Back Squat
Work up to a max effort single. Hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee cap before at the bottom of the squat. Feet must stay flat for the duration of the lift. Not hitting minimum depth and/or any movement of the feet constitutes a no lift. If you’re newer to back squatting then find a heavy triple instead.
Be careful not to let your warm-ups fatigue you too much for your heavy singe attempts. Example warm ups and attempts are below. However, these are just examples, and you should adjust according to how you feel and what’s worked for you in the past. Understand that not every testing day will result in PRs. The takeaway in this example is doing only a few reps (singles or doubles) so as not to be too fatigued for your heavy attempts. Leave yourself at least 2 minutes between your last warm-up and your first attempt, then between each heavy attempt as well.
Previous Back Squat 1RM of 165, goal new 1RM ~ 180
45×5, 95×5, 135×1-3, 150×1
Exposure 8/8
Post loads to comments.
50-40-30-20-10 Reps for Time:
Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
Devi A. between push presses at Fight Gone Bad
CFSBK Is Hosting a Star Wars Movie Marathon Next Saturday at 3 PM!
What better way to spend next Saturday (12/12) but gorging on Star Wars? Come dressed as your favorite character and bring along Star Wars snacks to share. We’ll be showing movies 4, 5, and 6 starting at 3 PM!
Travel Gym Recommendations
- Nikhil visited CrossFit Bloomfield in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (in the metro Detroit area).
- Rebecca W. recommended Desert Devil CrossFit in Las Cruces, New Mexico (southern NM).
Visited a new affiliate while traveling recently, or forgot to write one up from past travels? Post a recommendation (or friendly warning) now!
Also, do you have a service you want to share with CFSBK’s community, or a need you think one of us could meet? Or stuff you want to give away/animals in need of adoption/tickets for sale/etc.? Post in CFSBK’s Classifieds! Our members have found apartments, pets, and jobs through our forum.
This sand person should really work on his range of motion. NO REP! (Thanks for this, Jess Bailey)
6am workout in my hotel's gym
Warmup: 1 mile treadmill run for time, 8:34.
Strength: 10 x 3 strict pull-ups.
Conditioning: Annie+ (Annie with 50/40/30… pushups after each round), 11:07.
Cooldown: 1 mile run, 9:00.
6am with McDowell and Noah. Back squats went 275; 285 (PR); 290(f). 290 is where I failed at September's total, and like that attempt, I got hung up about halfway up and fought for it for just about ever. Seasons came and went, empires rose and fell, and there I was with that damn bar on my back…but no dice. Still, I'm pretty happy with 285, which is a 5lb PR.
Finished the metcon in 9:36. Limiting factor was my piss poor DU's, but they were actually a bit better today than when we did them last week (there may be something to this "training" thing…). Rest assured that I still have a full complement of whip marks on my ass and elbow, though. Wouldn't want to miss out on that.
HBBS – 295, 315, 320 (f)
315 ties my all-time PR on the HBBS and is +10 since we last tested it (I failed 315 last time)
Metcon – 5:05 – quads were on fire.
I meant to post yesterday… Thank you, Kate, for posting about Hammy. Someone *please* adopt this kitten. We love him too much and if he doesn't get adopted soon we're going to end up with him and then we can't help socialize other kitties in need. Here's an example of the excruciating cuteness we are living with: Hammy curled up on my boyfriend's chest while he was mobilizing last night. Who doesn't want to mobilize with a kitten?? A little supple tiger kitten who supports your mobility needs.
Anyway, please do email me if you'd like to meet him. We live in Greenwood.
Kelly Starret on ESPN With a backup qb
HBBS: 205, 220, 230F. Have not ever tested high bar before, so there were all PRs (LBBS is 240). I rushed the last attempt. I think if I had waited 5 minutes (instead of 2) I could have had it. Still happy with the results though
WOD: 6:25 Rx. The struggle was very real after all those squats to get to work (and still is).
Barbell Row
Keep the comments coming, I love reading about your struggles and PRs!
For some reason I thought there was a 9am class, there isn't. So I did today's workout during open gym.
Big thanks to Bethany and John for spotting me.
High Bar Back Squat
#185 – Felt good
#200 – Struggled but grinded it out
#205 – Failed
John pointed out that I was trying to lift the bar by tucking my pelvis in and I wasn't using my glutes. After failing I deloaded down to #135 and did some pause squats to work on form.
– I subbed DUs for 2x the amount of singles
– My legs felt destroyed
For those of you feeling the quad struggle today…just wait for tomorrow. Stairs are the enemy.
12 PM
I calculated my squat 1RM at 210 and knew it was more than that so opened with 215. 225 seemed to be getting hard, so I switched from 10 pound jumps to 5 pound jumps. But 230 was easy and 235 seemed easiest out of them all. Time ran out after my fourth attempt, so 235 is an underestimate.
I did front squat last cycle and low-bar back squat this cycle. I started the cycle with 100 lbs for 3×8. This caused some shooting pain in the musculature around my lumbar spine. The pain manifested any time I did lower body work, even air squats or deadlifts. Then I went to my third rolfing session at Brooklyn rolfing, which unglued my pelvis from my back (hard to explain technically but that is what it felt like) and ever since then I experienced zero back pain from any lifts. I ended the cycle with 200 lbs for 3×3 and an underestimate of 235 as my 1RM.
