Jude G. and Amy M. during the Trans Rockie run. Jude is on the left, at the summit on the second day. Amy is on the right, celebrating after their final day back at camp. The pics don’t feature their CFSBK tees, but they promise they wore them with pride but under many layers since Colorado is cold at night. Read more about their experience below!
- The following classes are CANCELLED this week, as Coach Whit and KH left yesterday for Iceland:
- Pilates on Tuesday, 8/25, and Tuesday, 9/1
- Active Recovery on Thursday, 8/27
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
- Happy birthday, Eleanor M.!
A Letter From Jude G. to David and CFSBK, About the Trans Rockies Run
Hi David and Team,
I wanted to send you a note expressing my gratitude for creating such a unique and supportive community at CFSBK.
A week ago I finished the three-day Trans Rockies run—a 58-mile race through the Colorado Rockies. The event was grueling—13 to 25 miles each day on varying terrain from exposed mountain top to dense woods. My lungs and heart worked hard climbing peaks over 12K and my quads were severely tested running down a mountainside for miles.
Before joining CFSBK, everything about the Trans Rockies Run would have seemed impossible—the miles, the altitude, the course, even camping out each evening. I would have researched the event, admired the athletes that participated and thought, ‘That looks amazing but I can’t do that.’ However, because of my experience at CFSBK, I decided to ignore my initial reaction and I signed up for what turned into an incredible adventure.
I am very grateful to be a part of the CFSBK community, I agree with all the prior praise expressed for CFSBK—it is far from just a venue to workout. Many thanks to the talented, supportive and good humored coaches, their encouragement got me through months of training and ultimately across the finish line. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Brooklyn-trained. Rockies-tested.
Much love,
P.S. I also convinced Amy M. that 58 miles through the Rocky Mountains was a good idea, so thanks again for creating a space that attracts awesome people and new friendships!
The LeBron James of Weighlifting Wall Street Journal
Wednesday's Programming
Medium Intensity
Back Squat 75-80% x 5 x 2
Front Squat 75-80% x 5 x 2
Add a few pounds to your last medium intensity day.
Exposure 4/16
Front Squat 3 x 8
Add a few pounds to your 3 x 10 exposure last week.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
The thrusters should be light enough to do a few unbroken sets, but if you've never done an Rx'd barbell on “Fran,” then use today to push the weight a bit. Similarly with pull-ups, the intention is to kip through them in 1 or 2 sets early on. Scale some volume if needed or use bands or ring rows, but today is a good day to slog through some volume on a challenging version. Scale double-unders if needed to 10 attempts or 50 singles.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Jude that is so awesome. Congrats to you and Amy!!
YAAAAAASSSSS Jude and Amy!!!!!!
Well done ladies! Sounds like an incredible experience. Maybe I'll join you next year!!
Holy crap – congrats Jude and Amy!
Skill: Handstand push up
Strength: Pull up 1-1-1, Superset w/ dips 3×10
15 min amrap
400 m run
max rep T2B
Go Jude and Amy!! What an incredible-sounding experience.
Congrat Jude and Amy! Pretty sure I would die. Speaking of which..
6am with MeLo doing tomorrow's work
FSQ – 165 x 8 x 3. Happy to be on 8s now. Still moving pretty well.
WOD – 2 rounds + 7 pull-ups rx'd. In case anyone was wondering, this is indeed very unpleasant. Thrusters were 10-10 for first round then 5s. Pull-ups were a slippery mix of 5s then 3s and 2s. Grip was the killer for me on the pull-ups once I started (continued?) sweating. Just can't grip the bar. Took MeLo's advice for the suicide grip on the thrusters which helped preserve some grip strength. DUs were too short to provide any rest.
McDowell came up to us afterwards and said: Glad I didn't have to do that one…
Yeaaaaaahhhh Jude and Amy! (y'all crazy, but in a good way!)
8 AM with McD (while MeLo's side of the room gave me a glimpse into my future tomorrow…eek!)
Bench 105x5x3, continues to be just a tiny bit uncomfortable toward the end of each set, but I'll gladly put up with that to bench like a normal person.
Deadlift 225×5, and this weight felt WAY heavier than the last time I did it a few weeks ago.
WOD 3:16 with strict pushups.
8am class
Felt heavy but moved well. Up 10lbs from last Medium Int day.
All good.
WOD Rx'd
3 rounds + 20 Thusters + 3 Pull Ups
This. Sucked. So hot and humid in the gym today. Butterfly fell apart, hands were close to blistering. Wah, wah…I was so happy when Mel finally said "time".
Thrusters: 12-8, 8-7-5, 8-7-5, 5-5-10
Pull Ups: sets of 5 until the last round where I broke them up to save my hands
Doubles all unbroken
8am class at Crossfit Parallax in Cape May NJ
Will do a write up when I get back but good programming.
Paused Front squat 7×3
Rep 1: 5 second pause
Rep 2: 3 second pause
Rep 3: 1 second pause
7 rounds from 135# to last round at 205#
WOD: 22:10
400m run
50 push ups (these got verrrry tough)
12 DLs 225#
Miss CFSBK but I've got my ass in a lawn chair my toes in the sand, not a worry in the world and a cold beer in my hand. Life is good today!
Yayyyy Amy and Jude!!!!!
