KLove zip lining in Costa Rica, 325 feet in the air, flying through clouds above the canopy of the rainforest. NBD.
News and Notes
- ICYMI: There are new membership options at CFSBK! We are offering an Unlimited Membership for $265 and an unlimited Open Gym Membership for $185 (with additional OG times now available on Monday through Friday from 6am-12pm!). Get more of the details on last Monday’s post.
- Check out Pilates with KH (a.k.a Cage) at 7:30pm tonight! Learn more about KH and Pilatesl + CrossFit in our interview with her: “‘Mad Abs, Yo!’ How Pilates Complements CrossFit, and Getting to Know Kristin H.“
- Happy birthday, Gracie D. (GD)!
Seeking Volunteers For CFSBK’s Subway Series Events!
Friends, Romans, countrymen/women! Our Subway Series event is fast approaching on August 23rd, and we need your help to pull it off as seamlessly as possible. We promise you’ll have a lot of fun! We need:
- At least 10 judges
- 2 score runners/scorers—we need someone to create a user-friendly spreadsheet to score the event properly, and someone to handle this on the day (Please email Coach Fox directly if you have skillz in this arena! Christian [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com)
- A handful of extra people to help with breakdown and set-up of stations between heats
Email David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you can volunteer!
There’s Still Space in the Upcoming Strength Cycle—and Still Space For You to Get Hella Strong!
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday July 20th-Friday Sept 11th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday July 21st-Sunday Sept 13th
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday July 20th – Thursday Sept 10th
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Tues/Thurs | THIS OPTION IS FULL
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, Sept 13th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Weightlifting Eddie Hall Breaks Deadlift World Record Bleacher Report
How to Cut Children’s Screen Time? Say No to Yourself First The New York Times
No Brain, No Pain The Conversation
There’s a new show about NYC’s “hot” trainers and people think it looks “freaking amazing”
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
“Mini Eva”
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings 72/52
30 Pull-Ups
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
2x of, each round:
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Post time and Rx to comments.
7 AM with McD. Like 80% of the class was doing Monday's workout, so it was a cozy little group at 608.
HBBSQ: 175x5x3. The first set felt really heavy, after that it was fine. Will definitely go to 180 next week.
WOD, fitness version with one-armed KB swings 16kg and 5 strict chins per half-round, 15:15. I kinda maybe wish I'd done 20kg? But 20kg with one arm is…terrible. I may give two-armed swings a try again in warmup next time I come to class — Fox asked me during the WOD why I was still doing one-armed and I choked out, "no…sudden…movements!" By which I meant, I'm still shying away from explosive movements that involve my right arm, like cleans, burpees, and normal KB swings, but I haven't tried either in a while. Perhaps I am being unnecessarily cautious, and I can get some of these movements back into my life.
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 175×5, 195×2, 205x5x3
This is getting heavy, but still moving well.
Fitness WOD: 21:20? with 20kg American swings and green banded kipping pull-ups. I started with the blue band, but my forearms were fatiguing so much that I needed some extra assistance. All KB swings unbroken except that last set of 15, 10-5. Pull-ups were initially 5-5, then 4-3-3, then 3-3-2-2. I really struggled with being able to grip the pull-up bar. I liked how the fitness WOD was structured though, making 20 pull-ups per round less intimidating.
7am with McDowell. Squatted 135#x5x3, 10# off from my best set of 5 on the HBBSQ. Then did the fitness WOD with 16kg and 6 kipping pull ups per round. 18:00 flat. I feel super sluggish during WODs when it's hot like this. Looking for to Wednesday rest day.
6am with McD
Squats 145 x 5 x 3 Still light, easy, and most importantly feeling good in the back
Fitness WOD: 16ish* Kept the kb swings light with the white one and decided to give my kipping pull-ups a go for the first time. I think they worked? Last round I cut short after the 1st 10 of pull-ups as I ripped and had to get to 8am PT anyways.
Think I will check out Pilates with KH tonight considering my PT keeps saying things like neutral pelvis and engage things I didn't know existed. That and I check the box for just about every reason KH lists for why you should take pilates. And who doesn't want mad abs yo?
BIG shout out to SAM PELTZ who demolished her Total yesterday!! So proud of you!
