Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes (8 total sets):
Fitness: 1 Snatch
Performance: 1 Hang (full) Snatch
Start at 60% and add weight every 90 seconds. The goals is to finish heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3/8
3 Rounds For Time:
3 Rounds of “Cindy”
7 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
7 Jerks
One round of “Cindy” is: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, and 15 Squats. Bands or Ring Rows are okay for the pull ups. The power cleans must start from the hang, and the jerks can be shoulder-to-overhead anyhow (push press, push jerk, split jerk). This should be done unbroken on the fast end, but the bar weight should be medium heavy for most athletes. If breaking up the barbell reps, consider breaking up the hang power cleans at 6, then taking the 7th rep right into your first jerk. TRY NOT TO PUT THE BAR BACK ON THE FLOOR UNTIL YOU COMPLETE ALL 7 JERKS.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Mega congrats to our CrossFit Gantry Spooky Halloween Fest competitors! They CRUSHED it. Team PB & Jacked (Brett F., Bryan B., and Coach Whit) took first, and the Modern Marvels (Matt K., Lauren S., and Brendan N.) took third!
- The New York City Marathon is TODAY. Please allow for extra time crossing Fourth Avenue, and read yesterday’s comments to get some pro tips!
- Kids Club is cancelled today! Join us for CrossFit Preschool at 9am or 10am.
Check Out Anti-Gravity at 2pm Today! (or Tuesdays at 7:30pm)
Is your kip krap? Are you muscle-ups more like muscle downs? Are your pistols mere pop guns? Coaches Noah and Arturo have designed Anti-Gravity: an hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class.
The class will focus on the gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements. Our goal is to improve not only skill, but gymnastic work capacity and muscular endurance.
When: Tuesdays at 7:30PM and Sundays at 2PM
Cost: This counts as a regular group class
Each class will consist of skill work, strength development, conditioning, and flexibility training. Every class will include dedicated strength work and a WOD, so its intention is to be a complete workout of the day on its own.
Email Noah [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com or Arturo [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.comwith any questions!
Marathon The New York Times
Good luck to all SBKers running the marathon today! Be sure to let us know how it goes!
Skill:Toes to Bar
Strength: Pullups
Jumping Lunges
Toes 2 Bar
i'm still green. the green won't go away
8am with Family Fox
Perf Snatch
Worked up to 151# on the hang snatch. Feeling good.
WOD Rx'd in 17:02.
Debated whether or not to do this Rx'd. In the end I felt like if I didn't do it at 155# I would be thinking about it all day so I decided to tough it out.
Cindy rounds were pretty quick. Cleans and Jerks were heavy and broken up a lot.
Did one set of 10 GHDs and I thought I was going to throw up so I left it there.
Good 9am class this morning with Jess.
Worked up to 145# on the 7th round and failed at 155# on the 8th, but it was awfully close. This is an old PR and getting that bar up felt pretty easy. I'm confident I can hit this and probably go higher, although I need more practice at higher weights. Glad I can still do this after a long hiatus.
WOD @ 105# in 14:07. After falling apart on Wednesday I really wanted to do this conservatively and keep moving consistently. 105 was perfect for this. Very short breaks for 2-3 breaths at a time, Cindy rounds were good, push-press/push jerk was definitely the hardest for me. Forcing myself to jerk instead of push press is a lot easier, I just need to steal myself for the more "explosive" movement. The moral for me is: don't redline & everything is good.
Hello CSBK – I bumped into Louie at the Park Slope food Coop (no comments please) and he mentioned the name of a physical therapist in downtown brooklyn I'd like to check out. Can't remember the name and I don't have Louie's email or contact information.
If someone could forward I'd really appreciate it.
9am with the Foxes
Fitness Snatch – took it easy today since it was my first time snatching since hurting my hip. Started off at 80 pounds and worked up to 115. Everything felt good and was able to catch most of these in a full squat snatch as a plus.
14:28 at 115#. Right weight for me today.
Rounds of Cindy started off fast and was able to keep moving pretty quick through them throughout.
Power cleans all done in 6 + 1 and all jerks unbroken. Think I can start working back towards full weight and speed.
Snatch: 50-55-60-60-60-60-60-60 kilos. Kept the weight light and focused on 8 good reps. 7 were good, took the bar for a short walk on 1 rep. Liking this training approach alike, set a plan and then execute– no thinking required.
Metcon: 14:28 @ 135#. Cindy rounds were descent, a little slower than Cindy. All hang cleans 6-1, felt good and quick. Jerks were not ok 4-3, 4-3, 2-2-1-1-1.
Snatch: Finally got past 63! Did two reps at 68# (tried 73# twice, but wasn't pushing up into the bar enough) Katie mentioned keeping arms perpendicular to the floor when setting up, and it *revolutionized* my snatch. For the first time ever, the bar felt weightless and it was the heaviest weight I've ever snatched. Mind blowing. Thanks, Katie!!!
WOD: 73#; didn't check my time because I noticed there was blood all over my barbell when I finished and went straight to cleaning it up. :X
9am with the Foxes
Snatch: 63×5, 68×3. Jess told me the bar was swinging out in front of me, so I tried to focus on keeping it close and it felt much snappier after that.