This is a "CrossFit PR" for me. My all time PR from a decade ago was somewhere over 280 but under 300, can't remember thee exact number. That was with high-bar, never did LBBS till CrossFit. I'm psyched that in such a short time my strength is starting to approach my old maxes.
Finished the WOD in 8:30. Scaled the double unders to 10-10-10-5-5. I counted attempts, but fewer than five of these were failed attempts and most were legit reps. I credit this entirely to having bought a jump rope and brought it with me for Thanksgiving break. Friday I spent a half hour doing nothing but practicing du's. Saturday I made my own WOD: every four minutes on the minute 6 du's, 5 burpees, run 0.2 mi for five rounds. Today for the first three rounds I got in 8 legit du's before tripping on the rope, which is a double under PR for me. Two months ago I literally thought I would never get even one.
Hatch- Week 5 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 1, 180 x 8, 205 x 6, 235 x 4, 250 x 4 (PR for 4)
Front Squat
145 x 5, 170 x 4, 180 x 3, 190 x 3- both PR's for 3.
3 x 10 ab wheel roll-outs
Strict pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1
Joined 12pm for the WOD- thanks coaches!
50-40-40-20-10 DU's/ air squats
5:57 Rx
McDowell told me not to drop the rope because I was wasting precious seconds but I couldn't think of it at the right time haha.
Can't quite believe my DU's are that consistent now. Squats were not as fast as usual because my legs were tired.
Go Charlie!!
When I grow up, I want to be Charlie.
Ditto, Wow CHARLIE!
Worked on my heavy triple today LBBS-
95 x 5
125 x 3
150 x 1
160 x 3 (belted, difference is night and day, wow CORE stability)
170 x 3 (still moved relatively fast, felt confident)
175 x 3 (Failed on 2nd rep, mechanical error in the chest falling forward, couldn't recover poor position) Happy considering August's heavy triple was 155, heavy single 180, gonna test the single out next week.
Tabata – Whit called it a cluster/press? Basically a clean with 20# DBs into push press. 6/round
Tabata Row – 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-6 cals 🙂 Glutes on FIRE.
4 Rounds
7 GHD Sit-ups
20 second Prone hold on GHD w/ 15lb plate.
Quick little :30 minute workout between clients
5 Rounds
12 Squats
8 Push-Ups
4 Strict Pull-Ups
4 Rounds
12 OH Walking Lunges 70lbs
4 Kipping Bar Muscle-Ups
3 Rounds
6 Seated Box Jumps 12" sitting box up to about 40"
4 Strict HSPU with 6" Deficit
So impressive Charlie! Way to go!
I'll happily jump on the Charlie bandwagon. Charlie is amazingly strong and dedicated. She tries everything and is always encouraging. I am especially inspired by her because she has been at it for years — past many a potential "sophomore slump" — always comes back better and stronger.
Yesterday yoga class and trained with McDowell.
FSQ and Jerk topping out at 123 (85%). Need to work out some commitment kinks in the jerk
Then 8 burpee box jumps on the minute for 10 mins. Last round was the best at :31
I haven't tested my back squat in about a year? HBBS was 195# and LBBS has been 200# for at least 2 years now. I'm sticking with HBBS and hoped for 200+ today.
95×5, 135×3, 165×1
190, mis-loaded to 200 and failed
Start over.
190 – good
200 – good PR
205 – fail, lost thoracic spine
Workout in 6:52 – not a single set of DUs unbroken :/
About 10 days out from the meet.
Snatch: heavy singe, then 1 wave
264, 275, 286
CJ: Heavy single, then 1 wave
330, 341, 352
Back Squat
6:30 squatting with Whit and Noah. I went for heavy 3s since I just got off an airplane and I knew the combo of dehydration + tight hip flexors wasn't really conducive to 1RM testing. Will go for that on Friday morning.
175×3, 185×3, 195×3. Rougher than it should have been but I was just happy to squat after spending so much of today at the airport!
WOD 6:53, kept the volume but counted DU attempts. I should just go full Rx from now on, I seem not to suck at doubles the way I used to.
Came in after 3 days of rest/RomWod. Felt burnt out last weekend and took a couple days to reset the brain and body for the upcoming meet. Shoulder has been a struggle, doing what I can if it feels good and being conservative if it doesn't.
Power Snatch
73 2×3
85 1×3
98 1×3
Power C&J
100 2×3
117 1×3
134 1×3
5 Chin ups
10 "blackbirds"
10 GHD sit ups
Today was good. Looking forward to the next two weeks of training. Keeping my head down and my eyes forward.
Power Snatch
73 2×3
85 1×3
98 1×3
Power C&J
100 2×3
117 1×3
134 1×3
11 days out. Head down, eyes forward.
excuse the weird posts, I didn't think the first one posted, wrote a shorter one out of frustration and hoped it would work…buuutttt they both did….womp. k bye.
BSQ: happy to stick with my linear progression, 115x5x3
WOD: 9:47 of misery but I showed up
Wow friends… Thank you! Equally inspired by all you amazing, strong ladies! Seriously. So much love for you all xxxxx
Had to hit 6:30pm because of work stuff… Same for tomorrow but at least I made it to The box.
That said this past cycle I missed the past 5 back squat exposures. I came in thinking I would not even come close to my old 1rm and I actually came within 15 pounds of it. 285#
It felt good and I look forward to next cycle to get past 300.
Today's WOD is certainly in my wheelhouse. 6:06 I tripped up a couple of times once in 40s right near the end and again in the mid 30s that cost me some time.