6am w. McDowell. BSQ: 240x5x2, 240×3. Failed on the 4th rep, more so a technique error than strength, got on my toes and couldn't pull it in. Performance Metcon @ 24kg: 18:34. Swings were fine (10-10-10, 12-10-8, 15-8-7). Two things, probably shouldn't have broken up the swings as much and maybe attempted RX. Pullups were a bit fatiguing after swings (10-10-10, 10-10-5-5, 8-7, 3×5). I ripped, albeit small, forcing me to finger tips for the last 15 pullups. Glad this was "mini-Eva" because real Eva sounds hideous.
I'm offering a nice card table that doubles as a (semi-functional) bumper pool table in classifieds. It's free – you've just got to take it away from my basement in the Slope.
WHAT A BIRTHDAY! Big day of maxing out with Ro. It's been fun and all the hard work paid off.
Snatch 60KG
(Failed three times–caught all three but didn't lead with the bar on the way up. Hit the 4th. Did that lift with my mom in mind and wanted to hit it for her)
(Failed twice, hit the 3rd. Just got stuck at the bottom. Was feeling smoked but wanted this one and hit the third)
Cash out: ice cream
Thanks to Ro for believing in me and helping me overcome my biggest obstacle–the muscle between my ears. Thanks to Rob for believing in me and getting me an awesome bar and plates for my birthday 🙂 training up in the barn upstate! Thanks Jake/Noah/Whit for cheering me on–means a lot to have support of some heavy hitters!
Chasing a #200+ BSQT tomorrow. Can't believe how far I've come in a year since I began a bumpy recovery road with Ro. I owe that dude my health and much of my happiness.
so funny about the fate of the lyceum! Lots of history there.. Some of you newbies might not know this but that was CFSBK 2.0 after we left the park!
7:45pm session. so humid, so much sweat.
3 position clean + 1 jerk: 1@65%, 1@70%, 1@75%, 2@80%
-snatch + c&j drills to warm up. 3 pos clean + 1 PJ + 2 split jerk @ 83#
103, 108, 115, 123, 123
-didn't rack HH clean well on second set of 123, elbows were slow.
-this was decent. moving feet a bit better from floor, but not as much on HH + Hang.
-jerks felt okay, but could be more aggressive down. footwork is good.
snatch balance 4×3 AHAP
63×3, 83×3, 98×3, 108×2 (essentially jerks. was only intending 2 here, but the bar slid off my back when I re-racked it anyway. FML.)
-back down to 88×3 just to get a bit more volume really pushing under
-still pretty bad at these.
ring dip: 5×7 strict. hell yes.
cash out: some hip stability work and rolling up/down spine.
need to do some serious conditioning tomorrow.
Blast Hardcheese and Lump BeefBroth hit it hard and hit it dirty today.
Kate, thanks for posting my pic!
Performance Press:
75% x 5 @53#
85% x 3 @60#
95%x 5 @67#
Was worried about hitting the 95% because I didn't press last week.
Fitness WOD @93#: 7 rnds +3
Jess gave really good advice about how to break up the reps. I took a lot of breaks. Long breaks. But it was my first day back after not doing any WODs for 8 days. All deadlifts 8, 1. Cleans 5, 1 for the first 4 or 5 rounds, then 4, 2, then 3, 2, 1 the last two rounds. I'm not the best at cycling hang cleans so they weren't that fast. All jerks unbroken.
Congrats to all the strong individuals who have been crushing weights recently!!! Gracie happy birthday my friend, you have worked so hard for those PRs, you've come such a long way and I'm so happy for you!
Press: 3×5 @ 75.5#
still movin, need to push a little more here
First time doing DT RXed: 9:11
All Deadlifts in 11 then dropped to reset hook grip for last rep
All power cleans in 2 sets, 6-3 for first two rounds then 5-4 for last two
All push jerks unbroken
Tried to continue the AMRAP but was smoked after round 5. Did some half hearted effort and got up to 12 DLS + 2 power cleans in the remaining time. Definitely only left enough in the tank for 5 rounds though, I was happy with my pace.
Also, was anyone at the front desk when my sushi delivery showed up??? I accidentally had 597 degraw entered on my seamless address and Ive been cracking up imagining my delivery man dodging barbells in a desperate to find me. Whoops!
*first three rounds