Up to 5 Attempts at a new 1RM Snatch. Misses count as attempts.
Exposure 8/8
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For Time:
100 Burpees
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Compare to 2.22.2015 and 1.5.2015.
Samir C. and Noor A. getting it in at open gym on Sunday night. The family that squats together…
Upcoming Schedule Changes
- Active Recovery is CANCELLED on Sunday, October 4th.
- Yoga for Athletes is CANCELLED on Saturday, October 17 (for Fight Gone Bad 2015.)
- Active Recovery is CANCELLED on Saturday, October 17 (for Fight Gone Bad 2015.)
Strength Cycle Still Has a Few Spots Open, Register Now!
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Wednesday Oct 7th – Friday Dec 4th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | THIS OPTION IS FULL
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Wednesday Oct 7th – Wednesday Dec 2nd
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Wednesday Oct 7th – Wednesday Dec 2th
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | THIS OPTION IS FULL
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Mon/Thurs | Thursday Oct 8th – Thursday Dec 3rd
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, December 6th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
The Classifieds section still isn’t working. If you have something to post, email it to our Managing Editor, Kate R. at Katharine [at]
- Gowanus art studio needed: After 12 years, the management of Saul M.’s art studio building is kicking out all the artists. He’s looking for a 400-600+ sq/ft space in the Gowanus area by December 31. He is a sculptor that works in a variety of media. If you have a space or know of someone who might, please let him know, saulmelman [at] Thank you!
Salman Rushdie on Creativity and Criticism Harvard Business Review
No Vanity Project: At Art Center, Baryshnikov Tells Artists, ‘You’re the Boss’ NPR
Brad D says
6am with Jess and JB
Snatch: I think I might have only made it in for one snatch day this cycle. Thursdays and Fridays have have been travel days for work so I've been lucky to get in a run at the end of the week. That being the case, did not have high expectations for today. Would have been happy with 80%, but was able to do a little better than that, so I call it a win.
185 (93% of 90kg 1RM)
Metcon: 6:49. It would have been faster if BK hadn't been next to me disrupting everyone's perception of time.
MattyChm says
6am with Jess and JB
I hit a new PR of 170# last week so I wasn't expecting much today. That said I really wanted 175#.
I got really great cues from both JB and Jess and I felt like one of them was right there with me on every attempt with little tweaks on form. Perhaps good coaching is the key to PRs? I failed 175# twice and then I finally hit it.
It was ugly.
Like really ugly.
Like I almost died and broke the whiteboard ugly.
100 Burpees in 7:01 which is about a minute faster than the last time. Good stuff.
Steve says
6am with JB and Jess
Snatch – 115-125-130-135-140 (Ugly muscle snatch). Not my day for the snatch. Just wasn't feeling snappy today and couldn't consistently get under the bar, although no fails. 135 ties my PR and 140 was just an ugly muscle snatch and Jess nixed it as a successful lift. 135 was a decently low power snatch.
Matty isn't exaggerating either. The way it went down it was either going to be a PR or as Fox put it the first AOTM casualty.
WOD – 7:33. 100 burpees does not improve my dislike for burpees.
Brendan says
Shoutout to Jess for keeping on me the last few weeks about my form during the snatch — specifically the shrug. Things finally clicked today during the work set and I hit 100# (PR). More excited that they were feeling good than anything else, but first time in a long time I've left the gym on snatch day feeling like I made real improvement. says
HBBS: 185, 205, 225×3, 225×5 (rep out: terrible form)
Bench: 155, 175, 205×3, 205×4 (rep out: too heavy)
Surprise WOD: 80 Thrusters 75# (10reps EMOM-ish until 50+) says
9:30 lifts
Stoked about finally snatching 205! Felt great. May have had 210 but I figured fuck it. Soon.
100 burpees with 10am class
Short mental breaks at 50, 70, 80, and 90.
Great way to start my long weekend.
