Back Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Three attempts at a new 1RM. If you’re new to the lift then test a 3 rep max instead. Use spotters.
Exposure 8/8 and 16/16
Post loads to comments.
For Time, 21-15-9:
Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jumps 24/20″
The deadlift should be medium heavy, something that might go unbroken on the fast end. Choose a weight that you can do in no more than 3 sets per round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Trevor S. (and friends) coming back from a hike up to a plateau overlooking the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. They camped out to watch the lunar eclipse, and he rocked his SBK gear the whole time.
- Active Recovery is CANCELLED today.
- Anti-Gravity is CANCELLED today.
Fight Gone Bad Update (T-13 Days!)
Congrats everyone! We’re at $8,000—which is 53% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. We posted some great fundraising tips last week, and a sample email template if you haven’t started fundraising yet.
Take a moment to learn more about the Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They support a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 9:30pm Saturday 10/3):
Top Five Teams:
- I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot: $1,975
- Fight of the Living Dead: $920
- Fight Gone Bad 2015: $605
- Awesomesauce: $600
- The Big Meowskis: $570
Top Five Individuals:
- Allie C.: $1,175
- Jay-Star.: $725
- Steve H.: $570
- Michael A.: $525
- Matty C.: $500
Why Do We Have to Sleep? It’s Okay to be Smart
Worked up to 305 on the HBBS. Failed 315. Need to stop pausing at the bottom on heavy attempts…
WOD in 3:44. This went faster than I thought it would. Box jumps have improved a bit recently.
9am with McHarpz
HBBS 260-275-290(PR). 290 was a fight but stood it up. Very happy to PR and be squatting heavy weights again after hurting my back this spring. 300# is a realistic goal now.
WOD – 6:02 Rx. Took it easy since high rep deadlifts usually kill me for a few days. Ate it on my last box jump trying to finish before 6 min.
Had a great time cheering on Linda and Steph at Hail to the Queen yesterday. Some seriously strong ladies competing including Kari Pearce who finished 21st at the Crossfit Games!
Just a reminder, AG is cancelled today.
8am with McDowell and Katie
HBBS: 245-265-275 (PR). Good vibe this morning with a bunch of guys hitting PR numbers.
Metcon: 3:55 Rx. This was much quicker than anticipated. Deadlifts all touch and go: 12/9, 8/7, 5/4. Box jumps were quick.
9am with McDowell and Katie
HBBS: 195-215-235. 15lbs off my PR in February but with the lack of training squats since then I am very happy with this result heading into my first strength cycle. The ques Katie gave me about my elbow placement and really locking the bar into my body up top really helped.
Metcon: 6:15 #185. Touch and Go deadlifts, first round broke up deadlifts 10/7/4, then 8/7, and 5/4
Giant 10 AM.
HBBSQ 195×3. I didn't want to do singles and in fact my wrist was a little irritated by supporting the bar at this weight, so I'm glad I didn't go any higher. (Fortunately the surgeon says I can do whatever I want and I won't re-injure my wrist, but to let pain be my guide for the next couple of weeks.)
WOD 4:26 Rx. I still have Fran lung. I definitely would not have gone that fast had I not just asked Kayleigh what she got and she said 3:11. I knew I was not going to match that but I couldn't let myself sandbag this one!
KAYLEIGH!!!!!! mad strength and speed!!! You're amazing.
HBBS: 135, 140, 145! My 1 RM at Iron Maidens was 120 and my 1RM last cycle was only 130, so I'm feeling really happy about it. Fun partnering with Callie & Worm. PRs everywhere!
WOD: 6:31, 120#. So. Heavy! I've never actually wanted to quit a WOD before… I honestly don't know why this was so hard! Glad I stuck it out, thanks to support from fellow gym members.
sad there was no AG, but my shoulders could probably use the rest anyway…
LBBS: 45×5, 95, 145, 175. 3 Attempts: 190, 195, 200- Made all of them despite not thinking I was going to even attempt a PR today since I'm still easing back into it! Moved surprisingly well. Tipped over a little, but didn't bottom out. I don't have a recent 1RM, but I hit 190 for 2 reps at the end of May.
WOD Rx'd in 4:56.
Broke up deadlifts as 11-10, 8-7, 9. Usually just pause for 1-3s when breaking up deadlifts, but needed more rest than that today! Box jumps super slow!
Kayleigh you are KILLING it!
HBBS: 265, 285, 300(f), 300(f)
Very disappointing to not get within five pounds of my old PR. I relaxed a bit on the first attempt, and then on the second, just plain got stuck. Ah, well.
WOD @185lbs and 24": finished in 6:10.
Power Clean
64kg 2×5
–missed second lift of the second set but these + my mentality were stronger than the past week and that's all I wanted for today.
Power Jerk
52kg 2×5
–ok, tried to keep coach's cues in mind each rep
SLDL 3×5
3 R
15 straight leg sit-ups
10 pause Glute bridges
Was planning on just doing some heavy squats and not attempt a new 1rm because I had a little too much fun out last night.
Thought i was doing 180×1 but I loaded it very wrong and did 195×1. Blame the hangover for the terrible math.
failed at 202 twice. 200 is my current PR.
Ran out of time to do the DL workout. Sad.
Snatch+2 Hang snatches
Snatch Pulls, 100%x3x4
Back squat
BTN Push Press
275×3, failed 4th
4 rounds
400M row
20 Pushups
Rest 1min
1 x 1 @ 225, 245 265(f), 260.
Metcon – 4:55 @ 215lbs