Attention Dog Lovers! Want a calendar of all your favorite CFSBK pooches? Bree is putting together the annual CFSBK Dog Calendar for 2016 and is considering ordering extra copies as a fundraiser for PupStarz Rescue. Calendars run between $25-30 a pop, and will feature many of your favorite CFSBK pups, as captured by the CFSBK paparazzi over the last year. Email if you would like to order a copy!
- Want a kitten for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Chrimbus? KMo and her boyfriend have been fostering an ADORABLE kitten, nicknamed Hammy, who is looking for his forever home. Here’s his adoption page. Hammy will be at Petco Unleashed on 81 7th Ave from around 12:30-4pm TOMORROW. KMo would love to have Hammy adopted within the SBK community. Please contact her at Katie.Mohrhauser [at] for more information (and really freaking cute pictures!).
Take a Survey For PurePharma and Win Healthy Stuff!
PurePharma (our awesome supplement distributors) wants to get to know you better! Fill out their short survey and you’ll be entered to win a 3-month supply of PP3 (includes: 30 daily packets of omega-3, vitamin-D, and magnesium). Enter the survey here.
Drunk Girls Get Surprised With Puppies Buzzfeed
A Day in the Life of Our Cavemen Ancestors The Toast
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Work up to a max effort single. Hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee cap before at the bottom of the squat. Feet must stay flat for the duration of the lift. Not hitting minimum depth and/or any movement of the feet constitutes a no lift. If you're newer to front squatting then find a heavy triple instead.
Be careful not to let your warm-ups fatigue you too much for your heavy singe attempts. Example warm-ups and attempts are below. However, these are just examples, and you should adjust according to how you feel and what's worked for you in the past. Understand that not every testing day will result in PRs. The takeaway in this example is doing only a few reps (singles or doubles) so as not to be too fatigued for your heavy attempts. Leave yourself at least 2 minutes between your last warm up and your first attempt, then between each heavy attempt as well.
Previous Front Squat 1RM of 165, goal new 1RM ~ 180
45×5, 95×5, 135×1-3, 150×1
Exposure 8/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
400m Run
30 Burpees
20 Pull-Ups or 7 Muscle-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Survey link doesn't work… Halp!
Thanks for the head's up, Rachel! We're on it.
7 AM squattin'
HBBSQ 215, 225 (PR), 230 (PR). I totally didn't think I was going to make 230 based on how shaky my legs felt after 225, but I made it! Woo! I really should listen to Brendan more often. I was, all, "I'm not making this," and he said, "That's not the right attitude! It's going right up!" and…it did! (And maybe if I'd listened to him on Monday morning I'd be in the 300 club for deadlifts now.)
WOD 8:17, Rx except I did 10 strict chins at the end. I probably could have taken this a little faster, but let's be real…my legs were just not working any more after squatting 230.
I'm so ready for a nap now.
Im getting tired just watching this
6am Front Squats with MeLo
FSQ – 240, 255 (PR), 265 (PR). Really surprised myself here. Missed a lot of FSQ exposures this cycle and was just hoping to match my previous PR of 250. 240 was fast and both MeLo and BK encouraged me to try 255. Still plenty of speed at 255 so added another 10 and still moved well. Quick grind getting out of the hole then it just popped right up.
WOD – 7:03 Rx with pull-ups. Fun little chipper. Had I known I was close to being under 7 min I would have stayed on the bar for those last two pull-ups.
KB swings – 30/20
7-7-4-2 on the pull-ups
6am with Nick doing Thursday's C+J
C&J – Partnered with Michael – 154, 176, 187, 198, 209, 220 (missed jerk), 231 (missed jerk), 242 (fail x2). 231 is a PR clean, but I really should have had 242 – both times it was over my shoulders, but didn't rack it smoothly. Not sure why my jerk has been failing recently. I'll have to work on getting under it.
WOD – Did 8 rounds in 30-35s per round then called it as my hip/groin was tightening up. Not proud of my DNF, but I didn't exactly miss those last 2 rounds. On the positive side, I think the "10 week off squats recovery plan" has mostly worked and it doesn't tighten up as often. Hope to be back to squatting in the new year.
Make-up post from yesterday:
My jerk is usually a mess, but PR'd by like 40# yesterday at 205. Some kind if hybrid split/push jerk. Hit a 215# clean (pr tie) but failed the jerk, then failed 225 forward. I tried again but no 'pop' left on my pull.
Mixed feelings here. The front squat part of the clean is relatively light, about 70% of my 1rm. It's the weak pull that's limiting me. I'm afraid to deadlift heavy, though, because it screws up my back. Still… the only thing more awesome than making a heavy clean is making a heavy snatch, so… Decisions.
WOD was hard, I'm slow at burpees. Scaled rounds 6-9 to 6.
Luxury to have a big chunk of time to train today!
-pvc snatch balance warm ups
-5 Pistols each, blue band assist
-2-3 strict Hspu
-15 Hollow rocks
Snatch Balance: 3-2-1-1-1 climbing
35 x3
45 x3
50 x2
59 (129.8#)
62 (136.4#) – F
62 – F
FSQ (kilos)
45kg x5
55 x3
60 x1-2? (132)
65 x3 (143)
70 x3 (154)
73 x3 (161#) – third one was slooooooow!
legs are coming back! L leg feeling much stronger (and no pain) on pistols. f*ck yeah.
