Andy Hendel from CrossFit Charlotte and Reebok CrossFit Charlotte Uptown talks about what being a good coach means to him. It will probably come as a surprise that he used to be a football coach…
The Fourth and Final Subway Series Event Is This Sunday at CFSBK! A Few Notes…
- Thanks to everyone who reached out about helping us keep score!
- We still need judges! Judges are expected to monitor range-of-motion and reps for each workout. Coach David will do a session to review movement standards and protocol before the event. Please email David [at] if you’re interested. We promise you’ll have a blast!
- You can also still sign up to compete for your home team! REGISTER HERE.
Three Ways to Spice Up Your Tuesday CFSBK Life
- Active Recovery at 6:30pm. This class is designed to give your muscles and mind a rest. For an hour you’ll be guided through a combination of soft tissue work, mobility techniques, and general restorative movement. Want to learn more? We wrote a detailed article about this class on Coach David’s blog, Inside The Affililiate, called “Running an Active Recovery Class.”
- Pilates with KH at 7:30pm. Have you ever been told by a coach or PT that you have a weak core? Are you not sure what “keep your ribcage down” means? Do you suffer from a tweaky lower back after lifting heavy weights? Help is on the way! Learn more about KH in our interview with her, called “‘Mad Abs, Yo!’ How Pilates Complements CrossFit, and Getting to Know Kristin H.“
- AntiGravity at 7:30pm (and Sundays at 2pm). The class focuses on the gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements.
The 11 Types of Dudes Playing in Your Summer Softball League GQ
My Brain: The All-Hands Meeting The New Yorker
Wednesday's Programming
High Intensity
Back Squat 85-90% x 3 x 2
Front Squat 85-90% x 3 x 2
Go a bit by feel and us the lower or higher percentage range depending on how you feel.
Exposure 3/16
Front Squat 3 x 10
Add 5-15 pounds to last week's exposure.
Exposure 2/8
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
12 Toes to Bar
12 Burpees to a Plate
Post time and Rx to comments.
Another late night post before bed: Monday's Comp Work
FSQ: 8 min EMOM,1 rep – 4 second pause at bottom
-183#x1 across
Snatch: High hang+ floor (75-80% of 1RM), every 2 minutes (5 sets):
-98# across
BSQ: Back Squat x 4 reps, every 2 minutes (5 sets)
-190#x4 across
Then did a run-through(ish) of subway series event 4. Scaled the pullups in Fran because I want to save my hands for Sunday. But regardless….Holy shhhnikeys.
Event 1 (1:00-7:00), Event 2 (8:00-14:00), Event 3 (15:00- 20:00)
1)Fran: 5:25
21-15-19 thrusters (65#)
9-7-5 strict pullups
2)Isabel: 4:59
30 power snatches (95#)
3) C&J: 133, 153, 158, 168 (PR)
-Pretty psyched about this. Took Alex B’s advice and broke up Fran into 3 sets for the first two rounds (7-7-7, 5-5-5), which kept my heart rate from spiking.
-As for Isabel, I just blew through the singles as fast as I could.
-C&J was a pleasant surprise. The last rep felt the best. That’s one of the first times in awhile where I really feel like I nailed a solid jerk. I just hope I can hit this again on Sunday.
That shouts and murmurs article is one of the best. Thanks for sharing.
Make-up Posts from travel:
*Sunday @ CF Original Addicts in Paris:
Spoke with Bob before heading to Paris, who warned me that the old buildings don't allow for dropping weights, and as a result typically have lighter-weight, longer WODS. This was certainly the case.
After a long warm-up that was done entirely from the squatted position, we warmed up cleans and presses. WOD was done with a 35kg (77#) barbell.
1 SDHP, 2 Thrusters, 3 Push-Press, 4 Power Cleans, 5 Power Snatches, 6 KB Swings @ 24kg, 7 Push Up, 8 Jumping Lunges, 9 Sit Ups, 10 DUs, 11 Burpees, 12 Weighted Lunges @ 20kg.
