All five of the Chmieleckis participated in Fight Gone Bad last Saturday, and they made this fun video of the day. We DARE you to watch it and not to get a little emotional.
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: AntiGravity is CANCELLED on Sunday, October 25.
Plans Tomorrow? Come Dance, Drink, and Party at the Gym!
When: Saturday night, 8pm to midnight
Where: Your favorite gym on earth!
What: A fundraising dance party with lots of great raffle prizes, food, and drinks!
Attire: Gym chic
Featuring DJ Idlemind “The Appropriate Agent” + chances to win fabulous raffle prizes including exclusive Yankees box suite tickets, courtside Nets tickets, a signed jersey from Mariano Rivera, theatre tickets and more!
Wine provided by Heights Chateau. Light bites provided by JOYA Thai and Concord Market.
All proceeds will benefit BROOKLYN NOW’s 2016 grantmaking program supporting emerging nonprofit leaders.
Want to Learn to Row from an Olympian? Come to the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick, on October 31!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 28th. Come to Coach Nick’s info session at 8:30 AM on Saturday, Oct. 31st, to learn all about it. Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be an SBK member to participate
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
- The program cost is TBD, and various payment options will be available. The program entry fee does not include the CRASH-Bs entry fee, travel to Boston, or accommodations there.
Come to Nick’s kick-off meeting at 8:30AM on Saturday, Oct. 31st. He’ll explain the program in detail and answer any questions you may have. The session will also include the first technique clinic, which will conclude with a workout.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
Ermahgerddon: The Untold Story of the Ermahgerd Girl Vanity Fair
If you want to fight breast cancer, follow DeAngelo Williams, not the NFL SB Nation says
Saturday's Programming
Performance: Medium Intensity, 75-80% x 5 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 2/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Power Cleans 75/55
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push Presses 75/55
20 Pull-Ups
30 Power Cleans 75/55
The load is meant to be very light, possibly unbroken on the fast end but no more than three sets on the slower end. Scale for Pull-Ups is Jumping Pull-Ups today so that intensity can stay up.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Stella says
Oh my god, Matt's mini-mes are KILLING ME! My favorite moment was when his youngest son just lay down while everyone else was doing burpees. That's my kind of kid. ๐
Jay-Chmielecki-Star says
Fantastic video!!!!
Samir Chopra says
The Chmieleckis are Champs. says
The video is great — and my favorite part is where the kids start the jumping jacks and one wanders off because it reminds me of me!
Also the Chmieleckis have some boss box jumps all around!
Dan L says
Awesome video!!
Did Saturday's WOD since I'm away for the weekend.
Front Squat: 205x5x4 – dropped my elbows a bit more than I would have liked. Missed last week's exposure due to FGB so it's been a little while since I've front squatted.
Metcon – 4:58 Rx'd. Did the 1st set of cleans and the push press unbroken. PUs were 15-5 and 10-5-5. On the last set of cleans my grip just fell apart and I ended up breaking them up something like 10-8-7-5. Fun workout.
Brad D says
Saturday's work at 6am with McDowell
Back Squat: Subbed back squat to guage my opener for Sunday. Haven't gone for a heavy single in about 6 months, so wanted to have some frame of reference, and also wanted to keep the squat volume pretty low leading into Sunday.
385×1 (Opener)
405×1 (2nd attempt)
Metcon: 7:38? Rx. There was tons of room to go faster, but I have felt slow and tired during metcons this week as I'm working my way down toward 165 for the weigh in. There is a very discernible wall at about 3-4 minutes where everything just falls apart. Today was no different. Looking forward to November and shifting focus to oly lifts and a better engine. says
Such a great video… All the Chmieleckis are awesome!! I won't say which one I've seen cry the most though ๐
CoriChm says
I'm pretty sure Lawson and I are tied for most tears shed at CFSB!
BK says
Great video and family, really encapsulates everything that CFSBK is all about.
6am w/ McDowell running two classes at once (missed you today DO).
FSQ: 180x5x4. Everything moved well.
Metcon: 7:07 Rx. This got very grippy at the end. Broke this up way too much, should have held onto the bar longer.
ken says
A great video. Im guessing Matt for the most tears….
Stella says
7 AM with McDeezy doing double duty. I decided to snowflake it up by doing Saturday's squats with Thursday's WOD. It was not my finest hour in the gym,.
HBBSQ, 170x5x4. Felt way heavier than it should have.
Metcon, 10:10 Rx. Slow as all get-out on the run (and I STILL wanted to puke the whole time), but I can swing the 24kg bell with both hands, which I have not done in many moons. I'll take it.
