4-5 Rounds Not For Time:
3 Strict Ribs to Rings Pull-Ups (Pull as high as possible, finish with knuckles close and elbows in)
3 Strict Muscle-Up Transitions (no dip)
3 Strict Ring Dips
3 Strict Muscle-Ups
Rest as needed between movements.
4-5 Rounds Not For Time:
3 Strict Leg Assist Ribs to Rings Pull-Ups (toes under rings, use leg assist as much as needed)
3 Strict Muscle-Up Transitions (same leg assist, no dip. BE SURE TO TRANSITION TO THE VERY BOTTOM OF A DIP)
3 Strict Ring Dips (mature bottom and top support, jumping if necessary)
1-3 Strict Muscle-Up Attempts *if close, if not then stick with the first 3 drills
Post work and rounds to comments.
4 Rounds For Times:
270m Run
9 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 1 Minute
Take these at a sub-max effort. Goal is consistent times for each round. Assess a 15 burpee penalty for each round +/- 7 seconds from your best. Any penalty burpees are to be performed immediately after the last round. ROM scale to 1 or 2 AbMats are okay for the HSPU. Pace accordingly so that your HSPUs don’t fall apart and cost you a bunch of burpees!
4 Rounds for Times:
12 Push Presses 95/65
270m Run
Rest 1 Minute
Take these at a sub-max effort. Goal is consistent times for each round. Assess a 15 burpee penalty for each round +/- 7 seconds from your best. Any penalty burpees are to be performed immediately after the last round. The push press weight should be light enough to do unbroken.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Before 608, before the Annex, before 597, before the Brooklyn Lyceum, there was St. Mary’s Playground. Here is a flyer from 2007 when CFSBK was just David Osorio in a park with a handful of people meeting on Sunday mornings. A little reminder that nothing beats persistence, hard work, and love for what you do. Thank you to all of our amazing coaches and the rest of our community for carrying the torch!
Holiday Schedule Changes
Thursday (12/31) New Year’s Eve:
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Normal Open Gym hours
Friday (1/1) New Year’s Day:
ON: 11am*(extra class), 12pm, 1pm, Open Gym from 3:30-8:30pm
CANCELLED: 6/7/8/10am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Evening Open Gym hours only
2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Check List
Are you participating in the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? Complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos here. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results. This WOD will be programmed on December 30th, but can easily be performed on your own at Open Gym.
- Begin tracking points earned daily on the spreadsheet (which will be live soon!) based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines and submit 4 and 8 week check-in submissions.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. The dates for these sessions are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, and 3/18. The first discussion on January 7th is titled, “Why Should I Care About Nutrition Anyway?“
Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session: “Why Should I Care About Nutrition Anyway?”
Why do and should we care about nutrition? Isn’t it enough that we come to CrossFit and work hard?
Attend this Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session, the first in our bi-monthly Q&A Info Sessions this year. These sessions will function more as a support group setting than a true lecture, though they will begin with a lecture. In this particular session, we’ll discuss how and why what you feed yourself with has direct impact on your performance and body composition. An open Q&A will follow.
Where: CFSBK’s second floor Annex
When: Thursday, January 7th at 6:30pm
Detox: It’s All A Con The Stats Guy
Making Money, Getting Strong: Two Grow-Up Responsibilities PJ Media
Watch Serena Williams’s Inspiring Sportsperson of the Year Acceptance Speech Time
Love the flyer, thanks for posting!
Gymnastics work:
Got through 3 rounds plus the 3 pull-ups in 12 minutes. This was very hard, especially the transitions, which were harder for me than strict MUs for some reason. It definitely did help in dialing in my transition and strengthening those positions though.
Metcon rounds were 1:36, 1:31, 1:35, 1:36. All HSPU unbroken
I was a total insomniac so I came to 6 AM.
Jess was right to worry whether false grip was going to work for me. It doesn't, at least not yet (boo!), so I stuck with 6 rounds of 10 pushups and 5 strict chins, which was plenty tough.
