EMOM 16 Minutes:
Even: 2 Hang (hip) Snatch
Start at 60% of your best snatch and go up from there.
Odd: Kipping Pull-Up Practice
Spend about 10-20 seconds and perform up to 10 reps. Butterfly, Regular Kip, or simply hollow/arch swings on the pull up bar. End the set if you fall out of rhythm.
Exposure 7/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
8 Box Jumps 24/20
6 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Strong Nate O. picking it up and putting it down. Check out lots of new photos in our Flickr account from Tuesday’s early evening classes!
Where You At, Fight Gone Bad? It All Goes Down in T-23 Days!
- ATTENTION FIGHT GONE BAD TEAM CAPTAINS! You should have received an email inviting you to sign up for our CrowdRise page. YOU MUST DO THIS BY TOMORROW.
- There are still 8 spots left if you missed the boat and want to be on it. Email Info [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
- Let the fundraising games begin! Brooklyn Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that they will match the funds we raise! Once overall fundraising hits $15,000, the Board will match contribution dollar for dollar. You or your friend puts in $10, our Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. That’s only $100 per person. Let’s do this, CFSBK!
- Thanks to all of our donors so far—Fleishers, Lululemon, Left Bank NYC, Brooklyn Boulders, Caffeine and Kilos, and Ho’Brah taco joint. We are still open for any and all donations for FGB prizes! If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Are You a Man, and Do You Want to Talk About What You Eat?
Grace R. needs male interviewees for her master’s thesis about male food attitudes. If you’re a man and you’re up for talking about what you eat and why you eat it, email Grace at gir213 [at] nyu.edu. Interviews will be held at the location and time most convenient for you (home, office, etc.) and will be entirely confidential. Interviews will take around 45 minutes. It will be fun, she promises.
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
The Classifieds section still isn’t working. If you have something to post, email it to our Managing Editor, Kate R. at Katharine [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Former Front Desk superstar Ruth P. is selling a lot of stuff as she’s moving to California next week (boo!!). Please reach out to her at ruthpardee [at] gmail.com if any are of interest. She’s offering discounts for CFSBKers. 🙂
Loveseat – Tufted gray upholstered, quite new and nice (sad to give it up…)
Electric Piano – really nice full 88 key keyboard, weighted keys with really nice action and tone
32” LCD TV – purchased less than a year ago, works great
2 Bar Chairs
Air mattress
Ikea folding bar stool
Storage Ottmans, a bit worn (I’d give these away if anyone wanted them)
A Toxic Work World The New York Times
Arch Hollow Swing The Ark Fitness
The Wily Political Strategy of Pope Francis New York Magazine
Just a little bit of volume toady…
EMOM: 40×3, 44×3, 50×2 on the snatches. Took it really easy today, right thumb is jacked impeding my grip. Pullups were 8×10, all rounds unbroken butterfly.
Metcon: 9 rounds + 2 swings Rx.
Hi all,
I am selling two tickets to see Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder talk about the podcast Serial tomorrow night at BAM. Event starts at 8pm. Details here: http://www.bam.org/talks/2015/an-evening-with-the-creators-of-serial
If you're interested, email me at jmbrown224@gmail.com. The event is currently sold out. I am willing to negotiate on a price!
Sorry for the spam. I figured I would find some Serial fans amongst this group though.
I can't compete in Fight Gone Bad this year but I'm already thoroughly enjoying reading your team names as they crop up on CrowdRise. I really want to know who all let Jay agree to name their team the Jay Stars…
6am with Jessica^2
EMOM work – Snatch 80 x 1, 85 x 1, 90 x 3, 95 x 3. After a few helpful cues from JB on hip positioning these moved well. Caught most of these in what felt to me as full squat snatches. Pull-ups were kipping with mostly 8s. Slowly getting better at these.
WOD – 7 rounds + 2 kb swings Rx. Never would have thought that 72# kb swings would feel like rest.
