5 attempts at a max for the day. Consider opening up at at around 85% and going up from there. No press outs. If you’re newer to the lift and the load used is more limited by technique than strength, perform 5 or more singles at your technical max, meaning where your form starts to fall apart.
Example Warm Ups (based off 1RM):
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8/8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
8 Dumbbell Snatch, Alternating, as heavy as possible
8 Toes-to-Bar
8 Pistols, Alternating
10 Dumbbell Snatch, Alternating
10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Pistols, Alternating
12 Dumbbell Snatch, Alternating
12 Toes-to-Bar
12 Pistols, Alternating
…Add 2 reps each round to each movement until time is called. Choose a heavy dumbbell that challenges you, alternate arms from the floor each rep. Sub Knees-to-Elbows or Hanging Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bar and Lunges for Pistols as necessary.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Kate B. getting set to snatch at a mock Olympic lifting meet. BEST OF LUCK to Oly Coach Frankie Murray, who is competing in the 2015 American Open Championships!! Frankie lifts at 4:30pm EST. Hit up this link to get the live webcast!
Come Watch Even More PRs at Today’s Strength Cycle Total at 2pm!
Coach Jeremy’s and Coach Margie’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the back squat, press, and deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Learn More About Coach Frankie’s Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK
The Next Level Weightlifting Club offers Olympic lifting with strength training and mobility all in one. Weightlifting classes will be held in two-hour windows and taught by Coach Frank Murray. While there will be a start to every class, you are allowed to show up at any time during the two-hour training session to lift. Those involved will receive the week’s programming which they can either do during the training session or on their own times during open gyms. If you are unable to participate in class on a regular basis, you also have access to Coach Frank via email and can submit videos to be evaluated and critiqued. Think of him as your personal coach.
While there are universal weekly workouts, they can and likely will change from person to person depending on each individual’s needs. All people are different and therefore require different things to be successful. At Next Level Weightlifting Club, we take that into account and make adjustments as needed to optimize progress.
Typical Sessions Include:
- Group Warm-up
- Heavy Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Light Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Squats
- Pulls/Presses
- Mobility
Monday 7:30-9:30pm
Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm
Friday 6:30-8:30am
Drop-In: $30
10 Class Punch Card: $250 ($25 / Class)
Recurring Monthly Memberships:
3x/Oly $200 (Weightlifting Club only)
2x/Oly $150 (Weightlifting Club only)
Group Group Class Add Ons:
If you’d like to combine Olympic Lifting with our Group class offerings, you can include an add on to your membership which can be used on CrossFit, Open Gym, Yoga, Pilates or Gymnastics Class.
+2x Group Class Add-on $100
+3x Group Class Add-on $150
Sign Up:
This program is ongoing so participants may sign up whenever they want.
Your credit card will be charged immediately at a prorated rated for the rest of the current month. This membership will then automatically renew on the first of every month moving forward until cancelled.
Any questions regarding this program can be sent to info [at] and olympiclifter88 [at]
The CrossFit Games Needs an Enemy Garage Gym Reviews
A1: Pistols
A2: Kipping Ring Dips
3 Position Chinup Negatives
4 Rounds for Time:
Row 500m
15 Burpees Over the Erg
Also, Christian (Arca, I assume?) Saw your post from yesterday- theoretically your HBBS should be closer to 230, could be a number of different reasons it's a bit off- grab me some time and we can chat/test some stuff.
9am with The Family Fox
My 176# PR is pretty new so I didn't feel too bad about not PR-ing today. Had three attempts at 178.2# and caught it solidly at the bottom all three times. Just couldn't stand it up.
Made it through the round of 14 plus one more snatch. Used the 65# DB which was the right weight I think. Toes 2 Bar were 8,10,7/5,6/6/2. Pistols were slow and steady. My quads were spasming at the end.
9am with the Foxes
One of those days where the snatch was just on point. Really wasn't expecting a PR coming in.
115-125-135-140 (PR) – 145 (PR)
They all felt great today. 135 was my old PR and was a sketchy snatch at the time. 135-145 were all solid snatches today. Really focused on Arturo's cues last week to be much more passive in the arms through the second and third pull. Seemed to have paid off.
14 t2b into the round of 16 with a 55# db
Db weight felt right, got heavy at the end.