WOD with 30# DBs: 2:01, 1:58, 2:00, 2:03. I'm usually pretty good at being consistent in this kind of workout even when there isn't a burpee penalty attached, but I made damn sure not to have to do any this time!
6am with the Foxes
Fun to work on the muscle up work. Did the fitness version from the floor, everything felt fairly easy so after a few rounds I gave strict muscle ups a try. Not even close. Think I have the strength just need to work on that transition from the low rings some more.
Performance WOD
2:10, 2:16, 2:15, 2:xx with 7-7-5-4 strict HSPU
I knew I wouldn't be able to do 9 all rounds while keeping within +/- 7 seconds so went with 7. Worked fine the first two rounds then I failed on #6 in round 3 so scaled from there. Probably should have done 2 burpee penalties since I scaled it on the fly to stay penalty free but just did 1 for that last round.
15-12-12 GHD cash out with Dan L. Tried to do a sit-up for every cookie I ate over Xmas.
Small 6am class with the Foxes
Gymnastics work: It was my first time ever trying any sort of muscle up transition and it certainly felt that way. Fox gave me some helpful pointers. It was fun to get some exposure, but I have a lot of work ahead of me if I ever want to come close.
WOD at 63# 1:55, 2:01, 2:00, 2:01. I settled into a decent pace, allowing some transition time to put on my hat and gloves before running.
It was really nice to get back in the gym and moving again after a few days of fairly little activity and lots of eating.
10 am with Noah (see you next week 6am).
I think it's always interesting to dissect such complex movements and focus on each piece. Tough on the hands and wrists. I need to focus more on dips (I have been using bands too much for support).
WOD at 63#: 1:40, 1:41, 1:42, 1:39. Consistency achieved.
Did some deadlifting after: 135×5, 185×5, 235×5, 255×5.
Then 21-15-9 deadlifts (185#) and box jumps (20"): 4:55.
X-over Syms
Gymnastic Work:
5 rounds of heavily modified MU work (as in using a whole-lotta-legs)
5 Ribs to Rings
5 Transitions
10 Matadors
Press: 75x8x6
15mins of Double Under practice
I asked Santa for Double Unders this Christmas.
He's now officially dead to me.
MU transitions were fun but tough.
Fitness metcon: 2:04, 1:54, 1:53, 1:52
45 burpee penalty.
Def was too conservative on the first round and didn't push it that are on the remaining three so should have gone a little harder all around.
5 minutes of DUs: 156
Only lightly better than my previous best of 145, BUT I did more than 50% of them in the first 2 minutes. Then I got tired and tripped up a lot.
So excited to see our fearless leader in the Wall Street Journal!
Wow I had no idea about that article on the WSJ. An email that they would be referencing it or better yet a LINK to the actual article would have been much better.. but alas. Thanks for the Find, Meg!
Also, follow up to the flier.. it's been the only advertising CFSBK has ever done and it brought in exactly zero people to the park 🙂
Good times back in the gym today. Got a couple little workouts in at home between doing puzzles with Nana, reading, relaxing, and eating ALL THE COOKIES, BREAD, AND PIE.
Xmas Eve:
Snatch: 73, 83x1x3, 93x1x2, 103x1x2, 113x1x2 (87%)
WOD: For Time…
30 OHS 95#
30 TTB
10 Snatch 95# (full, not power)
20 CTB Pull-ups
Time: 12:20
OHS 12-10-8. woof. TTB mostly in 5's, still disappointed with how long it takes me to get through these. Snatches all singles. CTB mostly 3's and 2's to chip away.
Boxing Day: trail run (just under 2 miles I think?) with 5 sets of 20 air squats peppered in. Good quad/adductor/calf stretch after but then… Knee felt really funky after this. Hurt a lot on the plane last night.
Today! Did some release work on my calf/hamstring/ITB… knee feeling betterish
WU: 3 Rds
-Banded hip warm up (side/front+back)
-Glute Bridge on bench: 8 L, 4 R
-3 strict chin with :10 hold on last rep
-7 push up
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2, 165×2
*Belted. This matches my best ever 3×5 on LBBS. Felt decently smooth. Last set got a bit off tension and racing to the bottom. Stop doing that.
