Brett F. doing some light dumbbell work
6 Things We Want You to Know About This Fine Friday
1. C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship registration ends tomorrow. You have until tomorrow’s 2K test to sign up. Participants will not be allowed to join the 2K until they’re registered. Don’t miss out, get all the details HERE.
2. “Froning” is playing during Open Gym on Sunday. Geek out on CrossFit and watch it with all of us after Open Gym at 6:30pm. Bring your lawn chairs and beer (or Paleo snacks!).
3. You have another chance to Fight Gone Bad. We’re running a Fight Gone Belated this Sunday at 8am. Anyone interested should email Jess at Info [at]
4. Kettlebell Kitchen wants to meet and feed you tomorrow. They will be setting up at the gym around 11:30 am and be here till 2:30 pm to give you free food samples.
5. We’re really proud of CFSBK’s new virtual tour. Coach David penned a short little diddy about it on his blog Inside the Affiliate. Get inside the affiliate, like, literally.
6. You can make beef jerky this weekend. Our buddies over at Fleisher’s Craft Butchery are offering a Beef Jerky 101 class tomorrow in Red Hook 1-3pm. Learn how to slice, season and dehydrate the most delicious beef jerky to wow your friends and satiate your appetite time and time again. Get your tickets HERE!
Everything Doesn’t Happen for a Reason The Adversity Within
Darfur Poet Triumps in International Poetry Slam The Guardian
Saturday's Programming
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week's set of 8.
Exposure 4/8
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, complete 10 total (5 each) rounds for time of:
15 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20
30 Russian KB Swings 53/35
Post time and Rx to comments.
The virtual tour shots of the gym are so cool!
Yesterday's workout
Warm up a la Whitney
Clean & 2 Jerks EMOM
88 (forgot to add weight)
128 – felt good to have been able to coordinate re-racking this weight
Workout @93# in 15:20
Squats burned a lot, push presses were unbroken but slow, t2b sets went 5-5, 10, 10, 6-4, 6-4
Love the "Everything Doesnt Happen For a Reason" Link
Also, there will be some free beer for the Froning Film
7 AM with MeLo (and when MeLo and Nick are teaching class, you know that means the music will kick ass!)
HBBSQ 155x7x4. I was on a 3-top and ended up resting less than 2 minutes between sets because I started my work sets so late, which made this rougher than it should have been. Eek!
WOD 24:28 with squat thrusts, Rx KB, and a ghost partner. This was definitely too much of something. I haven't had problems with KB swings since the surgery, but then I'd never tried to do 150 of them in a workout before. My radial nerve was numb for a few minutes afterward ๐
6am with MeLo
185 x 5 x 3. Moved well. MeLo kept trying to fix my grip but something in there just wouldn't oblige.
WOD – Partnered with Scott. Don't remember the finish time but each of my rounds was eerily the same at 2:15 +/- a few seconds. Think it was 2:15, 2:16, 2:12, 2:16, 2:14. Fun workout and enough rest to let you really sprint through the burpee box jumps. Tripped twice on the box jumps but shins are intact. KB swings all unbroken.
7am with MeLoNick
Squats were fine @ 135. Happy to be at sets of 5 again.
WOD Rx'd. Got through the first 3 rounds okay, then felt my lower back get very tight. Tried dropping weight and almost sent the bell across the room in the middle of round 4. Lower back was just not having it. Called it quits. This was my 2nd DNF in the span of 10-days.
Has anyone experienced a wall in the past where WODs are just feeling impossible to get through? I've never been the fastest, and I have started to increase weight the last 2 cycles, but this feels a like more than just things taking a little longer. I'm thinking of taking a week off for recovery and then hoping that helps. But any prior experience / advice would be appreciated.
@Brendan – Two of the gentlemen at 6am complained of the same thing during this WOD, so not just you. As someone who has dealt with a lot of lower back/hip issues I would recommend listening to your body. If it's beat up take a few days off. And try active recovery if you aren't already, it's great for that.
Brendan — when I tweaked my lower back front squatting a couple of years ago, DO gave me some good AR exercises that definitely helped. Are you coming to AR tomorrow? If so, I'd ask him about that — there was a particularly good one that involved lying on the floor with bent knees and feet against a wall, squeezing a medicine ball between my knees for 5-second bursts. Not sure whether that's the right thing for you to do but DO would know.
@steve Mel had mentioned that. It totally feels fine now, I think I just might be fatigued the last couple weeks. World Series timing seems to align with that theory.
