Performance: 75% x 1, 85% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 1, 75% x 1
Fitness: 5 x 1
Work up to a heavy but not max effort single for the day. In both versions of programming the goal today is zero misses. Press outs are misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7/8
5 Rounds Not For Time:
3 Snatch Balance, as heavy as possible
10 Weighted Sit-Ups
10ea Dumbbell 1-Arm Row, as heavy as possible
Need a dumbbell bent-over row refresher? Check this out.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Kristin C. dropped into CrossFit Charlotte. The picture is of her and Andy Hendel, gym owner and father of CrossFit Games athlete Spencer Hendel. “Great coaching and good of people. 65 and sunny here!!” Kristin reports. If you’ve been traveling and hitting up other boxes, make sure to fill out a Travel Gym Recommendation. If you took a pic, send it to Managing Editor, Kate R., for some blog lovin’: Katharine [at]
- SCHEDULE CHANGES: CrossFit PreSchool at 9am, Active Recovery and Anti-Gravity are CANCELLED.
- Don’t forget about the conviction you experienced reading Coach Fox’s article “I Don’t Wanna Snatch” last Monday, and come join us today!
Juvenoia VSauce
8am with Katie and Arturo. Snatches felt pretty good today. My attempts were 100-105-110-115-120. 115 was my best, because I caught it lower and more solidly than the rest, but none of them was particularly ugly. Arturo's cue to keep the knees bent until the bar was past them and in the hang position was very helpful.
I finished 4 rounds of the NFT work, and I felt like I was moving through them fairly expeditiously. The snatch balances were 75-85-90-95. They all felt pretty good – and I think these are super helpful to get the muscle memory of what a proper catch position feels like. The situps were all with a 25lb barbell. The bent-over rows were @ 30-35-45-50. These never felt especially difficult, though I'm feeling them now. Looking forward to testing some 1RM's this week!
Groggy 8am with KHarpz and Arturo. Kate's exhortation on the blog to come in & snatch was instrumental in getting me out of bed and into my lifting shoes.
Felt sluggish and un-warmed-up but snatched 120-135-145-135-120 without too much trouble this morning. I won't be here next Saturday to test 1RMs but might come in to OG on Friday… After some really good solo clean & snatch sessions in the last couple weeks (tied my old 1RM snatch), I'm starting to feel like I want to get back into regular weightlifting.
Didn't manage to finish the NFT… definitely could have moved through everything faster, though. Snatch balance up to 135, which gave me problems, situps up to 35 which was fine, and rows up to 55 which I will probably feel for a while. Enjoyed the pace after yesterday's WOD, but hungry to work up a bonafide sweat tomorrow.
Hi! Is AG is still on schedule?
Snatch (in kilos): 37, 42, 45, 42, 37. Good to work on my confidence with the snatch with these. Took a step or two on the heaviest one (99#) when standing it up.
NFT was probably for the best with much testing in the coming days.
Snatch Balance: 75, 75, 80, 85 (ran out of time for a last set)
Sit-ups: 15, 20, 20, 25, 25
Rows: 20, 25, 25, 30, 30
Making up from OG Friday:
Warmed up with 4 rounds of 6-7 T2B and 20ish second handstand holds.
C&J: Took my time and worked up to 143#. 1RM is 148, so pretty happy to get so close.
Partner DT with Mike and Mary: 28 min, I think. The hang cleans fell apart faster than I would have liked, but was happy to be able to finish it all at 103#.
Oh, I can't read. Bye!
Snatch (kg) – 65, 72, 77, 72, 65, 65, 65 (did a couple extra at the end to dial in the third pull)
All easy makes. First rep at 65 was caught way high and somewhat forward. Got better from there.
NFT (4rds)
Snatch balance 135, 155, 165, 165
Row – 55, 65, 65, 75
Sit-up – 50, 50, 60, 60
Performance Snatch:
68 (75%)
78 (88%) x2 because the first one didn't feel great.
83 (92%) x2. Failed the first bc I didn't drop. Second was meh.
Snatch Balance: 75, 85, 95, 95. When I got to 95, Ro pointed out I was doing more of a jerk and riding the bar down than a doing snatch balance. Need to drop and not be scared.
Situps: 25, 25, 30, 30
Rows: 20, 20, 25, 25
11am class with Ro and KHarpz.
Snatch- 73,78,73,68,63
Warm-ups felt great but once it got heavy I couldn't drop under and my feet were landing really wide again. Poop. However- at least the warm-ups were good, right?!
WOD 4 rounds
Snatch balance- 65, 75, 65, 65- so hard. Not confident at all here. Again feet were landing too wide and it was more of a jerk type thing happening.
Sit-ups (anchored)
30, 35, 40, 45
35, 40, 45, 50
Slept in after turkey weekend hangover, 1pm class with Ro and David. Stepped into class finishing a homemade Americano, that thing gave me wings today!!
Snatch drills at 33#, warm up at 53#, Ro said all was looking nice so..
58#, 63# looking and feeling nice.. 68 PR match, 73 PR, 78 fail first try with not enough elbow lock out, second try.. Dropped under, pushed out and stuck that $*%# for a new 78# PR. WOW something clicked and the bar just felt weightless. This cycle has been awesome all around and I really feel acceleration in the legs like never before.
Finished with 5 rounds
3 snatch balance 65#
10 weighted sit ups 20#
10e DB row 20#, should have gone to 25 was hurrying to finish
Cashed out playing on rings with Ali, dips with orange band and some T2B. Walked to whole foods with Colleen in the sunshine. Beautiful Sunday 🙂
OG tonight
Snatch: 68,73,73,78,78, 80 PR(!) . Hit 80 a few times in a half squat. Not the prettiest. Tried about 5 times to catch it in a full squat but was dropping it forward.
C&J: 83,93,103,113,117 PR, 118 (pressed out my right arm a little bit). 120 F, 120 F.
120 is a new clean PR.
5 rounds: 25 DU, 5 pull ups, 5 pushups. Didn't time it.
Wow snatches were off tonight
Bbell warm-ups
75% 37kg x1
85% 42kg x1
90% 44kg whole lotta failures
5 rnds NFT
3 Snatch balance 63#, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93 — did an extra set
10 sit ups w 35#
10 ea side DB rows 20#, 20, 25, 30, 30
Fun with Freeform Ab toy