Medium Intensity
Back Squat 75-80% x 5 x 2
Front Squat 75-80% x 5 x 2
Add a few pounds to your last medium intensity day.
Exposure 4/16
Front Squat 3 x 8
Add a few pounds to your 3 x 10 exposure last week.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
The thrusters should be light enough to do a few unbroken sets, but if you’ve never done an Rx’d barbell on “Fran,” then use today to push the weight a bit. Similarly with pull-ups, the intention is to kip through them in 1 or 2 sets early on. Scale some volume if needed or use bands or ring rows, but today is a good day to slog through some volume on a challenging version. Scale double-unders if needed to 10 attempts or 50 singles.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Power Couple Mary and Dima M. just spent a week on the amazing island of Kauai. Here’s a photo of them kayaking along the Napali Coast! | We love seeing photos of your adventures—and hearing about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états! Send awesomeness to Kate, our Managing Editor, at Katharine [at]
- The following classes are CANCELLED this week and next week:
- Active Recovery on Thursday, 8/27
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
- Pilates on Tuesday, 9/1
- Happy birthday, Kevin G.!
Got Plans This Saturday? Come Party on Degraw Street!
DanceWave—a nonprofit Brooklyn based dance center—is moving to Degraw and hosting a block party this Saturday between 12-5pm. Businesses on our block—between 3rd and 4th—will be participating. Brooklyn Boulders will be setting up an outdoor obstacle course and the School of Rock will offer music lessons. CFSBK’s Comp team will display their super human skills outdoors from 2:30pm onwards. Come join in the festivities!
Age Is Irrelevant When It Comes to Fitness Outside
HBBS: 205x5x2 followed by FSQ: 175x5x2. Both at the ~75% mark. Everything moved well.
Metcon: 4 rounds + 2 thrusters Rx. Completed the first two rounds in about 8 mins, then took me 5-6ish minutes to complete the last two rounds. Thrusters: 8-7-5, 4×5, 4×5, 4×5, 2. Pullups: 2×10, 2×10, 2×10, 8-6-3-3. The only thing worst than the round of 15 in Fran, is doing the round of "21" over and over and over and over.
From Tuesday…
8am class
Felt heavy but moved well. Up 10lbs from last Medium Int day.
All good.
WOD Rx'd
3 rounds + 20 Thusters + 3 Pull Ups
This. Sucked. So hot and humid in the gym today. Butterfly fell apart, hands were close to blistering. Wah, wah…I was so happy when Mel finally said "time".
Thrusters: 12-8, 8-7-5, 8-7-5, 5-5-10
Pull Ups: sets of 5 until the last round where I broke them up to save my hands
Doubles all unbroken
Back Squats at 225#x5x2. Felt fine.
Front Squats at 190#x5x2. Cant wait to test a new 1RM because all of these Front Squats have been feeling light lately.
Crush Week WOD…
Made it through 3 full rounds plus 15 thrusters in the fourth round.
Thrusters were broken up 12/5/3 and then all 5s thereafter.
Pull Ups were all sets of 5 from the beginning.
Looking back I think I took too much rest b/w thruster sets. It just sucked so bad.
Yesterday's work with coach
Jerk OTM
Push Press
3 rounds
10 back extensions
10 incline TTB
10 Glute bridges with 3 sec pause at the top
Cash out: dinner @ Little Dokebi with Blake's character from True Detective
HBBS: 230x5x2
FSQ: 190x5x2
WOD @95lb front squats, 20 strict pull-ups.
Finished 3 rounds + 20 front squats + 3 pull-ups. Definitely a PR for the most strict pull-ups I've ever done in a WOD. (previous was 50 during Murph; I do 40 in Angie).
Back Squats at 285#x5x2. Felt fine.
Front Squats at 215#x5x2. I agree with Matt, these front squats have been feeling light lately.
Made it through 2 full rounds plus 20 thrusters in the thrid round.
Thrusters were broken up 10/5/5 and then all 5s thereafter.
Pull Ups were all sets of 2 from the beginning, but switched to singles halfway through first round. Repeatedly strung together 3-4 double unders for the first time ever. Maybe being tired and whiny about a long wod is the key for me…
8am at CF Parallax
7 min EMOM muscle snatch + power snatch
One weight across: 115. Would have liked to move around with weight and do 135 but I didn't have a chance to try.
WOD IN 7:08
For time:
30 box jumps
20 Burpees over plate
10 cal row
20 Burpees over plate
30 box jumps
10 AM – I'm going to really miss this time in a few weeks when school starts again.
LBBS: 190x5x2
FSQ: 145x5x2
Thrusters were a cruel joke to see after the Subway Series, but moved well (12/8, 8/6/6, 10/6/4). I finally took the advice that many, many wise and strong people have been giving me to try to start doing pull-ups in WODs today. I scaled it to only 10 pul- ups per round, all kipping, a mix of singles and doubles. Got through 30 all together, which makes for the most pull-ups I have done in a day by far. New goalz…
Also, very late to the party but I have to say the Subway Series was a great experience, I was impressed by all the super strong people and have to say that everyone from the home team did an awesome job (including judges and some amazing musical selections).
