Paused Overhead Squat
Work up to a heavy double, holding the bottom for a 2-count each rep.
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A: Jump Rope Practice
Fitness: 10 minutes working on Double-Unders
Performance: “Annie”
B: 10:00 Row for Max Meters
Post work/time to comments.
Compare “Annie” times to 7.31.14.
Coach Noah’s CrossFit Teens getting their flex on last week. Learn more about this awesome program below!
- Get your yoga on with Jaclyn this morning at 9am! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
- The Iron Maidens Raw Open 2016 is officially SOLD OUT. Nice work, strong CFSBK ladies! We can’t wait to see you wow us with your gainz in the New Year!
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Open Gym is CANCELLED this Sunday night.
Have You Heard About Our CrossFit Teens Program Yet?!
Have a teenager who is looking to gain a competitive advantage in their sport, improve their fitness, learn new skills, and have fun in a supportive, social environment? CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well- rounded athletes. The workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scalable for any participant at any level.
Classes will begin with a warm-up and icebreaker-style question. Each class will include skill practice and a strength development aspect, specifically designed to be accessible and appropriate to teenaged athletes. Classes will finish with a WOD, or Workout of the Day, designed to test work capacity, endurance, skill, and strength in a fun, competitive, but inclusive environment. As the school year starts, post-class homework time will be included to take advantage of the increased mental capacity brought about by movement and physical exertion.
Tuesdays: 4:30p – 5:30p
Thursdays: 4:30 – 5:30p
Single Class Drop-in: $35
10 pack: $300 ($30/class)
Questions? Email Coach Noah at Noah [at] for more information!
CFSBK’s 2016 Dog Calendars Make Great Holiday Gifts!
The 2016 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a cash donation of $25 or more. A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym but they are sure to run out quick. Never fear, you can place your order by filling out this online form, or sign up at the Front Desk. Pre-paying at the Front Desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas Day. Email breebree [at] (the superstar behind the calendar!) for any questions.
7 Reasons to Start Your Day with Lemon Water Cleveland Clinic
Bed Spaghetti, Everyone Eats Alone
6am with Nick and Jess
pause OHSx2: 65,70,75,80,85, failed 90.
10 minute row…did it at a conversational pace b/c I wanted to PR Annie: 2240 meters
Annie: 7:16.
Did "annie " with DU attempts at full volume in March and got 9:09.
OHS: 45×5, 95×3, 115×2, 135×2, 155×2. Ran out of time and didn't want to load up too much weight on my shoulder.
Erg: ~2600m, just kept it under a 2min split time.
Annie: 7:09 Rx. No where close to my PR. Doubles unbroken except one trip up on the 30's. My abs feel like scrambled eggs. No GHDs today.
6am with Jess and Nick
Pause OHS: 75, 85, 95, 105, 110 These all felt good and could probably go heavier but ran out of time. This is 12lbs heavier than my best snatch so now I just have to figure out how to convince my body to get down when snatching.
DU practice: I wasn't going into this with the best attitude since its not my favorite movement. Nick convinced me to try it with my mouth open and I magically got 8 in a row. The was much easier once my body was relaxed.
Row: 2173m. I was going for low to medium effort here. There is something meditative about rowing, especially when you're not going all out.
I am so greatful that you guys thought of Pupstarz Rescue to donate proceeds from the calendar!!!! EVERYONE should buy one!
But if you don't want a calendar, you can always make a donation directly to Pupstarz to help us continue to rescue and rehab animals in need!
A friend sent me this asking if this is "what we do" at CFSBK –
This Guy
6am with Jess & Nick
OHS – 95, 105, 115, 125 – Up to 115 was easy and full depth. Put 125 up and my shoulders were just fatigued. Jess said I dropped down all of 3" on both of them.
Row – 2550m. 20-22spm and a 2:00 pace. Didn't want to burn myself out for Annie
Annie – 8:16 Rx. Over 3 minutes faster than my last recorded time. Kayleigh (at least I think it was her, she was moving so fast I could only see a blur) next to me demonstrated why she doesn't need to join the boys' GHD club. DUs were great today, 50, 40, 10 unbroken. One trip at beginning of both 30 and 20.
@ Brendan B
I hope you told them, "No, those are all no reps, he didn't get full extension of the hips on any of them!."
OHS – 85, 95, 105, 115F. Probably should have just tried 110, but now I have a sense of where I need to work on
Row – 2399m. Really erg, you couldn't give me one more meter to round it out?
Annie – 6:27 Rx. Definitely beats my old time by at least a minute. Was unbroken on the DUs for al except the 50 when my rope hit the rack (I tend to move backwards when I jump). My competitive side got me through the suck of the sit ups.
@Steve I actually would like to (and definitely need to) join the club, but I always need to rush off to work. Maybe I'll start next week when I'm on break.
