Neal G., a longtime client of Coach Fox’s, has been lifting weights for two decades and training at CFSBK since 2009. He turns 75 next month, and in celebration of his commitment to fitness, we made this fun video.
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Active Recovery at 6:30pm, Pilates with KH at 7:30pm, or AntiGravity at 7:30pm.
- Get your yoga on with Jaclyn, at the new time of 9am on Thursday mornings! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
Last Call to Participate in CFSBK’s Second Art Show, on November 21, 2015!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s first Art Show last year know it looks pretty awesome. Our second Art Show will be Saturday, November 21st, so save the date!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
Want to Participate?
We’re so excited about everyone who has reached out so far, but we want to hear from more of you! If you are an artist (even if your art is just a hobby!) and are a member at CFSBK, reach out to Kate R. at Katharine [at] by October 30, 2015 to get on the roster of artists. Your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, design, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. (We have a 180” projector that can be used for video-based art, and we can set up booths in the changing rooms for audio-based art.) If you participated last year, please DO NOT repeat work you included for that show.
Want to Learn to Row from an Olympian? Come to the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick This Saturday!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 28th. Come to Coach Nick’s info session at 8:30 AM on Saturday, Oct. 31st, to learn all about it. Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be an SBK member to participate
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
Come to Nick’s kick-off meeting at 8:30AM on Saturday, Oct. 31st. He’ll explain the program in detail and answer any questions you may have. The session will also include the first technique clinic, which will conclude with a workout.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
Recovering Addicts Maintain Sobriety With CrossFit The Mercury Lifestyle
Bad Day For Bacon: Processed Meats Cause Cancer, WHO Says NPR
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Power Cleans 95/65
20 Push Presses 95/65
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Front Squats 95/65
*5 Burpees every minute starting at 1 minute.
This should be a light/medium weight. Scale as needed, and scale the number of burpees if needed so that you have plenty of time in each minute to perform barbell reps. This WOD came up recently at CrossFit New England where they call it "Air Force."
Post time and Rx to comments.
Wed sounds awful
and fun.
Really cool video Neal/Kate/Fox…I love sending these videos around to people who are skeptical about CF. If I'm 75 and deadlifting 185#'s I'll probably be on PED's. Go Neal!
Agree that Wednesday sounds terrible.
Planning on doing yesterday's work this evening and Wednesday's work (whatever snowflakey version I end up with, anyway) on Wednesday morning. Really not looking forward to doing these workouts like 12 hours apart but it can't be helped since I'm in Los Angeles right now. *whine*
Neal! The man! (and his grandkids are the cutest, maybe they get in the next video?)
HBBS 270x3x4 – this felt really good. 270 was actually the highest I went last cycle. I never seemed to be feeling it on the intensity days. But it felt light today.
I can confirm that the metcon is, in fact, pretty rough. The first 3 rounds were fine. FInished in just under 3 minutes. Then the wheels came off on the OHS and FSQ. Finished in 7:40.
6am today doing Monday's workout
Press: 140# x 3 x 4. Felt good although my arms are still a little fried from that pullup workout on Saturday.
Deadlift: 345# x 1 x 5. Went up 10# from last week and it felt good, although Jess gave me some feedback that I was rounding my shoulders forward towards the end. Need to focus on keeping my chest up and pulling back with my shoulders.
Metcon: Brad D. and I hit this one together. 24 rounds + 16. We were hauling ass and made good use of the extra minute. I did everything unbroken and tried to push the transitions and the squats since the rest was decent for most of it.
6am with Jess doing Monday's work
Perf. Press: Moved well. Caught myself letting the bar drift forward on a couple of reps, but the last set was pretty solid.
Deadlift: Dropped the hook grip really early in favor of a double overhand… my thumbs felt like they were going to rip off this morning. The work itself felt fine.
Metcon: 24rds + 16reps with Michael A. I had to break up the pushups into 3s after around the 14th round. Was surprised at my pace considering my engine has been shit lately. Especially happy with all unbroken T2B (except one round where I miscounted and had to jump back up), as those are always a weak spot for me.
Wednesday's workout…
HBBS 155 x 8 x 3. Still adjusting to high bar, but moved pretty well. Looking forward to 5's
WOD; 9:00 Rx. Had 20 seconds left and 10 front squats to go. Sprinted to avoid more burpees. The OHS were the toughest – spent 4 minutes on them alone (with the burpees included) . There might have been some profanity uttered throughout this one (especially when I started doing push press instead of cleans), my apologies.
