Coach Ro leads a group class through DROMs over in 608. Do you know why we spend so much time warming up before class? Coach David wrote an article about standardized warm-ups at CrossFit affiliates on his blog, Inside the Affiliate. Check it out! | Photo by Thomas H.
- Happy birthday to Greg A. and CrossFit Kiddos Siena S. and Taran R.!
Need a break from group class, or want to maximize your rest day? Here are a few other options you can explore tonight instead!
Active Recovery at 6:30pm
This class is designed to give your muscles and mind a rest. For an hour you’ll be guided through a combination of soft tissue work, mobility techniques, and general restorative movement. This class is perfect as a rest day for the heavy hitters, or as a light day’s work for beginners, and those of us somewhere in the middle. This class is also great for non-CrossFitters who could use a little soft tissue love. Want to learn more? We wrote a detailed article about this class on Coach David’s blog, Inside The Affililiate, called “Running an Active Recovery Class.”
Pilates with KH (a.k.a. Cage) at 7:30pm
Have you ever been told by a coach or PT that you have a weak core? Are you not sure what “keep your ribcage down” means? Do you suffer from a tweaky lower back after lifting heavy weights? Help is on the way! The Pilates Method can be great “accessory work” for a Crossfitter, not only because it improves flexibility and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, but mainly because it can help you figure out HOW to use these muscles properly. Come join Kristin Hoesl (KH) in CFSBK’s first ever weekly Pilates class. We’ll go over neutral pelvis, engaging the transversus abdominis (say WHAT?), stabilizing the rib cage, and finding good shoulder girdle positioning. So if any of this sounds intriguing to you, come drop in on!
Schedule: Tuesday nights at 7:30pm upstairs in the CFSBK Annex
Price: Individual classes and 5-packs can be purchased here, or you can use your regular CrossFit group class membership to attend
Learn more about KH in our interview with her, called “‘Mad Abs, Yo!’ How Pilates Complements CrossFit, and Getting to Know Kristin H.“
Anti-Gravity at 7:30pm (or Sundays at 2pm)
Is your kip krap? Are you muscle-ups more like muscle downs? Are your pistols mere pop guns? Coaches Noah and Arturo have designed Anti-Gravity: an hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class.
The class will focus on the gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements. Our goal is to improve not only skill, but gymnastic work capacity and muscular endurance.
When: Tuesdays at 7:30PM and Sundays at 2PM
Cost: This counts as a regular group class
Each class will consist of skill work, strength development, conditioning, and flexibility training. Every class will include dedicated strength work and a WOD, so its intention is to be a complete workout of the day on its own.
Email Noah [at] or Arturo [at] with any questions!
Can We Reverse the Aging Process By Putting Young Blood into Old People? The Guardian
An Open Letter to CrossFit HQ T Nation
Chest Dip ExRx
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat Low Intensity 65-70% x 7 x 2
Front Squat Low Intensity 65-70% x 7 x 2
Front Squat 3 x 10
Use about 75% of your best 3×5 from last cycle, or 60-70% of a 1RM
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
7 Power Cleans 155/105
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Power Cleans 155/105
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
5 Ring Dips
Post time and Rx to comments.
post before bed:
Subway series:
First timer over here! I was out of town last year for the entirety of August, so feeling fortunate i was finally able to compete. Really great seeing how many of us were able to step up to represent the gym. Even Mare! Who I will miss very much. she was one of my original partners in crime when I first moved to CFSBK, and I was always awed by her "small but mighty" presence at the gym. You have always been one of my role models, good luck in Seattle!!
Anyway. Finished up the HSPU/DL WOD in 13:09 and clinched a spot
In 3rd place, which was exciting. Shaved 30 seconds off of my original time. So it's always good to see what competitive drive can produce. I need to think less and push more! I like what McDowell said once after a comp workout…it was something like
"If I remember a single song that played on pandora during the WOD, I didn't work hard enough." I personally could probably account for every single song and list them in alphabetical order.
So clearly i need to try and be more like McDiesel!!
Really going to focus on pushing my boundaries a bit more to get prepped for beast of the east. Startingggg…today.
Today's comp work:
a) 1 FSQ: 4 sets: 1 Pause FSQ (4 sec in the hole) + 2 Front Squats, rest ~2:00
153, 163, 173, 183
That 183 was absolute max effort. I'm pumped I got all 3 of those, really had to fight through that last rep
B) High Hang Snatch + Snatch — Every 2:00, 6 sets total
88 for all 6
Frustrating fail from the floor at the end. I was overthinking it today.