Everything feels tired now.
So sore from yesterday – legs and traps were not happy. Was not expecting this after a low intensity squat day and such a short WOD.
EMOM: Started out at 63#, worked up to 78#. One fail at 78 because my head wasn't in it – already thinking about how heavy the second rep was going to be. Just had to treat each as singles and then it was fine. Did 2 kipping pulps each round.
WOD: 9 rounds flat Rx.
Crossover symmetry
Banded dist:
– supine neutral hip
– ankle
– ant to post standing, kneelingx3
8 gb L, 4 gb both… 5 sec pause at top of last rep
:20 hollow hold
8 banded air squat, slow
(Bb snatch drills mixed in)
Power snatch
63: 3 position x2 plus a couple more singles from flor
108 F
5×7 butterfly pull-ups between reps
3 rounds
10 cal aerodyne
5 strict ring dips
Didn't time it. God I hate that bike so hard.
Dips: 3-2
Overall, deep pain in both hips feels like it's subsiding. I did 5 squats with the bar on my back and it felt okay. However, L ant hip still feels impinge-y… think there's some tendinitis there and I still need to lay off and strengthen posterior chain.
10am class
Snatches at 132 across
3-5 butterfly pull ups each round
WOD Rx'd
6 rounds
I did not feel good today. Maybe the scorpion bowl yesterday was a bad idea. Then again, maybe it was the Mai Tais…who knows, it could have been the Negroni that I started my Wednesday Play Day lunch with.
Came back in the afternoon to just move around and get some blood flowing
10:00 active recovery
3 rounds
12 squats
10 ring push-ups
5 pull-ups
Worked on bar muscle ups and backward rolls to support for about 15:00
Low bar back squat 135x5x6 with a :04 pause
Pause squats (4@7,8,9,4@BO)
45 x 10, 95 x 4, 135 x 4, 165 x 4, 190 x 4, 200 x 4, 205 x 4, 195 x4
Bench Press (6@7,8,9, 6@BO)
45 x 6, 175 x 6, 100 x 6, 110 x 6, 115 x 6, 120 x 6, 105 x 6
Press (6@7,8,9,6@BO)
45 x 6, 65 x 6, 70 x 6, 75 x 5, F, 65 x 6
WOD with noon class- thanks Jess and DO!
AMRAP 10 mins
10 KB swings @ 24kg
8 box jumps 20"
6 burpees
8 rounds Rx'd
That very last rep was after the timer went off but I started a little late because I thought we were starting on the box jumps so I'm counting it. Found my pace and stuck to it. Burpees will never be fast for me. My box jumps need work- my arms are all out of whack.
Snatch/Pull-Up EMOM was so fun!
42#/5 kpu, 47#/5, 52/5, 52/5, 57/3… then things slowed down. I did three kipping pull ups the rest of the rounds, but snatches got really difficult.
WOD w/ 20kg bell: 9 rounds + 10 KB + 8 BJs +1 burpee right at the tail end of time.
My shoe was untied within the first round. I knew I was taking a big risk not stopping to tie it, but I had to catch Kaleigh's 9 rounds and Ellie's additional 6 reps 🙂 I'm luckily didn't hurt myself….from now on…double knots! I'll never make that mistake again! Also, I should have used the 53# bell.
Fun, relaxing, and necessary AR class afterwards!!
Fox knows how to party like he means it. Well done.
Snatch/pullup EMOM:
Snatches: 53-53-58-58-63-68-68-68
Pullups: 3 kipping the first three rounds to loosen up, then butterfly practice the rest
WOD Rx'd. 2 reps shy of 7 rounds. KB swings unbroken, but felt so heavy today. I was tired and landing heavy on the box during the BJs. Burps were slow. Took lots of breaks. Def need a rest day. Also feeling run down like I might be getting a cold.
Went to my first AR class tonight which is exactly what I needed.