All that said, I really actually liked this workout. (Just wanted to squeeze that in.)
6am OG–> so happy to enjoy a deload at this hour. I applaud all you 6am-ers.
Power Cleans 93 x3x5
Hang Snatch 79 x2x5 –> love that these are in my new programming. Haven't done these in almost 2 years…
Snatch push press + OHS 93x (3+2) x3
FINALLY enjoyed the showers this morning. Man it's serene in there!
6am doing Monday's work with Jess. Fitness press @ 110x5x3. These were actually harder than I was expecting – I think because my upper body is still somewhat hosed from Saturday (and I'm very glad to read that Michael's partially in the same boat-makes me feel like less of a wuss). DL's were 300x5x1, which is 15 lbs heavier than last week and according to my records a 5 rep PR. They moved well, though, and my position felt good. I've been trying to focus on loading my hamstrings on deadlifts, which I think is paying off.
Partnered with Scott on the metcon. We got through 16 rounds total. On my last round, my toes-to-bars were just gone, so I subbed in knee raises. This one was fun but tough. Push-ups were the first element to get dodgy, then the toes-to-bars, which on my best days are inelegant to say the least, went south. I'm going to spend the day mentally preparing for tomorrow.
Make-up post from 5:30 yesterday
Got to the box early so I warmed up with a descending row/GHD
10 GHDs + 500m row
10 GHDs + 400m row
10 GHDs + 300m row
10 GHDs + 200m row
The rows were low stroke rate (19-22) with a strong pull around 1:42 split
Performance Press work
This weight felt really good and I was surprised how good it felt. I'm excited to test out at the end of this cycle
Deadlift I have been trying to keep an overhand hook grip as long as possible with the weight going up.
Did all with a hook grip but my thumbs felt like they were going to explode on the last 2 reps.
My form felt exponentially better this week than last week when I felt my back rounding. I would reset my hands each time as well. This time I set the bar down, kept my grip tight, reset my back and went for another.
Partnered with Hollywood E for the WOD
We got through 18 rounds + 15 reps as Eric squeezed out the last push-up at the end.
This type of workout is right in my wheelhouse with T2B I can cycle them very quickly.
All in all very good gym day.
The art show was really fun last year. Everyone should do it this year. ESPECIALLY if you just do art as a hobby. And especially if you're sitting there thinking to yourself, "no, my art is stupid, it's not good enough to show." I know for a fact you are wrong. Your art is awesome. I can't wait to see it in the show.
Big 6am class with McDowell and Jess
HBBS 95 x 5 x 3 Taking it easy on my hip after last weeks mishap. Both Fox and McDowell noticed I was tucking at the bottom of my squat. Likely what happened to me last week under a lot of load. McD had me put a pause at the bottom and really focused on keeping braced with that tailbone out. Got a thumbs up after that.
Snowflaked WOD
45# and no burpees
Everything felt good and moved easily. Treated it more as NFT work to get some mobility in the hip joints. Wasn't exactly envious for missing this one..
Yesterday at the Globo gym
Lot of mobilizing
Press 110 x 5 x 3. Easy, moved well. Skipped the deadlift since it seemed like a bad idea.
5 rounds of yesterday's work with strict pull-ups instead of t2b
I posted this in the classifieds, but in case anyone is interested and doesn't normally check that…
I'm giving away my Rogue weightlifting shoes, 3/4" men's size 7.5
If you're interested, send me an email at linda.hutsal at gmail dot com
Love the video on the blog today!
Sorry for the late post!
Skill : Rope climbs
Strength: push ups :30 on :30 off X 5
pull up negatives :05-:10 down x 5
rest :60 between attempts
Wod: 1/2 Mary
10 min AMRAP
10 alternating pistols
15 pull ups
Press: 107.5x5x3
Deadlift: 255×5
WOD with 10 situps instead of T2B. Adam and I did 17 rounds + situps.
Gave myself a strict training schedule today and managed to stick to it!
20 min mobility/stability:
-banded hip and ankle distractions … so goooood
-crossover symmetry
3 RDS:
8 box step up L (8kg), 4 R
2 strict HSPU (1 abmat)
:20 hollow hold
3 strict chin up
SNATCH: drillz and such
35kg (3 position snatch)
44 (a bit on my toes at the bottom)
47 (focused on pulling under)
49 (FAST! sharp ๐
51kg = 90% of 1RM. feel very happy with that. felt solid.
