on Instagram ๐
Lfpb challenge WOD: 8 rounds + 1 pull-up.
Last year I did ring rows and push ups from the knee with 7 rounds +9 reps! Today all 5 pullups unbroken every round and all strict push ups! So exciting to see real growth ๐
4 rounds:
3 shoulder** to rings pullups (pulling to ribs was not gunna happen!)
3 MU transitions green band
3 dips
4 pistols on 10lbs plate
Cash out:
5×10 GHD sit-ups. Considered v-ups, but did a bunch of those in the airport yesterday :X
Hopefully Friday I'll be able to makeup heavy squat and 30 power cleans for time, then I should mostly be caught up. Bye!
Melody says
Allie – We miss you too!!!!
7am with Coach Whit
BSQ – 2×5 at 135
FW – 2X5 at 115
LFPB Challenge
6 round + 2 pullups
45 calorie row
I used the green band for the pull ups and stuck with push ups on my knees to keep it consistent (I knew there was no way I would be able to do strict the whole time). I felt pretty strong on the row, but my arms were toast after this.
Starting the strength cycle on Monday. I am interested to see what sort of results the strength cycle and 12 weeks of the challenge yield in March.
Carlos says
Test: 10rnds 7reps. 46cals
Jack L. says
8 am with Whit & Ro
Nice to be back after a nine-day baked-good binge in the Midwest. The only exercise I got last week was a brief trip to the bowling alley. (Turns out that while CrossFit has improved my life in many ways, it has not made me a better bowler.)
LBBSQ — 165 x 5 x 2
FSQ — 135 x 5 x 2
WOD (w/ ring rows)
7 rounds + 8 reps on the AMRAP
50 cals on the row
Excited to fire up our new food scale!
Kayleigh R. says
LBBS: 210x1x2
FSQ: 165x1x2
LFPB Test: This is my first time doing the challenge, so I guess the first time doing this WOD with full pull-ups and push-ups is fitting. Finished with 5 rounds + 1 squat. Row was 54 calories.
KLove says
Performance squats:
LBBS: 180x1x2 Felt heavier than expected. I missed both squat exposures last week though.
FSQT: 135x1x2
LFPB capacity test: 9 rounds Rx'd
Pullups: unbroken
Pushups: Broken up from the start. Triceps are still fatigued from AG on Sunday so this is where I can improve.
Squats: unbroken and fast.
Row: 38 calories ๐
Last year I did 7 +12 Rx'd on the metcon so I improved greatly. My pushups are a lot stronger and air squats are a lot faster now. I also didn't waste time during transitions like I usually do. Row was the same as last year so I need to put in some extra work on the erg.
@Allie, Awesome job! You are going to crush Murph this year!!!!!
Fox says
Bench Press
Close Grip
Delt Flyes
Deficit Deadlift
Strict K2E
Palloff Hold
Red @6' x :35 x 4
Christian Arca says
12PM with Arturo
HBBS @ 180 2 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
180 x 5
180 x 5
The bar felt heavier than last week. I really worked hard to lift through my hips and keep my heels down, and even though the weight felt heavier and I felt tired under the bar my position felt good. Next week will be interesting if we increase to 6 reps.
Front Squat @ 165 2 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
My legs were tired and I could tell this was going to be challenging. It's one thing to do front squats on fresh legs, doing them after a heavy set of 5 back squats. Different game.
My first set my hands were a bit too wide on the bar and it was hard for me to keep a firm grip on the bar, but I got it done. The second set I had a much better grip and position on the bar so I could leverage a straighter torso (thanks to Ro for the coaching). It felt stronger and better, but at the 4th rep I was feeling very tired under the bar and was almost sure I wouldn't get through the 5th rep. My grip started to go on my left hand but i managed to stand up, even though it was a little ugly.
No pull-ups for me. Stuck to ring rows.
8 rounds
50 calories
Rings unbroken.
Went for a 5-3-2 scheme on my push-ups which helped a ton. The 8th round I ended up breaking up the push-ups to 3-2-2-1-1.
Air squats I stayed steady and consistent, and when the last 1:30 ticked over I tried to do these as quick as possible while maintaining good form.
Rowing was rowing. Pulled hard, recovered slow, did that for as long as possible and then tried to focus on using my legs more to keep the pulling hard. At the last 30 seconds I went as hard as possible.
lady fox says
(45x10x2, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1) 235x1x2
-last warmup was probably a little too close to work. used a belt for the work sets. also got a massage yesterday and had maybe a couple extra drinks last night so these felt harder than they should have.
-used a belt but these both felt great.
Crash B's rowing: 3 x 15mins with 5 min rest in between:
1) 3252m, 2) 3225m 3) 3320m (approximates)
-we were supposed to have negative split times on each but I faltered in the 2nd when a stray hair on my back was driving me crazy and I had to stop to find it.
Plan to do the LFPB test wod tomorrow!
Samir Chopra says
10 AM with Jeremy
HBBS: 255x1x2
FSQ: 215x1x2
WOD: 3 squats short of 7 rounds (5 strict pull-ups each round) + 44 calories.
Ryan says
215 2×1 bsq
195 2×1 fs
9 rds + 10 reps for the metcon
59 cal on the 3 min row.
That row crushed me.
kristin caps says
LBBS: 155 x 1 x2
FSQT: 120 x 1 x 2
DB Bench press 25# x 8 x 1
DB bench press 30# x 8 x 3
4 rounds
10 burpees
8 power snatch 20#
6 lunges with 20# over head – last round, really revealed the weakness in my T spine, wowsa
Time – 5 something, forgot to look..WINDED
Cash out 30 sec prone (15#) & supine hold x 3
Dinner at Insa on Douglas. delicious Korean Fare, check it out!!!
dave p says
6:30 with Noah and Melissa.
I've been trying to find the right squat weight for me on the "fitness" regimen. Today I did HBBS 250×5, 260×5 then front squat 235×5 and 245×5. HBBS was medium hard but, oof, that 245×5 was great! I was having emotions today and was looking forward to this all day. Success. Guts felt exhausted after the 2nd front squat set.
WOD — compare to:
Last few WODs I didn't really push myself that hard, but I did today. Last time I did this I got 7 rounds + 3 pullups… today I was just 7 squats shy of 9 rounds. Any day I'm only 1 round behind MattyChm is a good day.
Row — 53 calories, exactly 1 fewer than a year ago. But I pushed very hard to get this and am happy with the effort. Tried to force myself to do a cooldown row after but it was too pathetic so I went home and ate. Everything.
Stella says
Kristin: Wait, the karaoke place on Douglass is finally open?
CFSBKaraoke. Who's in?!