Rd1 was just SDHP. Rd 2 was Thrusters and SDHP, Rd 3 was Push Press, Thruster, and SDHP, and so on. This started just fine, but by Rd 7 or 8, I hit a brick wall. Was taking regular rests and struggling. Finished in 29 min exactly. There were about 4 out of 12 that finished under the 30 min cap.
*Monday @ CF Amsterdam
Started with Overhead Squats. Goal was a weight to get 12 reps with, then do 2 more sets at the same weight, regardless of reps. Tempo was 2 sec down, hold 1, 2 up, hold 1. Worked my 12 @ 30kg. Then 11, then 6.
21 Ground to Overhead @ 40kg (88#)
15 Thrusters
9 Box Jump @ 24"
15 Pull Ups
21 DUs
Moved nicely. Clean and Jerked the Weights in sets of 7, and Thrusters in sets of 5. Ended with 3 rds + 6.
Have been to CF Amsterdam before, and was happy to be back. Outside of CFSBK, this is one of my favourite boxes I have ever visited. Absolutely recommend for anyone visiting Amsterdam. Looking forward to a few more classes while in town this week.
Skill: Handstands
Strength: Chins 1-1-1-1-1, Superset w/ Dips
WOD: AG Gone Bad
3 Rounds
1:00 Split Jumps
1:00 HSPU
1:00 Box Jumps
1:00 DUs
1:00 Rest
Katie! Wow!!
Saw you guys beasting it out last night while I fumbled through some Oly lifts! You're amazing!!
7 AM squattin' with Jess.
HBBSQ 145x10x3, same weight I did on Sunday because dang, I worked for it on Sunday. This time it was less terrible but still…terrible. Will probably do 150 on Friday and thank the squat gods we're going to 8s next week.
WOD with v-ups instead of T2B and 8 step-out burpees (kept the plate jump) per round. After I got over my Pavlovian reflex to jump out to the pushup position (that, and not the pushup itself, is why I'm still avoiding burpees), these were fine if not particularly challenging. I don't think I'll be doing these too often, both because they're not as hard as real burpees and because since I always step back with the same leg (so that I'm never pushing hard against the right wrist), I have a feeling that's just going to add to the imbalance in strength I've developed. My right side used to be stronger, now my left definitely is.
Ro, thanks for reminding me about split jumps — I'd totally forgotten about them but they're a great explosive-movement sub for me. Will probably make use of them the next time burpees show up in a WOD.
6am with McDowell in sweat city
FSQ 155 x 10 x 3. 10# jump from Sunday. Moved well. Was rushed for time so the last few reps of the third set started to get a bit heavy.
WOD – 12:09 Rx
This would be much quicker with kipping t2b. Tried my best to avoid the chalk bucket and kept away from it until the last round when I was slipping all over the bar and afraid of losing my grip at the top. I was one sweaty mess. Rounds were unbroken, 6-6, 6-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-4-3. Burpees were a slow slog. Probably could have pushed a bit harder on the burpees but my legs felt beat up from 6 straight days of pretty leg intensive work.
Looking forward to an off day tomorrow.
Happy Birthday Linda!
X-rays are clear.
MRI is clear outside general wear.
Good day. Ready for some performance care programming and doing some "other stuff" for a while to give my knee a break so I can come back even bigger 🙂
Attention LADYFOLK, the CFSBK FC Fighting Tacos are in need of a few female soccer players for our upcoming fall season (men's side is already full.)
Games are at Brooklyn Bridge Park, on Thursdays 7-10p starting 9/10. 9v9 with full sized goals.
Our team is pretty good, won the league last fall, lost in semis in spring, most people are former college or high school players.
If you are interested PLEASE shoot me an email at
11am solo session to make up yesterday's class:
(45×5, 75×5, 105×3)
-this felt much more than medium intensity and almost dropped down in weight after 1 set. My hubby/spotter told me to stick with it so I did.
