Fitness: Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 at 70-85%
Hit five singles between 70 and 85%. Goal is consistency, not a 1RM.
Performance: 1 Halted (knee) Snatch Deadlifts + 1 Paused (knee) Snatch
Work up to a heavier load on this complex than on last week’s complex.
Pause for 3 seconds at the knee on the halted snatch deadlifts before returning to the floor, then pause for 3 seconds at the knee on the paused snatch. Do not return to the floor on the paused snatch, snatch directly from the knee. Also, if you haven’t been doing so, add pressing snatch balances and snatch sots presses to your warm up drills.
Exposure 2/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
7 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65
40 Double-Unders
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Guys, hi! It’s Kate R., your blog’s Managing Editor. I’ve been in Montana working (and playing) the past few weeks for a writing job. I’ve only been to one CrossFit gym and my torn hamstring still isn’t fully healed, but I’ve been keeping up with my benching and pressing progressions each week, doing lots of push-ups and chin-ups, and swimming almost daily.
Back in Brooklyn, I climbed at Brooklyn Boulders a couple times, but tonight I went climbing outdoors for the first time in Kila, Montana and was able to scale a 5.10 on my first try. I’m in the middle of it in the picture above. It was such a cool experience, especially since I almost quit before reaching that ledge that’s above me. I roared a little when I hit the top, and kissed the carabiners. I never would have had the strength to climb that pre-lifting at CFSBK, physically or mentally.
I’m still managing the blog while I’m gone, so please keep sending me links to interesting stuff you’re reading and photos of your adventures, at Katharine [at] Miss you guys, and see you in a couple weeks!
- We still need judges for CFSBK’s Subway Series event on Sunday! Judges are expected to monitor range-of-motion and reps for each workout. Coach David will do a session to review movement standards and protocol before the event. Please email David [at] if you’re interested. We promise you’ll have a blast!
- Coach McDowell and Nate P. are playing tonight at 7:30pm at Strong Place in Brooklyn, at 270 Court Street, at Butler. Come watch them play, they’re both insanely talented!
- Happy birthday, Lara P.!
Upcoming Class Cancellations
Due to the final Subway Series event at CFSBK, we are CANCELLING the following classes this Sunday, August 23rd:
- Active Recovery at 11am
- 12pm/1pm group class
- AntiGravity at 2pm
The following classes are CANCELLED next week, as Coach Whit and KH will be trekking through Iceland:
- Pilates on Tuesday, 8/25, and Tuesday, 9/1
- Active Recovery on Thursday, 8/27
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
Morons, Cheap Beer, and Thinking Too Much: Intelligence and Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Why Getting Physically Stronger Will Help You Live Longer io9
Small, sweaty 6am class with Jess and D.O.
Perf Snatch
These felt great today thanks to some killer cues from both Jess and David. I was having trouble exploding out of the second pause at first. Same issue as last week. I was able to hit 155# for my final lift which was my goal because I failed it last week.
I thought grip was going to be the limiter here but this was all lungs. Made it through four full rounds plus one snatch.
6am with Jess and David
Fitness Snatch
Worked up to 4 or 5 at 105. Hit them all but they felt just ok today with the last one actually feeling pretty good. They were consistently mediocre? I know the weight always weighs the same but it just felt heavier today. Really need to focus on consistently catching these lower. If everything goes right I catch them pretty low but I have a complete inability to ride a power snatch down.
If this was a 10 minute as much sweat as possible, I would win. Hands down. Instead I got 3 full rounds + 1 snatch at 85#. Grip killed me on this. Bar was moving around my hands like a wet fish, no matter how much chalk or wiping off I did. A good suggestion from Matty of using wrist wraps to help prevent it from running down my arms so I think I may purchase a pair. DUs were on fire for me for the first two rounds. Both were 22-18, then completely abandoned me for the 3rd.
Final post/workout before I take off for my wedding weekend on the farm in Westchester… yikes I cannot believe it is here!!! Thank you so much to Whit and really all the coaches for your support over the past year. Last September, I set some big goals for myself to gain strength, confidence and change my overall focus on nutrition and fitness and I have to say, I feel awesome! I'm super to happy to end on this note 🙂
Push Press: Worked up to 98#, felt really good and moved smooth. I really like this lift and hope to see it more in this cycle!
AMRAP 6 min
270 M run
8 toes to bar (this clicked for me yesterday after many, many trials, it totally had nothing to do with core strength but just organizing the entire rocking motion. I also wore W's hand grips, really helped, need to buy myself a pair – 1st set unbroken, YAY)
Competed 3 rounds on the dot!
Rest 2 min
AMRAP 5 min
10 Thrusters 17.5# x 2
5 pull-ups, this was the plan but on round 1, felt a major tweak in the R posterior delt.. after a good shake out I got back on the bar and completed 3. This has happened to me before on R side – need to focus more on lat activation I believe. I think the shoulders were just toast by that point.
I think I completed 3 rounds, SO MUCH SWEAT I felt like I got out of a pool, lost count. But, I didn't care I just wanted to keep the heart rate up and move fluidly.
Good luck to everyone competing on home turf this weekend in Subway Series, see you after my travels post Labor Day!
Due to my "wrists of glass", i subbed deadlifts for the snatch work this morning and worked up to a heavy set of 5 at 160, followed by 2 sets of 5 at about 80% (135lb).
