Dolce pulling heavy at Iron Maidens this year
- Pilates is CANCELLED tonight, as our beloved KH is sick.
SAVE THE DATE: The Iron Maidens Raw Open 2016 is March 5, 2016 at CrossFit South Brooklyn
CrossFit South Brooklyn’s all-female powerlifting competition returns for the second year. Up to 60 lifters will test their one rep maxes in the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Prizes will be awarded to the top three Totals in each weight class. This is an exceptional day showcasing a community of strong women. We encourage lifters at all experience levels to compete!
This year, we are thrilled to partner with Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, we will create the first annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship to assist low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
Registration will open December 14, 2015. Last year, we sold out in 3 days, so mark your calendars now!
Anna G. Performs Contemporary Dance on Poles!
CFSBKer Anna G. is a contemporary pole performer, and she is performing with the PULSE Project, which is presenting contemporary work alongside incredible artists at Le Salon on November 20th and 21st. Two evenings of art, music, and dance! Bring your energy, they’ll supply the heat in an intimate space on the Lower East Side. Buy tickets here and learn more about the event here.
Anna is also performing on Saturday, November 28th at 8pm. She performs in a stand-up comedy/pole show called Schtick A Pole, which is a fun, edgy, sexy, and entertaining NYC show that runs every last Saturday of the month. Get $20 tickets online or pay $25 cash at the door. Check out the Facebook page here, and the event page here.
News and Notes
- CFSBK’s second Art Show is THIS SATURDAY! Tell your friends, and come hang with us from 7:30-10:30pm!
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Active Recovery at 6:30pm or AntiGravity at 7:30pm. Pilates is CANCELLED tonight.
- Get your yoga on with Jaclyn, at the new time of 9am on Thursday mornings! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
Strong Legs Help Keep Brains Healthy The Guardian
The Father of “Fascia” is Annoyed Anatomy Trains
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last high intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
5 Rounds:
20 AbMat Sit Ups
15 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am with Jess doing Monday's work
Press – 155x3x4 – Felt great. Really didn't struggle at all til the last rep.
DL – 385×3 – Also felt good. Thought I was rounding a bit, but Jess said it wasn't anything problematic
Metcon – 2:54 – Almost lost the bell at the end, but managed to finish before having to do more burpees.
6am with McD doing tomorrow's work
LBBS: 215x3x4 This is a little less than 85%, but I kept it a little lighter since I'm still feeling sore in my lower back from yesterday's deadlifts.
WOD in 12:23. 500m in 1:54 and then all the wall balls and sit-ups unbroken, with a few pauses in between movements. The run was slow and cold.
6am with McD doing Wed's programming
LBBS: 285# x 3 x 4. This felt smooth and strong until the last set when it got funky because of this stupid groin pull. Doctor appointment in my future.
WOD in 11:00 Rx. Row in 1:52, then everything unbroken through the last set of situps where i had to stop on the 10th and rest for a second. The run was hard.
@SteveH, perhaps our GHD-fest yesterday was poorly timed. ๐
Tomorrow's squatting with Jess at 7 AM.
HBBSQ 190x3x4. This felt damn heavy but moved fast. I will go for 195 on Friday for sure.
WOD 12:03 with 400m run instead of rowing and 15# DB thrusters instead of wall balls. I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe I miss wall balls? I'll get there. Eventually.
Stuck around for some banded distractions and lax ball rolling, except London thought the lax ball was for him and was very disappointed when it wasn't ๐
7am with McD and Jess
Press 3×5 66lb
DL heavy 3 195lb
This is a new pr for three reps. Yay!
My body was tired today. I took yesterday as a rest day but everything felt heavy. I was really shocked about the pr on the DL.
6am squattin with McDowell
HBBS 205 x 5 x 3 – Moved well and felt light on the legs but my back felt sore. Chalk that up to the deadlifts and GHDs yesterday.
WOD – 10:38 Rx. Came off the rower around 1:43. Sit ups and wall balls all unbroken but I definitely regretted the GHDs yesterday in round 5. Run was fast and the cool temperature felt fantastic. Should have pushed the run even harder. Love metcons like this.
Don't know if my abs can take Pilates with KH tonight but my hip always feels better after going.
Skill: Handstand Walk
Strength: 6 Rounds:
:20 hollow hold + log roll + :20 hollow arch hold
Wod: 12 min AMRAP
10 Toes to Bar
20 Sit ups
40 Step Walking lunge
WOD change for AG.
12 min AMRAP
10 Toes To Bar
30 Walking Lunges
My LP on presses finally broke down today.
115×5, 115×3 (failed on 4th rep), 115×1, (failed on second rep.) I've hit a wall. I'll go back down to 105 next week and come back up with a 5,5, repout scheme.
Deadlift: 285×3 (Upper back rounding)
WOD: 5:xx (My legs were dead on this one).