21-15-9 wallball, kbs, box jump
5:27 rxd.
-all unbroken in a hot sweaty mess. Bounded the box jumps but I keep telling myself I'm not going to do that anymore. Like Brad mentioned yesterday, I'm also afraid of busting my Achilles but it's just tough to step back after the clock starts. Need to force myself to do this.
-legs (quads/hips) are so sore/tight from the past 3 days training. really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Cashed out with some ankle and calf mobility. And am just realizing now that I forgot to do deadlifts!!!!!!
Woke up feeling a little sick .. sore throat, heavy head, but took 2 advil and trained with mcdowell and i feel pretty good now!
3 min row
FSQ — 2 reps, 1st :04 pause, 2nd regular
135 twice
Snatch — 12 min E2MOTM, High hang, Regular
20 Lunges 75#
10 GHD Hip Extensions 15#
Butterfly practice
3 HSPUs 1 abmat
20 Sit-ups
1:00 assorted mobility
11am lifts
Back Squat
325x3x2 (85%)
Front Squat
245x43x2 (85%)
90% seemed impossible today.
Didn't make time for the WOD. Hope to tonight.
Noon class with Coach Jeremy:
Bench Press: 70x5x1, 75x5x4 – I missed last week and was feeling out where my performance numbers should be.
Deadlift: 165x8x1 – heavy with room to grow.
WOD: 21-15-9 of wall ball, KB swings, box jumps. RX'd in 7:45ish. This should have been completely in my wheelhouse and all un-broken, but was feeling slow, sluggish and a little weepy.
august 2015: the month of my first chin up AND my first toes to bar! what?? how did this even happen! who am i!!
10AM session this morning. mentally not in it today. pretty sad and slow. thought I'd at least be feeling okay physically, but when I went to start squatting, my anterior hips were just killing me. made it through a bit of work, but not all the programming for today:
FSQ: 1 rep with 4 sec pause; EMOM for 8 min
warm up: 45×5, 95×3, 125×2… ugh
145x1x8 ; things started to feel slightly better
Snatch: HHS + Snatch… was supposed to do OTM work, but just did about 5-6 of the complex at 35 kilos with time to rest and mobilize in between.
Accessory: 3 RNFT
3 strict pull-ups
8 strict dips
:20-:30 handstand hold
Managed a weighted chin up in AG tonight….ok, so it was 2.5 lbs weighted chin up but I will take it.
I was able to do a few handstands with my wrists but had to stop when my right hand started to go numb. Apparently I am not in the clear yet and will have to go back to dumbbell handstands for now.
Not sure how my legs are going to hold up for tomorrow's squats after all those box jumps and jump lunges tonight, but I am loving the AG class.
Good, shweaty sesh tonight. Back to the regular laughing and debauchery that comes with our training sessions. Happy that the knee will be fine with a little break.
ABZZZZZ work 3 rounds stuff with a Med Ball and paralletes
Power Clean OTM
Clean Pull — I think we backed off the numbers written in the program?
Monday's programming at noon:
Performance bench @90# (75%)
DL @175# (~73%)
Had pre-pre-migraine symptoms before I came to class (eyes sensitive to light and saw spots) so I popped three Advil and drank two glasses of water before going to class. Almost turned around and went home but decided to give it a shot. Was still feeling a little out of it after the DLs so I rowed a medium paced 1k instead of doing the WOD. Took one more Advil when I got home, ate lunch, and drank a lot of water so successfully avoided a migraine. I think I was just dehydrated.
Handstand practice: SO MUCH FUN! Charlie spotted me and I was able to hold a handstand for a few seconds on my own!
Chinups supersetted with dips:
Chinups: strict, strict, 2.5#, 5#, 7.5# (f)
Dips on the matador: 6, 5
split jumps, 20# DB press (and push press when I failed on the press) subbed for HSPU, box jumps, double unders.
First set of DUs only got about 10 reps. My longest string of DUs was about 24 in the second round so at least I showed improvement. Didn't count reps for any other movements.