Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
20 Alternating Overhead Reverse Lunges 45/25
10 Pull-Ups
*Sub 3x Single-Unders or 1/2 attempts for Double-Unders, Goblet (dumbbell or kettlebell) Lunges for Overhead, and Bands or Ring Rows for Pull-Ups as necessary.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Another Note From Our Friends in Kabul, Afghanistan
ICYMI, back in April, David began emailing with John Nawoichyk, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army, currently deployed in Kabul, Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan National Army. He wrote David to say that he and his team love CFSBK’s website and workouts, and they also wished us good luck with “Murph.” Below is John’s latest letter!
How are you? I hope that you are doing well. I wanted to send you an update on today’s workout. Of note, this will be my last Friday Hero WOD in Afghanistan for this tour. I start heading home next week.
Today’s Hero WOD Friday was for our friends MAJ Thomas “TK” Kennedy (Killed 8 August 2012 in Afghanistan) and the Kennedy Family—a small way to reflect, remember and honor the Kennedy’s sacrifice. In keeping with the NKAIA Crossfit Tradition, I picked the “TK” as my farewell Hero WOD and made it the “TK PLUS” adding 15 minutes (35 total) and a progressive run sequence because I wanted to push it that much harder in honor of our friend. The team consisted of Army, Navy and Air Force Service Members from the U.S., Austria and Denmark—a fitting tribute for a great man and wonderful family.
In addition to the workout, I wanted to point out the 3 Danish Soldiers proudly sporting the Cross South Brooklyn shirts—they love them!
Always Remember and Never Forget!
Have a great weekend!
CFSBK Doggie Play Date
Ever wished your dog could make friends the same way you do at CFSBK? Now he/she/they have the chance!
What: CFSBK Doggie Play Date
When: Saturday, July 18, from 2-3:30 pm
Where: CFSBK, in 608
Member Lyssa Howells will also be there to share her dog training business, It Howls, with others. But please note: this is definitely not a dog training class, just an opportunity for SBK to support our dog-owner community.
- Happy birthday, Eric E. and Rachel S.!
Same Sex Marriage Is Legal; Prepare For Doom, America Samir Chopra
Rolled out of bed just in time to make it to the 6am quadfest…
Yesterday DIY: Wendler db bench week 1, 65×5, 75×5, 85×12! Hopefully will hit the 100s for 1+ in 5 weeks. Then treadmill sprints 1' on /2' rest @ 2 degree incline. I haven't sprinted in a while and need to remember to not go all-out or my hamstring acts up. Anyway, these were still pretty hard and I was more sore from this than from longer, slower, hillier sets. Should be doing this weekly.
Today: hbbs 250x5x3. Started to use a belt but I guess I hulked out at the bottom of my squat and it fell off. Conferred with McDowell and decided to go without. Last set was easier than the first.
Then, today's WOD… Maybe I took a little too much rest today, but! I practiced DOs kip suggestions a little yesterday and today I was able to do sets of 5 unbroken! They were absolutely not pretty and probably didn't strictly count, but that's a big improvement over Saturday's singles (which were also not pretty and probably would have been no-repped in a just world). Key for me seems to be in getting out of the top position and recovering properly – not losing momentum. I'm not very coordinated, so it's a work in progress. Anyway, finished 5 rounds + 12 lunges with 45# plate, with pullups scaled to 5 per round.
Thanks 'Ro and McDowell, nice way to wake up.
7am with Ro & McDowell
HBBS: 120x5x3
Light, but felt great. Focused on getting really low, maintaining a neutral spine and leading with the bar (rather than my butt) on the way up.
Conditioning: 6 rounds+30 dus
-Subbed strict pull-ups for kipping because my hands are a little destroyed from Cindy. Did the first two rounds with 10 pull ups, then scaled to 6, always as 4+2).
-Tried to keep myself honest with a good lockout position and strong midline on the lunges, breaking them up when I felt like I could no longer maintain this.
Cash-out: 2 rounds of couch stretch on each side (~60s each)/10 hip hinges/10 side glides; then a little bit of mobility.
I am easing back in and listening to my body, but it's been great to be a full participant in group classes again this week.
6:30am SC
LBBS: 142.5lbs 3 x 5
Another PR, yay! Actually hit depth pretty well, better than on Monday. I though I was going to max out at 3, but somehow my body got me through it.
Bench: 80lbs 3 x 3 x 2, 72.5lbs x 8 rep out
Cleans: 63lbs 3 x 3
Have I mentioned how much I dislike cleans? Bla
Major pride at seeing CFSBK t-shirts on these awesome soldiers! Come and visit us soon!
Just discovered something after skipping press day for about, I don't know, two years…presses are an amazing ab exercise! I did not know this guys…they are programmed into Frankie's new Oly club and yesterday I was like, why are my abs so sore?? I need to do this more, note to self.
Oly club continues to be awesome and challenging. We luxuriate with two hours of lifting, and normally cover four lifts, snatch, clean and jerk, and then presses/pulls and squats. It's a lot of exposure to the lifts and a lot of time to practice. Now I am routinely doing five sets of three reps of my max snatch from last year, which is insanely taxing but I am very proud of developing a lot more stamina. Looking forward to tonight!
Guys! The 12 Spiking Tacos are down to 4 Spiking Tacos tonight, and we'd love to get a couple more players. Our game is at 7pm at Pier 6, Brooklyn Bridge Park. Email me if you're interested, and we'll love you forever! Katharine [at]
P.S. This is volleyball, in case that's not clear. 🙂
10am class
Front Squat
Moved well. Still hate front squats.
Infrequently posting these days, but love the photos on the blog today and the note from Lt. Col. Nawoichyk. I've visited a lot of other box blogs and I've never seen one that comes close to being as engaging and user-friendly as this one. And of course, love the programming, too!
