Eduardo, with another gem in our series of Best Faces You Guys Made at Fight Gone Bad! | Photo by Thomas H.
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Active Recovery at 6:30pm, Pilates with KH at 7:30pm, or AntiGravity at 7:30pm.
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Open Gym is CANCELLED this Sunday night.
The 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A Meeting Is This Wednesday at 6:30pm
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kick-start positive changes.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community.
What? A 12-week challenge meant as a collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are. You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet-Ups at the gym in addition to the online forums that you can look to for daily support. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day.
When? The Info Session and Q&A is this Wednesday 12/16 at 6:30pm in the Annex, where Kettlebell Kitchen will be serving free food! Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you have. The dates of the Challenge are from Saturday 1/2/16 through Saturday 3/26/16. We’ll also be hosting a Community Potluck Dinner on 1/23/16 where you can meet and greet with fellow SBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with their food choices.
Seeking New Managing Editor for Your Favorite Blog
CFSBK Managing Editor Kate R. is heading back to Montana for five months starting in the middle of January and we are considering filling her position with a new editor. We will only fill the position if we find the right person. Maybe that person is you!
We’ve had several people tell us they joined CFSBK because they loved our blog and the kind of community and professionalism it reflects. Maintaining a popular blog has been a huge priority for us since the beginning, and we’ve been posting daily content since Day One. The blog is the primary means by which people get information about our gym.
On top of managing content on the blog, the Managing Editor maintains a consistent style guide for all our written materials, solicits and edits articles from our coaching staff, and writes interviews with community members and staff. It’s important that the Editor is an active member of the community.
- Part-time, between 7-10 hours a week. Compensation will be commensurate with experience, and includes a comped membership.
- Posting daily blog posts before midnight according to the blog’s Style Guide, with an accompanying photo from our Flickr account.
- Posting and maintaining event and program pages (and all other pages).
- Posting and maintaining schedule changes on the Class Schedule page, and staying on top of last-minute changes and closures.
- Managing the gym’s Flickr account and ensuring photography needs are taken care of for relevant events.
- Daily communication with Coach David, and occasional check-in meetings.
- Self-directed, independent working style, with willingness to take initiative in getting the necessary information for daily posts and events.
- Strong writing and editing skills, and attention to formatting style guidelines.
- Strong attention to detail and ability to quickly and frequently assimilate a large amount of information.
- Familiarity with Squarespace or proven ability to quickly learn a new CMS.
- Staying on top of 10-25 emails a day and responding in a professional manner within 24-48 hours to most correspondence. Regular correspondence with Coach Fox regarding programming and other coaches regarding selling out our various programs.
- Staying on top of all gym events and corresponding with our Events Coordinator. Promoting events in a clear, creative manner.
- Weekly maintenance of various forums and ability to repurpose material for daily blog posts (including Travel Gym Recommendations and CFSBK Classifieds).
- Willingness to take initiative in creating new blog material, including soliciting articles from coaches and interviewing members of the community.
- Willingness to acquire a strong historical knowledge of CFSBK through researching past posts.
- Enthusiasm for the CrossFit community in general and the CFSBK community in particular. Clear understanding of CFSBK’s ethos.
- Video and photography skills a plus, but not required.
To Apply
Email both Coach David (David [at] and Kate (Katharine [at] with “Managing Editor” in the subject line. Include a brief cover letter and your resume, along with three suggested article/interview or creative blog material ideas. Please include any relevant clips too.
We will accept applications through December 20th, and will start interviewing potential candidates at the end of this month and beginning of January.
The key requirement for this position is loving the gym and CrossFit. To that end, we are only hiring from within the CFSBK community.
Take a Breather WNYC
Save the Planet. Eat Ugly. The New York Times
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 80% x 1 x 2, Front Squat 80% x 1 x 2
Back Squat first then move directly into Front Squat. On heavy days (like today), hit the required reps and leave it there. These should feel almost too easy for the first few weeks. On volume days, aim to hit at least 8 reps, pushing the set up to a max of 12. End the set 2-3 reps shy of failure however.
Back Squat: 2 x 3, Front Squat 2 x 3
Back Squat first then move directly into Front Squat. Start the first week light enough to make all the reps without too much difficulty. The goal is to increase the reps by 1 for three weeks using the same weight. If you tested a 3RM at the end of last cycle then start with a weight slightly below it and aim to use that weight for your 2×3 in week 4.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1/8
5 Rounds, Not For Time, as heavy as possible:
6-8 Weighted Chin-Ups
10-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
3 Box Jumps, as high as possible (step down)
Use the foam plyo boxes. If you want to do less than a 6" jump put up to one thick blue bumper plate (4") on the box before going to the next 6" foam block.
