3 Rounds:
12 Squats
10 Ring Rows
8 Push-ups
4 Rounds:
3 Handstand Kick-Ups or 1 wall walk
20 Hollow Rocks
5 Rounds:
5-10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
8e Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells or Kettlebells held at side
For the HSPUs you can use up to two abmats to scale, otherwise perform a box piked HSPU or Piked hold on a box.
Registration Is Now Live for The Iron Maidens Raw Open on March 5th, 2015
Registration will be live as of 10am. This event will sell out very quickly, so don’t wait. REGISTER HERE.
You are invited to test your one rep maxes in a rare, women’s only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to all women; you do not need to be a member of Crossfit South Brooklyn to compete. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a first, second and third place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
Team Award: The team with the highest score will be awarded a special prize. A team’s score will be based on the combined placings in their weight classes of team members. Points are: 1st place = 10 pts; 2nd place = 8 pts; 3rd place = 6 pts. There is no limit to the number of lifters on a team. Teams (and their members) should be declared 48 hours in advance of the competition.
All ages are welcome.
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
We are thrilled to partner with Grace Outreach, a Bronx-based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, we will create the first annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship to assist low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
Please go here for participation information.
- Entry Fee: $60 for non-CFSBK members; $50 for CFSBK members.
- Entry includes: Eligibility for prizes, a t-shirt, pre-meet rules/movement clinic
- Registration Deadline: January 23, 2016.
- Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be made after January 23, 2016. If you are not able to compete, please notify us as soon as possible.
- Pre-Meet Rules Clinic: 2:30PM, February 14, 2016 at CFSBK (optional)
- Competition Rules and Regulations can be found here.
- Please visit our blog for more information, stories, and updates.
- REGISTER HERE. (Live as of 10am)
Questions? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert, at Margie [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Congratulations to Our Awesome Holiday Season Open Competitors!
Coach Arturo, Jake L., Todd C., and Jimin S. competed in the Holiday Season Open yesterday, and they CRUSHED it! Thanks to Jake for the meet report…
- Coach Arturo took 4th and qualified for Masters National.
- Jake L. won the 105kg weight class and also won Best Overall Male Lifter. He hit 286/297/308 on the snatch and 363/378X/381 on his clean and jerk, for a 313kg total, a 13kg PR total. In his words: “This past eight weeks of training with Ro has been the best cycle I’ve done. Our intensity was on point and it was so much fun.” The most exciting part: Jake qualified for the 2016 US Nationals!
- Todd C. also qualified for Masters Nationals.
- Jimin S. found out about the meet FRIDAY and still signed up and kicked ass!
Great job, guys! Way to make CFSBK proud!
The Person Who Pays For Everything Is The Athlete The Telegraph
Men’s Locker Room Designers Take Pity on Naked Millennials The New York Times
Nice intro to the cycle. Managed the first 3 sets of HSPU unbroken. Then 9-1 (fell off the wall) and 7-3. Lunges: 45, 50, 55, 60, 65. Those got hard
Cash out: 10, 12, 15 GHD sit-ups
Loved this NFT work — it was a great low-pressure opportunity to try out some movements that I haven't been able to do and see whether I could deal.
Looks like it's yes to non-DB pushups, at least in small quantities. I made it through two wall walks this time, which is one more than the last time I tried wall walks, so that's cool. Switched to DB strict press (20#x10 for the rounds with hollow rocks, 30#x5 for the rounds with lunges) for the remainder of the class.
Progress! Progress is good.
Promised I would start posting to the blog so here it is! I loved this NFT work. Just what I needed. I did Cindy on Saturday with a friend so my arms were still smoked but it was a good opportunity to work on core and practice positioning for HSPU. I did them all from a 24" box piked out with my feet and to two ab mats. Lunges were with 30#. I'm not even sure I got through all the rounds I went so slowly. But, felt good to move!
Had the opportunity to workout at 7am this morning!!! Life would be perfect if I could do that every day.
Can only strict HSPU with 2 ab mats, so made the choice to do piked push-ups from the box to get the full range of motion. Only did 5/round. Much harder. 25#/30# dbs for the lunges.
Cash out: muscle up transitions with blue band. Still can't use red band.
Nick & McDowell are funny, the showers are amazing, great start to this cycle, and so excited for Iron Maidens!
Yes, Natalie!!!
4 full on HSPUs for the first time ever! Neat! And then a lot piked from the box. Was really nice to have time to experiment with this today.