Another random side note: I've noticed recently that lots of the workout have combined quick sprint movements with ones where you really have to slow down and value efficiency (like rowing/running and heavy snatches). I have to say I really like these sort of workouts vs the go-go-go types. I feel like there is a little strategizing involved, and it also makes me really tune into every movement. Nice little programming here at South Brooklyn.
8:00 Mobility/Movement Prep
Crossover Symmetry
3 Rounds:
16 Calorie Row
8 Narrow Grip OHS @ 75lbs with the Fat Bar
30 Hollow Rocks
(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 150×2)
Thruster/Kipping Pull-Up/Double Metcon
3 Rounds + 12 Thrusters
I could not recover from the thrusters, this workout kicked my ass. I had :45 left and dropped the bar and lost the will to live and just laid down/ ๐ CrossFitting alone is hard!
I've also noticed that Matty Chm keeps beating me on metcons by like 2-6 reps. Ive got my eyes on you matt!!
Did a cool down with the Dog Sled in 608 which works surprisingly well.
+45lbs x 80' x 6 with ample rest
430pm w/ Noah & McD:
Frontsquat – 125 3×8 which is rough. I feel like i am doing these at a very slow pace.
WOD: 63lbs on the thrusters and 10 strict pullups w/ blue band. My shoulders were in tons of pain during the thrusters and I probably should have called it – or done a front squat. but the second and third rounds I did in sets of 5's and 4's. On the last round I just cleaned the bar up, waited the final 15 seconds while the stitch or cramp in my side burned a hole in me – then let the bar go back down.
On a good note: my du's are getting better. No set unbroken, but consistently in the 10's & 15's. Felt good about that.
Lastly – i was halfway home when I realized that I forgot to put the band away from the pullup bar. Thanks to whoever did so.
Performance squats:
LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 145×2, 150x5x2 (~80%)
FSQT: 120x5x2 (~80%) Had a few good reps where I didn't tip over. Progress!
WOD Rx'd 3 rounds + 20 thrusters
It took me one full hour to recover after this. Got a horrible headache immediately afterwards. I think I was dehydrated.
Thrusters: Broke into sets of 5, except for the last round I did 10-5-5.
Pullups: Had trouble on the first set of pullups bc I was doing them with natural grips for the first time. Took them off and did the pullups in sets of 5s without any issues stringing them together. Took lots of breathing breaks here.
DUs: Not good today (or really any day). Did in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and one set of 10.
Kayleigh congrats on all the pullups! Also agree about the music- especially Beyonce's "Who Runs the World (Girls)" during the all guys heat. ๐
QOD: Whole wheat piece of toast with PB and banana slices. Couldn't remember for the life of me during class today! (Had a large lunch yesterday so my dinner was pretty lame).
Front squats: 95 8×3; pretty happy considering I ended 3×3 at 105 last cycle! I have definitely gained fat from eating too much sugar and carbs. Maybe that's why my numbers have improved. I really want to go back to eating really healthy and not drinking but I'm struggling ๐
Wod: did 3 rounds plus 20 thrusters @65#, scaling pull-ups to 10/round and 10
DU attempts. I set out to do 4 rounds, but ultimately, my main goal was 80 total thrusters, which I accomplished! I felt a little dizzy post-wod, but I think it was due to lack of dehydration than intense CrossFit exertion. Someday I'm gunna nail the CrossFit dizzy spell for real.
Yay Kayleigh! And kelly you are so hilarious!
8am with McD and Ro
FS 3×8 at 95
I was overly cautious today since I am still getting over a summer cold, but it moved smoothly. I will take a bigger jump next week.
Did a super modified WOD bc of my wrists…it was still a special kind of suck and my legs are spent…will be doing a bit of foam rolling this evening.
25 DB thrusters (these were heavy…I knew 20 would be too light, the first round I did 10 unbroken, but then I had switch to sets of 5)
15 Banded pull ups (started with a green band but had to add a blue on the 2nd set)
20 KB swings – opted for the lighter (aka faster) 16kg so I could keep moving
Completed 3 rounds + 20 thrusters + 10 pull ups
FSUW w/ Coach
Power Clean OTM
Clean Pull
148x3x3— these felt like PERFECTION today. Wow.
HClDL: 140x (3+1+1) x3
5e front rack reverse lunges x3 @ #75, #85, #95
Knee is healing, not pushing any full flexion movements. Working on my pulls etc.
I love FSUW w/ NoApologies + Ro
Marvelous photo! I want to be like Mary and Dima M. when I grow up! Well, I have the red Romoleos with gold trim, it's a start!