Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox’s long-time client, Jess—Neal G.‘s daughter—made Coach Fox this cool shirt… featuring Neal and Coach Fox!
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Yoga for Athletes is CANCELLED this morning.
- The New York City Marathon is tomorrow. Please allow for extra time crossing Fourth Avenue!
- Don’t forget to attend Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting and technique clinic for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championships! He will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 28th. Get the training schedule/more details HERE, and come learn more (and workout!) at 8:30 AM TODAY.
Good Luck to our CrossFit Gantry Spooky Halloween Fest Competitors!
The following competitors will rep CFSBK tomorrow at CrossFit Gantry. Wish them lots of tricks and treats as they compete!
Muscle Marvels:
Matt K.
Brendan N.
Lauren S.
PB & Jacked:
Bryan B.
Brett F.
Coach Whitney
The Fastest American Woman in the NYC Marathon Is a College Freshman The Wall Street Journal
Daylight Saving Time 101 National Geographic
Nice small 8am class with David and Melissa
Perf Front Squats at 205#. Moved well. Ready for consistent jumps moving forward.
Not too happy with my performance on this one. Made it through 3 full rounds plus 20 WBs and 1 burpee at the buzzer. Wall Balls felt great but my burpees were slow. I felt like I weighed 300lbs.
Time to eat some candy.
9am with MeLo and a special guest appearance by the Grim Reaper.
Front Squat: 225x4x3 – moved great.
Metcon: 4 rounds plus 15 burpees. Didn't push as hard as I could on this one. Been feeling a little run-down.
Solid Saturday Sesh with Coach….blasting and all
60kg x 2×2
60kg x 1×3
Clean Panda Pull
71kg x 3×2
75kg x 3×2
Front Squat: 67kg x 3×5
10 GHD back extensions
15 weights SL sit-ups 10kg plate
8 swimmers w/ 2.5kg plates each
10am class
45×5, 135×3, 185×1, 235×1
Just over 85% and felt super heavy. I was really happy about that front squat PR at the end of last cycle…not so much now…
WOD was a slog, if that can be said about a 10 minute workout
3 rounds + 11 wall ball
Performance front squat @130#x3x4 (85%). Still tipping over a bit, but form overall has improved.
WOD: 3+29
Wall balls broken up in sets of 5 from the start bc they are a weakness. Should have no repped myself about 4 times, but just couldn't do it. I can usually push through burpees at a slow and steady pace, but had to pause a few times to get my breathing in order.
Fsq: 110 8×3. shallow on some reps, but did better thanks to encouragement from Kate, Melo, & Fox. I'm still afraid of the struggle that comes with that last little inch.
WOD: Goal was 3 rounds- completed 4 rounds right at the last second! Some wall balls below the 9 ft. line, most on the line, some above. Didnt feel like being too serious about it today; I just wanted to have fun exercising!
Nooners for me yesterday and today. Fitness c&j's yesterdaywith Noah. 95, 105, 125, 125, 135, 145, 145, 155. These actually felt great. Quick, well-balanced, overall solid. Finished with 4 full rounds of the NFT work with 50 lb dumbbells.
Today with Katie and McDowell. 170x8x3 front squats. These were hard-especially the last couple of reps of the last set. Good cue from Katie to keep my weight off my toes. Finished 2 rounds plus 18 wall balls on the metcon. Holy hell this sucked. Note to self: do not drink cocktails the night before a wall balls and burpees workout.
Good luck runners! But for the rest of us – What's the best way to cross 4th Ave? Is it the train station @ Atlantic?
And happy Halloween
Huge 9am class with MeLo and DO.
FSQ: 205x3x4, just above 85%. All reps moved well and we cycled fairly quickly between sets.
Metcon: 4 rounds + 1 wall ball Rx. Wall balls came apart much quicker, but not surprised since burpees tend to be shoulder intensive. Was on pace for 5 rounds thru 2.5 rounds, but slowed down considerable.
@Tom when the racers are more sparse you can definitely cross 4th Ave. I remember being able to cross at around 10AMish last year I think? It think it's densest beginning at around 11AM? When too dense to cross you could do it at Pacific St but I've never found it necessary.
9am with MeLo and the Grim Reaper
FSQ: 135×5, 165×3, 185×1, 185x3x4. I was originally going to do 190, which is just about 85%, but it was feeling heavy and I haven't front squatted in 3-4 weeks.
WOD – 3 rounds plus 10 squat thrusts. Wall balls were unbroken the first round, then 10-5-5. Subbed the squat thrusts for burpees to keep the shoulder happy. My quads are still sore from earlier in the week so it was harder than I had hoped for.
Cashed out with AR at 11!
@amanda – Thanks!
Anyone trying to cross at the Atlantic Ave station, just know that it could take you 20 minutes during peak running times. Ack!