Kayleigh R says
Snatch 53-63-73-83-93-103F-103-108 (PR)
I think 103 was an old power clean super ugly PR, so I was stoked to hit it relatively cleanly. 108 was just icing on the cake. Felt good. I have to say watching Matt complete that snatch/almost die/almost break the gym/the look on Jess's face throughout was my favorite moment of the day.
100 Burpees in 6:38. Last time was over 7 minutes, so pretty happy. More happy about being done with it for the day.
lady fox says
Lifting with the Hubby:
(25, 30, 35, 40, 42)
44, 46, 48, 50f, 50f, 53kg (116.6#) PR
-after missing the 2 at 50, I figured it wasn't going to be a PR day. Was going to try a 3rd attempt but then said fuck it and decided to go for it. Just a 1kg PR but overall happy that this number is finally moving up and feeling good!
Clean & Jerk:
45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75kg failed jerk, 75f
-should have had 75. Just didn't commit to getting my head through in the jerk.
100 burpees in 8:08
-I'm so slow with burpees. I just tried to move at a steady (slow) pace and didn't stop to rest.
Whit H says
GETTIN' SWOLE AND STABLE OVER HERE! Lots of fun today working around various injury sh*t, mostly the gnarly toe. Can't squat, oly lift, run, jump rope, etc. etc. … but there's always something to do!
A. Crossover Symmetry
B. 4 RNFT:
8 single leg DL, L side only (12kg kb)
5 pistols, L side only (assist on rack)
8 side-to-sides in Handstand Hold (shifting weight back and forth to lift one hand to fingertips)
6 strict ring dip
C. 3 RNFT:
4 Chin ups (:10 hold at top on last rep, shifting side to side)
5 Abwheel (full from knees)
6 Seated DB Press, each side (25#)
D. 3 sets:
10 Back Extensions, :10 hold on last rep
10 Air squats (NO PAIN!)
E. Conditioning…
5 RFT:
10 slamball
5 pull-ups (mix of crappy butterfly and regular kip, arms were fried already)
8 v-ups
Time: 6:19
Charlie says
10 x OHS
5 x KPU
20 x DU
Pause Squat (4@7,8,9RPE)
45 x 10, 95 x 4, 135 x 4, 165 x 4, 185 x 4, 200 x 4 (7) 205 x 4 (8) 210 x 4 (9)
Bench Press (5@7,8,9RPE)
45 x5, 75 x 5, 95 x5, 110 x 5, 115 x 5 (7) 120 x 5 (8) 125 x 5 (8.5) 127.5 x 4, F (10)
Press (5@7,8,9RPE)
45 x 5, 65 x 5 (7), 70 x 5 (8), 75 x 5 (9) says
I didz the CrossFittz tonight….
WU: Turkish get ups 3e @20, 25, 30
Band Assisted Rounds
– 5 Kip swings, stringing together kipping pull-up doubles
– 5e assisted pistols (2 green, then blue and green)
WOD: 3Rounds
15 push ups
30 deadlifts
15 push press or jerk
30 sit ups
Like 20:— something seconds? Barfz but fun. says
Snatch: 53-63-73-83 (f)- 83 (f)-78-83×3 setups with no execution.
Too greedy today. Thought making 10# jumps would save some energy for a PR. I have never made 10# jumps when snatching and today was def not the day to do it! Esp since I haven't picked up a barbell in a week!
Burpees: 6:48
HUGE improvement of 1:22 from January 5th with a time of 8:11.
Was so sick all week. Glad to be back! says
*1:23 difference 🙂 says
75# snatch pr. Up from my 73# pr a whopping 6 days ago. I'll take it.
Burpees in 7:14. So much resting, but I just wasn't feeling it today … Still a 41 second improvement from January.
Cash out: tres leches doughnut – thanks Michael c!!
André says
#135 Snatch (PR)
I hate burpees, this was my first run at 100 so it will be a future baseline. Completed in 10:12