@Brendan…I'm pretty sure we have a blank leaderboard-board, and we should fill that with consecutive (Brendan you get to name em', whatever you want)…we should also lead our foundations class with an overview of that movement.
Speaking of which, I've always wanted to ask this…is the leaderboard "Tacos" really for tacos or is it for something else? DH3 is on way too many leaderboards.
Rolled around for about 30 minutes
10 Rounds
Every 3 Minutes
45 seconds Row Max Meters
5 GHD Sit Ups
Held about 220 meters each round which to be honest was not truly max effort but felt hard enough if you really must ask, thank you very much… Easing back into some volume on GHDSUs. I did 5×5 the other night and felt good. Double the total volume today, should be good. Next time I'll increase the reps per set to maybe 3×8 and go from there. Can't let Brad and Steve have all the abz.
6AM with surprise guest Nick and Lady Fox
OHS went up to 115#. Weight wasn't an issue. Right shoulder is still far from 100%. Glad to see the OHS again. I'm sure we'll be seeing it in one of the open WODs this year.
Row today was great. Put it on cruise control with Michael A and Mike for a little tea party.
Annie in 8:01 not my best but at least not my worst. Abs are en fuego. In my defense I was not prepared to start when the timer went off. Hair came undone after the round of 50 and I had to tie a knot in the rope to get going. After the first round all unbroken.
Must say I was a little disappointed that Steve and BK skipped on the GHDs today.
@Fox–I think you mentioned something last night about the REE equation being posted online somewhere, as well as the other info you talked about last night re: macros. Is that up somewhere already, or am I jumping the gun?
Fox – you found my abz? I haven't seen them for ages and KH and I have been searching for them for months now!
12:00pm Group Class
Paused Overhead Squats with Juan
Annie: 8:43
Row: Avg split 2:07.1 2,360 meters
@ Jenna – The LFPB Challenge widget should make it's appearance on the blog in the next day or two where everything(including the stuff you asked about) will live. I may also do another info session for Level 2 only where we can all do the math together and understand where to start with counting macros.
If anyone is into that then post to comments!
@Brad – the leaderboard for tacos is indeed for # of tacos consumed. And it will likely be property of Jeremy for a very, very long time.
@Fox – I would be interested in a level 2 math class
:::raises hand:::
O I'm interested!
i would be interested in a session on eating tacos.
I need more information on the tacos in question. There are tacos and there are TACOS, you know? In any event, I'm going to be in LA next week and I'm definitely going to get some training for that event in. I'm pretty sure this will be the year we'll see it in the Open.
Also, watching the deadlift-backflip thingy that guy was doing really drove home for me how terrible we all are at remembering to stand up straight and flex hard while gazing off into the majestic future every few reps. I, for one, intend to remedy that.
All I know about the tacoz is that it's max reps in 24 hours. Not sure how big they have to be.
The chicks' leaderboard is totally up for grabs. I just gotta put my mind to it…
I KNOW! Stella can we set a date and get it done?!
Good to be back in the gym after 11 days off.
Was disappointed to have to step out of the meet but looking forward to the next one.
Kept it light
45kg 1×5
CJ (skipped jerk on the last 3…shoulder = no bueno)
55kg 1×5
160 2×6
Fun, almost private 8:30
OHS: got new wrist wraps and I'm confident they helped my squats!
63-73-78-83-88(made one rep, failed second) probably could've made it if I wouldn't have been tired.
Annie: half volume single/single/doubles 7:32. I guess I need to buy a rope!
Row: over 2000m, but don't remember exactly. I was just happy I rowed for 10 full minutes.
@fox: I'd be interested in Level 2 math class- had to miss meeting yesterday.
@ariel and Stella! id also be interested in tacos! big thighs full hearts and stomachs– gotta use that gift card!
6:30 Class
OHS: 95,115,125,125 – only got 4 sets in, that pause on the bottle is brutal
Annie: I hit the time cap 13 situps into the round of 20. I think another 1-1.5 minutes and I would have been able to finish. Goal fo rnext time is to finish under the time cap.
Row: 2393 meters. Tried to stay under 2 minute pace but that didn't happen.
7:30 Active Recovery AKA Glutes of Glory with Whit. Some great work on problem areas and some voodoo flossing capped off with band walks which had our asses on fire!
A rare 7:30 class for me because I maybe drank a bit too much bourbon last night. Wasn't expecting a lot to be honest. Tis the season and all that.
75-85-95-100 x 1- bailed the second rep forward. I had it though- I just wobbled and lost my balance. Next time. I don't think I had ever OH squatted more than 73# so that was pretty cool.
'Annie' 6.29 Rx. PR! That's 1 min 11 seconds faster than when I did it in May!! Tripped up on the DU's in the first two rounds but the rest were unbroken. Sit-ups were fast despite my delicate stomach.
2267m on the erg
PRed my handstand hold after class too- a whole six seconds lol!!
Not a bad day, all things considered!!