6am superstar Michael A. was traveling around Europe recently and got his CrossFit on at various boxes!
- Did You See the Programming For Our Upcoming 8-Week Cycle? Our upcoming cycle starts on Monday, and all the details can be found HERE. You can always find this information in the left-hand tab under Member Resources, called Training Cycle Template.
- SCHEDULE CHANGES: Active Recovery is CANCELLED tomorrow.
Good Luck to Our Beast of the East Competitors!
This is the 4th consecutive year that CSFBK will be represented at the Beast of the East event in East Windsor, CT, and this year we’re sending 11 competitors! This event typically draws some elite level athletes. Mat Frasier won the men’s individual competition in 2013.
Competitors will complete 3 workouts on Saturday and at least 2 workouts on Sunday. Workout descriptions are posted here. Send some strong vibes to our following competitors:
CSFBK Team 1: Coach MeLo, Coach McDowell, Coach K-HarpZ, Alex B.
CSFBK Team 2: Coach Whit, Jason M., Steph M., Alex N.
Individual Competitors: Brendan N., Joe W., Andrew S.
Fight Gone Bad Update (T-8 Days!)
GUYS! We’re past $12,000—which is 80% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. We posted some great fundraising tips last week, and a sample email template if you haven’t started fundraising yet. KEEP GOING!
Learn more about the Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They support a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 8pm Thursday 10/8):
Top Five Teams:
- I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot: $2,145
- Fight of the Living Dead: $1,640
- Hollywood Heavies: $1,156
- The Big Meowskis: $930
- The Buck Furpees: $738
Top Five Individuals:
- Jay-Star.: $1,400
- Allie C.: $1,225
- Steve H.: $770
- Morit S.: $686
- Elyssa S.: $680
Froning: The Fittest Man in History [Official Trailer] CrossFit
Saturday's Programming
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings 72/53#
If you can perform the muscle ups and handstand push ups but do not have mastery of them yet then consider scaling volume and/or doing a partner version and splitting all of the work as needed.
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed on February 4th, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.
Compare to 3.26.2015.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53#
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The Rx standard is intended to be challenging but light enough for you to go unbroken, at least early on. The bar comes off the floor and should be lighter than your heaviest jerk today, choose weights appropriately. For the pull-ups, scale as needed to regular pull-ups and/or fewer reps per round. Bands or ring rows also okay as necessary but make them challenging.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
6am with NickDowell doing Saturday's work
Jerks – 165, 175, 185. Felt much heavier than the 190 I did during last week's C&J EMOM. Wrist wasn't too happy after that front rack carry yesterday.
Fitness WOD – 7 rounds + 4kb swings Rx.
All that shoulder to overhead added up, especially bringing that bar back down. Chest to bar was manageable but tough. Kettlebell swings were a nice breather. Not quite as fun as yesterday's snatch wars.
kb swings – all unbroken
s2o – unbroken first 3 rounds then 4/4 or 5/3
c2b – unbroken first 3 rounds then 2/2
7 AM with Nick, who put on '80s music just for me, because I am a special snowflake!
I did yesterday's WOD with one-armed DB snatches. This was part laziness (partner WOD = rest!) and part being legitimately apprehensive about how to handle tomorrow's work. Wednesday taught me that some things that feel fine while I am doing them, in fact cause pain later in the day if done at too much volume. 🙁 So I was afraid to do chinups or even ring rows for a 20-minute WOD.
Anyway, I did the snatches with 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45-pound DBs. I really did not expect to be able to do 45, but I completed all the reps! (Last one right at the buzzer.) At first I thought I started out too light, because the first three rounds went by very quickly. Then 40 was rough, and 45 (which i have never done before) was REALLY rough. But now I know I can do 45, which is cool. I tend to underestimate my capabilities when DB Oly lifts show up in workouts, so now I have a better understanding of what I can actually do.
Rare 7Am w/ Nick:
Snatch ladder with Keith at Scaling option A. I think this was the right weight. Didn't miss a rep and went through with a fairly consistent pace. Together we finished 79 Reps.
Cash Out: Carrying a 24kg KB front racked around the block. Had to stop every 100-150m to change arms. This was tough. Took longer than expected and truly difficult. Tip: Walk fast.
Last night at 8:30pm
Just a trio with me and Suzanne being led by Ro – a nice partial reunion of our foundations crew from a couple years back! Suzanne and I partnered on the workout, and I made her go first because I wasn't sure how doable 165 would be when we got there. First round was all touch and go at 95, second round at 115 was quick bailed singles, and the third round at 135 was…less quick bailed singles. Suzanne cruised throughout the whole thing, so we ended up getting 95 reps total since she cleared her first set in the fourth round. I made one attempt at 165 with about 30 seconds left – pulled plenty high, but just couldn't drop under it at that point. Next time.
The cash out was indeed rough, as everyone mentioned. Used a 2 pood KB, switched arms like 8 times.
6am with Nick & McDowell
Jerk 1-1-1: 175-185-200. Focused on more vertical path on my dip/drive movement. This was a bit lighter than where I finished off the clean and jerk EMOTM work from last week. This felt much more stable and crisper, no press outs either.
Nate: 12 rounds Rx. This metcon is all about pacing which I didn't do. But I probably paced it out too much since my last round took me less than 1 minute. Moved to single MUs about half way through to avoid failed attempts. All HSPUs strict and unbroken except for one round where I switched to kipping and my last round where I missed counted. Strict is just easier to organize if the strength remains. All swings unbroken.
Deadlifts (205#)
Assault Bike 10cals
Regarding Froning: The Fittest Man In History CFSBK will be showing it sometime early next month after OG. Stay tuned for an exact time from our Cruise Director Danae.
