Throwback to TFBA Hayley G. beasting out at Iron Maidens
- Don’t forget to check out our new Yoga Class on Tuesdays at 7:00am!
- Want to improve your gymnastics/rings skillz? There’s still space left in Ken H.’s upcoming 4-week class on Saturdays from 2-3:30pm. You will not regret signing up for this, and it usually sells out within 24 hours. Don’t miss your chance!
- Want to get hella strong? Strength Cycle starts this week and still have a few slots available:
- A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Wednesday Oct 7th – Friday Dec 4th
- C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Wednesday Oct 7th – Wednesday Dec 2nd
- F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Mon/Thurs | Thursday Oct 8th – Thursday Dec 3rd
Fight Gone Bad Update (T-11 Days!)
GUYS! We’re at $9,500—which is 63% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. We posted some great fundraising tips last week, and a sample email template if you haven’t started fundraising yet. KEEP GOING!
Learn more about the Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They support a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 8pm Monday 10/5):
Top Five Teams:
- I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot: $2,095
- Fight of the Living Dead: $1,095
- Hollywood Heavies: $816
- The Team With the Golden Guns: $690
- The Big Meowskis: $620
Top Five Individuals:
- Allie C.: $1,175
- Jay-Star.: $900
- Steve H.: $620
- Michael A.: $525
- Elyssa S.: $505
Bolere flytter til Lilleputthammer for å virke større TVNorge
Wednesday's Programming
For Time:
550m Run
21 Back Squats
21 Ring Dips
400m Run
15 Back Squats
15 Ring Dips
270m Run
9 Back Squats
9 Ring Dips
Rx for the back squat is bodyweight with no rack. Scale load as needed. Sub for Ring Dips is Bench Dips.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Skill: pistols
Strength/static shaping: 5x:30 Nose/toes hold + :30 arch hold w/pvc
Wod: 4 Rounds For time
40 double unders
20 jumping lunges
15 toes to bar
10 push ups
Makeup post from 5:30 yesterday
WOD in 26:36
First row kept the split around 1:55 and the stroke around 23
First set up burpees were slow but consistent. I tried not to take any breaks and just kept moving
The pull ups I did in quick sets of 5 all the way through. I think next time I'll start with 10 and then 5's
Second set of burpees were pretty rough, took a few breaks but kept moving through them.
Last row I kept around 1:50 and did the sprint at 1:35 with a 28 stroke rate for about 300 meters
I need to work on speeding up my burpees b/c the guys around me seemed like they were counting by 2's they were going so fast.
For a cool down I played a game of soccer in Williamsburg, a lot of wind sprints on the smaller 7×7 games. I miss 11×11 with less running!
Monday metcon: ~22 or 23 minutes Rx. Don't remember my exact time. Second round of burpees was awful. Nick kept telling me to drop the hammer on the second row, I didn't have any more hammers.
Wednesday metcon: 13:43 Rx (155#). This was not as bad as it looks on paper. The dips added enough rest so legs didn't feel like jelly during the run or squats.
Wednesday metcon: 16:36 with 185 and ring pushups. Runs helped warm up my sore groin, but I might still have to take a couple of weeks off to heal if this doesn't get better soon. As BK said, this was easier than it read, and I probably should have done 205. Most challenging part is the awkward over the head movement.
6am with Jess
Wednesday's WOD in 16:57 at 165#. Think I spent about 90 seconds of this getting my last two ring dips, kept failing just before lockout and getting really frustrated. Didn't think I would be able to clean 185# in the second or third rounds so settled on 165#. Think I could have done 175#. Squats weren't bad and were all unbroken.
Weird to not see any ergs at 597.
6am with Jess
Wednesday's WOD in 12:32 at 185#. This felt better than the last time we did a from-the-ground squat metcon. I did all the squats unbroken, the cleans were rough and I didn't want to repeat that. Broke them up into 3rds and did a pause at the top at the breaks. Ring dips were tough but manageable, broke them into
Post-workout I did a 3×10 set of GHD situps with BK and DanG across the street. My abs are now sore but I'm ready to hit the beach.
Crossover Symtastic
Assault bike warm-up
OPT Repeatability Test
3 Rounds, max effort
Row 250m
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell swings
Row 250m
Rest 10mins
(This 10mins sounds awesome, and you definitely do get your wind back, but don't be fooled. Your muscles are slowly but surely getting smoked. Awesome workout.)
Assault bike cool-down
Walk home
Hold self and cry in shower
Monday's WOD with 25 strict pull-ups. Finished in 28:37.
Today's link is really funny.
Noon class
Monday's WOD
The back half burpees were really something. Got a bit of tunnel vision at 20 and then slowed to quick sets of 5 with three steps back and forth as rest.
mobility (banded distractions, smashing, etc.)
crossover symmetry
-8 pushup (feet on parallelette)
-8 glute bridge L
-15 hollow rock
-5 each side KB snatch (12 kg)
45×5, 95×5, 115x5x3
first time squatting with weight on the bar in like… 6 wks?
felt okay, not perfect. a bit of bilateral groin/deep hip pain, and a bit of tweak in the L ant hip. but overall much better. progress?
