Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes (10 working sets):
Performance: 1 Clean + 2 Jerks
Fitness: 2 Clean and Jerks (2×1+1)
Start at 60% and add weight as appropriate. Work up to a heavy but not max effort load.
Exposure 4/8
Post loads to comments
For Time:
50 Squats
550m Run
5 Rounds:
5 Push Presses 135/95
10 Toes-to-Bar
50 Squats
550m Run
The squats are air squats. The push press load should be medium heavy. Sub hanging knee raises for toes-to-bar as necessary.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Take a virtual tour of CFSBK! We recently worked with Google to create a 3-D tour of our gym so prospective members could walk around our gym from the comfort of their homes! Being one of the largest and most well-equipped CrossFit gyms in the city, we figured we’d show off what we have. If you “walk around” 597 and 608, you’ll see coaches and members working out and doing fun stuff in each room. The future is now, people!!!
- Still want to sign up for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship? You have until Saturday’s 2K test to do so. Participants will not be allowed to join the 2k until they’re registered with the program. After Saturday, we will be removing registration links. Don’t miss out, get all the details HERE!
- Get your yoga on with Jaclyn THIS MORNING at the new time of 9am! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class. Or check out Active Recovery at 7:30pm.
Go Beyond the Whiteboard!
CFSBK member Moe N. works at popular digital workout log Beyond the Whiteboard. BTWB is one of the most well-known and well used CrossFit workout trackers out there. As a courtesy for our community Moe made BTWB free for CFSBK members! Here is more info:
Cost: Free!
Sign Up: Via this link. After you sign up, you’ll be able to sign into the site or apps (Android or iOS).
- Log results and find previous results.
- When your WOD is something like 80% of 1 rep max, we’ll tell you what that is. Because Math is bad.
- We also help you figure out how good your result was.
- Also other cool stuff. Moe’s favorite feature is Fitness Level, which helps tell you how fit you are. Here is a really bad video overview (the info is cool though).
Geek Out Links
- Fitness Level
- How Does Age Affect Improvement in CrossFit?
- How Long Does It Take To Improve in CrossFit?
- Working Out More: Is It Worth It?
Meet Mira Rai, Nepal’s first female sports star is a trailblazing global hero Slate
Make up post from last night:
Power Clean 98 2×5
Hang Snatch (below knee) 86 2×5
cues: "scoop + pop"
Snatch Push Press + OHS 99 (3+2) x 3
6am with Lady Fox and JB
I liked this WOD a lot. I went into it thinking the 135# push press would be the limiter but it was surprising easy and all sets were unbroken. The toes to bar were the biggest time suck. First two sets were unbroken and then regressed to 5/5, 5/5, 4/3/3.
Finished Rx'd in 15:03.
I left a beige s'well water bottle at the gym last night. Would someone please put it in the lost and found until I can go pick it up?
6am with Jess and JB
EMOM – 154, 154. 165, 165, 165, 176, 176, 176, 187, 187
This was much more metabolic than last weeks EMOM
Metcon in 11:38. This was a fun one.
6am with JB and Jess
Fitness EMOM – 115, 115, 125, 125, 135, 135, 145, 145, 145, 145
As Jess said and I verified, 60 seconds is much quicker than 90 seconds. Not much rest time but felt like it really allowed me to dial in form and was very happy with both my cleans and jerks by the end. Hopefully I can carry that form into heavier clean and jerks..
WOD – 15:43 (maybe 16:43?) at 115#. As Matty said, push presses were easier than I thought and unbroken, should have done 125 or 135. Toes to bar, however, were not. Really sucked up all my time. One day I'll figure out this whole kipping toes to bar thing..
6am with Jess and JB
EMOM w/2 cleans: 83, 83, 93, 93, 93, 103, 103, 103, 103, 113. My upper traps have recovered from Sunday's wod, but I didn't want to aggravate them again. Jess pointed out that my knees were getting in the way on the pull, so I focused on keeping them back and my cleans felt smoother.
WOD in 14:23. I scaled the push presses to 63 and T2B to v-ups since I'm still having discomfort when hanging off the bar with my right arm. I took some extra time to really focus on bracing for the push press and not letting my upper traps dominate. Pretty sure I'm going to need a nap before the fighting tacos game at 10 tonight.
7AM with Lady Fox across the street
EMOM work caught up quick. Felt like I had to do two WOD's today.
115, 125, 125, 135, 135, 140, 140, 145, 145, 145
WOD 16:04 Rx
Push press all unbroken but slow and a little grindy towards the end. T2B kip had enough in round 3 and there was no recovery after. 10, 10, 7-3, 6-4, 4-4-3.
Legs surprisingly very fresh at the end for the last round of squats.
Fun workout!
Make sure to sign up via the sign up link on the blog not from btwb.com. The former is free while the latter is you chipping in for my rent. Which is cool. Basically, if btwb asks for a credit card, then you did something wrong.
