2015 Games Event #10
The Triangle Triplet
For Time, 15-10-6:
Thrusters 165/115
Bar Muscle-Ups
For Time, 21-15-9:
Thrusters 95/65
Compare to 10.17.2014
Post time and Rx to comments.
Dan making running look fun. Need some running training tips? Check out this article from CFSBK’s old Endurance Program coach, Mike O., who left us for the West Coast | Photo by Thomas H.
News and Notes
- Did you lose something? Check out the most recent photo from the lost and found bin and claim your gear!
- Happy belated birthday to all our folks that we missed in July! If you want us to know about your birthday and give you a shout-out on your special day, make sure the Front Desk has your info!
Chasing Rx: When To Scale and When To Go Heavier
An interview with David Osorio and Jess Fox, edited by Kate Reece
We ran this interview back in March, but since Crush Week begins today (!), we want to share it again in the interest of helping you figure out how to approach the WODs today and the rest of this week. Check it out, and get after it this week!
CFSBK: When did you start Rx-ing all the WODs? What did your journey look like to get there?
David: When I started CrossFit, I was self-teaching myself the movements, so I did what I could and then practiced the movements that I didn’t know how to do yet. It took me about a year before I was doing almost everything Rx-ed. I definitely was biasing a heavier weight and slower times in the beginning, which helped me develop the requisite strength to be able to eventually move the Rx-ed weights faster. I still occasionally scale some of the weightlifting loads in WODs when appropriate
Jess: I’d say the first things I could Rx fairly quickly were workouts with deadlifts, double-unders, box jumps, and kettlebell swings. I knew my road to Rx-ing weights in the Olympic lifts would take some time, and honestly we weren’t doing as much of those when I started. So, I chose to target kipping pull-ups as my first big goal, since they tend to come up in so many WODs—and what girl doesn’t want to do pull-ups! My road to getting them meant practicing them EVERY time I was in the gym. I started out with thick green-band but over the course of a few months, I was able to get my rhythm down enough to get a few unassisted kipping pull-ups in spurts. They weren’t consistent enough though so I always resorted back to the band for workouts.
However, that changed when I visited my other “home” CrossFit in Ohio. The WOD was “Cindy” and although I knew that I could get a few rounds Rx-ed, I still set up a band. During the workout, when I started to slow down on pull-ups, I reached for the band. The coach there stopped me and just told me it was okay to move a little slower. Sure, I didn’t get a high number of rounds but it allowed me to continue to work on that skill and it gave me a baseline for “Cindy” Rx-ed. After that experience, I got rid of the band. That didn’t mean I did every pull-up workout Rx-ed right away though. Until I got better at them, scaled volume was my friend.
CFSBK: If I’m moving fast and getting a good workout in the WODs, why should I worry about what weight I’m doing?
David: The balancing act between performing workouts with their intended metabolic stimulus, versus going heavier or sticking to a calisthenics version that slows you down considerably, can be somewhat nuanced. Ideally, you want to be able to keep moving at a somewhat reasonable pace. If you’re shuffling your feet, looking at the pull-up bar for a minute, you’re probably not getting the most out of your time on either end. But if you’re not at the Rx-ed weights and want to start pushing toward them, you’ll just have to accept that you’re going to be slower and the workout probably won’t be as spicy. In my opinion, that’s fine. Recently, I told a member that would have rather her go with a heavier dumbbell and get capped versus going lighter and getting a good time. As long as you can perform about 3/4 of the workout before getting capped, you should be fine. If you want to get stronger in the WODs, you’re always going to have to bias a little heavier and slower, technique permitting.
Jess: As CrossFitters, we’re all a little Type A and want to move fast through workouts. However, our training should include different stimuli and heavier weights—higher skilled movements can provide that. As I mentioned before, it took a little nudging from coaches, and a little/lot of swallowing my WOD pride to not scale those pull-ups in “Cindy.” Looking back though, I’m so grateful for that intervention. Not just because it was my first Rx-ed “Cindy,” but because I didn’t really realize that I had the strength and skill to do it. I see this a lot with push-ups in workouts as well. Though I see many of you work your strict push-ups like a boss in our warm-ups and even start a workout with strict pushups, as soon as the going gets tough, the knees drop down. Sometimes you just have to gut it out (provided your movement is technically sound), knowing that you might need to scale volume and accepting that you might be the last person to finish.
CFSBK: How do I know when to go heavier during WODs?
David: When you feel like you “own” a weight that is below Rx-ed, then it’s time to bump it up. Don’t get complacent with certain loads. For example, if you’re a guy and you always do 65-pound thrusters, even if it still feels difficult, you need to start gradually adding five to 10 pounds to push your strength and comfort level with the movement and load. If you always swing the 16 kg kettlebell, start voyaging out to heavier territory. As long as you feel confident in your technique, which might mean going a bit slower or breaking up reps more, then the weights or your modification should feel heavy.