10 a.m. with Jeremy.
260x5x3 HBBSQ. Last set moved best, as usual.
Lost track of the count on the WOD but think it was just short of 5 rounds. I knew the overhead lunges would suck and they did. But they were better than I'd expected. So big ups to coach Fox and all the other coaches for so patiently working with me on mobility over the years. I think it's paying off. Mucho thx!
12pm Class with McRo
3 Rounds:
5 Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
10 Squats
Crossover symmetry
5 Rounds + 12 Doubles as Rx'd
Did all the OH lunges and pull-ups unbroken. The lunges were the hardest by far
it was HOT today!
After four or five months of not being able to do pullups because of mobility issues (too many handstand pushups and pullups at my old box) I finally made a breakthrough today, doing seven, then five, then three without any pain. And Ro helped me focus on improving my bad jump roping technique.
Great Gerry!
Just FYI
We have a normal schedule this weekend for 4th of july. All classes, AR, Yoga and OG are still on.
This Friday however we are EXTENDING OG to start at 4pm. It will run 4-8pm
10am with Jeremy:
HBBS: 110x5x3. Felt pretty good, will def do 115 next week.
4 rounds of the WOD. Did 15 du attempts every round: single, single, double. Made about 3 or 4 DUs each round. I hate them >:( Helpful advice from fox about staying braced, rib cage down, and wrists in front. Must practice! Strung 5 kipping pull-ups together at one point so… That was cool. Fun doing the weighted overhead lunges; felt like my mom would be impressed if she saw me lunging with a green plate over my head– got me through the workout 🙂
Good times in the gym tonight.
Warm Up: hip openers, snatch drillz, some btn press drills.
BTN Split Jerk (rack) — wrist is not 100%, so figured this was a good way to work some technique overhead without further injuring myself. felt like a good choice. worked with kilos since i was on the platform (and wearing the shirt), but converted to pounds to log:
45×3, 67×2, 89x2x2, 100x2x2, 109x1x2, 113×1, 117.5x1x2
-117.5 felt okay, but was slightly soft in the catch, so committed to driving under and second was much better.
-nothing crazy/heavy, just wanted to work footwork and technique
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
-gettin heavier, as it does. happy this is going up quickly and smoothly, started at 145 a couple wks ago. focus on keeping chest up and really lock ribs down and turn abs on before each rep.
-left knee feeling a little sticky before squatting; did some lax smash. it really wants to cut in on the squat, but I think I'm keeping it out well enough.
ab wheel: 3×3 from knees, all the way out and back
this is much harder on my arms/lats than it is on my abs. long arm problems.
Love hearing from our friends in Kabul.
Make-up post from yesterday.
Bench Press (3 second pause)
45 x 4
75 x 4
95 x 4
105 x 4(7RPE)
110 x 4 (7.5RPE)
115 x 4 (8.5RPE)
117 x 4 (9RPE)
112 x 4
12pm Group Class (thanks Coaches for accommodating)
AMRAP 8 mins- strict chin-ups
EMOM-5 for the first set then 3 for the rest.
DU practice
Monday's WOD (performance Rx at 73#)
550m run
21 S2O
400M run
15 S2O
270M run
9 S20
Runs were more like jogs, cause that's how I roll. Push presses were unbroken as in I didn't drop the bar at any point and rested at overhead which is a first. CrossFit is fun!
hahaha that above post that starts with "Good times…" is from ME not from FOX!
I forgot when I comment from the office computer at the gym it keeps whoever was logged in before as the author. Whoops!
Also forgot: 4×5 strict ring dips between sets of squats. these are so much stronger! it's an awesome feeling.
Whatever, I did all that too
Body/brain are starting to feel smoked from all the testing with Ro lately. Thankful for tomorrow's rest day.
Today: worked up to #144 power clean and something on power snatch –no friggin clue. Skipped the snatch balances to conserve my angry shoulders.
A little 3 RNFT moving felt good: 12 push ups, 20 AHAP ring rows, 30 step ups 24" box
Big time tests coming up on Friday….which I discovered will now be in front of a larger crowd because of extended OG hours…..gulp*
Praying to the clean and squat gods to continue to bless me with BW Aand BW + numbers on Friday. Eat, sleep and mobz until then.
6pm strength cycle
Pause squats – 175x3x3
Bench – 125x5x3
Deadlift – 275×2 255×3
Took a pilates class yesterday and I basically feel paralyzed from the waist down. That stuff is no joke.
John, thank you for sharing with us, and welcome home.
Omg whitney I died. I read that and was like… hmm.. 165 HBBS ..kind of heavy for Fox. I'm so confused lol. I just dismissed it and assumed kilos or something haha.
8:30 with Melo.
HBBS 167x5x3
These felt good. A few grindy reps thrown in but I was trying to focus on hips forward since Ro drilled that into my mind at Sunday open gym.
WOD: scaled pull up volume to 5 instead of 10. All singles.
got 4 rounds plus 30 DU plus 20 lunges.
LBBS 3×5 @165. Had a few reps where my chest dropped, but my form has improved a lot over the last few months.
WOD Rx. 4 + 50. Shoulders are smoked. Had trouble organizing double unders, especially on the first and last round. Lunges were fine, but had to do in sets of 10 the last two rounds. Pullups were horrible. I can usually always get a minimum of 5 strung together, but shoulders were just too fatigued so did a lot of singles. I also blame this on the fact that I did a shoulder intensive WOD yesterday (KB press, burpees, high volume OHS, and DUs). Snatching should be interesting tomorrow.
What a great letter from overseas!
ps–I did Wed. workout on Tues. I am sore.