Clean and Jerk
Take 12 minutes to warm up a bit beyond your clean and jerk weight for the WOD.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Row 500/400 meters
10 Burpees
3 Clean and Jerk 205/135
The clean and jerk is meant to be on the heavy side, scale accordingly. Use it as a strength training stimulus.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Chris Y. takes CrossFitting on vacation very seriously. Here he is, at CrossFit Barbados (not really), performing a WOD he likes to call “Watch Your Back Ben Smith.” It’s a grueling NFT AMRAP of 2 Beers, 1 Sandwich, and 4m Flotsam float. How long could you last?
- Not competing in the fourth and final Subway Series event tomorrow? Come show your support/SBK love from 12:30-4pm, and wear your SBK shirts and gear!
- The following classes are CANCELLED tomorrow:
- Active Recovery at 11am
- 12pm/1pm group class
- AntiGravity at 2pm
- Want to try something other than group class today? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am, Active Recovery at 11am and 12pm, or Open Gym from 2-4pm!
- Happy birthday, Adam S.!
What Does “Self-Care” Really Mean? The FADER
The World’s Biggest Pet Store Has 250,000 Animals Bloomberg Business
Living in a Post-Delete World The Cut
He Carried Her Off the Handball Court, but Didn’t Quite Sweep Her Off Her Feet The New York Times
I like your style, Yun.
Today's work yesterday
WOD Rx'd
4 Rounds + 210m
Conservative row's around 2:10-2:15 splits, burpees easy, C&Js all singles. Certainly heavy enough that I had to focus on setting up each C&J. Fun one.
Yesterday's work:
Snatch Singles
CJ Singles
3 Rounds NFT:
5 good mornings 47kg
5e front rack reverse lunge 40kg
10 GHD sit ups
Not trying to start anything but it's hard to refer my students parents who are very interested in CFTeens to the website when that's the first message associated with SBK that they see.
Modified version of today's workout so that I could snatch a little bit before tomorrow's Subway Series… I've never done Isabel before.
Snatch w/ 3 second pause at knee (kilos):
C&J (kilos)
110 (f) would've been a 2lb PR
12min AMRAP instead of 20, and subbed 5 snatches at 135 so I could feel the Isabel weight while tired. Didn't really push the pace. 2rds + about 400m of the row into the 3rd round. Finished the round after time was up, so probably 3 rnds in about 14 minutes.
Visiting my family so I checked out CrossFit Bensalem. I was literally the only person who showed up for class so the coach basically rewrote what he had originally planned as a partner WOD with 3 movements I can't do into:
2 RFT, 100m run after each movement:
20 deadlifts at 95# (coach wrote it as 65 for women and I was, all, "NO")
20 box jump overs 20"
10 strict press 35# (this was too light, but since I had to clean the bar from the floor I was okay with that)
10 tuck jumps
11:15. This was more of a gasser than I expected. Then he made me cash out with 4 intervals of :30 hard row/:15 rest. Terrible. I fully admit I did not give it my all.
Will post my thoughts on the box in the travel gym section at some point, even though I know none of you has any reason to be in the Armpit of Bucks County.
Had to look up Bensalem. Sounds like a rough workout.
Today I misread the blog post and was pleased that I was able to AR w/ Coach DavidO, then the group class w/ Coach Whit.
Still having some trouble on the Cl&Jerk but worked up to 95, well short of my 130 pr. But heavy-ish for me. Then went down to 85 for the WOD, finished exactly four rounds.
Rowing at 2:05 splits on all four pieces – need to get that down before I sign up for CrashB's again.
Post Classes OG Session
Squat Clean and Power Jerk
205 M Jrk
AMRAP 20:00
500m Row
10 Burpees
3 Power Clean and Split Jerks @ 185lbs
3 Rounds + 500m, 10 Burpees
That was tough. Kept my splits around 2:05 and maybe rested a little too much between clean and jerks. Burpees were an active rest. Got the barbell with :12 left and basically deadlifted it, dropped it and laid down.
I understand the sentiment, but the blog celebrates and represents the many faces at CFSBK. I think anyone scrolling along could see it's all in good fun.
Open Gym
Pause Squat (4 x 5@8RPE)
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 5 x 4
Press (4 x3@8RPE)
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 3, 75 x 3 x4…. this was more like a 7RPE. I thought it would get harder but it didn't. I should have added 2.5lb. Next week.
Monday's WOD.
Wall Ball 14/9
KB swings 16kg
Box jumps 20"
6:46 Rx
Thanks Cam for doing this with me! The wall balls were surprisingly easier than usual, I actually did American swings and they felt fine. Somehow the box jumps were the hardest. First round unbroken until I almost knocked the box over on like my 18th rep. Close one! Second round- two sets of wall balls and third round unbroken, I think? I probably took too many breathing breaks between movements. This was a fun one! I knew when I saw it on Monday that I had to do it.
600m cool down row.
C+J: Worked up to 87. Probably could've done 92, but was spent. Next time I'll try bigger jumps. Such great help from Whit again. Got my dip vertical and FINALLY felt what it feels like to get under the bar quickly!
WOD: 77#, 4 rounds + row +10 burpees. Pacing on the dot with Worm 🙂
Great workout after feeling so defeated about my snatch/DU skillz on Thursday!
@GD I'm fairly confident kids (esp. teens) and families would get that it was just a wisecrack about a crossfitting-adult of drinking age drinking beer and eating sandwiches on vacation, and that it's not really a "message" of SBK.
Maybe a separate kids/teen blog would be really cool though!! Kids probably don't feel too inspired to post on this one… it's highly lacking in animation and color. I see the animated princess weghtlifting GIF already!
All valid points. For sure. And no judgement on my end I f Chris Y These are just topics that I'm often forced to consider, given my line of work, and the direct contact that I have with parents who are very interested in supplementing their kids sports/after school activities with CF because of how much I've advertised it as an educator and athlete myself. I just wanted it to be something that was considered and at the forefront of our minds as we post in the future with an expanding community that involves kids and their families.