C) HBBS: 6 sets: 3 reps, every 90s
185×3 for all 6, felt smooth and moderately heavy
Messed around with bar placement on my back. Found a sweet spot that put me into a WAY better position. I don't know why I haven't figured this out sooner. I probably developed a bad habit along the way a few months back.
D) 3 Rounds For Time: 12:36
24 WB 14#/9'
400m row
12 OHS 75#
Again, really trying to push a little more past my Comfort zone. All wall balls in sets of 12, all OHS unbroken. Rowing instead of Running to save my ankle, which is slowly showing improvement. Speaking of which. My PT appointment is in 7 hours. Time to sleep
Ah! Happy Birthday Siena ๐ that's so cute!!
Happy Birthday Greg and Taran, too!
Guys .. Has anyone seen a pair of black (with red accents) Adipower lifting shoes ???
They have a letter "L" on the size tag inside. They've been missing for almost 2 weeks ๐ — last seen at the gym on a squat day (I think Wed July 29). Annnnnnyway, would be really happy if they turned up.
6am with Jess Fox over in 608
Bench: Worked up to 200#, which is 70% of my 1Rm, for the 7×4 perf work. Did 2 sets at that weight, then dropped down to 190# since the 2nd at 200# was too much of a struggle. I'll work off that modified 1RM moving forward.
Deadlift: This felt fast and crisp. Hit 285# for 10 reps.
Metcon: Total time was 4:47. Jess was right that there was nowhere to hide on this one. Kept a fast clip on the row (for me) at about a 1:50 split, finished in 1:51, then came in from the run at 4:05 and hit the gas on the burpees.
Stay dry today my friends.
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 175x10x3
Took too many warmup sets, especially since I forgot it was sets of 10. This was 70% of my 1 RM and felt like the right weight.
Fitness WOD in 7:23. Cleans at 103, ring rows for pull-ups and matador dips for ring dips.
I was not focused this morning and did one power clean and then a hang power clean before realizing that everyone else was doing regular power cleans from the floor. My shoulder is still borthering me in overhead positions, so I went for challenging ring rows instead of pull-ups. I can only remember attempting dips once at the gym before and was pleased to be able to do 5 per round. Now I know I can work towards ring dips. Yay!
6am w/ McDowell
HBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 165×2, 185x7x2 then FSQ: 155x7x2
Everything moved well, I had to fight my natural instinct to rack the bar after 5 reps.
Perf metcon: 9:08 Rx. Focused on good form for all reps today since shoulders are very tight and sore with this being my 4th day. Cleans all singles. Goal was to do all muscle ups unbroken, did that for 4 rounds and the last round was singles. Frustrating.
Muscle up Workshop!
Yesterday's work:
Bench Press: 135x7x4
Deadlift: 205×10
WOD: 7 minutes approx.
Excited to try the Anti-Gravity class (thanks for the heads-up yesterday, Cam)!!
The name makes me feel like I'm going to superhero training ๐
At the very least, I'll take some basic skill development…(I'm all like –
Last night at 7:30.
Bench press – 165x7x2, 165x5x2. Totally overshot here. 165 is about 70% of my 1RM, but I should have played it cooler since I haven't benched in four months. The reps were unnecessarily grindy. I will back this off a bit next week (or stick towards the lower end of the percentage range).
Deadlift – 280×10. Stayed at the low end of the range here, and these felt great. Glad to see deadlifts back in the programming.
WOD – 5:50. Kept the row pace at 1:35, the run just above a shuffle, and managed to get the burpees done without stopping. Happy with this time. I've been better lately with just pushing through chunks of burpees instead of getting lost in breaks.
6am with Jess and McDowell
HBBS – 155 x 10 x 3. Probably a little light but my back was bothering me after yesterday's deadlifts so kept it easy.
WOD – 11:00 with 115# power clean, c2b pull-ups, and ring dips
Power cleans were all touch and go in 5s. Kept it light and easy to avoid further aggravating my back.
c2b – 2/2/1 for first 2.5 rounds then singles. Once I realized everyone else was done and I was just staring at the bar realized I need to cycle single pull-ups quicker.
Ring dips – first time ever doing them in a workout. Only looked like I was having a seizure a few times. Think it was 4-1, 3-2, 3-2, 2-2-1, 2,-1-1-1. Happy to have these in my repertoire now.
Then a very wet bike ride home. But after getting home I realized it wasn't really different for me than any other day, just my shoes were wet.
10am class
Perf WOD Rx'd
LBBS 7×2 @ 195. Moved quickly and relatively easily. Guess this is the goal for 1/8. Went off 65% of max from a few months ago.
Front Squat 7×2 @ 145. Same as above.
Fitness WOD RX'ed in 8:27
Happy to do the 155# cleans. Put on the red plates so I felt cool. After the first 2 rounds was dropping and resetting each clean.