WOD mildly resembled today's workout, did 1 armed super light DB snatch (15lb) for about 5 minutes, but then my arms/wrists told me no more and I switched to 20lb DB press for the last half. I don't think i will be doing any sort of Oly lifts for awhile, which I am not sure if I am happy about or bummed about, Subbed 20KG RKB for the jump rope. I did 5 1/2 sets.
PT told me I can try jump roping if i make "fat" handles, so going to stock up on medical tape and try to modify my rope this weekend.
LOVE this photo of Kate and amazed at her display of badass-ery!!! Get after it!
So honored to have worked with KCaps all through this year and proud to see her incredible progress across the board! Congrats, my dear 🙂
(Just crushing on all the strong women of SBK today, really…!)
Great photo of K Rizzle!
Noon class
Perf Snatch Complex
Worked up to 75kg (165#) with one miss out front at 70. Didn't finish that pull.
WOD Rx'd
5 rounds + 7 Hang Snatches
This was all about the stupid double unders for me. Bar felt super light but I was so gassed from the rope. First round under a minute and then, well…
Wow super photo. WTG Kate.
minimalist sneaker advice appreciated!
a few years ago, i turned my mother onto inov-8s. we both had a pair of matching all-black sneaks, an early model, and loved them.
our shoes have worn out, and when i went to replace them, it became obvious that all the more recent inov-8 models available are much 'louder' in design. she's rejected all of them for this reason. the pair we had were basically solid matte black with minimal visible branding or decoration.
so now i have to abandon inov-8 and am looking for recommendations for a SEDATELY DESIGNED minimalist sneaker. i know it's a nitpicky demand; thanks, hivemind, in advance 😉
Kate R. – Amazing pic!
Fitness snatch: It's fascinating how one week can go so well and the next week everything falls apart!
63×4: failed the first two. Caught both at the bottom then fell over. This happens occasionally at this weight.
68x 4 or 5. I think I failed one.
None of my snatches felt great today. I was focusing on not dragging the bar around my knees and it screwed up the fluidity of everything else. Will do a snatch DL first from now on as Jess suggested until I figure it out. I also think I over did it this week. I shouldn't have squatted after the Subway Series. Lesson learned. My body is still exhausted. Taking the next two days off.
WOD with 53# snatches and 20 DUs. Squat snatches are tough in a workout. DUs were ok today.
Kristin Caps: Good luck and congratulations! You were glowing today and radiated pure happiness! (And your T2B look awesome!)
Forgot to write that I got 4 rounds + 2 snatches on the WOD.
KCAPS and KReece! Emoji heart eyes for both of you!!
SC noon today
95×5 (pause) 115×5 (pause) 135×5 (pause) 150×1 165 5×3
Moved reeeeallly well! This is also a PR for a 5×3 for me! I hit this weight the last week of Strength Cycle before the Total for a heavy 5 so I'm really stoked because it's only just a little more than halfway thru this cycle. Everything for now is uncharted territory (scary and exciting) because 170 was my heavy 3 before the Total!!
45×5 55×5 60×3 65 3×3
Moved muuuch better than last week need to practice control and breathing on this.
95×5 135×5 165×3 185×3 205×1 215×5
Moved much better today, still need to activate lats a lot tighter and was able to do a great job of it on the 3rd rep of my work set so I think I know what I need to do to prepare for each rep! I believe this is also a PR for me in a heavy 5? Wooo!
Lots of fitness today:
HBBS: 85%x3x2
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3, 205×1) 225×2, 225×3
-got stuck at the bottom of the 3rd one on the first set. Just lost confidence. Used a belt for second set and felt fine…though I'm tending to lead up with my hips too much.
FSQ: 85%x3x2
-all smooth.
Deadlift: making up the 8's that I missed on Tuesday
(135×5, 185×3) 215×8
-all hook grip and all good.
Break for clients and coaching then 12pm Group Class:
Performance Snatch Complex all in kgs
(25, 30, 35) 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51kg (112.2#)
-This complex really works for me and the Snatches felt so good! 51kg pretty much matches my best snatch ever and today was with a pause! Kinda wanted to keep loading the bar to see what would happen, but I figure there's always next week.
10min AMRAP
6 rounds even rx'd.
-all snatches unbroken. even though these were light they definitely required much more organization and stabilization. Legs were happy there were only 7 per round or I would have had to break them up.
-du's were pretty broken up each round. maybe one round was unbroken, but then I tripped up a lot. Wore my lifters so that could have factored in, but really, I appreciated the rest. As Matty C. said, this was all about lung capacity for me.
Cash Out:
-4 Rounds of 8 v-ups and 8 DB Bench (30, 35, 40, 45#)
-Rockaway Beach
Wow! So many accomplishments on the blog! Congrats to everyone on the climbing, marriages, PRs, sweat, etc.
Did two snatches at 57# today- still the most I've ever snatched. Really great coaching from whit today. Hoping to do a few reps at 65# at subway series…
Wod: 3 rounds + 5 snatches (technically 7 but two were really bad)
Tried to do full snatches, but there were def some power snatches in there. These are my two weakest CrossFit movements, so this wod was also a mental test for me. Gotta remember it's just exercise!
Have a good wedding, Kristin!