Back Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week’s set of 8.
Exposure 4/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Double-Unders
25/20 Push-Ups
40 Double-Unders
20/16 Push-Ups
30 Double-Unders
15/12 Push-Ups
20 Double-Unders
10/8 Push-Ups
10 Double-Unders
5/4 Push-Ups
Ladies, feel free to perform the men’s Rx on the push ups if they’re a strength of yours. Scale double-unders to 1/2 attempts, or 1/2 KB Russian kettlebell swings (53/35) if your doubles are shite. This is meant to be a fast and mostly unbroken WOD.
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Still want to sign up for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship? You have until Saturday’s 2K test to do so. Participants will not be allowed to join the 2k until they’re registered with the program. After Saturday, we will be removing registration links. Don’t miss out, get all the details HERE!
- Have you seen “Froning” yet? Come geek out on CrossFit and watch it with all of us after Open Gym this Sunday at 8pm. Bring your lawn chairs and beer (or Paleo snacks!)!
- Missed Fight Gone Bad, and feeling sad? We’re running a Fight Gone Belated this Sunday at 8am. Anyone interested should email Jess at Info [at]
Want to Learn How to Make Beef Jerky?!
Fleisher’s Craft Butchery is offering a Beef Jerky 101 class this Saturday at Fleisher’s in Red Hook 1-3pm. Learn how to slice, season and dehydrate the most delicious beef jerky to wow your friends and satiate your appetite time and time again. Here’s what you can expect:
- Our jerky expert will review the cuts most ideal for beef jerky and how to best slice them for the best texture
- Hands-on slicing, seasoning and handling of beef jerky through all its stages
- Each participant receives the Fleishers DIY Jerky Kit, complete with everything needed to make delicious jerky at home
- Discussions on sourcing, sustainability, and labeling in our local food system
- Then we’ll sample the newest line of Fleisher’s beef jerky over beers and recipe brainstorming
We ask that all attendees wear a hat, closed toe shoes, and clothes they don’t mind getting meaty. A long-sleeve shirt or light sweat shirt is recommended. Get your tickets HERE!
Billions in Change
oh for the love of god i'm so happy we are back at sets of FIVE.
6am with Ro and McDowell
HBBS – 225x7x4 – felt solid. Moved through the sets pretty quickly too.
Metcon in 3:47. DUs unbroken except for one trip-up in the round of 20. PUs fell apart after the second round and ended up being in 3s and 2s the rest of the way.
6am with McDowell
Perf. HBBS: Moved pretty quick through these, and everything felt fast and snappy (relatively).
Metcon: Where have my push-ups gone! Around the time of Murph, I felt like a push-up ninja, but those days are clearly gone. Broke these up from the beginning as 5s with a couple breaths between expecting to easily cruise through the workout at that pace, but the last two rounds were done in 3s and 2s. All double unders unbroken
5:14 Rx
Some pec mashing with an orb, and 3×10 GHD situps as a cashout.
7am, fun to see a bunch of familiar faces I don't normally get a chance to lift with…
Lbbs 235x7x4. This is 10# less than the last time we did this scheme, i wanted to focus on getting lower… less weight but not exactly 'easy.'
WOD in 7 flat. Doubles were pretty good with about 1 trip up per round, 44 consecutive in the first round. Broke up the push-ups a lot, then broke them up some more.
6am w/ Ro
HBBS: 135×5, 165×3, 195x7x4. Everything moved well.
Metcon: 4:11 Rx. DU's mostly unbroken, maybe a trip up on 40 and 30. First set of pushups unbroken, then pushups fell apart to 10's, 5's and then 3's and 2's. Definitely a pushup workout.
7:30pm last night with Jess and Noah. I couldn't make it in yesterday morning or this morning and still wanted to get my squatz in, so I finally took my first evening class at CFSBK and it wasn't too bad.
LBBS: 180x7x4. Noah gave me some great pointers, both to make sure I'm not rushing through these higher volume sets and to keep my weight back, not coming onto my toes. Sets 2-4 were improved after focusing on that.
WOD in 8:02, subbing half volume kb swings for DU's and using the orange band around my upper arms for the push-ups. I really liked this push-up scaling option instead of going from the knees, but was still a lot of volume for me.
7am with McD and Ro
BS 3X5 130
felt pretty good, I probably could have done 135, but I was being cautious
KB Swings at 16Kg cuz I wasn't really sure if double under attempts at that volume would be good for my wrists
used a red band to do push ups on my toes (which i managed to do except for the last four on the 3rd round), but for some reason, either lack of sleep or coffee, I seemed to forget that for the last 2 1/2 months I have been doing push ups on DBs and did this WOD with my hands flat on the floor. Half way through I realized this probably isn't a good idea, but my hands weren't hurting or numb so I kept at it. On the walk home i paid for it and I am rocking my wrist splints. So I guess I still should be doing them on DBs. Oh well, live and learn. It is odd what works and what doesn't work, but I am very appreciate of all the subs that the coaches at CFSBK have helped me with over the last few months. We are really lucky!
oh yeah, and my WOD time was 6:34. ๐
Grrrrr…. Not really happy with today's WOD performance. Rx'd this in 6:51.
