Paul adding weight to his chin-ups
Introducing: CrossFit Teens at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
Have a teenager who is looking to gain a competitive advantage in their sport, improve their fitness, learn new skills, and have fun in a supportive, social environment?
CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well-rounded athletes. The workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scalable for any participant at any level.
Classes will begin with a warm-up and icebreaker-style question. Each class will include skill practice and a strength development aspect, specifically designed to be accessible and appropriate to teenaged athletes. Classes will finish with a WOD, or Workout of the Day, designed to test work capacity, endurance, skill, and strength in a fun, competitive, but inclusive environment. As the school year starts, post-class homework time will be included to take advantage of the increased mental capacity brought about by movement and physical exertion.
Summer: Monday/Wednesday at 3:30
Fall: TBD
1x/Week: $120/Month
2x/Week: $200/Month
10 Class Punch Card: $325
Drop In: $35
Upcoming Class Cancellations
Due to the final Subway Series event at CFSBK, we are CANCELLING the following classes this Sunday, August 23rd:
- Active Recovery at 11am
- 12pm/1pm group class
- AntiGravity at 2pm
The following classes are CANCELLED next week, as Coach Whit and KH will be trekking through Iceland:
- Pilates on Tuesday, 8/25, and Tuesday, 9/1
- Active Recovery on Thursday, 8/27
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
Why Are Things Creepy? VSauce
How to Get a Job Dr. Steve Brule
Saturday's Programming
Clean and Jerk
Take 12 minutes to warm up a bit beyond your clean and jerk weight for the WOD.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
Row 500/400 meters
10 Burpees
3 Clean and Jerk 205/135
The clean and jerk is meant to be on the heavy side, scale accordingly. Use it as a strength training stimulus.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Forgot to post yesterday's workout which was a make up from the previous day
FSQ 150x10x3
5 Rounds FT
12 T2B
12 Burpees to plate
I thought I did okay on it until Fox said I didnt :/
Hi guys. I signed up for the scaled division of the Subway Series this Sunday and it turns out I'm not going to be able to make it. If anyone would like to take my place I'd sure appreciate it. It was a $40 entry fee and you can email me at kristin [at] khpilates [dot] com. Thanks!
6am with JB, Saturday's workout.
C+J (in kg): 70, 80, 90, 95
All power cleans that felt okay. Up to ~93% of 1RM. Was focusing on the jerk which I think got a bit snappier.
WOD at 85kg = 187lbs = ~83% of 1RM
4 rounds + 160m.
All rows in roughly 2:00, burpees in :45-1:00, C+J as bailed singles. Each round sped up slightly from the previous as I got more comfortable with relatively heavy, but fatigued C+J and took less rest. Last round of jerks was the best.
Came in to basically special-snowflake my way through 7 AM:
Overhead press w/football bar, 67.5x5x3. I'm starting to get the hang of working with the football bar without doing too ridiculous of a back bend, I think. It already feels kinda heavy so I may go to lower-rep schemes in the middle of the cycle.
Saturday's AMRAP, except the only thing I did Rx was the row. I did box jump-overs instead of burpees and weighted chinups (10#) instead of cleans. I'd never done the weight backpack-style before but decided to try it inspired by Paul's blog photo. Thanks to JB for the weight suggestion — definitely forced me to rest between reps as I would have had to had I been cleaning/jerking. 5 rounds flat. I suppose if I'd hustled back to my erg a little faster I could have gotten in a pull or two, but…no.
The fourth glass of sangria last night may have been a tactical error. š
6am with JB doing tomorrow's workout with a very small 4 person crew
C&J – Worked up to 155. Was pulling way too early with my arms so kept it at a medium-heavy weight. Split jerks were feeling good and felt easier than the cleans which isn't a good sign..
WOD – Four rounds flat with 145# C&J. Rows were around 1:50-1:55 at around 22-24 spm. Took too long between C&Js but made them all. This one is definitely about keeping your heart rate steady through the row and burpees so you can get right on the C&J and don't red-line. Kudos to Joy for making it through the full row on that 5th round. Her and Dan definitely sped up as the rounds went by as I steadily slowed down.
Fun times listening to some McSolos at Strong Place last night. They are really good!
8am class
WOD Rx'd
4 Rounds + 210m
Kept the rows to a conservative 2:10-2:15 split, burpees relatively quick, then bailed each C&J. All power clean + split jerk, definitely had to think about each one and get set as McD advised us. Was happy to move pretty well on all of the cleans as I tend to get sloppy (slow turnover) on heavy power cleans in WODs. Still tore open some skin on my calcified left SC area though.
I am STOKED for the final Subway Series event at SBK this Sunday. The WOD is going to be pretty brutal and there are some heavy hitters coming through. Come spectate if you can!