1 strict HSPU
3 kipping HSPU
10 jumping lunges
10 TTB
should’ve done amrap 10 min :-/
Snuck in 3 consecutive kipping muscle ups before noon class started drills!
6am doing Thursday's action with Nick. C&J's started out great, then kinda fell off a cliff. My warmups all felt good and I was getting under the bar better on the clean than I am sometimes prone to. Started at 135 and hit it crisply, if slightly less than sturdily balanced on the jerk. Next rep at 145 was probably the best C&J I've ever executed. Both the clean and the jerk felt fast and solid. Then I failed the next clean at 155, because I rushed it and didn't really have my head right. I think that just threw me all the way off because I failed my next two cleans at 155 as well – I just wasn't moving quickly and getting under the bar. I took a last rep at 145, which wasn't as pretty as my previous one, but wasn't a miss either. Oly lifts are a fickle thing and today was not an "on" day. So be it.
Burpee box jumps are no joke. I did the first two rounds as jumps and the last eight as step-ups. I was pretty consistently finishing at 46-48 seconds until the last couple of rounds when I was finishing at 54-55 seconds. Rough business, but it definitely woke me up.
12PM with McD
So pumped with my clean PR.
I'm attributing my PR to Fox teaching me what to do with my abs on the deadlift earlier this week. Applied the same thinking and maintained very tight form throughout. Thanks Fox!
Clean & Jerks
– Opened, light and good
– Still good
– Felt crisp and looked crisp according to McD, previous best
– Getting heavy
– less crisp but managed to get under the bar (PR)
– really pumped though, because this PR is a VERY long time coming
– jerk was okay, but struggled to get under the bar quickly
#150(PR-ish, got the clean, failed the jer)
– Okay, incredible I got under the bar here
– Bit of a grind getting back up and getting under the bar
– Still, really happy I managed to make this happen
– Failed the jerk, didn't get totally underneath and that was that
– This was a good WOD, until I hit the 5th round
12 PM Thursday programming
I've been doing three group classes a week since I started in September, so I did the snatch last cycle and swapped it out for the C&J this cycle. These are limited by my mobility, stability, and motor control and not my strength. A decade ago I'd done a lot of snatches and C&Js with kettlebells but not with barbells, and the skill level with barbells seems much greater.
Last cycle I had gotten my snatch from 65 lbs to 90 lbs. C&Js have a lot of elements that feel brand new to me with no transfer from the snatch, so I started this cycle with 65 lbs. I missed exposures 5 and 7, 5 because I was speaking at a conference in CA, 7 because of Thanksgiving.
Today I PRd at 100 lbs, which was 5 lbs over my 95 lb C&J from exposure 6.
Last time (exposure 6) I made the error of going from front rack to closed grip and thus bringing the bar off my shoulders before jerking. This time I overcompensated and started the jerk in my fullest front rack with only two or three fingers on the bar. I have to try to keep the bar on my shoulders but recover my grip so all my fingers are on the bar.
Burpees and box jumps *really* challenge my cardiovascular conditioning. I scaled the volume to 8-8-8-6-6-5-5-5-8-6. By the third set of 8 I was nearing the point of cramping in my side from breathing so heavily and wasn't catching my breath at all before beginning the next set, so I cut reps accordingly.
So glad I squatted at OG tonight! I had the opportunity to get coached by Margie and it was wonderful. Thanks!!
Went for my first attempt at 140 (ended 3×3 @135). Was at parallel. Tried again and got stuck. Dropped down to 130. Margie suggested I push my toes out to keep knees out and had me feel what my full depth is. After doing 130 once correctly, I dropped down to 120 and did 3×3 with all strong technique.
While I don't have a real "PR", I'm so grateful to walk away from this cycle with clear vision and determination to hit accurate, full depth, high-quality squats… Rather than heavier and incorrect reps!
Did the DU/squat WOD in 5:52 with 25/20/15/10/5 Single,single,du and full volume squats.
Fun watching Lauren B do a heavy front squat EMOM and Jenny M PR her clean and jerk. OG is fun!
Warm up x4
3 kipping pull-ups — intention was c2b but didn't happen
5 HSPUs 1 abmat — these are getting stronger
16 reverse lunges 35, 45, 45 — only 3 rounds
33 x 10, 93 x 3, 123 x 2, 143 x1
95% x 1 rep 10 min EMOM
148# — felt good and fast!
35, 45, 50, 55, 57
58 – failed jerk (85%ish)
60 – gave up on jerk (90%ish)
The good news is the cleans felt solid. I have a mental block when split jerking past 80%
Rings – w Karl
C2B pull up :05 hold on low rings with blue band 3 x 2 sets
MU transitions w blue band 5 x 2 sets
Handstands — a bunch
Thanks Allie! OG is always a good time !
OG tonight
1118×1 PR
120×1 PR
122×1 PR (+5lbs)
125×1 F the jerk (made the clean which is a new clean PR too! )
Thanks to all the people watching and sending me good vibes tonight. 🙂
Messed around with some pull-ups and stuff.