7am with NickDowell doing Saturday's work. Worked up to 135 on the Jerk which was 15lbs less than I got to in the EMOM last week. Shoulders were feeling a little fried from yesterday…which made the WOD extra spicy. 9 rounds even @ Women's Rx. Swings and pull-ups were pretty much unbroken. S2O were unbroken the first half then some variation of 5/3 or 4/4. Took a solid chinner in round 8. Hated that.
Shameless plug time for the tech / developer crowd! A couple CFSBKers (present party included) have a product called Dexter featured on Prodcut Hunt today. Check it out here, and if you're into it, give us an upvote 🙂
Crack of dawn Olympic Weightlifting Club and met some technique milestones that I am really proud of!
Frank is always saying that he doesn't care how heavy the weight is as long as we practice perfect reps in terms of technique. It's hard to keep that in mind when you want to be PR'ing but I've been trying so hard lately to be patient and really focus on my weak points (they are many!).
With the snatch, I have been working on a couple things: slow and perfect first pull to set up nice and over the bar at the knee so I can jump, strong arms in the catch, and not jumping forward because of a too-early second pull. Today we worked up to heavy percentages for the first time in a long time and I was very chuffed to get a video of me doing a snatch at 93% (88lbs) with my technique finally very dialed in — slow first pull, long time over the bar, pretty quick catch with strong arms and feet landing in the same place. While I've lifted more weight than this normally my technique gets a little messed up when it gets heavy. Yay!
Jerk, too, my cue there has been slow and controlled dip and push under the bar. With much practice here, my confidence and execution are definitely dialing in at higher weights.
Lately my legs have been saying NOPE to maximal squat efforts so I have thrown slow descent and pause squats into the mix which has helped so much! Today I did 5 HBBS singles at 95% & got kudos on form from Frank. It's amazing the difference those pause squats makes, best way to describe it is that it just puts so much more "fight" in my legs.
As part of solving the noodle-man snatch problem, I have been dutifully working more upper body for Oly with wall kickups and more presses and it's paying off — set a new one rep max in the press today, a lifetime PR.
I love weightlifting!
Congrats Amanda!!!! That's awesome!!!
4th time at 6 AM this week… I think I'm a convert.
Jerks – 103, 123, 133 Just tried to focus on warming up because my arms are fried from snatches and the lap of kettlebell misery around the block.
Fitness WOD – 2 pull-ups short of 7 rounds. Rx weights, but regular kipping pull-ups instead of C2B. Considered scaling the pull-ups even more since I knew it would slow me down, but decided to do all 4 each time and focus on making every single count with big kips – still very much a work in progress. Swings all unbroken; first two sets of S2O unbroken, then all 5-3.
Dropped in today at Noon to crush Saturday's work out. I have to say I am exhausted from this but I loved every second. I am studying for my board exam right now, I will do anything for a study break!!
1-1-1 : went with the Push Jerk and maxed out at 93#. Noah's point to really get under the bar (with explosive extension of the arms) helped coordinate the catch phase clicked for me. Could have gone for 98# but ran out of time. Really feel more comfortable in the push jerk rather than split.. is it only me who feels like they are walking on a tight rope?
WOD, went with version #2 and did the overhead work at 68#. I actually think this was a perfect weight as I completed the first 5 rounds unbroken, then the last 5 rounds broke it up 4-4. Subbed C2B to regular kipping pull-ups, I could do these all day long (my inner monkey just loves them). Used a 20kg KB, all unbroken. Took the wind out of me! Left feeling GREAT.
Final tally- 10 completed rounds + 12 swings. Thanks for a great class today:)
haven't posted in a hot minute so here's a quick recap:
Yesterday's Snatch Off:
-partnered with the hubby as the second partner and got through 114 reps. I got 10 reps at the 4th Women's RX weight (95#)
-every set touch and go 5's until 95#, where I did 3-2. very happy that this felt light and that I could keep it as legit power snatches and not ugly split snatches like used to be my bad habit.
Wednesday's Team Series:
7RM Front Squat
155×7, 165×7, 175×7, 185 failed clean x2
-since these were coming off of the floor, I knew the clean would be the limiting factor. Stoked to clean 175 with relative ease. So close to 185 (which would have matched a clean PR) but just slightly out in front. Pretty confident that if I would have made the clean, I would have been able to squat it for 7 reps.
Karen (150 wallballs for time)
-started with a set of 20 then did 15's until 80. Then sets of 10 until the very last set when I did 7-3. This is probably a PR for me.
1000m Row, 75 burpees, 50 pullups, 75 burpees, 1000m Row
27:49 rx'd
-i hate burpees.
Monday: (visited Green Mountain CF in Vermont…great gym and great coaching!)
EMOM every 90 secs
3-3-3 Hang Muscle Snatch 53, 63, 68
3-3-3 Hang (knee) high pull 83, 93, 103
3-3-3 Snatch Deadlift 113, 133, 143
10min AMRAP: 15 Power snatches 55#, 30 du's
5 rounds plus 25 reps.
-similar to the CF Open workout but with a reversed order.
Awesome Amanda!
OG with some cool people
Tomorrows wod at 24kg. 83# and regular kipping pull ups
Finished 6 rounds plus 11 swings.
My shoulders and traps are smoked from Thursday and today !
Happy for a rest day tomorrow.
Practiced one round of FGB with Griselle! RX'd is significantly more challenging than scaled was last year…
5 min. DU practice, a few ring holds & banded transitions with blue/orange bands and some much needed mashing.
Excited for tomorrow's WOD after watching folks at OG tonight!