Coach MeLo getting set to clean
News and Notes
- Check out Threes Brewing this weekend! Going forward, they want to offer our members happy hour pricing… all the time! Happy hour is $1 off draught and well drinks. Just show your scan card with the CFSBK logo the next time you hang out there, and voila!
- DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS? There are new membership options at CFSBK! We are offering an Unlimited Membership for $265 and an unlimited Open Gym Membership for $185 (with additional OG times now available on Monday through Friday from 6am-12pm!). Get more of the details on Monday’s post.
- CONGRATS to Joel W. and McKensey S., who got engaged last weekend!
- Happy birthday, Michael F. and Matt H.!
Learn More About Crossover Symmetry This Saturday at 11am and Noon!
CFSBK recently added two more Crossover Symmetry stations to the gym, bringing us to a total of three stations. If you’re interested in learning how, when, and why to use these, come to Active Recovery on Saturday at 11am or noon, and David will include a 101 on the Crossover Symmetry system. This will take about 1/2 hour of the class and the other half will be more traditional active recovery.
Join Us For a Paleo Potluck in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18 From 12pm to 4pm
Mary M. is organizing a Paleo/Whole30 Potluck and Play Date in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18th, from 12pm to 4pm. If her application goes through, we will also have access to the grills and be bale to barbeque!
When: Saturday, July 18, 12pm to 4pm (or later…)
Where: The space near 15th Street North, off the 15th Street/Prospect Park train station (F/G)
Bring: Foods/drinks/blankets/ice/coolers/etc. + gear for playing or sunbathing in the park!
RSVP and post on the event page what you’re bringing!
If you have any questions, email marymazilo [at]
Running in the Wild The New York Times
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
550m Run
21 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"
400m Run
15 Burpee Box Jumps
270m Run
9 Burpee Box Jumps
Post time and Rx to comments.
when i saw a saturday class i was so nervous it was a kipping pull up class — my only goal in life is to get a pull up before the next time that is offered. at the rate i'm going hopefully the class won't be offered until next year.
7 AM with El Jefe
Did 3×5 HBBSQ since I missed Wednesday's exposure. 170x5x3, and I need to be careful not to pitch forward, which happened in my second set but otherwise these went well.
WOD: took out the burpees, but did box jump-overs on a 24" box (one of the new-fangled ones — felt a little unstable at first but I got used to it). 10:18. I…might actually miss burpees? Not really, I just miss being able to do them.
I used to dread the 24" box but this time it was fine! Maybe it's because I've been using box jumps as a substitute movement so often in the last couple of months.
6am. FSQ @ 210x3x3. Everything moved well. A little tight from yesterday's extra nugget of fitness (credit to MattyChm for that saying) courtesy of Fox. Metcon: 9:27 Rx+ (added a jump over). The jump over seems easier since you don't need to hit full extension at the top.
6am with David
Front Squats at 200#. These felt very light and moved quickly which is strange because today is my fourth day in a row at the gym and I was feeling tight from yesterday. Might consider a 10# jump next week.
WOD in 10:57. The runs felt fine. The burpees were of the standard variety, no jump overs.
DIY cash out of butterfly kips which are starting to get more consistent and I should probably just man up and do them in a WOD one of these days.
Lordy, Brad. That's fast. You are a freaking burpee machine.
6am with David
FSQ @ 155 x 3 x 3. Easy and light. Keep feeling tempted to make bigger jumps but know the best for my back is to keep to my plan and slowly ease back in
WOD in 11:23 Rx. BK was a blur of motion next to my relative standing still. Thought for sure I would eat it on at least one box jump but they all moved well. Burpees felt a little tight in the kick back.
DIY Cash out – worked on my kipping pull-ups with some good advice on the kip motion from Matty to prevent me from looking like a flopping fish
I have a Cazadoritis today.
Public service announcement: 50% almost everything in the store at the Reebok Union Square through this Sunday. Got 3 sports bras for $48. Leggings are also on sale!
10am class with McD and Noah
I was away all week in Maryland for work so I left early this morning and wound up going straight to the box which worked out well even after 4 hours on my motorcycle. What I didn't think of was the hand fatigue that beat me up a bit.
Did Thursday's work and worked up to 85kg on the snatch then did some snatch pulls at 100kg? I threw on 2 10# weights over the top and just went with with
Snatch balances at 80 and 90kg
Did two rounds of the cash out with a green then orange bell. I missed CFSBK this week!
Made it to OG to get in this week's backsquats.
After moving really slowly through three rounds of SWU1 and feeling pretty terrible overall, all three sets ended up moving surprisingly well!
Did Monday's WOD:
12-9-6-3 pull-ups, thrusters 47#
Took a lot of rest with the pull-ups. Could have gone heavier with the thrusters, but it's a miracle I made it to the gym in the first place, so I'm not complaining.
Am session
Jerk: 308x2x4
HBBS: 308x2x4
Press: 198×3, 209×2, 220×1
Bench: 275×5, 285×5, 295×5, 305×5
Chinese rows: 245x5x4
Front squats: 220x3x3
WOD Rxd: 12:43