Fitness: Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, try and add a few pounds to last week.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 90-90% x 1 x 5
Work up to 3-5 singles between 80% and 90%
Clean Pull: 105% x 3 x 3
3 Clean Pulls at 105% of best clean.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds, As Many Reps as Possible:
1:00 Thrusters 135/95
1:00 Toes-to-Bar
1:00 Double-Unders
1:00 Rest
Post time and Rx to comments.
All the pull-ups | Photo by the talented Thomas H.
News and Notes
- Want to work out at 9am and bring your kids? Now you can, with CFSBK Kids Club, every Sunday at 9am.
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
Strength Cycle Total Today at 2pm
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the back squat, press, and deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Wanna Flex on the Beach?
Flex on the Beach is a super fun team competition coming up in September and Coach MeLo wants to know if there’s enough interest to register a team or two.
What: A two-day event on Saturday, Sept. 19 and Sunday Sept. 20
Where: Long Beach, NY
What: A team event with two men/two women, 4 WODs each day, with Rx and scaled divisions
Cost: Registration cost is $412 per team, but we do have a $60 off code, so about $90 per teammate
More info can be found here.
Email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at] if you’re interested!
True Photographs and False Memory
Best of luck to all of the Strength Cyclers who are totaling today!! Really wish I could be there but, alas, I have to work.
Also good luck to Amanda Mc who is competing in a weightlifting meet at Crow Hill today and has kept it very quiet. Kill it, Amanda!
Looking forward to reading about everybody's experiences and perhaps seeing some new numbers on those leaderboards.
Good luck totalers & Amanda!!
Kill it, you strong beasts! I've been enviously stalking the numbers everyone has been putting up via the whiteboards at 608 and I'm so excited to see what you guys do, esp. Sam, Laura, and Ruth. STRONG LADIES FTW.
Amanda I bet you'll rock the Oly house too. Good luck everybody!
10am class
Performance clean and jerk:
65kg x 1 x 3
-a little disorganized to start but got better with each set.
Clean pulls
-this hurts my hands so bad!
T2b-10 across the board
Du's-55, 55, 55, 50
Total reps: 269
Good luck totalers…and Amanda Mc and Alex B at the Oly meet!
-honestly just happy to be moving around today when I really just wanted to take a rest day.
Good luck to the totalers and Amanda! You guys are amazing.
C&J: 53, 63, 73X2, 78, 83, 88–> pressed out the jerk and struggled through the clean. Next week.
Thrusters: 63# 8, 6, 6, 7
T2B: 15, 10, 8, 10
DUs: 3, 5, 3, 4 (ha) with a bunch of singles in between
My left lat was really hurting during the thrusters and T2Bs…using the lax ball on my lats after class was so necessary.
This morning I competed in the Crow Hill Open. First off, I have to say I was inspired to sign up because of seeing my Swole Sisters achieve so much in recent comps like Iron Maidens. Secondly, I really enjoyed the mock totals that Frank put together for the Oly cycle, because we got to run through some basic meet rules and procedure. Going in, I felt rested and really well prepared — though scared, I won't lie. So a lot my own personal goalz with this meet had to do with confidence building and trying something outside of my normal comfort zone.
I've completely bombed snatches during the mock totals so getting through this portion was my main focus:
Attempt 1: went for an easy 31kg (68#), made it
Attempt 2: 35kg (77#), make, though not the snatch I would want pictured upon my tombstone
Attempt 3: 39kg (86#) 3lb PR! I caught this one on my toes and I definitely had this seemingly interminable moment of mild shock at the bottom of the squat where I was like "What now?" If you answered, stand up, you are correct and amazingly that's what I did! I felt as though I had just won the lottery.*
Clean + Jerk
Attempt 1: 45kg (99#), easy breezy
Attempt 2: 50kg (110#), good — this matches my current PR
Attempt 3: 53kg (117#), made the clean (a PR), missed the jerk
So 5 for 6, an amazing result for me considering how nervous I was! Frank was there (along with some MAJOR heavy-hitter ladies he coaches in Garden City) and I have to say I think it makes a big difference to have a coach there thinking for you at least part of the time. Timing warmups can be really tough and he helped so much with that as well as keeping my head screwed on straight.
Overall a really great experience and everyone was SO NICE. Enjoyed meeting folks from other clubs like Murder of Crows, Garden City (seriously, what do they eat over there?) and Brooklyn Barbell. Bumped into Nancy H who is a badass beast of the iron.
Thanks so much to Charlie and Karl for being there to cheer — it really meant a lot guys!
Congrats to Jake L. and Alex B. who were a real marvel to behold throwing up big weights.
TLDR version: competitions are fun for every body, even though you have to wear stupid singlets in them.
Congrats Amanda! Sounds like an awesome event. & the totalers too, of course. Sorry I missed it, would have come in to watch for a while but I had homework :'(
My big day out: hella slow 45-50 minute warmup jogging around Brooklyn Bridge park, ended up at OG for "fat jerry": Jerry in a weighted vest. I've never used one of these before, and when I was thinking about how to work in one final, long, unpleasant workout before next weekend's 10k this is what I came up with. Finished in just over 30 minutes. I didn't let myself redline or push too hard on the row so it really wasn't that bad. "Real" Jerry during crush week a few weeks ago was harder.
Weighted vest questions (anyone?): how much do those metal inserts weigh? 2 lbs? 3lbs? I used six, which was a good number but not particularly heavy. Also, it felt like my heart was beating harder but not necessarily faster, which was weird. Anyone else experience this?
Had some great coaching today from Uncle K and Noah. Pushed my cleans to 145 lbs and ready to go for more.
Was ready to abandon 115 lbs on the thruster, but pushed through with K Harpz's encouragement. 10, 8, 5, 5.
First Strength Cycle. First Total. Awesome experience. I don't think I've been that anxious/excited since my first school play in sixth grade and moot court finals in law school. I had barely done any 3RM or 1RM testing before Strength Cycle, didn't even know what my 1RM squat was, and as I learned over the past 8 weeks — I didn't really know what I was capable of.
Deadlift – Started out the cycle with the mindset that my 1RM was around 100. Hit 155 today.
Press – I think I'm most proud of this one. After a year of consistently hitting a wall at 40 in group class cycle, I pressed 55 today.
Squat – 115. 120 is practically there – just struggled with form. I have to work on not tipping forward. I was only lifting an empty 45 pound bar my first group class at CFSBK about a year ago.
So, this post is my BIG Strength Cycle endorsement to any other lifting novices at CFSBK. You'll lift more than you ever felt possible and learn about a dozen life lessons about the value of being persistent and facing down your anxieties.