Also VERY belatedly: I loved last week's Thursday workout! Maybe my favorite crush week workout ever and that was even doing it hungover. It was really cool to have it broken into such tiny sets, so a lot more was achievable.
6am with NickDowell
My strict HSPU didn't magically get much better than last week's. Was hoping to get a few rounds of 5 straight but only managed 1 round then 3-2 and 2s. 35-40-45-50-55 on the reverse lunges.
Cash out with 10-12-15 GHD sit-ups with the guys. We must smell since the ladies never want to join.
Congrats lifters!
@ Steve. We ladies are not joining because we don't want to make BK feel bad when we do them better, faster and longer 😉
6am. Crushed today's NFT, killed it actually — completed all reps. Practiced some free handstands. HSPU all unbroken except for the 4th round, accidentally came off the wall on the 10th. Kept it light on reverse lunges because, hell, it was NFT. GHD's with the usually cast of characters. All in all, feel accomplished.
What's the deal with all the GHD situps cashouts? Did I miss some post?
@Joy for the win!
So happy I can finally kick up most of the time – trying to make it all the time.
Piked pushups for me, which I struggled with organizing. Could sometimes do 3, and then sometimes went down for my first and couldn't pick my head off the ground. Lunges started at 30, then 3 sets at 35, then the last set at 45 because that was all that was left out (apparently I came in last on the NFT work).
Way to go Steve, look what you started…. now BK is getting bullied by Joy.
Dropped in at Noon
Worked on pike HSPU on 20" bo,. 8/round + reverse lunges with 20lb DB. Played around for a hot second after class doing HSPU with 2 ab mats, finally able to organize with a kip, had 5 in me for today for the first time. Whoo!
Enjoyed the ascending/descending ladder Row to cash out. Also, signed up for Iron Maidens, eeek, first timer here!!
Front Squat
Bench Lever
Side Plank
Nothing official, I think a few folks have just taken to doing some GHD work as a cash out on their own. There was a link on Saturday that has some GHD movements if you're curious
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Fun day!
4 Rounds:
1 wall walk
20 hollow rocks
I'm definitely feeling stronger. I usually plop on the way down the wall walks, did it with properly with no problems today. Maybe because we only did one at a time. Did some handstand practice too and attempted to walk.
5 Rounds:
HSPUs with two abmats: 10-5-5-5-5
Lunges: 25-30-35-35-40
Extra work with Charlie:
5:00 of DUs: 145. My previous best is 124.
butterfly pullup practice
Hopped on the GHD train: 3×10
Signed up for Iron Maidens!
7:30 with Ro and David
3 kick ups
20 hollow rocks
3-5 strict HSPU to 2 ab mats. Will definitely spend more time doing these in warm ups. I'm fairly short so the ROM w/ 2 ab mats is pretty minimal compared to those poor tall guys 🙂
Lunges with 30,30,35,35,35.
Very chill 5:30 with Noah and Arturo.
20 hollow rocks
3 kick-ups
Hollow rocks unbroken and did way more than three kick-ups/ walking unintentionally on my hands for the last round.
Strict HSPU's to 2 abmats and a 10lb metal plate… Man I couldn't get these today. Did a few, then did two rounds of piked to one abmat and was somehow able to do four in a row on the wall after that.
Lunges- 30, 35, 40, 40, 45
DU practice with KLove- 5 mins. I stopped at 200 at 4:30.
Did some GHD sit-ups 2 x 20, 1 x 16… Ow..it's taking me a bit to figure out this machine.. And 3 x 10 ab wheel roll-outs.
A. WU / movement prep / crossover symmetry
-bands: 12 each side to side and front/back
-one leg squat with15# DB (8 L, 4 R)
B. FSQ: heavy 3
45×5, 95×3, 125×2, 140×1
160×3 (third rep was reeeeeeally sticky in the middle!)
165×3 F on rep 2
no more heavy 3's… need to get a legit 3×5 going on this and get stronger. legs aren't there yet.
C. WOD: “Power Drill”
5 Rounds:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Power Clean, 135/95
15 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
25 Wallball Shots, 20/14
3 Minute Rest between rounds
Rd 1: 3:57
Rd 2: 4:11
Rd 3: 4:16
Rd 4: 4:42
Rd 5: didn't do it… I walked outside with Penny and tried not to quit CrossFit forever.
I teared up on the floor during one of my rest periods. Got really dizzy and drunk-feeling… not in a good way.