Jess: This is where logging your workouts comes into play. Early on in your CrossFit life, you will and should start lighter than you think. Use the warm-up time to pick a load that you know you’ll be able to move consistently well through. Then, take note of how that felt in your logbook so that you know what to aim for next time. Also, listen to the advice your coaches give you. I think we do a pretty good job of talking about the intention of the workout and providing scaling options or percentage markers to help guide you in determining an appropriate weight. If it’s ever not clear, just ask!
CFSBK: If I want to set a goal to get to Rx or heavier weights (and I know I should!), what should my battle plan or strategy be?
David: As Jess mentioned, make sure you’re logging and writing down both qualitative and quantitative data! You’ll never remember to go heavier on that barbell if you can’t refer back to previous experiences. Focus on writing notes specific to how heavy things felt and if you think you could have gone a bit heavier and kept your technique together. You’ll have to dip into loads or movements that intimidate you a little if you want to get better.
Jess: Be consistent in your practice. If it’s barbell lifts, then aim to make each rep at lighter weights perfect and slowly increase the weights from week to week or from WOD to WOD. If you did the past three thruster workouts at 75 pounds and flew through them, then go for 80 next time. If you’re training a skill, then lay out a specific plan to help you get there. Also, tell a buddy and have them help keep you accountable, or better yet, have them join you! Note though, that skill is singular. Don’t be the person that has a list of 10 skillz and can never really devote enough time to any one of them.
CFSBK: Any parting thoughts?
David: Use your coaches as a resource! We want you to improve and always will let you know how a movement looks and whether you should scale up or back down. Let us know you’re trying to get stronger and we can give you some thoughts about how to modify your workout intelligently.
Jess: Know that for most of us, this stuff doesn’t come naturally and that some of us might never hit Rx-ed weights. We’re now in the CrossFit Open season, so now you can compare your WOD scores to people around the world. But just remember that ultimately you’re competing with yourself. In the beginning, focus on establishing your baseline. Keep a good logbook, set realistic goals, set time aside to practice, and then use your training to beat yourself.
(An important caveat: Rx is not an advisable goal for all athletes. It can serve as a point of reference to make the process of choosing your weights easier, and enables our coaches to help you scale appropriately at the whiteboard.)
The Worst Introduction E-mail in History is All of Them GQ
Endangered Species in an Urban Setting The New York Times
The Subway Spa Improv Everywhere
This was my fourth Fran-iversary and I celebrated with a new PR of 6:32.
Thrusters – 11/10, 5/5/5, 5/4
Pull Ups – 7/7/5/2, 5/5/5, 3/3/3
I wasn't feeling as beat up as I have in past attempts which means I probably could have pushed harder on the pull ups. Also, next time few trips to the chalk bucket. I could gain another 15 seconds from that alone.
Partnered with James who said he couldn't imagine hitting sub-7 then proceeded to do just that. Super impressive watching him push through the pain.
6am. Fran: 5:45 Rx. 6 seccond PR.
1: 11/10, 11/10
2: 6/5/4, 8/7
3: 5/4, 3/6
Paused at the top of each thrusters, prevented me from redlining and maintain good breathing. Lost my butterfly for the last 6 pull-ups. There is room for improvement– faster pace and get closer to redline for the entire period.
This is awesome story about an Olympian at the Special Olympics this year. This guy is strong…
Larger-than-life Canadian powerlifter sets records in Games finale: http://es.pn/1JYEsYh
6am with McDowell
Thrusters 63# (21, 10-5, 9) and ring rows in 4:29
For various reasons, this is my first crush week since last Sept, which is coincidentally the last time I attempted Fran. I did it then at 55# and banded pull-ups. For me this cycle, I've really seen an improvement in my strength with overhead lifts and that was evident today. I will continue to work on building the strength for strict pull-ups and hopefully the next time I see this lady, I can attempt it rx'd.
I've still never done Fran. Not terribly sorry to miss out today, honestly.
Strength cycle: LBBS: 195x5x3; Press: 215x5x3; DL: 265x5x1. This all moved better than I expected, considering how my body still felt after Saturday's total and tossing my kids around at the beach (surprisingly tough on the back, that one).
6am with McDowell
First time with Fran and she beat me up. Ended up with 11:21 Rx
Thrusters – 11/10, 5/5/5, 5/4
Pull-ups – 7-6-5-2-1, 5-3-2-2-2-1, singles
Thrusters moved really well, my kip completely fell apart in round 2 and devolved into singles at the end. Not surprising for me I was a sweaty mess with my hand slipping all over on the pull-ups and resulting in some pretty gnarly rips. Definitely should have taped.
Thanks everyone for cheering me on, would have given up if it wasn't for the camaraderie.
Fran w/ 25# DBs and jumping pull-ups. 5:05. Just about right.
Here goes a re-cap of the USAPL meet (for me) this past weekend. It definitely didn't go as planned which after a great training cycle was disappointing.
170kg/374# – Didn't feel like an opener. Didn't move up as intended.
175kg/385# – Fail
Almost decided to call it a day, but gave it another go.
175kg/385# – Made it, very slowly
Bench (started to warm up once I "realized" that my flight was going and I was 6 lifters out)
110kg/242# – Easy make
117.5kg/258.5# – Fail
Didn't take a 3rd attempt. My warm ups were: 45×5, 154×3, 220×1. I took my first attempt within a minute of my last warm up…
207.5kg/456# – Felt heavy as an opener. WTF.