T2b were 8, 10, 6-6, 7-7, 8-6
Did lunges instead of pistols.
11am with Noah and Arturo.
83-88-93-98M- lots of misses at 93 too. Was power snatching and following with OHS.
Not my day for snatching. I was all arms and couldn't get under it. Noah said my old habits were resurfacing. I felt like I couldn't move fast enough to get down and I think that may be a confidence thing caused directly by poor mobility and instability in the OHS position. I'm working on this outside of class daily now so hopefully I will begin to see results soon.
I think I am going to add some heavier OHS to my warm-ups though- I've been doing 3 x 10 with the bar for a while now but I think it's time to decrease the reps and increase the weight, maybe. If any coaches have any suggestions about how to attack this it would be greatly appreciated..: could I do some sort of LP with OHS?
I got 10 x T2B Into to the round of 16. DB were 40# and I subbed lunges. Finally figured out how to snatch on the third round…
Snatch: Was not planning to work up to anything heavy today bc I did a lot of snatches yesterday, so went in with a carefree attitude which I think is the reason I PR'd!
88x3f Caught them at the bottom of a squat each time, but my arms were too soft so couldn't stand them up.
88 make
90 2# PR. Felt smoother and easier than the 88! Previously I was going from 88 to 93, so need to make smaller jumps from now on when I hit 88.
WOD: Made it to the round of 16. Got 12/16 T2B
Snatches with 35# DB
T2B: unbroken the first two rounds, then went unbroken for the first half of each subsequent round.
Lunges subbed for pistols.
Was planning on going to AG today, but my body needs a rest if I'm going to go in tomorrow.
Had a lot of the fun at the Team Dangerous event yesterday at CF Union Square. Got randomly paired up with a female partner, then with a male pair to make a team of 4.
WOD 1: 8 minute time cap. We did it in 7:26.
75 snatches (65#) + 5 burpees on the minute (including minute 0) with a partner.
Rx was 75-95 so I did scaled. They partnered people up by weight. You could do any weight of your choice.
My partner and I did sets of 5 until I couldn't cycle them anymore. Cycling snatches is a weakness of mine. My partner was able to cycle them so she did a set of 10 in there so I probably only did about 25 of the snatches.
WOD 2: Done in almost 2 minutes under the time cap which I think was 10 minutes.
58 Cal row: girls did 13 cal, guys did 14 cal. Easy.
58 slam balls with a 40# and 20# ball. Both balls had to be slammed 58 times. Guys used the 40# ball. My partner and I each did 26 unbroken reps then she finished off the few remaining bc she went first. Super easy. Probably should've just finished off the set.
58 partner situps: We had to sit in a line, link arms, and do them simultaneously. These were tough but we did them unbroken.
58 partner deadlifts @135#. We partnered up guy/gal and split these up into sets of 10. Awkward, but super easy so we probably should have done larger sets.
30 air squats. We had to stand in a line, link arms, and do them simultaneously.These were tough, but we did them unbroken.
WOD 3:
Tug of war with a rope that was covered in fabric so it didn't kill your hands. SO MUCH FUN!
9am class
I know I can't roll out of bed and snatch with any coordination, but I'm taking my gym opportunities whenever I can get them.
Eventually hit a couple nice ones at 42kg, three attempts at 44kg ended up on my left knee with each..
Fun work-out
35# DB – I kept thinking I should have gone for the 40#
My heart rate was spiking, which made me want to keep my pace manageable
Finished 16 + 3 snatches
11am AR and then noon group class
Snatch – I had a lot of success with the every 2 minutes work we did a few weeks ago, so after warming up, I went with that
135, 155, 155, 165, 165, 175, 185, 190(f), 190(f), 165, 165
Old PR is 187, so just about matched it. I think I did too many warm-ups. It wasn't feeling super crisp early on, but at 175 things starting feeling better, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Metcon – 17 snatches into the round of 18 at 75# My quads are going to be feeling this tomorrow.
Snatch: 63, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103F, 103, 110FF.
My PR is 108, which I have hit once in October. Before then, anything 88# or above always felt like a gamble, never consistent at all. Now at least I feel pretty consistent with snatching in the 90s, and even 103 despite 1 miss. I decided rather than be frustrated if I couldn't hit 108, I decided to throw on the single pounds and try for a new PR. No luck, but close.