@stella Can't make AR tomorrow but will be scouring YouTube for some good stuff this evening.
6am with Nick and MeLo doing Thursday
EMOM: 2 cleans + 1 jerk
155, 165×3, 175×3, 185×3
More metabolic that the 90sec work last week. Okay pulls, but couldn't get myself to drop under jerks, even though I kept the weight relatively low.
Wod: 18:18, but I skipped the 2nd set of air squats after the first set bothered my hip/groin. This was moving along find until the last 2 sets of toes to bar which might have taken 2 minutes each.
I think this is good fodder for an article on auto-regulating. For sure, its hard perhaps impossible to go in every day and try to crush things. If I'm feeling lethargic or whatever I just get through the movements moving as perfectly as possible without caring about my time or numbers. I find spending 10 minutes on movement prep beforehand is HUGE for me physically and mentally. 2 Weeks ago in AR I took everyone through my 8:00 pre workout routine as an example.
OG Today:
Worked up to 70kgs
Squat Clean + FSQ + Split Jerk
80kg x3
AMRAP 16:00
8 Dumbbell Split Snatches @ 65lb DB
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
36 Double Unders
5 Rounds + 14 Reps
This was a ton of fun to do with Whit and Todd. No Shirt Club!
Noon class with McD and Noah
100 x 3 x 5, probably could have gone heavier but my darn R big toe (MTP joint) has been really bothering me for a day or so, didn't want to load up the bar too heavy. Still + 5 lbs. since last week.
Partner WOD Rx with Callie, so fun!! We finished 10 rounds in 22 something. All KB unbroken except last round, broke into 2 sets. Thanks for Callie for keeping me honest with my sets of burpee box jumps. I just love box jumps in my Metcon's, the shoes are worth it alone for this movement! Nice sweaty WOD on this beautiful day, I'll take the humidity if prolongs winter ๐
Going to London tomorrow till Sunday, if anyone has a gym they like, do let me know.. I heard good things about Crossfit Central London. Thanks!
@DO – would you mind sharing 8:00 pre workout routine for those of us that weren't at AR? Thanks!
106 x 2 x 2
106 x 2 x 1
110 x 2 x 1
Panda Pulls
125 x 3 x 2
132 x 3 x 2
Messed around with some HS snatch @ 62 kg. F–not pulling my head through. Commitment issues.
Pause Squatz
157 x 3 x 5
Make Up Posts like whoa:
Snatch (kilos): 35, 40, 44, 47, 49, 50, 50, 51, 52 (91%)
-feeling sharp, pulling under. keep it going!
Skill/Strength: 3 rounds
6 box step up L, 2 R (12kg KB, :03 descent)
6 Seated single arm DB Press (30#)
6 v-ups
1 strict Muscle Up
50 DU's
7 GHD sit ups
5 min and change… one or two trips on DU's
easy warm up with Xover symmetry, air squats, hollow holds, push ups
LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 125×3, 135×1
-feeling better, solid. staying even L to R side, moving well. no pain.
AMRAP in 9min
9 cal row
6 burpee over rower
3 C&J 115#
Score: 4 Rounds even
C&J (kilos): 35 (3 pos clean+pj+sj), 45 (same), 50, 50, 55, 58, 58, 60, 60, 50, 50
-Frank gave me good cues on moving my feet more and speeding up the transition from my "throw" to the "catch"… it's coming together, but after doing Power variations for so long, I think I'm a bit tentative here.
Fun WOD with David + Todd and no shirts
AMRAP 16:00
8 Dumbbell Split Snatches (40# DB)
12 Kipping Pull-Ups (mostly butterfly, just a bit of breakdown towards the end)
36 Double Unders (one trip)
5 Rounds + 15 Reps
(DO, we got 8 split snatches + 7 pull-ups at the end!)
Cash Out: 100ft handstand walk (down and back), 3 kipping MU (singles)
Great week of training! Feeling sore, but healthy and pain-free!!!!!! ๐
Saturday's workout at OG:
Performance front squat @100#. Did it at 65% because it was my first low intensity exposure. Moved well. Didn't bottom out or tip over!
Partner WOD with Asha in 23:15
First five reps of each burpee box jump were fast, then went to crap. Legs felt like lead. All KB swings unbroken. I was so fatigued that I wasn't sure if I would finish all 5 rounds and wouldn't have if Asha wasn't there motivating me. She killed it, while I died each round. Asha, I totally understand if you never want to work out together during OG again! ๐