16 Cal Row
12 OH Walking Lunges (65#)
= 5 Rounds + 16 Calories
holy smokes. I wanted to stop so many times. as I've been saying… legs and metcon capacity are both down these days. quads/hips were so tired from yesterday, felt like molasses on the erg. all TTB unbroken. lunges feel pretty good… focusing on form and making sure ankle/knee/hip track as well as possible.
Mr G is a hard worker and a fun client to work with. He has many interesting stories to tell, which you no doubt already know if you've met him once or twice. I hope I'm still working with him when he's 85.
I love today's video!!! Kate R did an awesome job bringing a great idea to life!
Neal is such a good guy and a staple of the gym. So great to see him and his work with Chris highlighted. Go Neal!
Man such a cool video!!!! Love seeing him lift when I see him around working with Fox! Go Neal!!!!!!!
Make-up post from yesterday:
Press 40x5x3 – *only* 40# and it was hard
Deadlift 125x5x2 – got a bonus round in there because my partner Maggie and I were so efficient
WOD – just shy of 18 rounds subbing knee tucks for T2B and elevated push-ups. Elevated push-ups were a good call because I was able to keep moving throughout
+1 to what JJ said about the art show. I absolutely loved the show last year and can't wait to see what's in store for this year. Jess Bailey, if you're reading this, this comment is especially for you.
KMo is Back!
@JJ ๐
Today with McD.
Warm up x3
30 DUs (unbroken!)
Butterfly practice
3 ring dips (2-1)
Snatch Complex every 2 mins
Power Snatch, Hang Snatch
53#, 63, 73, 78, 83, 88 failed.. womp womp
12 min AMRAP
5 power cleans @73#
15 wall balls 14# 9' (1st unbroken, then sets of 5)
30 DUs (1 trip up)
Roughly a million rounds were completed.
Heart-rate elevated throughout — wasn't dying, but usually I pull it back to a more comfortable place — happy about that. Still sweating 30 mins later.
5:30 class with Jeremy and Whit
Performance HBBS
Worked up to 275# which felt heavy and moved slow. I think this was because of all the air squats yesterday. My legs were feeling jelly-ish from the start
Death WOD rd'ed in 11:48
I didn't have much strategy other than Jeremy suggesting we get it done in less than 6 minutes to do as few burpees as possible
Thrusters were unbroken
Power Cleans in 2 minutes
Push Presses unbroken
OHS were 3 sets
Front Squats in 2 sets
This was a hard one but I liked it and probably would have liked it more if I had a rest day between Monday's WOD and this one.
Finally watched the Neal video. So cool!
Came in for class 2 hours after getting off an airplane. I have spent 12 of the past 48 hours in coach class, and I felt every hour of it when I was deadlifting. OMG.
Press 70x5x3, deadlift 225×5. The latter felt soooo much heavier than that weight usually does. I was so happy to put the bar down the fifth time!
WOD: 17 rounds and change (9 full ones for me)? I think? with Brent (Brett?). I did hanging knee raises and pushups with DBs. This was not so bad but I'm really not looking forward to doing that burpee layer cake thing in the morning.
7:30 with Jess
170x3x4. Belted. Low back was sore from Monday so that didn't help.
WOD rxd (ish) in 14:54
This. Was. Horrifying. Haha. Did 63#
Really need to work on my push press. Should not have taken so long
Everyone was so right..when you hit the OHS you're already dead and shoulders are smoked. Literally took FIVE minutes to do them. One round I got ZERO after snatching it up and after that I did 4 burpees per round to avoid that.
Thanks for everyone who watched me suffer through. And whoever put away my bar ๐
Rest day is much needed.
-Rope climb fun times
-5 rounds of :30 pushups, :30 second rest
-5 rounds of pull up negatives for :10s.
-10 min AMRAP of 5 HSPUs, 10 pistols, 15 pullups. I didn't keep track of rounds— mainly just kept moving (and pausing to watch Jenny M conquer tomorrow's WOD at 63#) Pistols are improving a lot! Yay AG.
I am terrified of tomorrow after watching folks tonight..debating what weight to do!!
Thanks Allie!
I think it crushed me more than I crushed it !
So mentally draining with the burpees. That really got to me. Good luck tomorrow!