Word is my lifters (black Adipower if you've seen them!) were in the lost and found, but now they're not there. The search goes on
Tried to make up for lost fitness time..
9 min EMOM
:20 hanging L-hold (virtually impossible)
3 HSPUs strict (abmat or negative to floor)
:30 DUs
3 rnds
5 ring dips
6 reverse hypers
3 rnds
20 walking lunges w 45 bar OH
Max effort butterfly pull-up practice
2 rounds
10 push ups
10 ring rows
15 air squats
Bench Press 115×70%= 80#
45×8, 65×3, 75×2
80x5x3 ^
Deadlift 205×70%=143#
100×5, 125×3, 145×2
150×10 ^
For time:
500m row
400m run
30 burpees
Performance: LBBS @130#, front squat @100#
Fitness WOD in 8:30 with cleans @93#, kipping pullups, and 3 dips on the matador. Pullups were mostly broken up as 2-3 due to sliding off the bar. I was a waterfall of sweat. Chalk didn't help today. All dips were singles. Most were strict, but I had to kip a few. Possibly could've done 5 dips but it was my first time doing them in a WOD so I wasn't sure how I would do with the volume.
Sad I can't make it to Anti-Gravity tonight. Happy for a rest day tomorrow.
@Lauren- did you check with the Front Desk? We move the stuff in L&F after two weeks. If your shoes were in there, we should have them for you. Just send an email if you haven't yet and whoever is working will check for you.
Dropped into Oly Club last night and it was fun!!
Worked light focusing on technique.
Snatch- from the hip
53 x 5 x 5
At first I hated it but something clicked and I started catching it lower than I ever have before.
Clean and jerk- from the knee
63 x 5 x 5
Sets of 5 felt like cardio!! Might have to do this every Monday!!
Strength Cycle today.
Front Squat- 3@8RPE, 80% x 3 x 3
165 x 3 (8RPE)
145 x 3 x 3
The strength is there but the mobility is lacking…should really be squatting more than this but my wrists and T-spine were not happy at all plus I am a bit bruised from cleans last night loll!!!
Press- 5 x 5@8RPE/ 8 x DB rows
70 x 5 x 5
DB:20, 25, 30 x 3
Hybrid of Mon/WED:
Deadlift: worked up to 200#x10
Felt better than expected. Still pretty sore from the buildup of the past couple of days. Will rest tomorrow.
Wed Perf WOD: 9:14 RX
5 rds
7 power cleans @ 105#
3 muscle ups
PC: rd 1 (4-3), rd 2-5 (3-2-2)
MU: Started with singles, then managed to string 2 muscle ups together in rds 2-5. My stupid forearms keep chafing on the straps….and I really make an extra effort to externally rotate at the top of my ring hold… so I need to figure out whats happenin here.
KLove is amazing!!! Did you guys know she practiced the Virtuosity workout on Friday!? And then did the entire thing again on Sunday!? And she's been doing group class during the day and antigravity at night!? No wonder she placed. Rawr! Go klove!!!!
Antigravity was fun! Great to learn the *correct* way to practice muscle up skills. Sorry for messing up on the high rings :/
Theme of today: OUCH OUCH, MY LEGS!!!!
Solo workout around 3:15pm: mashed quads and lats
BSQ from yesterday: 3 reps, every :90 for 9 minutes (6 sets total) @ 65-75% of 1RM
My 1RM for high bar is theoretical. Based on how sore I was, I decided to do this at 155#
45×5, 95×5, 135×3
no problems. felt smooth after the first round.
Push Press + Split Jerk: Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets total), ascending
(63, 83 to warm up)
93, 103, 113, 118, 123 (F on push press), 123 (make with belt), 128 (F on push press), 113
Push press technique is the limiter. Def used my legs much better on the second attempt at 123, and the belt helps a lot. On 128 I pushed it way out in front though. Lame sauce.
Pieced together a dreadful little WOD based on what McD/Melo told me earlier and something else from outlaw:
5 Rounds for Reps:
:45 Row, max calories
:15 "Rest"
:45 Push Jerk (95#), max reps
:15 "Rest"
Push jerks done in two sets (first round was 8-4, after that I think I started with 6's)
More quad mashing after coaching. woof.
–doing a funny thing with my feet which I think is happening because of left knee pain. Shit.
FSQT 140x3x2—these felt shitty, slow and painful at the bottom (left knee), finished at two sets instead of 3
Good mornings 95x5x3
Knee is getting looked at this week and having some performance care programming drawn up by Dr. Sean–hoping some time off and working on lifts in power position will be enough to give it a break. More to come. Just praying I don't need a 3rd knee surgery.