Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
550m Run
21 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
400m Run
15 Burpee Box Jumps
270m Run
9 Burpee Box Jumps
Post time and Rx to comments.
Rickke M. at CrossFit Eixample! Rickke is traveling and said a bunch of new CrossFit gyms have opened in Barcelona since he was there last summer, including this one. Very friendly members, good workouts, and solid coaches. He’ll write a more thorough review when he gets back!
- LOST AND FOUND: New batch of stuff. Check out this photo to see if any of it’s yours!
Learn More About Crossover Symmetry Today at 11am and Noon!
CFSBK recently added two more Crossover Symmetry stations to the gym, bringing us to a total of three stations. If you’re interested in learning how, when, and why to use these, come to Active Recovery today at 11am or noon, and David will include a 101 on the Crossover Symmetry system. This will take about 1/2 hour of the class and the other half will be more traditional active recovery.
CFSBK Doggie Play Date Next Weekend!
Ever wished your dog could make friends the same way you do at CFSBK? Now he/she/they have the chance!
What: CFSBK Doggie Play Date
When: Saturday, July 18, from 2-3:30 pm
Where: CFSBK, in 608
Member Lyssa Howells will also be there to share her dog training business, It Howls, with others. But please note: this is definitely not a dog training class, just an opportunity for SBK to support our dog-owner community.
Apocalypse Dow Stephen Colbert
Can We Just, Like, Get Over the Way Women Talk? The Cut
Great 11am class today, lots of people but fun & tons of energy. Thanks McDowell and Whitney!
Yesterday: OH press up to 120#x4 and then a middle-distance run. I decided to give the Brooklyn Bridge one final try mid-day before swearing it off forever. Ran into the FIFA parade, which of course is great but if you have your heart set on running it's kind of the opposite of what you're looking for. Ran over to the Manhattan bridge and did a lap there instead. Finished strong, pretty happy about that, but only feeling so-so about the presses.
Today: Fixed my front rack issue from last week so today's 230x3x3 were on the easy side. +++ (re)gainz. Plenty of room to go up here.
WOD in 11:25. Ran out of 24" boxes so I did this at ~20, a 16" box + a thick plate. Lately I've been feeling hard runs in my guts, which I've decided is a good thing: it means my fitness is catching up and I have a new weakest link to work on.
Trail race in Ontario next weekend. Kind of hoping it rains so it's a slick, muddy, beautiful mess.
Spent most of yesterday sitting, so tried to get some fitness in today
(20) sit ups
(20) squats
(12-14-16-18-20) push ups
Yoga and handstand practice
Everything is the perfect temperature out here
Noon lifting
Back Squat
Felt good. This matches my 5RM
All good. Paused 245 on the way up with no problem. 265 is my all time 1RM.
Felt speedy. Had to switch grip on the last rep. Thanks Jess for the eyes.
Enjoyed learning about crossover symmetry today in AR. Looking forward to incorporating it into the routine.
FSQ: I did one set at 105 today, tipped forward/ got soft at the bottom, almost felt the urge to bail… I decided to nail technique instead of forcing it. Maybe it's because I back squatted last night? Did two sets at 95. Helpful advice from Whit about leading with the top of my head. Shoutout to Rachel for her amazing front squats at 125#- that girl gets loooow.
WOD: 10:52. It's so much easier for me to show mental fortitude with cardio/endurance than strength. I feel in control when running or doing burpees vs. the barbell or weight that's got more power than me when squatting, etc. If I can change this mindset, I'll probably get better at weightlifting.
Comp Class funtimez:
3 rds warm up:
1 rope climb (feeling better; plus some attempts at legless… got a few steps up)
5 seated box jumps (20, 24", 30", 36"x3)
5 HHJump, 5 HH high pull, 5 HH muscle sn, 5 ohs. position drills.
did a few attempts at 42" box jump on the new soft box thing; L foot got up, but right leg didn't quite make it!
Snatch Complex: snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch
63, 73, 83, 93, 93
-wrist feeling good, but thumb got real weird on second to last set. wrist wrap too tight? feels fine now, but gotta watch this.
-getting to hips well, just pull under faster. use bar to push myself down.
C&J Complex: clean pull + hang clean + clean + jerk
83, 103, 113, 123, 133
-happy with this. jerks felt smooth, though I can probably get down a bit more. 133 feeling more and more comfortable. (85%)
1 mile run
1/2 Tommy Mac
12 burpee, 12 thruster (75#)
12 b, 12 power clean
12 b, 12 push jerk
12 b, 12 hang squat clean
12 b, 12 ohs
1 mile run (subbed out 1600m row, b/c R ankle was hurting after 1 lap of the first run)
Time: 29:03
First run was 8:43
Did the Tommy Mac portion in 11:25 which I'm very happy about.
Thrusters 6-6, Snatch 4-4-4, PJ 7-5, HSC 4-4-4, OHS unbroken
couch stretch 2min each side
iced and elevated my ankle. will do again this evening.
Great time teaching crossover symmetry in AR today. Hope everyone gets #scapjacked
OG with bliss
3 rounds NFT
15 calorie row
16 oh walking lunges 55#
2 rope climbs
Some box jump overs 30"
AMRAP 15:00
10 wall ball shots
20 kb swings 24kg
30 double unders
5 rounds??? I lost count
Thursday Strength Cycle
Comp Deadlift- 3@7,8RPE 3@BO
135 x 3, 185 x 3, 205 x 3 (hook grip),235 x 3 (hook grip), 270 x 3 (7RPE), 276 x 3 (8RPE), 260 x 3
Press- 5@7,8RPE, 5@BO
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5 (7RPE), 75 x 4, F, 75 x 5 (8RPE)
This was a bit lighter than it should have been and I somehow failed my fifth rep at 8RPE. I knew for a fact it was all in my head so I rested and tried again and this time it went up, no problem. Strange old lift, the press.
Weighted Lunges- 4 x 8
45 x 8, 65 x 8, 95 x 8 x 4
Sorry for posting twice . I had internet issues yesterday and Thursday.
Here is what I did today.
Pause Squat- 5@7,8RPE, 5@BO
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5, 200 x 5(7RPE) 207 x 5 (8RPE) 195 x 5
Bench Press- 5 @7,8RPE, 5@BO
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 5, 105 x 5, 115 x 5,(7RPE) 117 x 5 (7.5RPE) 120 x 5(8RPE) 115 x 5
Reverse Hyper- 4x 8
60 x 8, 80 x 8 x 4
Managed to string together THREE KIPPING PULL-UPS!!!! I have never been able to kip and randomly did it on Thursday! I didn't even mean to; it just happened.
100 DU's
15x KB@20KG
10x push-ups
5x T2B
Wednesday's WOD-ish
Every 4 minutes for 5 rounds
10 cal assault bike
12 S2O @95#
This sucked a lot. My inclination was to push press but it got heavy almost instantly, but I couldn't really remember how to push jerk until the second round. After that my rounds actually got faster but I did not write down my splits at all so I could be making that up. I know I definitely rested at least two mins per round so that was pretty good I think. S2O broken up in sets of 8, 4 for each round.
550m cool down jog.
FSQ: 185x3x3
Wod: 11:40 with 24" box