Double unders were spot on today and I was able to do the sets of 50 and 40 unbroken. One slip up in the round of 30 and then 20 and 10 unbroken. The push ups were a shit-show from the beginning. I am still a little tight from Sunday's work out and I have not been as consistent with mobility as I usually am. Echoing Brad's comment, during Murph I felt like I could do sets of 10 for days. I am going to start making sure quick sets of push ups are a part of warm up from now on.
Squats felt good. 4 sets of 7 at 205#.
6am with McRo. Think this was my first Wednesday class ever.
HBBS 165 x 5 x 3 Moved easy but still feel a little pressure in my sacrum area. Just need to take my time working back up in squat weight. McD said I had good hip positioning on all my sets so good to know I'm not tucking at the bottom again.
WOD – 6:33 Rx'd. Double unders were good today. 50 was unbroken and others had maybe 1 or 2 trips. Like everyone else push-ups fell apart halfway through. Think I did 15-10, 10-5-5, 5-5-5, then 3s, 2s, and singles.
HBBS 165 x 5 x 3
WOD – 8:08 Rx. Pushups broke down pretty fast to lots of doubles and singles, but tried to get back to them quickly. DUs in 2-3 sets for all except last set.
12pm group class with McTuro.
20 x DU
10 x OHS
5 x Pull-ups
Bench Press with Kate R.
130 x 1 (8RPE) 110 x 5. Planned to do a rep-out at that weight but wasn't feeling it.
WOD in 5:09 with half volume push-ups. Full volume would have put me out of commission for a couple of days since I am still sore from doing push-ups in my warm-up on Monday! DU's were actually ok!
So beautiful outside today!
Afternoon lifting, came in to snatch for first time in a month.
Hang (Hip) Snatch
Felt good.
Snatch Pulls
Felt very poppy.
then a little rowing interval workout that I like
20s Work/40s Rest
Tried to keep all intervals above 100m, was successful until the last one where I hit 99.
Finished an article early this morning and came to the noon class. I haven't been posting because I'm still injured. I'm in PT twice a week and trying to figure out what's wrong, as my pain seems to keep moving around to new locations in my leg. A good lesson in taking injuries seriously when they happen, and not continuing to squat heavy or playing volleyball (though long live the Spiking Tacos!)…
But today, I could do the WOD!
Bench with Charlie: 45×7, 75×5 (with pause), 95×2 (with pause), 115×3, 105x5x3. I've lost some strength on this lift from not being consistent with my exposures.
WOD Rx-ed: Finished in just under 9 minutes. Had to do push-ups as singles toward the end.
Such a fun class, and a treat to be able to participate in the workout. ๐
Make-up from Monday:
Press: 33×7, 53×4, 65×2, 70x7x4.
Then worked on my kipping pull-ups, which are coming back in longer sets.
6am with McDowell. Perf. back squats at 200x7x4. This is 71% of my 1RM, but the reps all moved pretty well and felt good.
I knew this WOD was going to be a shit-show from the description and I was right. My double unders are shameful, so I did all of them in little hit-and-miss increments with some sets of 10-12 thrown in here and there. They took bloody forever. I did the pushups in mostly sets of five, with some 2's, 3's, and 4's thrown in at the ends of the 20 and 15 rounds. The whole thing took me 10:46 and nearly twelve hours later my ass and elbows still look like I spent the morning in a dungeon being whipped.
Did this solo today
Warm up x3
4 chin ups
10 OHS 33#
20 sit ups
HBBS 65%
127 x 7 x 4 – felt good
Workout in 6:14
DUs unbroken except for a weird ankle thing at 48 in the first set
Push ups were tough from the start. Did 5-5-3-3-2-2, then 2s for all the rest
HBBS: 225x7x4
WOD: 8:34 (my push-ups broke down very quickly)
Yay Kate!
HBBS: 125# 5×3 Helpful advice from Noah about staying in my heels and not popping up on my toes when finished- makes sense that would transfer to oly lifts.
WOD: 5:56 with KB swings. Considered doing men's volume of push-ups, but decided to stick with the ladies volume. Broke the push-ups up every round. Wish I had DUs. :*(
Joined the 3×10 GHD cash out crew. Focused on not hyper extending at the bottom.
Performance LBBS: 135x7x4 (~68%) +5 from last low intensity exposure.
Hips and lower back were super tight today.
WOD: 1/2 DUs, full pushups in 6:42.
Pushups broke down sooner than expected. Did 5-5-4, then doubles the rest of the WOD, until the last rep which was a single. Should have done 2/3 or full DUs even if I finished last. I'm always hesitant to do full volume on the DUs bc they are horrible on the first round, then improve as I move through a WOD.
7:30 with Melo and Katie.
145x7x4. Felt good. 73% of my 1rm.
Wod RXd in 8:05. Arms and lats felt sore so I had to break up the double unders more than normal. Push-ups felt hard from the beginning.
Cashout: half assed core work consisting of hanging leg raises, planks and hollow rocks.
Thanks, Allie! ๐