MattyChm says
I'm glad everyone likes the video.
Haven't we all wanted to just lie down in the middle of a WOD and have a good solid cry? It is refreshing to see someone actually do it! Even if he is only four. says
w2 C (but ended up B)
FSQ: Did 185x5x1 then due to shoulder pain switched over to…
HBBS: 215x5x4
Tomorrow's WOD: 75#, 30×2 Ring Rows
By the time I switched over to HBBS, my legs were pretty smoked, so my form was a bit twitchy. The WOD was a grip-killer. And I didn't even do pull-ups. Good to be doing CFSBK programming again even if solo from across the street.
Everyone have a good weekend.
Samir Chopra says
10AM with McD
FSQ: 195x5x4
WOD with 25lb DBs presses subbed for the push presses (and 10 strict pull-ups): 6:20
Fox says
Great video, Chmieleckis! What's wrong with crying every now and then? Also, how many of us used cut and paste for their last name in the comments today? ๐
10am class
E: 90s for 12 Minutes
2 cleans (no jerk)
Felt great until 220. Was a bit slow recovering a few of the cleans.
30-20-10 KB 24kg
400m Run
I don't do well on WODs that require fast running. Based on my swings being unbroken it looks like I probably ran the 400s at about a 10:00/mile pace…
Clean Pulls (90%)
Easy (2:30/500m) 20 Minute Row
X-Over Sym
Whit H says
Very cute! I have most definitely cried in the middle of a WOD before.
MeLo saved the day today! I was losing motivation around 11:30 in between coaching classes, realizing I'd probably be alone in the gym working out at 1. Instead, we got to train together, even though we were doing different stuff. YAY!
hip mobz and moves… liking this progression I've put together for myself
crossover symmetry
Hands and Knees: single leg abduction and extension (8 L, 4 R x2)
-7 box step up L, 3 on R (unweighted, 8kg, 8kg)
-7 butterfly pulll-up (much better today — swoop/kick! did one extra set of 7)
-7 GHD sit up
-6ea Seated Single Arm DB Press (30#… F*ck that's hard! Only got 4 reps on L side on last set, so came back after a couple minutes and did 2 more)
-6L/4R weighted deficit rvrs lunge (45#)
-6 Tempo push-up (12X1)
AMRAP in 12min:
50 double unders
2 rope climbs
10 burpees
4 rounds + 50 DU + 1 rope climb
Fun one! My arms feel like sausages after the muscle ups yesterday and all this today. only 1 trip on the 5 sets of doubles. RPM rope is gold. practiced relaxing/breathing, which sorta worked.
Handstand Walk practice: 100feet (down and back in the gym)
Stretched hip flexors and chest a bit while cooling down.
Kayleigh R says
FSQ: 140 x 5 x 4.
WOD: 7:21? Not quite sure. Taped up my almost healed hand and was going to try it initially with 1/2 volume for pull-up, but after sliding right off the bar during my first one, switched to jumping pull-ups (trying to keep them C2B as much as possible). First round of cleans unbroken, push presses in 3 sets (12-10-8), and last round of cleans in two sets.
That video – amazing. Loved it.
JakeL says
Snatch: Heavy single
**have not hit this in close to 8 months or so
CJ: Heavy Single
** also an 8 month PR. 297kg total best since i injured my back
Back squat: 376x3x4
SLDL: 319x5x3 says
Happy to see J crush some big number and feeling good.
54kg x3x5
Clean High Pulls:
Front Sqt:
63kg 3×5
Haven't front squatted since circa July. Knee felt okay, not 100% but no sharp pains. Weights went up easy.
So thankful for the weekend and all the possible hours of sleep in front of me. Been running on caffeine.
Lauren says
Best video!
Open gym
Warm up x3
10 ring rows
10 OHS
10 push ups
35kg x1x5
40kg x1x5 plus 2 silly misses in there. Didn't feel like moving up.
3 rounds
8 Pendlay rows
3 sets of 3 strict HSPUs (2 abmats)
MU transitions – two variations: 3 sets of 5
I didn't have my head in anything tonight, but it was a fun night in the gym nonetheles
Allie B. says
Beautiful video ๐ lucky family!!
Spontaneously came to the gym with KLove. We did a mash-up of DU practice, bench press (75 5×3 with pause), ring dips, L-sits, & rope climb; all very relaxed. Helpful advice from Pierre & Lauren S. regarding rope climbing! Thanks!
OG is really fun… Great opportunity to really work on skills!