Fitness: Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, try and add a few pounds to last week.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 1 x 5
Work up to 5 singles between 80% and 90%.
Clean Pull: 100% x 3 x 3
3 pulls at 100% of best clean.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
6 Power Cleans 155/105
12 Burpees over the Bar
Post time and Rx to comments.
Liam M. at Lake Solitude in the Grand Tetons (10,000 feet)
News and Notes
- Kids Club is CANCELED today.
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach David.
- PLEASE TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS HOME BY NEXT WEEK. If you are not a coach, you are not allowed to store your supplements at the gym.
- The Fifth Annual Subway Series is coming for us this August. If you’re interested, register ASAP, because spots will sell out soon.
Batman This American Life
Not sleeping .. So here's yesterday's work
3 rounds of
5 c2b chinp ups, :05 hold on last rep
GHD (16 sit ups, 10 reverse hypers next two rounds — thanks Pierre!)
Active recovery, then 1pm class
Warm up 2×2
FSQ w Mary and KLove
135x3x3 felt good!
Independence Day Work-out
Performance Rx
WB 14#,9'
KB Am swings 16kg
BJ 20"
Thanks to McDowell for pushing me a bit
Not much sleep lately so hoping I have energy for Sunday's work out. Looks like another good one
Fitness C&J: 63, 83, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113 failed the jerk. Didn't drop. Everything felt heavy today.
WOD with 93# cleans. Only did 4 rounds in ~19:00 min. Was super slow on the jog and burpees. I don't think I would've been able to squeeze in a 5th round in 20 minutes even if I lowered the weight of the cleans as I moved fairly consistently on them and didn't take breaks. Stopped after the fourth round, but in hindsight wish I had finished the full WOD. Easy to say now that it's hours later. I definitely need to work on running faster and my endurance in general.
Alternating meat and dessert yesterday didn't help my performance today either.
C&J @ 85%
5 singles at 121# with Eric
2 decent makes and 3 jerk press outs
23:06 on the work out @93#
Not a cardiovascular issue so much as an unwillingness for any muscle – particularly abs – to function quickly or properly
Peaceful mobility cool down session at 608 followed by shower. <3 SBK
Need fuel and sleep now
Combined the last two days of programming post teaser class today
Clean pull + clean and jerk
80kg x1x5
AMRAP 15 minutes
Power clean 155
Bar facing burpee
Wall ball
Start with 1 rep of each, then 2…
Cleared the 8 or 9 round ? I can't remember now that I think about it
Shower cool down
OG magic — thanks a million to T-Bone and Ro for helping me to a long-hoped-for PR in the snatch.
Todd had noticed that I was too far forward over the bar at the start, Ro gave some good positioning cues and presto! My snatches were much more stable. I went for 83#, and got it on the second try. I was really stunned by how not a big deal it felt. I pulled 88# a few times and while I didn't make it, it definitely feels attainable. I had some other stuff planned but I was just too shocked to do anything except ride home and drink a protein shake in quiet reflection.
Thanks guys!
Yay Amanda! Congrats!
9am with Arturo and JB. Good cues from each on getting under the bar and punching up on my jerks made them feel much more solid by the last couple of reps. Worked up to 145. I did the metcon with a 105lb bar and finished in 23:39 (or thereabouts). This was tough-especially the running, which felt like I was doing it in a bog. I'm sure being a little hungover and yesterday's WOD didn't help that at all. Afterwards, had a day with the family at the beach, which, in contrast, was easy and awesome.