Post work and Rx to comments.
A. Ring Muscle up Transitions
B. EMOM 10
EVEN 5 Bounding Box Jumps
ODD :30 Wall Sit
C. For Time:
60 Toes to bar
perform 7 burpees on every minute starting on the 1 minute mark
10 minute cap
I'm trying to decide between performance or fitness for back/front squats. I have remained near the same weight for the past two cycles, however I also struggled with depth issues last cycle.
Does anyone have advice for which I should choose based on those two kind of conflicting struggles?
I'm liking this series of great faces at the gym!
5:30 makeup post from yesterday
Got to the gym early so I wanted to test my Rack Jerk before class
60×5 cycled
70×5 cycled
80×3 singles
100x1F not sure what happened but I wasn't concentrating
100×2 singles
My take away is that I'm not getting nearly low enough on the jerks for the heavier weights. I'm going to work on really dropping under the bar and splitting my legs faster and lower.
NFT work went well
Worked on freestanding handstands which went surprisingly well. I find I kick up too hard when I know the wall is there. I have a much softer kick up when I know it isn't and I'll go right over if I do it too hard.
6 Rounds
6-8 HSPUs each round. I like HSPUs but I have to work on pushing my head through every time.
Reverse lunges 6 rounds: 40, 40, 45, 45, 50, 55
GHDs and weighted back extensions
Double Under work as per usual!
6am doing Wednesday's squattery with McDowell. 225 on the back squats. I did the first set as 2 reps instead of one, but that's fine because it was pretty light. 165 on the front squats – also went well.
5 rounds of the nft/ahap accessory work. Chins were all strict but unweighted. DB bench presses were with 40-45-50-50-50 (12 reps each time). Box jumps were 24" for the first round and 30" all subsequent. I gave one attempt at 36" and it was laughably feeble. I'd like to try again, so I hope we see this again in this cycle. Watching Roy nail 42" was awesome.
6am with McD
HBBS – 235 x 3 x 2 – Moved well and easy and should be fine to get back to heavier weights
FSQ – 215 x 3 x 2 – Not quite as easy as the HBBS but still moved well
NFT work – got through 4 rounds
12.5-15-20-20 on the chin-ups
50-60-60-60 on the db bench press – would have gone heavier but all the heavy db were at 597
30-36-42F-36-36 on the box jumps. I could get 36" pretty easily, took one shot at 42" and my brain just wouldn't let my body commit. At least the foam boxes are nice and soft. Amazed at how close BK got to landing the 42".
Loved today's workout. It was great to get some body weight and skill work in. I made it through all of the sets and used 25lbs DB for the lunges. I was able to do the handstands with my wrists, but by the 4th set, my hand was going numb and there was some minor pain. Did some stretched and used bds for the pike push ups.
Signed up for Iron Maidens AND I am doing the strength cycle in January. Can;t wait to see what kind of gains the new year is going to bring!
Busted-wrist twins getting STRONG in 2016!
I did fitness programming for squats since I have not low-bar squatted since…uh…April? It was uncomfortable before the surgery and I didn't want to reintroduce it right after the surgery but it's totally fine now.
Except I have reading comprehension issues, so I did 175x2x3, then 175x3x2 like I was supposed to. (Still cannot front squat; I have a feeling this will be the last movement I get back, because of the combination of wrist position and where the load goes.)
NFT work: I made it through only 4 rounds because I needed so much rest on the chinups. Box jumps were terrifying. I failed several times at 36" and just stuck with 30" for the remainder — I just did not think I could put a plate on the soft boxes and land on it properly. (And given that I landed on 36" on my shins twice, I'm not upset with myself for not going after a height in between.)
I would try performance, with a continued emphasis on depth as your primary limiting factor.
Movement and Mobility: 12:00
3 Rounds
12 Squats
10 Ring Rows
8 Push-Ups
Handstand Practice
Worked on walking up onto bumper plates and freestanding static handstands. Didn't have a clock on it but hit a PR for a static HS.
5 Rounds VERY NFT
5 Strict HSPUs with a 8" Deficit
Reverse Lunges with 50lb DBs
Had a lot of time today so I finished with a little burner
Fat Bar Clean and Jerk @ 120lbs
1 Rep Every :15 for 10:00 (40 reps)
Not too bad but got spicy towards the end.
