Coaches David and Janelle teaching the CrossFit kiddos how to strict press with dumbbells
News and Notes
- DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS? There are new membership options at CFSBK! We are offering an Unlimited Membership for $265 and an unlimited Open Gym Membership for $185 (with additional OG times now available on Monday through Friday from 6am-12pm!). Get more of the details on yesterday’s post.
- Don’t forget up our upcoming Doggie Play Date on Saturday, July 18th from 2-3:30pm! More details here.
- Happy birthday, Miss Bliss!
Threes Brewing Loves Us!
And because they love us, they want to offer our members happy hour pricing… all the time! Happy hour is $1 off draught and well drinks. Just show your scan card with the CFSBK logo the next time you hang out there, and voila!
Threes Brewing is a brewery, bar, and event space located in Gowanus, Brooklyn. We are open seven days a week with food, drink, programming, and a huge outdoor space. Check them out on 333 Douglass Street.
The New CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids Sessions Started Yesterday, Sign Up Now
CrossFit Preschool:
Fridays (7/10 – 7/31) @ 10:00a – 11:00a
Sundays (7/12 – 8/2) @ 10:00a – 11:00a
CrossFit Kids:
Mondays (7/6 – 7/27) @ 4:30p – 5:30p
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
REGISTER HERE (scroll down)
Program Mission
CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement through games and activities. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
ESPN’s The Body Issue and Bodies We Want gallery
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
20/15 Calorie Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Post times for each round and Rx to comments.
Sweaty 6am with Jess and McDowell. I did Monday's press work, at 110x5x3. These are still moving well, but I can feel the temptation to break tension in my midsection and lean back to get the bar overhead creeping in.
I did the fitness version of yesterday's metcon at 95#. Finished in 5:52. I think I could have finished this Rx'd, but the thrusters would have been waaaay broken up. At 95, I was able to crank reps out at a good pace with just a couple of rests with the bar overhead. Pull-ups were 6-6, 6-3, 6, 3. The biggest challenge here might have actually been hanging onto the bar after sweating all over it.
Another fun workout at Crossfit Acadia
Drills up and down the gym- inch worm, etc
20 min amrap:
2-2-2, 4-4-4, etc
#20 db snatch
Cals on Assault bike
Made it through 14 db snatches and 8 pull-ups. It was so fun to use the assault bike during a workout!! Folks could either choose an assault bike or rower… They had plenty of each.
4x40m prowler sprints
Some kipping handstand push-up work
100 ab mat situps
8am with McDowell, my return to fitness continues. 125#x5x3 on the HBBSQ. My heaviest 5 on this is 145# so hoping I can get at least close by week 8, considering I missed weeks 2 through 4. Then the WOD at 73#. I backed off a little on the weight and I am glad I did because I was so freaking winded it was ridiculous. My times were 1:29, 1:44, 1:49, 1:54, 1:47. Hard workout. Then the best iced latte ever from 9th St Espresso and on to my day.
6am with Jess and McDowell
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 175×5, 195×2, 200x5x3
The warmup sets felt heavy, but the work set moved well. It was great to have 20 mins to squat today, as opposed to the usual 15.
WOD: Scaled to 83# and this was the right weight for me. 12, 6-6, 6-6, 6-3-3, 6-3-3 with rounds of 1:31, 1:56, 2:01, 2:06, 2:21. I need to learn how to cycle the push press since I think I was wasting too much energy controlling the bar as I lowered it. Rows were done in 16-19 pulls. Sweaty Tuesday fun!
Steamy 6am with Jess and McDowell
HBBS 135 x 5 x 3
First class back since rehurting my sacrum two weeks ago. Taking it slow and light. Switching to HBBS since I was advised it promotes a more closed and stable sacrum area while I rehab.
WOD: Scaled to 95# since cleaning off the floor is the limiter. 1:36, 1:41, 1:31, 1:52, 2:04. 12, 12, 12, 8-4, 8-4 with push presses. Wanted to go unbroken on all 5 since 95# was fairly light but my body keeps telling me to take it easy..
