Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 1-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1, 3 Week, 70%x3/80%x3/90%x3+
Off of increased training max.
Post loads to comments.
12-9-6-3, For Time:
Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups
Thrusters 115/75
9-6-3, For Time:
Overhead Squat 185/125
Post time and Rx to comments.
Are you intense about the order/match of your plates on the bar? Like, do the plates on both sides have to match exactly (e.g., your five-pound plates have to both be the circles or octagons)?
Introducing… New Membership Options at CFSBK!
Unlimited Membership $265
That’s right, it’s finally here! For $265/M, can you take five CrossFit group classes, plus any/all of our Active Recovery, Pilates, Yoga for Athletes, and open gym sessions! If you’d like to upgrade your membership, please contact the Front Desk via cfsbkfrontdesk [at] or let us know next time you’re at the gym. If you don’t have an active recurring membership you can sign up here.
Open Gym Membership $185 (+ AM OG Times!)
Not interested in taking classes? We’re now offering OG memberships, which can only be used during our normal OG times and the new AM block listed below. You may not transfer these classes to coached CrossFit or specialty classes.
One of our longer term goals with the new space is to gradually add more open gym times and accommodate members with adequate experience to do their own programming. On top of this membership option, we recently doubled the available footprint for OG on Fridays to eliminate crowding and added our Saturday 2-4pm session. On top of all that, we’re making the gym available for athletes with the OG membership on Monday through Friday from 6am-12pm!
*Please note that all new members must have taken our Foundations course or have been cleared by a coach prior to purchasing this membership. If you’re interested in an OG only membership, please contact David [at]
Join Us For a Paleo Potluck in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18 From 12pm to 4pm
Mary M. is organizing a Paleo/Whole30 Potluck and Play Date in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18th, from 12pm to 4pm. If her application goes through, we will also have access to the grills and be bale to barbeque!
When: Saturday, July 18, 12pm to 4pm (or later…)
Where: The space near 15th Street North, off the 15th Street/Prospect Park train station (F/G)
Bring: Foods/drinks/blankets/ice/coolers/etc. + gear for playing or sunbathing in the park!
RSVP and post on the event page what you’re bringing!
If you have any questions, email marymazilo [at]
Brooklyn has passed ‘peak’ PBR and is now starting to adopt historic New England lager Narragansett as hipster beverage of choice Daily Mail
I'm super neurotic about my plates! I realize the only time it matters is when the barbell is on the floor and you don't want plates with different diameters. But it totally makes me twitch when my barbell is not symmetrical. I'm okay with, say, loading 10# octagonal plates alongside 5# round ones, but both 10s have to be the same and both 5s have to be the same.
I recognize that this is neurosis on my part and therefore I don't grab new plates if my bar partner gets ones that don't match. But whenever I'm the one getting the plates, yes, I will go through the pile to get ones that match. 😛
Off to Cali for work today, hoping to get in at least one session at CF Flagship while I'm there.
6am with McD and JB
Press: Did 110 x 3, 125 x 3, then 140 x 7 for the rep-out. Missed last week since I was on vacation but things still moved pretty well. Working off of a 170 RM.
WOD: Wow that was tough. 185 is my max snatch so I scaled to 165 on the Perf version. For the OHS I cleaned it up each time, jumped it over my head to my back, then push pressed it into OHS position. I was a mess after the first set of MUs and dumped the first rep on the OHS, then got myself together and did them as 4/3/3/2, 3/3, 3. Did the MU's as 5/4, 4/2, 3.
6am with JB and McD
Press: 33×5, 53×5, 63×3, 70x5x3
I surprised myself with how well this moved today. 72.5 is my best 3×5, so I'm excited to see how far I can go with 3 more weeks left in the cycle.
Fitness WOD: finished just under 4 mins (3:56?), with jumping pull-ups and 73lbs. Everything unbroken.
Any ladies interested in joining me for the Summer Games competition at CrossFit 718? It's on Sat. July 25 and is just $40 for a two-person team. That's cheap! Let me know at mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com. You know you want to. It'll be awesome.
Management: Is the M-F 6 a.m.-12 p.m. OG times only open to those with an OG only membership? Please tell me it is not.
SO EXCITED about AM OG. Now I can come on Thursdays while I wait for my wrist to heal! Thank you MGMT!
So excited about the unlimited package!!! Yay for yoga, Pilates, or AR classes on rest days!!!
Dropped in at Crossfit Acadia in Maine- love this gym!
600m run
4 rounds:
10 squats with 10# plate
8 push-ups
Their programming was Wendler 5×5 at 75% backsquat, but they let me press instead.
Press: 57#, 5×3. I failed the last rep of the second set because I didn't rest long enough.Last set was hard but good. Dynamic breathing has helped me out a ton.
Wod For time:
5 rounds:
40 DUs (I did triple singles because he wanted me to do 40 "attempts". Would've taken me way too long)
10 ring dips (I did the purple band on the matador)
10 burpees
Was a really fun workout! I like this gym a lot. Y'all should def drop in if you're in eastern Maine! I really can't wait for the unlimited package!
