Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
21 Kettlebell Swings
15 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps
50-40-30 reps, For Time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Box Jumps 24/10
Post rounds/reps and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox wrote an excellent article last year called “How to Be a Good Bar Partner.” The bottom line:
1. Be ready to lift.
2. Have your numbers planned.
3. Be present, especially if you are spotting someone.
4. Keep it in bounds.
5. Be ready for your set.
6. Be clean, at least relatively.
7. Help load and unload the bar.
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize This Morning
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- Open gym is CANCELED today.
- Kids Club on Sunday (7/5) is CANCELED.
“Artisanal Roach Bombs” and More Could Save Brooklyn Deli from Rent Hike Doom Brooklyn Magazine
Very small 8am class with MeLo. FSQ 3×3 at 180. I was getting a decent bounce out of the bottom, but losing some tension. I've got to work on finding the balance between those two things. Fitness metcon with a 20kg bell, 20# WB to 10', and a 24" box. I finished in 14:21. This was tough. Had to no rep myself a few times on the wall balls. I definitely feel like I earned some grilled meat and beer today. Also, FYI, sometime back in the 70's or 80's congress declared bourbon the "National Spirit." So, as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty much a patriotic obligation to put a little bit away today.
9am with Melo
Front squat 150x3x3 inching up slowly
Performance WOD Rx'ed (Russian swings). 37:37 What a joke! Thanks McMelo for letting me finish. Glad I did not scale or quit but I gotta get Cross-fit!
Come to think of it, I should have done 'merican swings today of all days. HBD USA!
Joined the 8am Olympic Class at Practice CF in Troy, Ohio today.
A few snatch drills and position work and then snatches to around 80%. I did a butt ton of reps at 125 and 135. Good cue from Josh, coach and owner, to set up with the bar off my shins instead of touching them. I never even realized I did this. I think this will keep me from scraping my shins up and keep my tattooer happy! Always great visiting this gym.
Met up with Dan G yesterday for OG. I did my wendler week 2 press, 95×3, 105×3, 115×9, very happy with that. Dan deadlifted something large. Then, evidencing once more why I should never suggest WODs, we did 4 x {5 bench press, 250m erg sprint }. This was really hard; I did the sprints at 100% and felt kind of messed up for a while after we finished.
Then today's big 11am class. Front squat 225x3x3 felt fine, but my front rack on the left side isn't quite right so the bar hurts. It's fine for now but if I don't fix it, it's going to make it harder to get back to 250+.
I have a big running workout planned for tomorrow so took it relatively easy on today's fitness WOD. Green kettlebell (24kg, right?) mixing some 'murican swings in with a lot of russian, 20# wall ball at 10' target, and 24" box jumps. Wall balls were really on today, they still weren't perfect but so so much better than usual for me. Finished in 13:21, cruised through without ever really redlining or going super hard. I feel a little disappointed that I didn't work harder today, like I might have been able to shave a lot of time off if I had pushed it, but I know tomorrow is going to suck so I think I did the right thing.
Thought I posted this yesterday..
Friday evening
Warm up Bike ride around Prospect Park and to gym
Bbell warm-ups & PVC stretches
63# 1-1-1
83# 1-1
93# f
88# 1-1
93# 1-1
98# f-1-1
103# 1-f-1 (current and historic 1RM)
108# f, f, f
Lifts felt good. Got down on 2nd and 3rd PR attempts but didn't commit overhead and bailed forward. Lost my mental game by this point
4 rounds NFT
3 free-standing handstand attempts, different variations
10 kipping t2b
1 red band MU transition and strict dip (mild shoulder discomfort)
4 rounds NFT
25 sit ups arms crossed
10 hr push ups
Lots of mobilizing
Front squat @130#. Still tipping forward a little bit, but felt much stronger and form was better than previous weeks this cycle.
Fitness WOD in 14:42. KB swings @16kg unbroken, then in two sets, then in three. I took A LOT of breaks during wall balls, but didn't have to no rep myself that many times which is an improvement. Box jumps were fine since there were so few reps each round.