Nice to be back and moving again.
Wrist feeling good after yesterday, so decided to start C&J again. Solid training day.
Black Iced Coffee warm up.
Voodoo wrist
Mash quads, tspine, lats
3 position clean + 1 jerk (1@65%, 1@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%)
(83… 2 push jerk, 1 split)
100, 108, 115, 115, 123
-usually try to find/hold power position for a beat/breath before HHC. once I got to 115#, I realized this is quite difficult. Started dynamic HH for last two sets.
-Did an extra C&J at 123 since I pulled early on clean and didn't get down well in jerk on first.
Strict ring dip: 5×6 !!
Snatch balance: a love/hate relationship
63×3, 83×3, 103×3 (all jerks that I rode down) 103×3 (better!), 83×3 (good, sharp)
Really push head through to be strong in the receiving position.
Fear… Trust that I'm going to bail it as needed and not kill myself if i don't catch it perfectly
Tabata row (calories):
Would like to make up the outlaw conditioning another day, but my wrist, ankle, knee were telling me to back off a bit. meh.
Bench Press- 3 count pause (5@7,8RPE, 5@BO)
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 5, 110 x 5 (7RPE), 115 x 5, (7RPE), 117 x 5(8RPE), 115 x 5 (BO).
Wow that takes up way less space written like that lol.
8 x thrusters @33#
12 x hollow rocks
10 x push-ups
Monday's WOD- thanks McDowell for letting me jump in and sub ring rows.
Thrusters @75#
Ring rows
550m run
350m row
Felt strong today, despite the heat. My kind of workout- over fast 🙂
Warm up x2
8 thrusters (33#), 12 hollow rocks, 10 push ups
33# x 5, 48# x 3, 54# x 3
61# x 7 (90%)
Slow and brain dead today. Fitness work-out as Rx'd in 5:22
First 2 chunks of pull ups in 3 sets, then unbroken
First 2 chunks of thrusters in 2 sets, then unbroken
Feel good about coming in and getting it done tho.
500m row cool down
From 6-8 I will have Herondale eggs for sale over at Brooklyn Boulders. $6 cash. Come find me 🙂
Yesterday I did my first Crossfit kids club at 4:30. I did my class with David and Janelle.
First we did a little warm up. We did box jumps, scwats, burpys and sit-ups. I got all 4 lines crossed. Then we climbed the rope and I got all the way to the top.
Then we did a opsticle corse. We put the balince-bean first then the little mats, then we had to smash down the wall. We made it harder every time!
It was a very fun time. I'm glad I did kids club.
I love CrossFit Kids because I like to do exercise. I like to listen to words, I like to get water at the end, and I love practicing climbing ropes.
I hope I go to CrossFit Kids again. I want to see David and Janelle and Elijah and Siena, too. And I love CrossFit Kids. It was so much fun. I hope my mom watches. Thanks David and Janelle.
Had my first rough lifting day in a while… Which is mildly concerning as max out is next week. Not sure if it was yesterday's acupuncture/cupping, or sitting a lot today to do grad school work prior to training but my snatches were all over the freaking place. Slow turnover and soft catches. Fell on a couple–landed in my heels or toes.
—too much shenanigans going on with technique so backed off
Snatch Pulls: 50kgx2x3
FSQT: 60kgx2, 65kgx1x3 –I think? There might have been another doubles set in there but I can't remember.
#35 DB Rowx10
10 ab wheel roll outs–HATE HATE HATE but seeing improvement
15 GHD back extensions
Ro told me to bring my "A" game tomorrow. Consensus: today = not so good. But POSITIVE MOMENT: I didn't mentally DESTROY myself despite the poor snatch lifts. I usually cave in mentally and ruin everything for myself, which I didn't do this time. Although it has everything to do with Ro's goofy shenanigans of filming me in superhero videos. Ask him about it.
oh my lord <3 <3 <3 siena and elaina!!
Mobility and an easy 20min row tonight. I am 10.5 lbs over my weight class for the NJ meet on 8/1… Yikes. Give me shit when you see me.