95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185x3x3
5 RFT:
9 wall ball (14#, 9'…no pain)
7 DL (135#)
5 C2B pull up
Time: 7:07
-first two rounds pull-ups were unbroken, after that 3-2
-everything else unbroken
-hip openers, quads, L leg smash
-general movement prep
Power Snatch: kilos
49x1F, 49x1F (this is the point at which I would just start dropping under… laying off squat)
WOD: For time…
3 rounds:
6 push jerk (35kg)
5 pistol L
4 ring dip,
3 rounds:
6 push jerk
150m row
total time: 9:03
Rx'd in 23:42:
Despite loving burpees in a WOD, 75+75=struggle. 40 through the second 75 was the first time I had to stop burpeeing in a WOD and take a few breaths before finishing. Pull-Ups at quick sets of 5. Started the final row at 2:30 split due to those burpees, got it back down to 1:55 for the final 250m.
Rx'd @160# BW Squats in 15:29:
Broke up first set of squats 13-8, other sets unbroken. Ring dips slowed me down a bit. Combination of weaker upper body and unfamiliarity with the dips to move through that many quickly. Enjoyed the novelty of bailing the back squat.
Rx'd in 23:42:
Despite loving burpees in a WOD, 75+75=struggle. 40 through the second 75 was the first time I had to stop burpeeing in a WOD and take a few breaths before finishing. Pull-Ups at quick sets of 5. Started the final row at 2:30 split due to those burpees, got it back down to 1:55 for the final 250m.
Rx'd @160# BW Squats in 15:29:
Broke up first set of squats 13-8, other sets unbroken. Ring dips slowed me down a bit. Combination of weaker upper body and unfamiliarity with the dips to move through that many quickly. Enjoyed the novelty of bailing the back squat.
3 rnds
5 inch worms
10 hip bridges
27-29 unbroken double unders
Every 2 mins for 10 rounds (I think):
Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk
63# – 103# all felt nice and speedy and crisp.
113# – failed push press
3 rounds:
Overhead walking lunges both ways down the gym – 20# DBs — this was really hard
Farmers carry both ways down the gym – Red KB
Sled Pull and Drag each way – 70# on the sled
Then took Yoga class..
AND .. I signed up for RINGS!
Hey hi hello! I miss the blog! Haven't posted in awhile so I decided to just for funsies. Had a lot of work to get to but wanted to try and hit the gym before I got to studying! Wanted to practice kipping butterfly CTB pull-ups for this weekend at a relatively low volume as well as practice stringing together some push presses for FGB, I am slow as MOLASSES.
Cooked up this little workout:
50 murrican KBS @ 24kg
40 push press @ 55#
30 CTB pullups
20 calorie row
10 strict HSPU
Completed in 12:10
Fun, everything felt great until the HSPU, think it took me 2.5 min to get through 10. Whoops
Mile cool down run….since I bailed on it last night.
Monday's WOD Rx'd in 27:25
Row: Slow and steady on purpose so I wouldn't die on the burpees. Kept my pace below 2:15, but occasionally creeped higher when my mind drifted off. Took about 4:33.
Burpees: Steady and at a decent speed. Took about 5 minutes.
Pullups: 10-10-7, then sets of 4, 5 or 6. Took a good 30 seconds to do my first set and in between each subsequent set so I could do sets of at least 5. Whit said I was reaching my neck over the bar. Felt much better when I stopped. Took a little over 5 minutes.
Burpees: SO SLOW. But no breaks. Felt like I was doing these for 20 minutes, but took a little over 7 I think.
Row: Pace at around 2:20 until the last 250m, went 2:08 and under. I was all over the place mentally. Went from focusing on my pace, to my pull, to the overall time. Jeremy reigned me in when he came over and said "strong pull, slow recovery". Also took about 4:33, but was a lot harder than the first row at 4:33.
I had goal times in mind for each movement which helped keep me moving.
7:30 AR
Worked on banded pistols, tried to make Mary laugh so she'd fall. Success.
1 hour later I got home and attempted unassisted pistols and did not fail. Magic.
Rookie mistake this evening and thought Rest Day = Open Gym. Showed up 7:45 to work on 1RM Clean & Jerk since I missed Saturday's WOD. Worked on mobility since i 'm sore as heck from Sunday and Monday as since 8:30 class was light, coaches were kind enough to let me work up to a 1RM on C&J.
Strength seemed to be there howeverr needed to focus on technique when getting under the bar. Some great tips from Jessica, Noah and Fox.
Worked up to a 1RM of 185. Not a PR but the last 2-3 lifts were the best of the day. Until next time.