I am very neurotic about plates–primarily for aesthetic reasons. I have even reloaded barbells at times.
Also: same question as Joy.
I've been in a bit of a gym slump recently, and looking to make this week a good one. Wendler press, 70#x5 on the rep out, based off of a new training max of 77#. If I was really going to leave one in the tank I should have stopped at 4, the 5th was a grind. Then, 5:43 on the fitness WOD, which I ended up scaling the volume on (9-6-3-3). Again, gym slump. Then rowed an easy 500m and called it a day. I expect some upper body soreness tomorrow, for sure.
The intention for the AM block would be for OG membership only. If you don't plan switching to the OG membership but asked about it, please email me directly with what you were thinking in terms of frequency and time of AM OG usage instead of class.
back in the saddle after a few days off of any real training. R wrist is feeling better (80%), R ankle better, L knee generally good but still needs attention. L hip solid.
3-Position Snatch… took some liberties with the outlaw percentages today:
63, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93
-started to really feel (remember?) using the bar to pull myself under!!! holy sh*t. that's what i've been missing. so much better at getting down today. still power snatched 93 from hang. bleh.
-offset hands. feeling fine, will stick with this for now.
-tweaked L side of neck on the set at 93. not as bad as i've done before. rolled it out and hoping for the best.
HBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
-had a couple reps where I didn't keep my chest up and rounded my upper back slightly, but otherwise this is feeling pretty good.
-170 is 5# off my old 1RM for high bar from september. might need a belt soon.
Conditioning: (adapted for wrist)
5 rounds:
14 OHS (75#)
7 Hang Power Snatch (75#)
4 C2B Pull-Ups
Rest 1:1
1:37 – 1:57 – 2:00 – 1:57 – 2:04
(17:44 total)
OHS all unbroken, a little shaky on last 3-4 reps of rounds 3-5.
HPS all 4-3. Just couldn't bring myself to stay on it. R thumb a little angry.
C2B all 2-2.
voodoo floss above+below both knees
Strength Cycle- lower intensity/ back-off week for me.
Comp Squat (3@7,8RPE,3@BO)
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3 (7RPE)
235 x 3 (8RPE)
225 x 3
Comp Bench (3@7,8RPE,3@BO)
45 x 5
75 x 3
95 x 3
110 x 3
122 x 3 (7RPE)
126 x 3 (9RPE)
120 x 3
Banded DL (5@7,8RPE, 5@BO)
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5 (7RPE)
225 x 5 (8RPE)
215 x 5
There is a lot to be said for having a lower stress week every few weeks. I've really enjoyed this different method of training these last eight weeks and am excited to see where it takes me.
Think I might have to do this WOD tomorrow though . Looks like 'fun' 🙂
SC nooner!!
LBBS 165x2x5 (tapering off for the total)
Bench 92.5×4 (f 5th rep), 85×2
Deadlift 225×3
Psyched to finish off heavy sets of 5 at 165! Squatted deep and great, one of the best sets of 5 I have done all cycle… also eating a big and good breakfast helped.
Sad I couldn't hit that last rep on 92.5 on bench but I am so happy to have PR'd this cycle because bench is clearly the worst lift! Margie the Wise One had me try a further grip because of my limbs, and I think next cycle I am going to start doing this and build up the strength because it felt much better!
Deadlift… that was my 1RM at Iron Maidens (and couldn't even do a second rep when I was training for IM!) so I am reeeeaaally happy about this too!! Good times! I really recommend everyone to try SC even for just one cycle (though I am definitely going to do it again!)
I don't care about plate matching as long as the thickness is basically the same on the 35s and 45s since that actually affects the weight distribution. Also if Im bailing a lot Ill use the same 45s and 35s since they bounce different and i dont want to put uneven stress on the bar. Everything else is just superstitious voodoo!
Cam- amazing!!!! So happy for you!!! You make me want to try SC…
As for plates, I think I'm the only one at CFSBK that doesn't give a $h^t! I'll grab any plates… But sooooo often people will say "grab two that are the same", "grab the one with the rough grip" etc etc etc I think it's totally a mental thing and personally, I don't care to waste my mental energy on that. I'll let you guys do all the OCd-ing and I'll follow your orders.
Oh yeah! regarding QOD, i am into plate matching to some degree.
What I am whatever about that I know some people are not into is when I have bar partners and I have to add a larger plate in size, I just put it right on top of the smaller sized plate if that makes any sense, or like adding plates on top of another in an uneven size!
Sorry obv I meant 5×2! I keep forgetting the order!
I love the plates so I always try to match them up. 100% when I'm gonna bail. Also 100% superstitious. But, one should ALWAYS USE THE BIGGEST PLATES POSSIBLE WHEN BAILING IS INVOLVED!
Came in to lift after the 10 hour drive back from Ohio…
Everything moved.
286x1x3 Failed all 3
Clean pulls@374x3x3
Back is definitely on the mend. Looking forward to competing a lil bit this weekend at crow hill.
Press: 107.5x5x3
WOD @ 12-9-6-3 strict pull-ups and 115lb front squats: 4:35