AMRAP 20 minutes:
30 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Push Presses 115/75
30 Pull-Ups
Scale load and volume as appropriate, but this should be a bit of a slog. If you can jump on the Rx’d box and do 5 reps at a time of the Rx’d push press and pull-ups, then Rx today. If not, scale some volume and or load and pull-up variant.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Compare to 2.2.2011
Check out Episode 2 of CrossFit’s “Road to Conviction” series! While incarcerated, Fletcher Tholin discovered CrossFit. Watch his rehabilitation in this eight-part series.
- Kids Club is CANCELED today, since Coach Janelle is out of town!
Good Luck to Our Subway Series Competitors!
The Subway Series is happening over at CrossFit Virtuosity today. Here are the CFSBKers that will be representing for us:
Pierre D.
Brendan N.
Alex N.
Brad D.
Jason M.
Mare L.
Coach K HarpZ
Lauren S.
Coach Jess
Coach Whit
A Tribute to the Incredibly Swole Bro Who Plays Gaston at Disney World GQ
Started with 62# on the push press. Did 5 reps, and decided it would be too heavy.
Did the rest of the workout with 52#. Could have definitely done 57.
3 rounds +30 Box Jumps + 7 push press
After checking in with Jess & Fox, I should have gone heavier and done fewer rounds. I am still struggling how to tell what weight to use.
Jess said that AMRAPs are a great place to push load because you may just get fewer rounds; I love cardio and endurance stuff so I think I always default to wanting more rounds or to go faster. I have to be okay with moving slower, at least while I'm trying to build my strength.
I'm going to pick a more challenging weight next time!!
I'm with Allie on the cardio/endurance balance in WODs. It's really hard to tell myself to take on a heavier weight and rest a lot rather than move consistently. Wednesday actually helped – I did a descending ladder instead of suffering through at a higher weight. Watching a bunch of people push through RX and finish several minutes later was helpful to, like, make that pace look normal.
Speaking of which…
Yesterday: 21-15-9 pushups + air squats, 1 lap prospect park, 21-15-9, 1 lap. I totally messed this up and started out famished. Ended up feeling crazed when I finally finished; ate everything and still felt weird.
Today: felt really enervated this morning (sigh) and canceled my plan to hit 10am so I could blob around the apartment and do chores. By 11:30 I heard The Call though and made it in for the noon class. Went for it and did this RX despite the high volume. Finished 2 rounds + 10 pp, if you're not too picky about my chin making it over the bar on the many of the pullups… I'm sure I spent at least half the time standing around catching my breath; somehow this is a victory.
First time with Danny, went at it Rx'ed.
3 Rounds + 2 Box Jumps
Steady pace on the box jumps. Broke the PPs into 5's from the beginning, with adequate rest between each set. Pull-Ups also into 5's at a time. Until the 3rd round. Went 5/5/5/4…
Pierre was sitting on some plates in front of me, and told me to get back on the bar. "In 45 seconds you can rest all you want." Back on the bar for 2 or 3. Every time I let go of the bar, Pierre told me to get back up. I obeyed, and finished the 3rd round with about 8 seconds left. Ran over the the box for 2 jumps. Thanks Pierre.
3 rounds + 10 Box Jumps. My pull ups went to suck in the 2nd round. Tweaked my neck a bit, probably from reaching too hard to get my chin over the bar. Had to no rep myself on a few.
GUYZ! Good sale today on both Adipowers and Romaleos on Eastbay: http://www.eastbay.com/_-_/keyword-romaleos, combine with a coupon code of EMEB5A72 and either shoe will be $119. Pretty good deal!
@AmandaMC – Thank you so much for sharing!! I've been holding off on buying new adipowers until a sale came around, I ended up getting the black ones. Thanks again!
Noon class: WOD at 63# push press and 15 kip pull ups per round. I (gasp) attempted to take off the 5's on my bar and scale down to 53# after start time, Fox called me out on my sh*t and I put them back on. Embarrassing to say the least, he was right and by the 3rd round I split them up 7/7/6. Finished 3 rounds + 29 box jumps. Thanks Fox.
Cash out was 1 light jog around the block, and 1 slow walk, followed by my first massage in 7 months. This week really beat up me. I feel amazingly strong but I need more AR for sure and time to repair post big work outs. I almost jumped off the massage table several times particularly for upper extremity-infraspinatus, pec minor, and surprisingly scalenes (little neck muscles). My lower half needed particular attention on the glut medius and gemellus superior/inferior (external rotators in general). Our bodies are amazing machines made of up living tissue – today I got an intimate tour of mine. All good things.
Best of luck to everyone today competing in subway series.
Here's my makeup post from last week's total (I was in the White Mountains for a week with no wifi, or cell service):
PR'd all the lifts – 225 on back squat, 100 on press, and 265 on Deadlift for 590. Which was 100 lbs over my 490 total two years ago.
Today's WOD: Rx'd the box jump but scaled the pushpress to 78 (shoulder pain from canoeing for 6 hrs a few days ago); and bluebanded the strict pullups (20 instead of 30).
Hit 2 full rounds + box jumps & pushpresses.
Also: big thank you to Michael A and whoever else picked up and put away all my stuff today – I was slow walking/jogging around the block. Much appreciated!
4 rounds + 15 box jumps, one-armed bandit version (left arm 35# DB push press, 10 strict chins/round). I guess I could have scaled heavier (or more pullups) but I'm not sorry I didn't — if I'd done the 40# DB I would have had to break the rounds into 5s from the very beginning (and by the end, even with the 35 I was doing 3s and 2s), and my chinups went to singles starting in round 2.
This was rougher than I thought it would be. I figured it wouldn't be so bad because I'd have plenty of rest on the chinups. Ha, ha, ha.
Great fun at the gym today teaching the pre school class, some privates and a big intro class.
Post classes sesh with Bliss
4 Rounds
12 Squats
8 Push-Ups
4 Pull-Ups on the fat bar
Bench Press
Was feeling off on this. Bench is always something can be hit or miss with me, was feeling unstable so I kept it here
AMRAP 20 Minutes
500m Row
15 Burpees to a Plate
10 DB Power Snatches 65lbs
3 Rounds + 500, 15, 3
Goal was to keep all my rows below 2:00 splits which I did
4 Rounds
:40 Hang from the Fat bar with Shrugs
:20 Tucked L-Sit with Swivel