Bench Press: 150x3x4
Deadlift: 235×5
WOD @155lbs and regular push-ups: 3:04
WTG Jude and Amy. Incredible! I loved your note. I feel the same way! I say that my crossfitness is my passport to everything!
Awwww, thanks for the messages. It was an amazing experience and I may actually do it again – gorgeous scenery and beer at each check point makes for a pretty awesome race. Charlie I'll be sure to register you for 2016 🙂
awesome post about amy and jude's adventure!
does anyone own a food saver vacuum sealer they'd be willing to let me use? i really don't have space for this awesome appliance, but desperately want to freeze some summer fruit.
i'd pay for the freezer bags myself, and i'd be happy to barter some homemade goodies as well (this year's jams, pickles, and baked goods galore.)
hit me up at mignyc at gmail dot com.
great post from Jude and Amy, two CFSBK TFBAs without a doubt!
10:00 Active Recovery/Movement Prep
3 Rounds
16 H2H Kettlebell Swings 24kg
16 OH Walking Lunges w/ 20kg KB
8 Strict Pull-Ups
Bench Press: 135x8x4
Deadlift: 285×5
For Time:
21-15-9 Deadlift 185 (unbroken)
15-9-6 Strict HSPU (2-4 sets per round)
400-300-300m Row at recovery Pace
130, 100, 75m Farmers Carry with the Jerry Cans
This was great out in the sun!
Open Gym this morning. Great to be back at cfsbk finally. Haven't been to the gym in quite some time, as I injured my shoulder during the Open. Definitely miss my 6am crew.
I've been following a 5-3-1 program outside the gym and came in today to do my 3-week workout for Press and HBBS, with some accessory work and kipping chinup practice:
Press: 95×3, 105×3, 120×7, 95×13
HBBS: 190×3, 220×3, 245×8
3 rounds resting 1 min between rounds:
15 thrusters @95#
recovery rowing:
row 1000m @ 2:00/500m
row 500m @ recovery rate
45 kipping chinups < 5 min(chinup grip to protect shoulder):
Catching up:
Today…Sunday's Squats:
HBBS: 60-70%x7x2
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3) 200x7x2
FSQ: 60-70%x7x2
-misread the programming calendar and used 75% for today. ended up ok but the HBBS was definitely the more challenging squat.
Didn't want to do the 20min AMRAP given my torn hand and since I did Fran on Sunday so instead did:
400m run
7 80# ball to shoulder
12 GHD situps
-just tried to keep moving and didn't really push the pace. that 80# ball got damn heavy!
(45×5, 75×5, 105×3) 120x3x4
(125×5, 175×5, 205×3) 225×5
21-15-9 deadlifts, 15-9-6 hspu in 4:54
-all deadlifts unbroken. hspu's broken. definitely started to feel the fatigue from the subway series in that second round.
Subway Series on Sunday:
Fran: 5:56
Isabel: completed 20 reps in the 6mins
C&J: hit 163
-dear god that was hard! thanks to all who came out to watch!
Another fun antigravity class!
HSPUs: Did piked (without a box) push ups that were really great to work on the technique for strict HSPUs. Ended up doing a few strict HSPUs with two ab mats and not pressing my head in the mat. Long way to go though.
Pull-Ups: 1-1-1; unweighted, +5#, +10#. Attempted 15# but it was too heavy. Did sub-sets of 10 matador ring dips after each single pull-up.
AMRAP 18 min
400m. run, max set T2B (did 9 strict for several rounds and a couple rounds attempting to kip). 6 rounds+ one run
Really excited about tomorrow's WOD. I really want to do Fran for real; tomorrow will be great practice.
Strength Cycle
Comp Squat (4x 5@8RPE)
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5, 210 x 5 x 4
Pause Bench (2 second pause- (4 x 5@8RPE)
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 100 x 5, 112.5 x 5 x 4
Press (3 x 5@8RPE)
45 x 5, 60 x 5, 70 x 5 x 3 (7.5 RPE- should have gone heavier)
Worked on strict HSPU's- I can do two to two abmats but was unable to do any to one abmat however now I know what to work on which is pretty cool.
Weighted pull-ups- got to 10# but it wasn't pretty.
AMRAP 18 mins
400m run, max T2B
May have done 4 or 5 rounds, plus one run. T2B were kind of a hybrid of strict and kipping. I got 5 in the first and last rounds and 8 in the middle rounds.
This class is fun.
Strict HSPU progressions: First we did them piked from the floor to focus on forming a tripod with our hands and head, not plie-ing (sp?) them, and pushing our head through at the top. Did a few with three and two ab mats. Traps are still really sore from the Subway series so these were tough today and my head didn't quite touch with 2 mats.
Pullups supersetted with matador dips.
Warmed up with the blue band, then did two strict pullup attempts and one strict. Could only manage three dips on the matador each round so also did 7 on the bench. Again, I think I'm shot from Sunday.
WOD: I think I did four or five rounds of running. I did 10 kipping singles, but stayed on the bar the whole time for the first two sets. The last two rounds I worked T2B progressions to practice stringing them together. Close on a few, but my momentum felt off.
I start school next week so this might be my last Tuesday AG for a while. 7:30 is late for me to work out on a school night. I'll never fall asleep. 🙁