7am class:
Clean and Jerk:
83, 103, 123, 133, 143, 153
4 rounds in 16:46 rx'd
-had a client at 8am so had to call it short. this was a tough one. all singles for power clean and split jerks. did a push jerk for the very first one but I did not expect that barbell to feel so heavy.
I'm nervous about the Subway Series WODzzzz!
Hey folks-
I totally spaced on signing up for the Subway Series event this weekend, and now it's sold out. If anyone was thinking about bailing on the RX'd event, please drop me a line – I will gladly take your spot.
michael.crumsho (at)
10AM blonde tornado sessionā¦ finally!!! So fun to train with KHarpz, who constantly inspires me with her positivity and badass-ery!
10-11am MOBILITY
-hip openers
-mash rec fem, itb, suprapatellar area (laid off high hip flexor, which is where i have pain)
-ant shoulder/pec
-post shoulder
-calf stretch
A. FRONT SQUAT: 2 reps at each %, rest as needed (about every 2 min)
(33×5, 83×3, 103×2)
90% 153
Wore a belt for 90%. Hips hurt through first few sets, then in the lsat 3 they actually started to feel a bit betterā¦ i think??
B. Every 2 min for 16 min (8 sets), building in weight:
Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
83, 103, 108, 113…
123 (weird shit happened to my shoulder when lowering from the power jerkā¦ something in the joint. pain! bailed it. and shook it out for a few min)
128 F on push press againnnnnn. think I would've had this if I wasn't in my head about my shoulder already.
PP's at 123# felt way more put together and solid than they did last week. yay! (brace tight, leg drive, punch up)
::Did 3 sets of 7 butterfly pull-ups, just to get a lil practice in::
C. Then we made a fun little WOD for ourselves, nothin' crazy so we didn't further ruin our hips, shoulders, or handsā¦
10 cal row
15 abmat sit-ups
20 russian KB swing 16kg
Time: 10:00
Nice steady pace, didn't go crazy on erg. Never redlined.
I am NERVOUS for Sunday, for many reasons. Reason 1 is that it's going to be f*cking brutal. Reason 2 is that I leave for Iceland the next day (sitting on plane after thrustersā¦ woof) and will be doing a lot of hiking 2 days after that. Reason 3 is that I hope my shoulder doesn't feel like crap when I wake up tomorrow…
I can't make myself pack. I have a problem
Today was so much fun.
New FSQ PR is 155 (cleaned once but never front squatted more than 145 off a rack)
Snatched up to 103, failed 108
2 rounds of:
30 DUs
15 Pull ups
30 DUs
15 T2B
Snatched up to 108, failed 113
I feel so much more ready to snatch after some for time physical exertion
Best snatch was 48kg, which means 108 is a PR
Both 155# front squat and 108# snatch felt fast and solid and goooooooooood
Then 2 max effort sled pushes of arbitrary distance and weight.
Not feeling very good at all today–bad sleep/ bad food/bad stress will apparently do that. So came to the noon class with the intent of trying to stay about 80% effort and to treat the long metcon semi-NFT.
Back's still slightly tweaked from a bad push jerk on Saturday so it was easy to stay conservative there:
drills at 53, lots of singles at 83, 103, 123, one single at 133 and called it.
20' amrap: 400m row + 10 "burpees" + 3 "clean and jerks"
burpees were push-ups from a bench + a step-up (shoulder's still holding up!)
clean and jerks were at 123 for the first round and then just cleans at 103 for the rest
rows ranged from 1:50 splits up to 2:00
= 4 rounds + the row
Strength Cycle
Front Squat 4 x 3@8RPE
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 3, 155 x 3 x 4.
Felt much better this week. I let my baby fingers out from under the bar which really helped.
Pause Bench 4 x 5@8RPR
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 5, 105 x 5, 115 x 5, 112.5 x 5 x 4.
Deadlift 5 @7RPE, 2 x 5 @8RPE
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 205 x 5, 225 x 5, 240 x 5, 255 x 5 x 2
First time deadlifting since the meet. Felt good!!
Sorry for posting twice.
Came back for 6:30 group class with Whit and Ro.
Performance snatch complex.
Halted snatch deadlift, paused snatch.
You guys I am SO excited!! I actually caught the snatch in a full squat several times. I had never done this before. It's taken me almost three years to be able to do this. it took me about six months to even be able to get below parallel in an OH squat do this is a really big deal for me. Feet are a landing really wide but now I know I can do it I can hopefully fix this!!!
Kept it light at 63- 73#, mostly 63#.
10 min AMRAP
Hang Squat snatch 63#
40 x DU
Switched shoes because of DU and scaled to power snatches for obvious reasons. I did 20 x DU attempts for the first two rounds and then they came together in the third round so I did 40 for rounds 3 and 4. 20 DU's into round 5 if you can even count it that way lol!! I took this as an opportunity to practice both movements but yeah, the old cardio is hitting me hard at the moment!!
Fun workout even if they are my two weakest movements. CrissFit is fun!!