WOD scaled in 13:14. Did ring rows and push-ups from the knees, and 30# db push presses instead of the jerk. I didn't hate this one as much as I thought I would.
Huge props to Kayleigh who did it rx'd at 8am!!
1pm (2pm?) class with Katie and Noah.
Snatch (kg) 55, 60, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75
All easy makes. Hadn't snatched in awhile since I've been away on the weekends a bunch. Felt good getting back into it.
WOD Rx'd in 10:02. Did the first round of the complex unbroken, then tried to do the second unbroken as well but ended up losing the 6th jerk. Last round was 6 cleans, 1 + 7 jerks (as recommended). Cindy rounds were mostly unbroken til the last couple of rounds of pushups, which I broke up to save my shoulders/triceps for the jerks.
Kayleigh f'ing KILLED it.
I did 53# for 6 reps of the snatch and 58 for the final 2. Baby steps.
I modified the hell out of the WOD — ring rows instead of pullups, cut volume to 6/round on pushups (since I had done 9 rounds of 7 for Monday's workout and I knew that hurt, I figured I should not do any more than that), and did deadlifts and DB push press instead of cleans and S2O. 11:52 — I know I did not get the intended stimulus but since I am pain free 6 hours later, I think I chose exactly right.
Followed up with AMRAP marathon cheering. I have no voice now.
1pm with Noah and Katie:
Snatch: 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110kg
Conditioning: 9:05, that was a fun little workout
Perf snatch: been a while, but started to feel right again toward the end. Kept the weight light.
165F missed behind
Metcon: Cindy was quick but push-ups got grindy. Cleans were a breeze, s2o was a bear. 14:11 Rx
Some handstand practice afterwards.
Hi Richard! He's at lsaletan@gmail.com and I just told him to email you with Jon's info! Yours in kale, Jynne
Jerk- Heavy Single
35kg x2
45kg x 2
55kg x 1
65kg x 1
70kg x 1
78kg x 1 — PR (by 3kg/6lbs)
Power Snatch:
39kg x 2×2
41 kg x 2×2
Push Press
39kg x 5r
41kg x 5×2
Performance snatch: 53-58-63-63-68-73-78-83
Would've gone heavier if I realized I wasn't going to be tired one the last one. Next week.
WOD with 83# in 16:38
Cindy: All pullups unbroken, pushups went to 2s on the third round, air squats unbroken and good speed.
Started with 93# on the bar, but couldn't cycle it and kept catching the bar super low on the cleans so took off the 5s. Broke up the first set up S2O at 83# because I push pressed it by accident and tired out. Second and third round done as 6 cleans + 1 clean and all jerks unbroken.
LOVED this WOD! Wish I was able to do more weight though. Good practice at cycling a weight that isn't super light.
T2B practice
6 minute EMOM: 2 matador dips
1 minute max reps of matador dips with the red band: 10. Didn't feel like the red band helped.
270 m run
30-18-12 (I think) jumping lunges
15-9-6 (I think) T2B
270m run
Didn't look at my time. I def can cycle T2B now which is exciting. Noah said I was folding and bending my knees too much on the first set though. I wrapped my hands with tape bc they were sore. Once I took the tape off after the first round, Noah said I did them correctly.
90 second EMOM snatch thing
Worked up from 53-73. Not great form tonight, but at least they felt pretty light. Good tips from Ro
Then went for a PR at 78..but caught it high in a power snatch, 3 lb PR.
Then I did the WOD with a bunch of cool people. I scaled pushups to 5 strict so I wouldn't be there all night and did 83# for the barbell weight. Finished in.. 18:40 I think? Definitely wasn't pushing the speed on this one but I'm glad I did it. pull ups felt great by my standards- I'll take that as a win.
Hang Snatch: Started at 68, ended at 93. One is the middle was a little funky, but otherwise felt good (kept close).
WOD – oh man – committed to an Rx weight by grabbing a pair of 35s to put on the bar, but decided to scale the pull ups to 3 instead of 5. As soon as the first full round ended, I realized that there had been no mention of a cap and I was going to be going at it for a while. Ended at 23 and change – not sure exactly what. Thanks to Brad, Matt, Stella, Foxes, and others who kept pushing me along, even after almost dropping the bar on my head.
Came back for OG to get in missed Front Squatz.
FSQ: 155 x 3 x 4
Bonus workout with Mike C – 15 min AMRAP 10 cleans (93#), 20 wall ball, 30 DUs. Finished with 5 rounds + 10 cleans.
Ag with Noah
Pull-ups – worked up to a heavy 5 with a orange and blue band. First pull-ups in three weeks…I need more work on these.
Did the wod in 6:39
The t2b were more like knees to armpits, but I could cycle them through, rather than flailing about in between so that is progress.
Wat to go Kayleigh and KLove!!!
Session 1
231, 242, 253
242, 253, 264
(308, 330, 341)x2
Session 2
Squat: 374x3x6
Bench: 305x3x5
Chinese rows: 242x5x3, 286×1