WOD with 35#, scaled T2B after the first round – need to start trying to kip, and lunges. Just finished the T2B in the round of 16.
Stayed after to practice some pistols and kick-ups.
11 AM class…very late for me but I partied a little too hearty last night. I give myself a gold star just for making it in today. 😛
Snatch: Worked up to 83 (a very tall 83). All of these were…I can't even call them power snatches, more like tall snatches because I barely got down at ALL. I feel like I can concentrate on only one thing at a time (either keeping the bar in close to me or dropping under it). Bah!
WOD: got 8 snatches into the round of 14, with 40# DBs since I have now done one-armed snatches with 35# enough to know that I should be able to handle more. Hanging leg raises instead of T2B, and pistols to a box. This was a pretty serious stimulus and even though I've had a pretty substantial lunch I still want to eat ALL THE THINGS.
Noah: Awesome, I'll grab you some time this upcoming week, thanks!
I sliced my thumb open near my joint yesterday deep enough that I'm having a hard time getting it to stop bleeding. Figured that a hook grip wouldn't do it much good, so I bandaged it up and went out for a run instead and then did a modified wod.
5.3 miles at avg of 9:30/mi
10 body weight overhead squats
10 lunges each leg
10 sit-ups
Increased by 2 until the 12 minutes were up
Like Kelly, came in expecting not to PR. Unlike Kelly, my intentions came true.
Snatch: 62, 67 f f f power snatch f
WOD: got through 16 TTB. 30# db, pistols to small step stool
AG: fun pistol lunges/ kipping ring dip EMOM. Esp. Good after practicing kipping ring dips last Tuesday.
Chin-up negative :3 hold at nose/head under bar/ almost to the bottom.
6 rounds, 3 chin-ups/negatives. Used a box to jump up starting in the 4th round.
WOD: I read 400m run this morning. Turns out it was a row. Ugh.
4rounds: 500m row, 15 burpees (I only did 10 because I was lazy and am thinking about crush week…)
Glad this week is over. Excited for crush week and to start a new cycle!!!
Definite PR from a previous 120 to 135. Pretty stoked on that.
Finished rd of 16 on the wod. Lunges instead of pistols.
3 Rounds
7 push up
8 ring rows
5 FSQT 45#
20 sec hollow hold
Make up for yesterday's FSQT work
95 x 5
115 x 3
125 x 2
135 x1 PR
145 x1 Fail
140 x 1 PR
50 KB swings green – broke up 25/25
400 m row sub
30 burpees
20 pull up 5/5/3/2/3/2
Looking forward to crush week!
AG today:
20 second static ring holds
6-8 reps pistol lunges/pistols holding feet.
Chin up negatives
4 rounds: 500m row. 15 burpees over erg. 1 minute rest after each round (thank god)
3:30,3:20,3:30, 3:28. Rows got progressively faster.. burpees progressively slower 😉
worked up to 73. failed 78 because I just wouldn't commit. PRd at 80 last Sunday so I can't complain too much.
Workout with Michael C and Ryan. Awesome partners!
100 cal row
100 deadlifts (me: 83#/them: 135#)
80 cal row
80 hang cleans
60 cal row
60 front squats
40 cal row
40 push jerks
20 cal row
20 clusters
Make up post from 2 OGs Friday and Saturday
Worked on front squats and Saturdays WOD
280×1 (old PR) felt good, a little grindy but moved
300x1F this started to move but only an inch out of the bottom before I bailed
290×1 (new PR) this was a SLOW battle upwards
For the WOD I added 25 double unders between each move:
50 kb swings 72# (20/15/15)
25 DUs
400m run
25 DUs
30 Burpees
25 DUs
20 pull ups (unbroken)
25 double unders
Total time 9:30
This was a fun one and I'm glad I added in the DU work, it made it more taxing for sure.
Saturday OH
Snatch work
95×3 (snatch + snatch balance + sotts press)
135×3 (snatch + snatch balance + sotts press)
205 is my current PR. I need to focus on keeping the bar closer to me on the pull.
5 rounds kind of for time
40 DUs
20 hollow rocks
Total time 9:35
Snatch 45kg 1×5
CJ 60kg 1×5
FSQ: 67kg 3×5