6am with McD
LBBS: 185x1x2
FSQ: 165x1x2
I took it a little lighter to start for the LBBS, but these moved fine.
NFT work:
Chin-ups: 5 strict x 2, 6 with the orange band x2, 6 with the green band. I definitely started to fatigue on these.
Bench: 30# dbs x 8 each round
Box jumps: 24", 30" x 4. I hit the 30" pretty solidly but didn't think it was wise for me to try the 36".
Good session this morning after feeling destroyed last night. Would've loved a couple more hours of sleep, but who doesn't.
WU: mobility
3 rounds:
12 each band side-to-side and front/back steps
12 hollow rock
8 DB press (20#)
5 butterfly PU
1000m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull-up
This is a :34 PR! Did this about 8 months ago and finished in 10:06.
Row in 4:17, which is slightly faster than my usual pace (4:25-4:30)
Thrusters: 15-10-10-9-6 (planned to go 20-10-10-10, but alas…)
Pull-ups: first 7 butterfly, then maybe 4 more butterfly but my rhythm was off from the start and decided to just go regular kip and chip away. Last 10 were all quackish double's.
Finished with some C2B butterfly work (got my first few and 3 consecutive!) and…
Snatch Balance:
63×3, 83×3, 103×2, 113, 113 … second one was a crappy jerk.
**Tweaked my neck AGAIN sometime during this. GRRRRRRRRRRR.**
Played with some max height box jumps and after a few near misses, got 42" ! That either meets or is my personal best. Also did some backwards jumps up onto the soft boxes, and got up to 30" on that! Pretty fun 🙂
7am for monday''s work – did my first ever hspu! To two mats, 5 ina row then 3+2 then 3+1. Switched to piked for the last two sets. These seem to work a lot more than OH press for me, arms were burning on the way home.
Also tried a freestanding hand stand. Keith helped me get up and hold it until I collapsed to the ground in an awkward jumble. +winning +yelp +dignity
8 am doing Monday work with Jess
Really enjoyed trying out new skills without time pressure
First time doing handstand kick-ups (to a wall). Wasn't too hard to get up there, but I need to focus on locking out my arms (y'know, the same note I get for almost every movement–why must my arms betray me this way?).
For the HSPUs, did the piked box version for 4 rounds (first with 2 mats, then 1, then none). And then Jess had me try it against a wall (grateful for the encouragement, because I wouldn't have tried it on my own). Managed 1 rep with two ab mats before falling over. But the movement seems do-able, and I'll keep working on it during warm-ups this cycle.
Excited for box jumps tomorrow. Today's 7am-ers looked like they were having a lot of fun leaping onto that mountain of Rogue pads.
Hatch- Week 7 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x5, 165 x 2, 195 x 5, 220 x 4, 235 x 2, 250 x 3, 275 x 1 (high) 275 x 1
Front Squat
135 x 5, 160 x 4, 170 x 4, 180 x 4
This all took a little longer than usual. Started feeling some pain in my right lat. Planned on coming back for AG but guys, I think Crush Week crushed me a bit so going to chill tonight and see what tomorrow brings.
7:30 with Jess
Back squat: 165x1x2
Front squat: 135x1x2
mixed amount of reps for body weight chin ups.. last round used a band.
30s and 35s for the DB bench
24 inch box jumps. Ready for this foot to heal!
6:30 and AG
LBBS: 195x1x2
FSQ: 155x1x2
Chin-ups with the blue band (Started with 8, ended with 6s).
Bench: 25×12, 30×10, 35×10 for 3 rounds.
Box jumps: Two rounds with 30", then many attempts at 36". Started getting knees up, then one foot, but couldn't both up there at once…Next time.
AG WOD was lots of T2B – I knew I wouldn't finish 60 in time after the second minute, so I just stopped counting and accepted that I was going to go to the cap (and do 63 burpees along the way) and just wanted to make each rep as clean as possible.
Backsquat: 110 1X2 with 2 second pause
Front Squat: 110 1X2 No pause –> way more intense but still to full depth
Going to solve my depth issues!!!
6 strict chin-ups
20, 25, 30 for the remaining rounds
30# box jumps. Couldn't make 36.
I've been doing muscle-up transitions wrong. Subtle but wrong and have therefore downgraded to a green band. Gotta keep feet and hips in a line until the last minute- duh, like a muscle-up.
60 TTB with burpees mixed in was way harder than I expected: grip and forearms are fried.
Signed up for ze iron maidens!!!!! It's the day before my birthday so let the GAINZ begin.