Speaking of costumes… I don’t even know who this is.
- Don’t forget to attend Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting and technique clinic for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championships! He will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 28th. Get the training schedule/more details HERE, and come learn more (and workout!) at 8:30 AM TOMORROW.
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Yoga for Athletes is CANCELLED tomorrow, October 31.
- Lost and Found is up. Get your gear before we give it away!
CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge 8.0
CFSBK has sent competitors to this event for the last six years, and it’s always a good time. Some of our people are already signed up. Are you?!
Location: CrossFit Hoboken located at 38 Jackson Street in Hoboken, NJ (See Map)
Time: Day of Check-in begins Saturday December 12th at 7:30am (First WOD to begin at 9:00 am)
Cost: $90 for early registration!
Divisions: Mens RX/ Womens RX & Mens Scaled / Womens Scaled
Registration: Sign up Here!
Get more details HERE. See the workouts HERE.
Email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com when you register. She’s coordinating practice sessions and rides to the event!
Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive
We’re combining our coat and can drive with a book drive this year. To keep it simple our collection dates for coats and cans and books (children, to be specific) are going to run from November 15 – 25. Please bring all donations to the Front Desk.
New York Cares Coat Drive
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive
CFSBK is collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
Reading Partners Children’s Book Drive
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit organization that trains students from low-income schools to be confident readers and they need more books! Bring your your gently used children’s books to CFSBK for the Reading Partners Book drive. These books benefit struggling readers from kindergarten to the 4th grade. We’ll post a flyer on the bulletin board with author and title suggestions, please donate new or gently used books only.
Simone Biles Wins Third All-Around Title at World Gymnastics Championships USA Today
What’s your favorite Halloween costume you’ve worn?
Isn't that Crumsho?
PSA for those coming to 10 AM and noon classes: tomorrow's WOD is FSQ (3×8 fit, 85-90%x3x4 perf), followed by 10 min AMRAP of 20 wall balls and 20 burpees.
Unless you're a snowflake like me and do HBBSQ (185x3x4) and the WOD as dumbbell thrusters (15#) and squat thrusts. I can do burpees now but that kind of volume makes me nervous. I got 3 rounds + thrusters + 9 squat thrusts. Probably shouldn't have rested as much as I did.
What's Saturday's workout?
6am doing Thursday workout
155, 175, 185, 185, 185, 185, 195, 205
Stayed at 185 for a few reps just to dial in the movement. Made an effort to do power cleans instead of muscle cleans, to keep shoulder blades down, and to keep the jerks overhead rather than forward.
3 Rounds of NFT
50,60,60 on the bench
1:19, 1:18, 1:18 on the rows
Did 3 well controlled floor levers per round
Was aiming for 1:15 or better on the rows, but I couldn't stay on the seat after 3 or 4 hard pulls.
Sorry guys! Here it is:
Saturday's Programming
Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Crumsho?? That was my mate, Gene Simmons! Obsv.
He's really taken to CrossFit…can even do muscle-ups.
Oops! That was me, not Asha!
10AM with McD.
Power clean/Hang clean complex: 135×2, 140×2, 145×2, 150×2
Decided that today was the day to give the Olympic lifts a shot, do did yesterday's work
Clean and Jerk e: 90s x 8 reps
70-75-80-85-90-90-90-90kg (198#)
All felt good! Was fun to jerk again. 90 was heavier than I planned on going so I stopped there.
5 Rounds
10 DB Bench Press (35-45-55-65-65)
5 Floor Lever Up and Downs (Up is HARD)
then, to get a little conditioning in
10x 20s on/40 s off on the erg
Tried to pull around 100m each round and hung right around it
I feel like the purpose of tomorrow's WOD is to finally put an end to the hotly debated QOD, "Which do you hate more, burpees or wall balls?"
That's Gene Simmons, and he wants you to buy the Kiss Kasket.
6am with McD
FSQ 155 x 8 x 3. Kept it light and the same weight as my cleans yesterday. Easy and didn't bother my hip.
WOD – Wall balls felt fine but burpees are still a bit tough so did 10 burpees + 10 push-ups. Got through through 3 rounds + wall balls + 10 burpees. Hip isn't ready to really push the gas pedal yet. Push-ups after wall balls and burpees suuuccckkk.
Gene! Yes! Crushing it! Our fearless leader, so awesome.
@Josh S – LOL! the horror!
Did anyone find a blackberry last night?
Young Guns!!! Way to go Gene!!!!
7am with McD and Nick
110lb 3×8 front squat
It's a good things I don't check the blog in the mornings before I come to the gym….
WOD – 3 rounds +2
Those wall balls went quick…did 10’s the first round and went down to 5’s the second round…well I did 3, said a bunch of cuss words and then broke the rest into 5s
And if the QOD is what do you hate more, i would say wall balls….definitely wall balls
10am class with Noah doing tomorrow's workout.
(45×10, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1) all as Hbbs
-used belt for all Fsq worksets and they felt pretty good.
4 rounds even, rx'd.
-all wallball unbroken.
Fuck Shit Up Fridays turned into Get Your Shit Fucked Up Friday.
My snatch is still on hiatus, although I think the break through is near….
45kg x 3 x 2
35kg x 2 x 3
Cues: loose arms, pull with them Bambi legs
Snatch Panda Pulls 🙂
56kg x 3 x 5
Pause BSQT
66kg x 4 x 5
Came in to make up some of the fun stuff I missed over the last two days.
5 min Row nice and easy
HBBS (85%)
165# x 3 x 4 — all felt good, but then I threw the last rep off my back and ended up on the floor and things got a little silly
Thursday's Power Clean, Hang Clean, Jerk complex — very roughly every 2 minutes, 8 rounds
78#, 88#, 93#, 98#, 103#, 108#, 113#, 118 f, but then 1 min later got it!
A couple of the jerks were a little forward, but the power cleans are coming along.
Nice to have KHarpZ's company/eyes for this part.
Wednesday's Work-out Rx weight, capped at 10 min.
Made it through 6 OHS by the 10 min mark.
Then, finished the OHS and FSQs without the burpees
Shoulders were fried for the Presses and did too many sets of those, resulting in wasted time and lots of burpees.
Accessory — 3 Rounds:
8-12 fat bar wrist curls
16 supine band pull-aparts
:15 pallof press each side
Front squats at 133x3x4. Felt good. Room to grow
Wall ball /burpee wod
3 rounds +20 +13.