220kg/484# – Epic fail. Like, the bar didn't budge. I laughed and actually did a double take to see if there was an extra 25kg plate on each side.
Didn't take a 3rd attempt.
All in all the good is that my back stayed healthy and I had a great training cycle, hitting 2-5 rep maxes in all three lifts. The bad is that I wound up needing to cut 11 lbs in the last 3 weeks (I was 193.5 on 7/6) due to poor planning, and actually wound up coming in underweight at 178 instead of 182. That, combined with lack of sleep in the last week, family stress, and a very poorly managed lifter area and meet in general were factors in me having a shitty testing day. Of course, Jeremy, Rob, Charlie, and Margie preformed from good to great so I realize that I let some of the little things get to me that I could have controlled. I'll think long and hard about doing another USAPL meet, certainly the NJ State one. Back to more CF and Oly for me now, and I still plan to make a 400# squat this year.
Onward. Excelsior.
Great to be back in SBK after 2 weeks away! I was still able to mostly follow programming while in Ohio, though I certainly didn't have the intensity that I could have had with you all.
Games WOD #10 in 8:07
-scaled the weight to 95# and ctb pullups.
-thrusters in 8-7, 6-4, 6. happy that the thrusters at 95# felt pretty good. this was an appropriate weight scale for me today.
-CTB in 3's and 2's throughout. My hands have been super delicate lately and really didn't want to tear. yes, i'm fragile.
Yesterday…did my meager/half-assed version of a CF Total in an hour at OG.
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3, 205×1, 225×1)
245, 260
-didn't take a 3rd attempt. this is 5# off a PR and I was fine with that considering my hips have been so tight from alot of sitting that I've been doing lately.
(45×5, 65×5, 80×3, 90×1)
95, 100, 103f
-would have been a 1 F*ing pound PR but no dice. Really thought I would get this since my Presses on 5/3/1 have been feeling really good.
(135×5, 185×3, 225×1)
255, 285
-Chris noted that it didn't really look like I got set to pull at 285 so didn't try a 3rd attempt. Wasn't even going to DL but figured might as well to have a Total number.
***Very happy to have avoided Fran today! She always kills me.
if anyone accidentally picked up a paperback called "The Things They Carried," would you mind returning it to me via the front desk?
Everyone should read "The Things They Carried." Powerful read.
Joy stole your book.
Fran Rx'd in 8:10
I just looked through three years of CF notes to confirm that this was my first Fran!
Thrusters: 11/10, 8/7, 9
I was originally going to do these in three sets, but Ro suggested I try 2 sets. They were much lighter than I anticipated, but I still took breaks at the top to control my breathing and heart rate and overall, movement fairly slowly on the thrusters.
Pullups: 5/5/5/6, 5/5/5, 6/3
I was so happy I could consistently string 5 pullups together. Sometimes I can only do sets of 2-3 when pullups are preceded by an overhead movement or ones requiring a lot of grip strength.
Dropped into OG at CF Dana Point this afternoon.
Jerk OTM
Push Press 80x5x5
Jumping BSQT 55x3x3
3 R
10 back extensions
10 reverse crunches
10 Glute bridges
Holy F these multiple OTM are killer. So pumped for the rest day tomorrow! Nothing like coming home to the beach after a good workout. Ready to lay like broccoli.
First time Rx for Fran – she is one nasty chick! Finished in 8:46.
Noah gave me some great advice to break up the first round, which completely worked.. but come 15, my thrusters completely fell apart and once I put the bar down, I swear it was the hardest time ever for me to pick it up again. I hated every second of round 15. 9 got better with some slow deeps breaths (and coach encouragement).. I was somewhat able to pull myself together again.
Thrusters – 12/9, 5/5/5, 6/3
Pull ups- 7/7/7, 6/5/4, 3/3/3 – super proud I was able to keep my kip intact, good stuff here.
All in all, I am glad I was able to tackle this and finish under 9 minutes. We were warned about the "throat burn", oh yeah that happened too, in a big way. Thanks Ro and Noah, next time, sub 7:30!!!!
4:30 class with NoRo
Fran 5:37
Goal: sub 5 mins next time
Kristin! That's amazing! Congrats.
Burpee squat dodgeball was super fun! Taking it back to the schoolyard for sure.
8:32 with 52# thrusters.
11,10/ 8, 7/ 9
7sets of 3
3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2
3, 3, 2, 2, 1
–Could have done wayfaster if I was better at pullups; the thrusters were surprisingly easy. Noah gave us a really good explanation of how to maximize efficiency in this workout.
Next time… faster and heavier!
DO –
Any update on finding a new coach for Endurance training?
I took the weekend off so I felt lucky to fit in something tonight in a 1-hr window
Warm up x2
5 wall walks 5 sec hold at top
10 jumping squats
15 v-ups 2 sec pause
FSQ sets of 2
135, 140, 145 ^
14 min EMOM
Even: 5 wallballs 20# 10' then 5 T2B
Odd: 30 DUs