Just saw this from last night:
"LATER, I WATCHED KATIE HARPER MURDER A 195# JERK!!! I'm in shock, impressed, and inspired to say the least."
1. That is amazing. My jaw is on the floor.
2. That can be misread as criminal activity. ๐
Attention Pilates Fiends!
Our beloved KH is sick, and we are cancelling Pilates. Check out AR at 6:30pm with Coach Fox instead, or AntiGravity at 7:30pm!
@Whit H Thanks so much for the shoutout!
@Stella that is HILARIOUS. I just snorted.
You all are the best : )
Excited to finally get a little breakthrough with my oly lifts! I've been struggling with a stiff ankle since July. I decided it was a good idea to back off of jumping/high impact movements for about 2 months. From there I spent a good deal of time this summer/fall in physical therapy and training smart. Happy to see some of that side work pay off!
Jerk: 83×3, 103×2, 123, 143, 153, 163, 173 (PR), 180(PR), 185(PR), 190(PR), 195(PR), 200(F)
I was having a really bad day, so I went into this thinking that 173 was only a possibility. Surprisingly, every time I racked the weight onto my shoulders, it felt heavy, but manageable. It's amazing what you can pull off when you're mentally tuned in. Thanks to everyone who was nearby giving me encouraging words….Especially Frank, who was kind enough to power clean all of the weights heavier than 180 because I couldn't re-rack back to my shoulders : P
Hopefully I can PR my finals too!
25# pr (fuckyeah)
Nice, Harps!
11am today after a rough couple of days with lots of alcohol and little sleep ๐
Bent Row
6am doing Monday's work with Jess – back after a week off to recover from a cold. 115 on the presses, fitness style. I could feel the reps slowing down in the second set and I failed the last rep in my last set. 295×3 on the deadlifts. These went fine. Probably could have done a few more pounds, but I'm OK with this.
5:41 on the metcon with a 20kg kettlebell. This was a fun one. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Yesss kharpzzzzz
Wednesday work.
215 BSQ.
10:30 on the wod. Unbroken, but man I came close to dropping on that last set of WB.
7:30 with DO
Press 67x5x3 Finally over my plateau! Historically, this is usually where I start to fail reps. 1 lb jumps are the jam.
DL 208×3
WOD RXd in 3:19.
got to 98 swings at 3:00…so upsetting haha
Wow! Congrats everyone on the amazing PRs!
Monday's workout with Whit:
Press: 62 (same as last week) Still failed 5th rep on first set, 4th rep on second & third sets. Bummer. Must keep bar close and not press it away from my body.
Deadlift: 170X3 Yay, moved well.
WOD: 16kg, 3:29. I believe I would have gone faster if I had had my usual big kettlebell at 557…
More AG Fun:
-Handstand walks. Fun working with Drea from Minnesota who is new to AG ๐
-4:00 MINUTES of hollow hold/log roll/arch hold. This was so much more intense than even L-Sits. My abs are on fire–where the beach at!?
"AMRAP"…more like NFT…
5 HSPUs (kipping 1-2 ab mats)
10 TTB ( I linked 10 together 2 times! These are not a problem for me)
30 Walking Lunges
Congrats Katie! You kick ass.
Squats were weak today.. maybe from a pretty big day yesterday or from not back squatting regularly enough – who knows.
Warm up x3
10 OHS 45#
10 Ring Rows
10 Push ups
95# x 5, 125# x 3, 155# x 1
165 (85%) x 3 x 2 – right knee kept creeping in by the 2nd and 3rd rep and it felt crushing, so dropped down
155 x 3 x 2
Work out in 11:27
500m row
5 rounds of 20 sit-ups and 15 wall balls unbroken
500m row
Rows were the worst part
Started the day with yoga on an empty stomach which is probably what I should do every day… feels so good.
Great week for weightlifting at SBK! KHarpz, McD hitting HUGE PRs. Jake and Ro looking strong on the platform! Loving the vibes ๐
SNATCH (kilos):
57.5 kg (.5KG PR! 126.5#)
58.5 kg (double PR! 128.7#) !!
60 kg : F, F, F
Previous best was 57kg/125.4#. Was feeling solid after the make at 55 and figured I should just go for it already. Have been pulling under much better. Visualized myself hitting these lifts before attempting them… it makes a HUGE difference for me.
Three fails at 60kg. I got under the first one pretty well, but just didn't commit and push myself all the way through. After that I was getting down, but they were a bit out in front so never really had a chance. Got tired. Now I can start making slightly bigger jumps to get there faster. I know it's coming soon!!!
There is almost nothing better in the world than a snatch PR…
7 power clean (65#)
7 thruster
7 bar facing burpee
Time: 7:58
was supposed to be 7 rounds, but my left hip started getting painful in round three and I'm just not willing to push there, yet. have been ramping up volume with full/dynamic squat motions, so i'll take the 35 reps on the road forward.
Yes! Reading about /stalking videos of k harpz and whit's PRs this week was awesome. Strong ass ladies !