Jerk (from rack):
PP, PJ, SJ: 63, 83
PJ, SJ: 103
158 (3# PR! bit of a press out)
163 F
163 (PR! left elbow *slightly* soft, but I'm counting that one!)
-Heavy jerks are mostly mental for me. The bar is getting high, my footwork is pretty good. Just have to commit and push myself under/through. There's more here 🙂
mini conditioning
3 rounds…
300m row
15 push ups
15 TTB
Didn't time it. Just kept moving. Wanted to get some more volume in here b/c both of those movements are feeling weak/unpracticed lately. Push ups 6-5-4, 5-5-5, then 3's. TTB 10-5, 6-5-4, 5-3-3-singles
4:30pm Group Class with NORO Medicine Show
Strict Muscle-Ups
5 Sets of 3 with an extended hold at the top of the last one
Inverted Kipping Muscle-Ups
Run/HSPU Metcon
Did all HSPUs Strict
R1: 1:50 (9)
R2: 2:01 (7-2)
R3: 2:08 (6-3)
R4: 2:19 (6-2-1)
Did 30 Burpees
I think everyone should do HSPUs Strict.
Post workout:
5 Rounds FT
"Physical Mental Therapy"
6 Stone to Shoulders (80lb DBALL)
6 Walking Lunges with DBALL on Shoulder
1 25' Rope Climb
Reverse Tabata L-Sit x6 Rounds
Parallette Handstand Practice
Nice work getting a mention in the WSJ, DO, although sheesh! They couldn't have called you for a quote instead of just copy-pasting your post?
I have forwarded to my husband, who lifts at globo-gyms and is forever complaining about people who don't know how to spot properly. (Fortunately, he's usually upset because someone grabbed the bar without letting him put up a fight first, not because someone spaced out and let a bar drop on him!)
Wandered in to the 5:30 class and realized I've barely eaten today… weird that I felt fine. Must be working off my stored xmas horrormoviefest calories.
NFT work was fine but that grip is really rough on my wrists. After DO gave a little pep talk on not giving up I almost-but-not-quite got my first muscle up… I'm more fixated on goals like hitting a 2x BW squat, but it would be nice to get this movement in 2016.
I sped up a lot during the WOD, took the first round waaaay too 80%. Fitness RX with rounds 2:18, 2:12 (whew), 1:57 (oops), 2:00. Finished off with 15 burpees. Starting to get lightheaded, time to eat!
Fun 1:30 sesh with Ro & Comp Crew
Med Ball Squat drills w/ coach
3 R WU:
KB Wind mills (still rocking on the left side)
Prone PVC Press
50' KB carries
Messed around with some light Position Snatch complex work
Floor + Hang (nixed the second hang)
35kg x 2
37kg x 3
Snatch Pulls @ 80% 7×4
–I don't wanna
— where have straps been all my life
60% x 8
65% x 6
70% x 5
75% x 3
70% x5
attempted some cool down stretching
chowed down on a burrito from whole foods just to make the car ride home. hot bath, cold liniment oil, fierce nap. holy shit I think I left my legs at the gym this afternoon. ready for a rest day tomorrow and counting down until Jan 2 to get back on my strict RP Strength lifestyle sans alcohol until Bobby gets finished with the Open.
Fun programming today. Loved the skill work focus.
Got a couple strict MU but failed plenty more. Need to take some time on the floor working through the hand patterns.
Did HSPUs strict but w two abmats. Was able to do all 4 rounds unbroken, so maybe a smidge too easy.
Hey all, I have an extra Etekcity electronic kitchen scale model EK3550.
I accidentally bought 2 of them for the LFPB challenge.
If anyone else is doing it and wants one just shoot me an email and I'll bring it in at blockspeiser at gmail
DO – I believe this is what you mean by "Inverted Kipping Muscle-Ups" –