2 C&J EMOM x10
Stayed a bit lighter than I anticipated at 154 for the whole thing. Was very gassed by the 5th minute.
Clean Pulls
Clean + 2 Jerks: 103, 103, 108, 108, 113, 113, 113, 118, 118, 118. Started a little heavier than suggested because I knew the time would allow for very little time to change weights. Also knew I didn't want to go too heavy because I don't feel comfortable reracking after a jerk much beyond where I stopped. Definitely got some cardio conditioning during this part.
WOD in 14:21 with 83# and hanging knee raises.
12pm with Lady Fox
EMOM (fitness) worked up to 93# for a few sets then back to 83#.
Cleans were a LOT better this week but split jerks were crap. I focused on staying vertical and I think I got that part (yay!) but I just can't seem to drop aggressively. Watched DO every other EMOM and tried to emulate but was not getting it. I lack the confidence and coordination right now. WIP.
WOD in 15:42 @ 83# with 35 T2B total. Just can't kip them properly yet- did 10,10,10,5,5. Should probably have tried 93# though. Next time.
12:00pm Group Class
1 Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerks EMOM
Did all 10:00 at 175lbs
Was challenging but felt really doable
17:50 as Rx'd
Runs: Slow
Squats: Steady
Push Presses: Unbroken
T2B: first two sets unbroken, latter three were 6-4
Street view is so cool!!
5:30 sesh
79 x 1×2
92 x 1×2
99 x 1
106 x 1
112 x 1
114 x 1
YAS. Best freaking snatch day in a LONG ass time.
99 x 1
116 x 1
124 x 1
132 x 1
140 x 1
155 x 1
176 x 1
187 x 1
198 x 1
YAS. Knees are good and lifts feel strong. All that indulging has paid off.
HBBS–low intensity day
(45×10, 135×5, 165×3) 190x7x4
-for some reason I started the first exposure right at 70% so this was 5# more than exp. 1. legs really getting fatigued in the last reps…not sure if it's just because it's getting heavy or because of the extra crash b's training or both.
Group class WOD with the 8am class:
14:45 rx'd
-first squats in :55, run ok, all push press unbroken, t2b broken from beginning, 2nd squats still in under a minute, 2nd run relatively fast for me.
-really enjoyed this one!
15' Recovery Row
-averaged about 15s/m and a 2:43 split.
10' orb mashing on legs!
6am + 6 hours (aka nooner) w/ Jess
EMOM: 155×10 fitness. Big night for me, 2 hours sleep. So just went in focusing on consistent form. Jess noticed I was soft in the catch position on a few reps.
Metcon: 15:08 Rx. The sun came out for the runs which was great. Push press and T2B were both aweful.
Performance C&J EMOM bc my jerk currently needs more work than my clean.
Modified WOD in 16:52
Air squats: Not as fast as I'd hoped but steady.
Runs: Always slow.
PP: First 2 rounds +4 reps done at 88#. Failed the 5th rep and was arching my back to get the bar up so dropped to 83# for the rest of the WOD. Wish I had read the blog more closely because I would've started at 83# had I known Kayleigh and Charlie did it at 83#.
T2B: 10 unbroken, 6-4, then don't remember the break down of the remaining sets, but only did the last rep as a single.
Fun WOD even though I'm not a fast runner.
Tweaked my right shoulder last week, so no snatching.
yesterday: Worked up to a 352 CJ, then did some waves from that.
Power Clean:
Clean Pulls:
C&J: 83, 93, 93, 98, 98, then stayed at 103 for the rest of the WOD. Could have gone up, but I was getting *tired*. Was catching the later rounds in more of a power clean… not sure if that's good or bad.
WOD: 12:56– 73# push press, TTB in sets of 5…kind of lost the kip swing and did singles in the later rounds. Tried to push speed on the run and air squats.
Shoutout to @Dan L–> 11:38 is impressive!! That time kept ringing through my head while I was running. Obviously didn't get close!!!
7:30 with Ro and Noah
C&J Emom:
68, (60%) 73,78,83,83,88,88,93,93,98(87%)
WOD with 73# and 5TTB per round: 13:34
Oh- and the google street view is sick, as is the access to BTWB
@Moe, thanks for the free subscription to BTWB! For those of you who haven't checked it out yet, it has the SBK workouts already entered so you just have to put in your times, weights, etc.
Great virtual tour of the gym!
6:30 with Whit & Noah
Performance C&J EMOM
These all felt really good, power cleaned a few in the middle and worked on cycling the 2 jerks without any rest between
WOD rx'ed in 14:28 or 22?
Either way I was chasing Allie but she was flying on the squats and run!
6:30 with Whitney and Noah
Fitness clean and jerks: 155-275, missed the second jerk at 275
Conditioning: 11:21 (running is silly and should never be incorporated into workouts)